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  Classes of Helmut Daschnigrum   Currency Exchange   README   Download  
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Class: Currency Exchange
Obtains exchange rates for various currencies
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Date: 18 years ago
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CurrencyExchange class Version 1.0.0 Copyright 2004-2005, Steve Blinch Returns a list of exchange rates for various currencies. WARNING The values and dates provided by this script are believed to be reliable, but the author makes no warranties regarding this code, the values it provides, or their fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy or availability. Note that this script relies entirely on several third-party websites (such as the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Bank of Canada, and so-on) to provide exchange rate information; if those sites become unreachable for any reason, this script will be unable to obtain exchange rate information. It is *strongly* recommended that you use the values returned by this script for informational purposes only (to provide an estimate to your customers). You *SHOULD NOT* rely on this script for unattended financial transactions, as there are several situations (all of which are beyond the control of this script) which could result in incorrect exchange rates. EXAMPLE // CurrencyExchange class usage example require_once('class_CurrencyExchange.php'); $exchange = new CurrencyExchange(); if ($exchange->retrieve()) { // Display the current Canadian exchange rate information var_dump($exchange->rates["CAD"]); // Display all exchange rates returned by the CurrencyExchange class foreach ($exchange->rates as $currency=>$rate) { echo "Currency: $currency<br>". "Exchange rate: ". $rate["rate"]."<br>". "Country: ". $rate["unit"]."<br>". "Units: ". $rate["unit"]."<br>". "Date retrieved: ". $rate["date"]."<br><br>"; } // Display information about the source of the exchange rate information // (eg: if it was retrieved from the Federal Reserve Bank of NY, the // Bank of Canada, etc.) var_dump($exchange->source); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CACHING It is strongly recommended that you cache the exchange rates returned by this script to avoid overloading the source servers (and to reduce the probability of a failure due to a temporary source server outage). The CurrencyExchange class has a built-in serializing system that determines whether or not the cached data is expired. All you have to do is store the data in between requests, and provide it to the CurrencyExchange class on the next load. For example: // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // You need to implement the load_cached_rates() function, which should retrieve // the cached rates (from a file, or database, etc.) $cached_rates = load_cached_rates(); $exchange = new CurrencyExchange(); // Use the set_cached() method to pass the cached data back to the class. $exchange->set_cached($cached_rates); // The retrieve() method will automatically detect whether or not the // rates in $cached_rates are expired; if so, it will retrieve new rates, // otherwise it will reuse the cached rates (and not contact the server). if ($exchange->retrieve()) { // Display the current Canadian exchange rate information var_dump($exchange->rates["CAD"]); // Display all exchange rates returned by the CurrencyExchange class foreach ($exchange->rates as $currency=>$rate) { echo "Currency: $currency<br>". "Exchange rate: ". $rate["rate"]."<br>". "Country: ". $rate["unit"]."<br>". "Units: ". $rate["unit"]."<br>". "Date retrieved: ". $rate["date"]."<br><br>"; } // Display information about the source of the exchange rate information // (eg: if it was retrieved from the Federal Reserve Bank of NY, the // Bank of Canada, etc.) var_dump($exchange->source); // Use the get_cached() method to retrieve a string containing the // exchange rate information encoded for caching. $new_cached_rates = $exchange->get_cached(); // You need to implement the save_cached_rates() function, which should // store the cached rates (to a file, or database, etc.) save_cached_rates($new_cached_rates); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------