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File: image2swf.class.php

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File: image2swf.class.php
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Description: the class
Class: image2swf
antiquated - made in 2002
Author: By
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Date: 22 years ago
Size: 4,242 bytes



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<?php /* ****************************** * Image2swf * Autor: Michael Plies * * Ming can only convert non-progressiv jpg to swf * with this class you can generate (depending on your gd-version) * swf from jpg,gif,png * * I.____________________________________ * You will need the Ming libarie on php * -> * * II.___________________________________ * You will need the gd libarie on php * depending on this you can use this class * with jpg/gif/png * * * !!!!attention !!!! * this is my very first class (ever), so i would * be very glad for comments and sugesstions * maybe for better coding classes in php or something else ;-) * -> , thanks! ******************************** */ class Image_base_funktions{ function Cr_jpg($image){ $this->image_array = @GetImageSize($image); if(!is_array($this->image_array)){ $image_handle = $this->Make_error($image); } else{ switch($this->image_array[2]){ case 1: $image_handle = $this->Gif2jpg($image); break; case 2: $image_handle = $this->Makejpg($image); break; case 3: $image_handle = $this->Png2jpg($image); break; default: $image_handle = $this->Make_error($image); break; } } if($this->Check_prog($image_handle)=== true){ $this->Jpg_prog2jpg($image_handle); } return $image_handle; } function Check_prog($image_handle){ if (imageinterlace($image_handle) == 1){ return true; } else{ return false; } } function Makejpg($image){ $image_handle = @imagecreatefromjpeg($image); if (!$image_handle) { $image_handle = $this->Make_error($image); } return $image_handle; } function Png2jpg($image){ $image_handle = @imagecreatefrompng($image); if (!$image_handle) { $image_handle = $this->Make_error($image); } return $image_handle; } function Jpg_prog2jpg($image_handle){ imageinterlace($image_handle,0); } function Gif2jpg($image){ $image_handle = @imagecreatefromgif($image); if (!$image_handle) { $image_handle = $this->Make_error($image); } return $image_handle; } function Make_error($image){ /* script from an, thanks */ $image_handle = ImageCreate (150, 30); $bgc = ImageColorAllocate ($image_handle, 255, 255, 255); $tc = ImageColorAllocate ($image_handle, 0, 0, 0); ImageFilledRectangle ($image_handle, 0, 0, 150, 30, $bgc); /* Ausgabe einer Fehlermeldung */ ImageString($image_handle, 1, 5, 5, "Fehler beim Öffnen von: $image", $tc); $this->image_array[0] = 150; $this->image_array[1] = 30; } } class Image2swf extends Image_base_funktions{ var $image_array; function Main($image,$swf_name){ $image_handle = $this->Cr_jpg($image); $this->Make_swf($image_handle,$swf_name); return true; } function Make_swf($image_handle,$swf_name){ $temp_image_name = uniqid(time()).".jpg"; imagejpeg ($image_handle, $temp_image_name, 100); ImageDestroy($image_handle); $s = new SWFShape(); if (!is_object(@new SWFBitmap($temp_image_name))){ echo "Konnte Temporäres Bild nicht anlegen / lesen"; } else{ $b = new SWFBitmap($temp_image_name); } $f = $s->addFill($b); $s->setRightFill($f); $s->drawLine($this->image_array[0], 0); $s->drawLine(0, $this->image_array[1]); $s->drawLine(-$this->image_array[0], 0); $s->drawLine(0, -$this->image_array[1]); $m = new SWFMovie(); $m->setDimension($this->image_array[0], $this->image_array[1]); $m->add($s); $m->save($swf_name); /* ****************************** * the next "unlink" don't works on my WAMP, * I'll check later why - hope it works online ;-) ******************************** */ @unlink($temp_image_name); } } ?>