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File: ExcelXMLParser.php

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File: ExcelXMLParser.php
Role: Class source
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Description: Main Class
Class: Excel XML Parser
Read and write data to Excel XML worksheets
Author: By
Last change: Updated Vesion
Date: 18 years ago
Size: 15,719 bytes



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<?php /* * ============================================================================ * * @name ExcelXMLParser.php * * @author Andrew A. Aculana * @version 2.0 * @license GNU Public License * @date 2006-07-03 * * ============================================================================ * * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) * * Copyright (c) 2004 LINK2SUPPORT INC. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the L2S Online Application Framework * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * ============================================================================ */ /** * @package ExcelXMLParser * @subpackage ExcelXMLParser */ include_once 'ExcelXMLWorkbook.php'; include_once 'ExcelXMLConstants.php'; include_once 'ExcelXMLError.php'; include_once 'Utils.php'; class ExcelXMLParser { /** * Excel XML Parser Attributes * @var Associative Array $data * @var Workbook $Workbook * @var Encoding $Encoding * @var String $XMLFilename */ var $data; var $Workbook; var $Encoding; var $XMLFileName; function ExcelXMLParser() { /* xml data buffer */ $this->data = array(); /* xml filename */ $this->XMLFileName = ""; /* handle to workbook */ $this->Workbook = NULL; } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# /** * set the default encoding (for future implementation) * * @author Andrew A. Aculana * @version 2.0 * @copyright 2006-07-03 * @param const int $Encoding * @return null */ function setEncoding($Encoding = EXCELXML_ENCODING_UTF_8){ $this->Encoding = $Encoding; } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# /** * get the default encoding * * @author Andrew A. Aculana * @version 2.0 * @copyright 2006-07-03 * @return const int */ function getEncoding(){ return $this->Encoding; } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# /** * convert XML to array * * @author Andrew A. Aculana * @version 2.0 * @copyright 2006-07-03 * @param Associative Array $WorksheetNames * @return Associative Array reference */ function &XMLToArray($WorksheetNames) { $XMLFileHandle = NULL; $XMLParserHandle = NULL; /* make sure filename was supplied */ if(trim($this->XMLFileName)==''){ $Error = new ExcelXMLError(); $Error->setErrorMessage("Error: Filename not set"); return $Error; } /* open xml file */ if(!($XMLFileHandle=@fopen($this->XMLFileName,"r"))){ $Error = new ExcelXMLError(); $Error->setErrorMessage("Error: Failed to open xml file"); return $Error; }else{ /* tracked merge cells Accross horizontally*/ $current_cell_merge_across = 0; /* create and initialize the xml parser */ if(!($XMLParserHandle = xml_parser_create())){ $Error = new ExcelXMLError(); $Error->setErrorMessage("Error: Failed to create parser handle"); return $Error; } /* get the current file size */ $FileSize = filesize($this->XMLFileName); if($FileSize){ /* read xml file */ $XMLString = @fread($XMLFileHandle,$FileSize); /* initialize parser options */ xml_parser_set_option($XMLParserHandle, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0); xml_parser_set_option($XMLParserHandle, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1); /* convert xml string to xml array of elements */ xml_parse_into_struct($XMLParserHandle, $XMLString, $XMLElements, $index); $CurrentWorksheet = ""; $splice_start = NULL; $splice_length = NULL; $splice_table = array(); $TotalWorksheet = 0; foreach($XMLElements as $key => $val){ $value =& $XMLElements[$key]; $elem =& $XMLElements; if($value['tag'] == 'Worksheet' && $val['type'] == 'open'){ $TotalWorksheet++; if(isset($value['attributes']['ss:Name'])){ $CurrentWorksheet = $value['attributes']['ss:Name']; }elseif(isset($value['attributes']['Name'])){ $CurrentWorksheet = $value['attributes']['Name']; } $splice_start = $key; foreach($index['Worksheet'] as $k => $v){ if($v == $splice_start){ $splice_length = ($index['Worksheet'][$k+1])-$splice_start; break; } } if(!in_array($CurrentWorksheet,$WorksheetNames) && count($WorksheetNames)){ $TotalWorksheet--; $splice_table[] = array("START"=>$splice_start,"LENGTH"=>$splice_length); } } } if($TotalWorksheet <= 0){ $Error = new ExcelXMLError(); $Error->setErrorMessage("Error: A workbook must contain at least one visible worksheet."); return $Error; } if(count($WorksheetNames)){ for($x = count($splice_table)-1;$x >= 0;$x--){ array_splice($elem,$splice_table[$x]['START'],$splice_table[$x]['LENGTH']+1); } } /* free XML Parser Handle */ xml_parser_free($XMLParserHandle); /* unset xml file content buffer */ unset($XMLString); /* temporary stack to hold xml element */ $xmlStack = array(array()); /* index to top of stack */ $topOfStack = 0; /* xml array tree */ $parent = array(); /* current worksheet row */ $row = 0; $cell_row = 0; $ctr = 0; $worksheetName = ""; $processWorksheet = true; $tagi = array(); $celladdress= ""; foreach($XMLElements as $vals){ $val =& $vals; $type = $val['type']; if($type=='open' && $val['tag']=='Worksheet') { $worksheetName = $val['attributes']['ss:Name']; if(in_array($worksheetName,$WorksheetNames)){ $processWorksheet = true; }else{ $processWorksheet = false; } } if($type=='close' && $val['tag']=='Worksheet') { $worksheetName = ""; $processWorksheet = true; } if(!$processWorksheet){ } /* check if this is an open or complete and a table element */ if(($type=='open' || $type=='complete') && ($val['tag']=='Table')){ /* reset row and cell to 0 clear celladress string */ $cell = 0; $row = 0; $cell_row = 0; $celladdress = ""; $rowcol = ""; } /* check if this is an open or complete and a cell element */ if(($type=='open' || $type=='complete') && ($val['tag']=='Cell')) { if(isset($val['attributes']['ss:Index'])){ $ssColIndex = (int) $val['attributes']['ss:Index']; }elseif(isset($val['attributes']['Index'])){ $ssColIndex = (int) $val['attributes']['Index']; }else{ $ssColIndex = 0; } if($ssColIndex > 0){ $cell_col = $ssColIndex-1; } /* get number of cells merge accross */ if(isset($val['attributes']['ss:MergeAcross'])){ $ssMergeAccross = (int) $val['attributes']['ss:MergeAcross']; }elseif(isset($val['attributes']['MergeAcross'])){ $ssMergeAccross = (int) $val['attributes']['MergeAcross']; }else{ $ssMergeAccross = 0; } $celladdress = Utils::RowColToCell($cell_row-1,$cell_col); $rowcol = array("Row"=>$row-1,"Col"=>$col,"A1"=>$celladdress); $cell_col += $ssMergeAccross; $cell_col++; $col++; } /* check if this is an open or complete and a row element */ if(($type=='open' || $type=='complete') && ($val['tag']=='Row')) { /* if index for this row is available set the current row to this index */ if(isset($val['attributes']['ss:Index'])){ $ssRowIndex = (int) $val['attributes']['ss:Index']; }elseif(isset($val['attributes']['Index'])){ $ssRowIndex = (int) $val['attributes']['Index']; }else{ $ssRowIndex = 0; } if($ssRowIndex > 0){ $cell_row = $ssRowIndex; }else{ $cell_row++; } $rowcol = ""; $celladdress = ""; $col = 0; $cell_col = 0; $row++; } /* check if this is an open or completed element*/ if($type=='open' || $type=='complete') { $xmlStack[$topOfStack++] = $tagi; $tagi = array('tag' => $val['tag']); if(isset($val['attributes'])) $tagi['attrs'] = $val['attributes']; if(isset($val['value'])) { $tagi['values'][] = $val['value']; }else{ $tagi['children'] = array(); } } /* check if this is a complete or closed element*/ if($type=='complete' || $type=='close') { $tags[] = $oldtagi = $tagi; $tagi = $xmlStack[--$topOfStack]; $oldtag = $oldtagi['tag']; unset($oldtagi['tag']); $tagi['children'][$oldtag][] = $oldtagi; $lngth = count($tagi['children'][$oldtag]); if(trim($celladdress) != '' && $val['tag']=='Cell') { $tagi['children'][$oldtag][$lngth-1]['CellAddress'] = $rowcol; } $parent =& $tagi; } /* check if this data value */ if($type=='cdata') { $tagi['values'][] = $val['value']; } } /* unset XML Element array */ unset($XMLElements); /* unset element stack */ unset($xmlStack); } } /* close current file handle */ @fclose($XMLFileHandle); return $parent['children']; } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# /** * * convert xml array to xml string * @author Andrew A. Aculana * @copyright 2006-07-03 * @param Associative Array $xml * @return String */ function ArrayToXML($xml,$root = true) { /* xml buffer */ $temp = ""; /* iterate excel xml */ foreach ($xml as $key => $value) { foreach($value as $kk => $xmlvalue) { if(isset($xmlvalue["children"])) { $attrs = ""; if(isset($xmlvalue["attrs"])) { foreach($xmlvalue["attrs"] as $attrsKey => $attrsValue) { if(trim($attrs) == "") { $attrs .= " ".$attrsKey."=\"".htmlentities($attrsValue)."\""; }else{ $attrs .= " ".$attrsKey."=\"".htmlentities($attrsValue)."\""; } } } if(is_array($xmlvalue["children"])) { $temp .= sprintf("<%s%s>", $key,$attrs); $temp .= $this->ArrayToXML($xmlvalue["children"], false); $temp .= sprintf("</%s>\r\n", $key); } }elseif(isset($xmlvalue["values"])){ $attrs = ""; if(isset($xmlvalue["attrs"])) { foreach($xmlvalue["attrs"] as $attrsKey => $attrsValue) { if(trim($attrs) == "") { $attrs .= " ".$attrsKey."=\"".htmlentities($attrsValue)."\""; }else{ $attrs .= " ".$attrsKey."=\"".htmlentities($attrsValue)."\""; } } } if(is_array($xmlvalue["values"])) { $temp .= sprintf("<%s%s>", $key,$attrs); $temp .= htmlentities($xmlvalue["values"][0]); $temp .= sprintf("</%s>", $key); } } } } if ($root) { $temp = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\r\n".$temp; } return $temp; } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# /** * open the workbook * * @author Andrew A. Aculana * @version 2.0 * @copyrights 2006-07-03 * @param String $XMLFilePath - path to xml file * @param Array(String) $WorksheetName - an array of worksheet name * @return bool */ function OpenWorkbook($XMLFilePath,$WorksheetNames = array()) { if(trim($XMLFilePath)==""){ $Error = new ExcelXMLError(); $Error->setErrorMessage("Error: Invalid or File Not found"); return $Error; } $this->XMLFileName =& $XMLFilePath; $this->data =& $this->XMLToArray($WorksheetNames); if(ExcelXMLError::isError($this->data)){ return $this->data; } /* check if parsed some elements */ if(!count($this->data)){ $Error = new ExcelXMLError(); $Error->setErrorMessage("Error: No XML Element found"); return $Error; } /* handle to Workbook Object */ $this->Workbook = new ExcelXMLWorkbook(&$this->data,&$this->Encoding); return true; } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# /** * save the workbook and XML file * * @author Andrew A. Aculana * @version 2.0 * @copyrights 2006-07-03 * @param String $FilePath - path to output file * @return result */ function SaveWorkbook($FilePath = "",$Download = false){ /* check if we have a data to save */ if(count($this->data)){ $xmldata = $this->ArrayToXML($this->data); if(trim($xmldata)==""){ $Error = new ExcelXMLError(); $Error->setErrorMessage("Error: Empty XML Data"); return $Error; } $result = $this->writeXMLFile($FilePath,$xmldata); if($result && $Download){ $FileInfo = pathinfo($FilePath); // fix for IE catching or PHP bug issue header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: 0"); // set expiration time header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); // browser must download file from server instead of cache // force download dialog header("Content-Type: application/force-download"); header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-type: application/x-msexcel"); header("Content-Type: application/download"); // use the Content-Disposition header to supply a recommended filename and // force the browser to display the save dialog. header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".basename($FileInfo["basename"]).";"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); header("Content-Length: ".filesize($FilePath)); @readfile("$FilePath"); exit(); } return $result; } } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# /** * save the xml back to file * * @access Private * @author Andrew A. Aculana * @version 2.0 * @copyrights 2006-07-03 * @param String $FilePath - path to output file * @param String $xmlData - xml data * @return Bool */ function writeXMLFile($FilePath = "",$xmlData = "") { if (!$handle = @fopen($FilePath, 'w+')){ $Error = new ExcelXMLError(); $Error->setErrorMessage("Error: Failed to create xml file"); return $Error; } if (@fwrite($handle, $xmlData) === FALSE){ $Error = new ExcelXMLError(); $Error->setErrorMessage("Error: Failed to write xml file"); return $Error; } @fclose($handle); return true; } } ?>