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  Classes of Michael Kamleitner   AudioFile   readme.txt   Download  
File: readme.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: general information
Class: AudioFile
Extracts attributes of audio-files & Visualization
Author: By
Last change: - division by zero-error, which occured on some mp3s fixed, however, vbr isn't still supported!
- chris snyder's support for ogg-vorbis and id3v2-tags added!
- chris snyder's patch of the visualization-function added!
- applied the GPL (general public license)!
Date: 21 years ago
Size: 7,564 bytes



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******************************************************************************** Class AudioFile Version: 0.5.1 Date: 09/09/2003 Author: michael kamleitner ( reto gassmann ( - additional mp3-code chris snyder ( - additional ogg-vorbis & id3v2-code Thanks to: matthieu mary, kumar mcmillan WWW: (suggestions, bug-reports & general shouts are welcome) Copyright: copyright 2003 michael kamleitner, reto gassmann, chris snyder This file is part of classAudioFile. classAudioFile is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. classAudioFile is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with classAudioFile; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** General ******************************************************************************** This class was basically built to recognize attributes of audio-files. At the moment WAV, AIFF, .MP3 and .OGG are supported. The attributes which are extraced from the audio-file given in loadFile ($filename) are: // general information $wave_id type of the file-header ("RIFF" in case of .wav & .aif, "MPEG" in case of mp3-files) $wave_type includes "WAVE", "AIFF" or the used mp3- version (like "MPEG Version 2 (ISO/IEC 13818-3)") $wave_size filesize $wave_compression in case of .wav-files their are about 10 different compressions (see function getCompression). .aif-files don't use this attributes, mp3- files display the mpeg-layer $wave_channels mono/stereo $wave_framerate sample-rate $wave_byterate bytes per second (.wave & .aiff) or bits per second (.mp3) $wave_bits resolution of one sample (8/16...) - not used for .mp3 $wave_filename the filename $wave_length length in seconds // id3v1-tags $id3_tag true/false if id3-tags exist $id3_title $id3_artist $id3_album $id3_year $id3_comment $id3_genre // id3v2-tags id3v2 false if id3v2-tags do not exist id3v2->TIT2 title id3v2->TPE1 artist id3v2->TOPE original artist id3v2->TALB album id3v2->TYER year id3v2->COMM comment id3v2->TCOM composer id3v2->TCON genre id3v2->TENC encoder id3v2->WXXX website Note: Many files will have additional id3v2 tags (aka frames), see for details. // ogg-tags vorbis_comment->TITLE vorbis_comment->ARTIST vorbis_comment->ALBUM vorbis_comment->DATE vorbis_comment->GENRE vorbis_comment->COMMENT Warning: These values may be arrays! The Vorbis spec allows multiple instances of any tag (in case of more than one artist, for example). If this is the case in your file, vorbis_comment->ARTIST will be an array of artist values. ******************************************************************************** Methods - how to use ******************************************************************************** To load a Audio-File just use the method "loadFilename", for a simple check what attributes were extracted use "printSampleInfo": $AF = new AudioFile; $AF->loadFile($filename); $AF->printSampleInfo(); To visualize a wave-file use the method "getVisualization": $AF->getVisualization ($outputfilename); At the moment only wave-files at 8/16/24/32 bit resolution and with 1 or 2 channels are supported. The output-format is a portable network graphic (png) or jpeg. If you don't want to generate graphic-files, but want to send the output direct to the browser, just delete the parameter $output in the CreatePng-statement. You can manipulate the look of the outcoming graphic with these parameters: $visual_graph_color [string, "#RRGGBB"] $visual_background_color [string, "#RRGGBB"] $visual_grid_color [string, "#RRGGBB"] $visual_border_color [string, "#RRGGBB"] $visual_grid [true|false] $visual_border [true|false] $visual_width [in pixels, numeric] $visual_height [in pixels, numeric] $visual_fileformat ["jpeg" or "png"] $visual_graph_mode [0 or 1] ******************************************************************************** test.php ******************************************************************************** The test.php displays all .wav, .aif, .mp3 & .ogg-files in the current directory. click on a filename to load it into a classAudioFile-instance and to display the attributes. ******************************************************************************** Links ******************************************************************************** This class was written for a webpage that supports its users to upload samples, which are automatically processed [see it at]. You can download this class at: (home of classAudioFile, including a board f. discussion & suggestions...) ******************************************************************************** Changes ******************************************************************************** V 0.5.1 - division by zero-error, which occured on some mp3s fixed, however, vbr isn't still supported! - chris snyder's support for ogg-vorbis and id3v2-tags added! - chris snyder's patch of the visualization-function added! - applied the GPL (general public license)! V 0.5 - visualization output is now fully scalable with the attributes visual_width & visual_height - visualization file-format can be chosen between JPEG and PNG - fixed an error which lead to wrong bitrate/length-indication with mp3s - test.php now works with "register_globals = Off", the main class worked with this setting before as well V 0.4 - added basic visualization-functioniality for uncompressed wave- files. - initial release on V 0.3 - id3v1-tags are accessible via the object-attributes V 0.2 - included mp3-support (code by reto gassmann) V 0.1 - initial release ******************************************************************************** Known issues ******************************************************************************** - length of the samples is not calculated correctly for .aif-files - variable bitrate (VBR)-mp3s are not recognized correctly