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Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/markdown
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: sapient
Add a security layer to server to server requests
Author: By
Last change: Basic usage tutorial.
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 2,972 bytes



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Getting Sapient

If you're familiar with Composer, setup is as easy as php composer.phar require paragonie/sapient:^1.

If you're not using Composer, you can either adopt Composer or extract the contents of our src directory to an appropriate place in your project and write your own SPL autoloader.

We recommend using Composer and keeping your dependencies up-to-date.

Using Sapient with Your PHP Framework

If your framework already uses PSR-7 objects, you can simply use the Sapient methods through a Middleware to add signatures, encryption, etc.

For example, this will first encrypt an HTTP response with the client's public key (so that only the client may decrypt it), and then sign the encrypted message with the server's secret key (so that the client can verify it came from the server):

 * @var Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $nakedResponse
 * @var ParagonIE\Sapient\Sapient $sapient
 * @var ParagonIE\Sapient\CryptographyKeys\SigningSecretKey $signingKey
 * @var ParagonIE\Sapient\CryptographyKeys\SealingPublicKey $clientPublicKey
$sealedResponse = $sapient->sealResponse($nakedResponse, $clientPublicKey);
$signedResponse = $sapient->signResponse($sealedResponse, $signingKey);

Before you get to this point, first you'll need to create and store your cryptography keys.

Key Management

Generating Keys

To generate a new key, you can simply use the generate() method on the appropriate CryptographyKey object.

use ParagonIE\Sapient\CryptographyKeys\{

$sealSecret = SealingSecretKey::generate();
$signSecret = SigningSecretKey::generate();

$sharedEncryptionKey = SharedEncryptionKey::generate();
$sharedAuthenticationKey = SharedAuthenticationKey::generate();

Note: You cannot generate public keys. You can generate a secret key and then obtain the associated public key, but it doesn't mane sense to generate a public key for which you do not know the secret key.

$sealPublic = $sealSecret->getPublicKey();
$signPublic = $signSecret->getPublicKey();

Saving / Loading CryptographyKey objects

Every key object has a getString() method which will return a base64url encoded string by default. If you want raw binary, pass true as the only argument to this method.

You may then store these strings as you would any other secret information.

To load a CryptographyKey from a string, simply pass it to the constructor, like so:

use ParagonIE\Sapient\CryptographyKeys\SigningSecretKey;
use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Base64UrlSafe;

/ @var string $yourEncodedStringHere*/

$signSecret = new SigningSecretKey(
    // This assumes it was stored with getString() rather than getString(true)