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File: js/FormE.js

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File: js/FormE.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: FormE
Build form and manage MySQL table records with XML
Author: By
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Date: 7 years ago
Size: 13,634 bytes



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/** * FormE v1.0.0 (FormEasy) * Copyright 2016-2017 The FormE Author (Fabio Pintore) * @author: Fabio Pintore * * Created by Fabio Pintore. * * The MIT License ( * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following * conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ function AlertForm(frmName, typeMess, textMess){ if(typeof(typeMess) === "undefined") var typeMess = ""; var messClass=""; var messTitle=""; var timeMess=5000; switch(typeMess) { case 'ERR': messClass = "alert-danger"; messTitle = " Error !! "; timeMess=15000; break; case 'OK': messClass = "alert-success"; messTitle = " Success !! "; break; default: messClass = "alert-info"; messTitle = " Info "; } $( "#__AlertForm" ).remove(); // var card='<div id="__AlertForm" style="display:none; z-index:1000; position: absolute; width: 390px; top:40%; left:40%;" class="alert '+messClass+'" role="alert">'; var card='<div id="__AlertForm" style="display:none; z-index:1000; position:fixed; width:390px; top:40%; left:40%;" class="alert '+messClass+'" role="alert">'; card += '<strong>'+messTitle+'</strong>'; card += ' '+textMess; card += '<div>'; $(card).appendTo("#box_"+frmName); // $(card).appendTo('body'); options = { to: { width: 280, height: 185 } }; $( "#__AlertForm" ).show( "fade", options, 500, callBackAlert ); } function callBackAlert() { setTimeout(function() { $( "#__AlertForm:visible" ).removeAttr( "style" ).fadeOut(); }, 5000 ); } function _setErrorInput(tInput, state) { if (state=="on"){ $( tInput ).offsetParent().addClass("has-warning"); // boxInput $( tInput ).addClass("form-control-warning"); // input field $( tInput ).popover("show"); }else{ $( tInput ).offsetParent().removeClass("has-warning"); // boxInput $( tInput ).removeClass("form-control-warning"); // input field $( tInput ).popover("hide"); // input field } } function _setChekBox(t, _On, _Off) { var inpCheckID = "#ck"; if(t.checked){ $(inpCheckID).attr("value", _On); } else { $(inpCheckID).attr("value", _Off); } } function _changeIcon(t){ var inpIcon = "#ck"; } function fillZero(num, zero){ var strNum = "" + num; return (zero.substring(0, zero.length - strNum.length) + strNum); } function _cbCascade(t, targetId, Data, callFunc){ // this, _id_cbox_frmAnagrafica_CTId, 'tbRef=Citta|tbKey=CTId|tbDescr=CTDescr|tbParentKey=STId' if (targetId > ""){ var groupID = $( t ).attr("cascade"); var groupName = groupID.substring(0,groupID.length - 2); var groupNum = parseInt( groupID.substring(groupID.length-2, groupID.length))+1; var valZero = ""; var pad = "00"; for (var i=groupNum; i<=99; i++){ // valZero = groupName+i; valZero = groupName+fillZero(i, "00"); // $( "select[cascade|='"+valZero+"']" ).val(""); idCascade = $( "select[cascade|='"+valZero+"']" ); $(idCascade).html(""); // $(idCascade).val(""); // Not Work , clear at video but not in Database // $(idCascade).val([]); // Not Work , clear at video but not in Database $(idCascade).append('<option value="" selected="selected"></option>'); // so WORK !! } $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "_feCascade.php?tmpData="+Data+"&tVal="+t.value, success: function(data) { // var objJSON = JSON.parse(data); var objJSON = jQuery.parseJSON( data ); // 1.6.2017 $("#"+targetId).html(""); $("#"+targetId).append('<option value=""></option>'); for (i=0; i<objJSON.length; i++){ $("#"+targetId).append('<option value="' + objJSON[i]["_code_"]+ '">' + objJSON[i]["_descr_"] + '</option>'); } } }); if (callFunc > ""){ var fn = window[callFunc]; if (typeof fn === "function"), t); } } } function _reset(t){ var idForm =; var elements = t.form.elements; var fName="", fProto="", aField="" ; t.form.reset(); for(i=0; i<elements.length; i++) { fName = elements[i].name; // _inp1_frmAnagrafica_ANAId fProto = fName.substring(1,5); // inp1 switch(fProto) { case "chek": // document.getElementById("_id"+fName).onchange(); $("#_id"+fName).trigger('onchange'); break; case "icon": $("#_id_prew"+fName).attr("src", $("#_id_text"+fName).val()); break; default: break; } } } function testRequired(tForm) { var fName="", lRequired=false; var oForm = eval(tForm); var elements = oForm.elements; for(i=0; i<elements.length; i++) { fName = elements[i].name; // _inp1_frmAnagrafica_ANAId fProto = fName.substring(1,5); if (fProto == "cbox") fName = fName.substring(0,fName.length - 2); // _cbox_frmAnagrafica_COId[] togliere le [] if ( (elements[i].required) && !(elements[i].value>"") ){ $( "#_id"+fName ).offsetParent().addClass("has-warning"); // boxInput $( "#_id"+fName ).addClass("form-control-warning"); // Field $( "#_id"+fName ).popover("show"); AlertForm(tForm, "ERR", "Fields required "); lRequired=true; } } return (lRequired); } // dataType: "json", function isJson(item) { item = typeof item !== "string" ? JSON.stringify(item) : item; try { item = JSON.parse(item); } catch (e) { return false; } if (typeof item === "object" && item !== null) { return true; } return false; } // Class FPMap ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function FPMap(){ = ""; = ""; }; FPMap.Create = function(t, lat, lon){ // alert ("id :"" lat, lon : "+lat+","+lon); // var centerAt = new Microsoft.Maps.Location(41.89015,12.4924); var centerAt = new Microsoft.Maps.Location(lat,lon); = new Microsoft.Maps.Map('#', { credentials: '------ YOUR BING KEY HERE !!!!! ------', // PLEASE INSERT YOUR CREDENTIALS !!!!! center: centerAt, mapTypeId: Microsoft.Maps.MapTypeId.road, zoom: 12 }); // var pin = new Microsoft.Maps.Pushpin(center, {icon: 'BluePushpin.png', width: 50, height: 50, draggable: true}); = new Microsoft.Maps.Pushpin(centerAt, {draggable: true});; // Abilita il Drag&Drop del PIN var Events = Microsoft.Maps.Events; Events.addHandler(, 'dragend', MapDragEnd ); } FPMap.Search = function(query, idFieldMap){ var tMap =; // fare cosi altrimenti non funziona var tPin =; // fare cosi altrimenti non funziona Microsoft.Maps.loadModule('Microsoft.Maps.Search', function () { var searchManager = new Microsoft.Maps.Search.SearchManager(tMap); var requestOptions = { bounds: tMap.getBounds(), where: query, callback: function (answer, userData) { tMap.setView({ bounds: answer.results[0].bestView }); // var pins = [ new Microsoft.Maps.Pushpin(answer.results[0].location) ]; tPin.setLocation(answer.results[0].location); var locPinSTR = answer.results[0].location.latitude + ";" + answer.results[0].location.longitude; $("#"+idFieldMap).val(locPinSTR); // E' UN DIV -> rasformare in input nascosto (come checkbox) } }; searchManager.geocode(requestOptions); }); } FPMap.getLocation = function(){ return (; } // Class FPMap ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function MapDragEnd(evt){ if (evt.targetType == 'pushpin'){ var loc =; alert("The location of the pushpin is now " + loc.latitude + ", " + loc.longitude); } } function _allowDrop_icon(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); } function _drop_icon(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); var tId =; var mainId = tId.substring(8); file = ev.dataTransfer.files[0]; // alert ("file (name):"; // alert ("file (size):"+file.size); var fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.onload = (function(file) { return function(ev) { data =; $("#_id_prew"+mainId).attr("src", data); // $("#_id_text"+mainId).attr("value", data); $("#_id_text"+mainId).val(data); }; })(file); fileReader.readAsDataURL(file); } // Function for Class DBSearch function _goSearch(t, tbRef, tbKey, tbDescr, callFunc ){ var formData = new FormData(); // formData.append("tValue", t.value); formData.append("tbRef", tbRef); formData.append("tbKey", tbKey); formData.append("tbDescr", tbDescr); } function saveRecord(frmName, tblName, callBackFunc){ $(".form-group").removeClass("has-warning"); $(".form-control").removeClass("form-control-warning"); $("._help").hide(); $(function () { // $('[data-toggle="popover"]').popover('dispose'); // OK in v4 (not exist method destroy in v4) // $('[data-toggle="popover"]').popover('destroy'); // OK in v3 (not exist method dispose in v3) $('[data-toggle="popover"]').popover('hide'); // this method exist in v3 e v4 BUT IS NOT EFFICIENT LIKE dispose or destroy }) if ( testRequired(frmName) ) return false; /* $(function () { $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip('dispose'); }) */ var formData = new FormData($('#'+frmName)[0]); // formData.append('file', $('input[type=file]')[0].files[0]); formData.append('_ACT_', '_Save_'); formData.append('_FORM_', frmName); formData.append('_TABLE_', tblName); $(".fileinput-filename").each(function(){ var idOnDb = $(this).attr("id"); // var textOnDb = $(this).val(); // var textOnDb = $(this).contents(); var textOnDb = $(this).text(); formData.append(idOnDb, textOnDb); }); // formData.append('file', $('input[type=file]')[0].files[0]); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "_fePost.php", data: formData, // dataType: "json", //use contentType, processData for sure. contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(data) { if ( isJson(data) ) { var objJSON = JSON.parse(data); if (objJSON.Err.Status){ for (i=0; i<objJSON.Err.FIELD.length; i++){ // $("#_id_"+frmName+"_"+objJSON.Err.FIELD[i]).addClass("errorInput"); /* until 24.01 $( "#_id_"+frmName+"_"+objJSON.Err.FIELD[i] ).offsetParent().addClass("has-warning"); // boxInput $( "#_id_"+frmName+"_"+objJSON.Err.FIELD[i] ).addClass("form-control-warning"); // Field $("#_id_"+frmName+"_"+objJSON.Err.FIELD[i]).popover("show"); */ $( "#_id"+objJSON.Err.FIELD[i] ).offsetParent().addClass("has-warning"); // boxInput $( "#_id"+objJSON.Err.FIELD[i] ).addClass("form-control-warning"); // Field $( "#_id"+objJSON.Err.FIELD[i] ).popover("show"); } AlertForm(frmName, "ERR", "Fields not valid "+objJSON.Err.DESCR); }else{ AlertForm(frmName, "OK", "Record Saved "); /* if (objJSON.ID.Value > 0){ for (i=0; i<objJSON.ID.Key.length; i++){ // alert (objJSON.ID.Key[i]); $(objJSON.ID.Key[i]).value=objJSON.ID.Value; } } */ for (i=0; i<objJSON.Key.length; i++){ // alert (objJSON.Key[i]["name"]+ ' - '+objJSON.Key[i]["value"]); //$("#_pkUserName").val("f.rossi"); $("#_pk"+objJSON.Key[i]["name"]).val(objJSON.Key[i]["value"]); } /* $( "input" ).each(function(){ $(this).attr("compose"); }) */ if (objJSON.ID.Value > 0){ $( "input[pk*='auto']" ).val( objJSON.ID.Value ); } var fn = window[callBackFunc]; if (typeof fn === "function"), objJSON); } }else{ AlertForm(frmName, "ERR", "Data not valid !!<br/>"+data); } }, error: function() { AlertForm(frmName, "ERR", "Generic ERROR !!"); } }); }