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File: src/Core/Curve25519/Ge/P3.php

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  Classes of Scott Arciszewski   PHP Sodium Compat   src/Core/Curve25519/Ge/P3.php   Download  
File: src/Core/Curve25519/Ge/P3.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class source
Class: PHP Sodium Compat
Cryptographic functions of libsodium in pure PHP
Author: By
Last change: Guard against duplicate class errors.
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 1,658 bytes



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if (class_exists('ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Curve25519_Ge_P3', false)) {

 * Class ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Curve25519_Ge_P3
class ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Curve25519_Ge_P3
     * @var ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Curve25519_Fe
public $X;

     * @var ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Curve25519_Fe
public $Y;

     * @var ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Curve25519_Fe
public $Z;

     * @var ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Curve25519_Fe
public $T;

     * ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Curve25519_Ge_P3 constructor.
     * @internal You should not use this directly from another application
     * @param ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Curve25519_Fe|null $x
     * @param ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Curve25519_Fe|null $y
     * @param ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Curve25519_Fe|null $z
     * @param ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Curve25519_Fe|null $t
public function __construct(
ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Curve25519_Fe $x = null,
ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Curve25519_Fe $y = null,
ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Curve25519_Fe $z = null,
ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Curve25519_Fe $t = null
) {
        if (
$x === null) {
$x = new ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Curve25519_Fe();
$this->X = $x;
        if (
$y === null) {
$y = new ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Curve25519_Fe();
$this->Y = $y;
        if (
$z === null) {
$z = new ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Curve25519_Fe();
$this->Z = $z;
        if (
$t === null) {
$t = new ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Curve25519_Fe();
$this->T = $t;