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File: nDialog.class.php

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File: nDialog.class.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: nDialog Class Object
Class: nDialog
Display dialog windows in text consoles
Author: By
Last change: Major changes to class methods.
Date: 17 years ago
Size: 36,912 bytes



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<?php /******************** nDialog.class.php v.0.9.4 **************************** * Copyright (C) 2007 by J Randolph Smith * * * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ class nDialog { var $title_page_header; var $title_dialog_header; var $mode; // tracks the dialog mode var $text; var $height, $width; var $length; var $default_val; var $_screen_max_width, $_screen_max_height; // auto-detect current screen size var $button_list; var $button_total; var $button_cursor; var $inputbox_list; var $inputbox_total; var $menu_list; // array of menu items var $menu_total; // menu depth var $menu_cursor; var $menu_label_width; var $menu_desc_width; var $nwin; // notice window handler var $swin; // shadow window handler var $textbox_char; // text char array var $textbox_len; //current length of text var $textbox_max; //current length of text var $_focus_list; var $_focus_total; var $_focus_cursor; /***************** // CONSTRUCTOR ******************/ function nDialog() { $this->title_page_header = ""; $this->_reset(); } function __construct() { $this->nDialog(); } function _reset() { $this->mode = ""; $this->test = ""; $this->size = ""; $this->height = 0; $this->width = 0; $this->button_list = NULL; $this->button_total = 0; $this->button_cursor = 0; $this->inputbox_list = NULL; $this->inputbox_total = 0; $this->menu_list = NULL; $this->menu_total = 0; $this->menu_cursor = 0; $this->menu_label_width = 0; $this->menu_desc_width = 0; $this->nwin = $this->swin = NULL; $this->textbox_char = NULL; $this->textbox_len = $textbox_max = 0; $this->_focus_list = NULL; $this->_focus_total = 0; $this->_focus_cursor = 0; } /***************** // DESTRUCTOR ******************/ function distroy() { ncurses_clear(); ncurses_echo(); ncurses_refresh(); ncurses_end(); } function __destruct() { //$this->distroy(); } // PRIVATE function _init_screen() { ncurses_curs_set(0); ncurses_noecho(); $fullscreen = ncurses_newwin ( 0, 0, 0, 0); ncurses_getmaxyx($fullscreen,$this->_screen_max_height,$this->_screen_max_width); ncurses_delwin($fullscreen); ncurses_start_color(); ncurses_init_pair(1,NCURSES_COLOR_WHITE,NCURSES_COLOR_RED); ncurses_init_pair(4,NCURSES_COLOR_BLACK,NCURSES_COLOR_RED); ncurses_init_pair(2,NCURSES_COLOR_BLACK,NCURSES_COLOR_WHITE); ncurses_init_pair(3,NCURSES_COLOR_WHITE,NCURSES_COLOR_WHITE); ncurses_init_pair(5,NCURSES_COLOR_WHITE,NCURSES_COLOR_BLUE); ncurses_init_pair(6,NCURSES_COLOR_YELLOW,NCURSES_COLOR_BLUE); ncurses_init_pair(7,NCURSES_COLOR_YELLOW,NCURSES_COLOR_WHITE); ncurses_color_set(1); ncurses_erase(); ncurses_mvhline ( 0, 0, 0, $this->_screen_max_width ); ncurses_attron ( NCURSES_A_BOLD ); ncurses_mvaddstr ( 0, 1, $this->title_page_header ); ncurses_attroff ( NCURSES_A_BOLD ); for($y=1;$y<$this->_screen_max_height;$y++) { ncurses_mvhline ( $y, 0, 32, $this->_screen_max_width ); } ncurses_refresh(); } // PRIVATE function _drawDialogBorders(&$win,$y,$x) { // Draw boarders // ============ // || || // || || // || || // ------------ // || || // ============ ncurses_wattron ( $win, NCURSES_A_BOLD ); ncurses_wcolor_set($win,3); ncurses_wmove ( $win, 0, 1 ); ncurses_whline ( $win, 205, $x-2 ); // top line ncurses_wmove ( $win, $y-3, 1 ); ncurses_whline ( $win, 0, $x-2 ); // middle line ncurses_wmove ( $win, 1, 0 ); ncurses_wvline ( $win, 186, $y-2 ); // left line ncurses_wmove ( $win, 0, 0 ); ncurses_waddch ( $win, 201 ); // top left ncurses_wmove ( $win, $y-1, 0 ); ncurses_waddch ( $win, 200 ); // bottom left ncurses_wmove ( $win, $y-3, 0 ); ncurses_waddch ( $win, 199 ); // middle left ncurses_wcolor_set($win,2); ncurses_wmove ( $win, $y-1, 1 ); ncurses_whline ( $win, 205, $x-2 ); // bottom line ncurses_wmove ( $win, 1 ,$x-1 ); ncurses_wvline ( $win, 186, $y-2 ); // right line ncurses_wmove ( $win, 0, $x-1 ); ncurses_waddch ( $win, 187 ); // top right ncurses_wmove ( $win, $y-1, $x-1 ); ncurses_waddch ( $win, 188 ); // bottom right ncurses_wmove ( $win, $y-3, $x-1 ); ncurses_waddch ( $win, 182 ); // middle right ncurses_wattroff ( $win, NCURSES_A_BOLD ); } // PRIVATE // Returns the Category of the current focus cursor function _focusCat() { // get current focus category list($cat,$index) = explode("-",$this->_focus_list[$this->_focus_cursor]); return($cat); } // PRIVATE // Returns the Sub-index of the current focus cursor function _focusSubindex() { // get current focus index list($cat,$index) = explode("-",$this->_focus_list[$this->_focus_cursor]); return($index); } // PRIVATE // Returns the top right x,y coordinates based on desired window size and alignment. function _getCoordinates($height,$width,$hoz_just="center",$ver_just="middle") { $result = array('x' => 0, 'y' => 0); switch($hoz_just) { case"center": // Calculate offsets to center window based on window size $result['x'] = round(($this->_screen_max_width - $width) / 2); break; case"right": $result['x'] = $this->_screen_max_width - $width; break; case"left": default: break; } switch($ver_just) { case"middle": // Calculate offsets to center window based on window size $result['y'] = round(($this->_screen_max_height - $height) / 2); break; case"bottom": $result['y'] = $this->_screen_max_height - $height; break; case"top": default: break; } return($result); } // PRIVATE function _createDialogWindow($cord_y, $cord_x, $height, $width, $shadow = false, $bordertype=1) { $win = ncurses_newwin ( $height, $width, $cord_y, $cord_x ); // shadow (optional) if($shadow) { $this->swin = ncurses_newwin ( $height, $width, $cord_y+1, $cord_x+1 ); ncurses_wrefresh($this->swin); } // fill window ncurses_wcolor_set($win,3); for($row=0;$row<$height;$row++) { ncurses_wmove ( $win, $row, 0 ); ncurses_whline ( $win, 32, $width ); } // Draw the borders if($bordertype == 1) { $this->_drawDialogBorders($win,$height,$width); } else { $this->_drawThinBorders($win,0,0,$height,$width); } // Draw dialog box title -- (optional) if($this->title_dialog_header != "") { $len = strlen($this->title_dialog_header); $x = round( ($width - $len) / 2 ); ncurses_wcolor_set($win,7); ncurses_wattron ( $win, NCURSES_A_BOLD ); ncurses_mvwaddstr( $win, 0, $x, $this->title_dialog_header ); ncurses_wattroff ( $win, NCURSES_A_BOLD ); ncurses_wcolor_set($win,2); } return($win); } function _drawThinTopLeft(&$win,$y,$x,$height,$width) { ncurses_wmove ( $win, $y, $x+1 ); ncurses_whline ( $win, 196, $width-2 ); // top line ncurses_wmove ( $win, $y+1, $x ); ncurses_wvline ( $win, 179, $height-2 ); // left line ncurses_wmove ( $win, $y, $x ); ncurses_waddch ( $win, 218 ); // top left ncurses_wmove ( $win, $y+$height-1, $x ); ncurses_waddch ( $win, 192 ); // bottom left } function _drawThinBotRight(&$win,$y,$x,$height,$width) { ncurses_wmove ( $win, $y+$height-1, $x+1 ); ncurses_whline ( $win, 196, $width-2 ); // bottom line ncurses_wmove ( $win, $y+1 ,$x+$width-1 ); ncurses_wvline ( $win, 179, $height-2 );// right line ncurses_wmove ( $win, $y, $x+$width-1 ); ncurses_waddch ( $win, 191 ); // top right ncurses_wmove ( $win, $y+$height-1, $x+$width-1 ); ncurses_waddch ( $win, 217 ); // bottom right } // PRIVATE function _drawThinBorders(&$win,$y,$x,$height,$width,$type="out") { // Draw boarders // ------------ // | | // | | // | | // | | // ------------ ncurses_wattron ( $win, NCURSES_A_BOLD ); if($type == "out") { $this->_drawThinTopLeft($win,$y,$x,$height,$width); } else { $this->_drawThinBotRight($win,$y,$x,$height,$width); } ncurses_wcolor_set($win,3); if($type == "out") { $this->_drawThinBotRight($win,$y,$x,$height,$width); } else { $this->_drawThinTopLeft($win,$y,$x,$height,$width); } ncurses_wattroff ( $win, NCURSES_A_BOLD ); } // PRIVATE // Defines an Input text box input type. function addInputBox($win,$name,$label,$cord_y,$cord_x,$max_length,$init_val) { $this->inputbox_list[$this->inputbox_total]['win'] = $win; // resource window $this->inputbox_list[$this->inputbox_total]['name'] = $name; $this->inputbox_list[$this->inputbox_total]['label'] = $label; $this->inputbox_list[$this->inputbox_total]['y'] = $cord_y; $this->inputbox_list[$this->inputbox_total]['x'] = $cord_x; $this->inputbox_list[$this->inputbox_total]['max_length'] = $max_length; // max allowed input size // set a default value - if given. if( $init_val != "" ) { $len = strlen($init_val); for($c=0;$c<$len;$c++) { $char = substr($init_val,$c,1); $this->inputbox_list[$this->inputbox_total]['val'][$c] = $char; } $this->inputbox_list[$this->inputbox_total]['val_cursor'] = $c; $this->inputbox_list[$this->inputbox_total]['val_len'] = $c; } else { $this->inputbox_list[$this->inputbox_total]['val'] = array(); $this->inputbox_list[$this->inputbox_total]['val_cursor'] = 0; $this->inputbox_list[$this->inputbox_total]['val_len'] = 0; } // add to master focus list $this->_focus_list[$this->_focus_total] = "I-" . $this->inputbox_total; $this->inputbox_total++; $this->_focus_total++; } // PRIVATE // Displays all input text boxes defined function _strokeInputBoxes() { for($i=0;$i<$this->inputbox_total;$i++) { $this->_drawInputBox($i); } } // PRIVATE // Displays specified input text box function _drawInputBox($index) { $label_offset = 0; $win = &$this->inputbox_list[$index]['win']; $label = &$this->inputbox_list[$index]['label']; $hotkey = &$this->inputbox_list[$index]['hot']; $cord_y = &$this->inputbox_list[$index]['y']; $cord_x = &$this->inputbox_list[$index]['x']; $max_length = &$this->inputbox_list[$index]['max_length']; ncurses_wcolor_set($win,2); // output the label if($label != "") { ncurses_mvwaddstr( $win, $cord_y, $cord_x, $label ); $label_offset = strlen($label); // overide offset due to label length } // draw border for input field $this->_drawThinBorders($win,$cord_y-1,($cord_x+$label_offset),3,$max_length+2,"out"); // display box contents $this->_drawInputBoxContents($index); return; } // PRIVATE // Displays specified input text box value contents function _drawInputBoxContents($index) { $win = &$this->inputbox_list[$index]['win']; $val = &$this->inputbox_list[$index]['val']; $cord_y = &$this->inputbox_list[$index]['y']; $cord_x = &$this->inputbox_list[$index]['x']; $label = &$this->inputbox_list[$index]['label']; // label offset if($label != "") { $label_offset = strlen($label); // overide offset due to label length } // output the value for($n=0;$n<$this->inputbox_list[$index]['max_length'];$n++) { // Set content color based on has focus or not. if( ( $this->_focusCat() == "I" ) && ( $this->_focusSubindex() == $index ) ) { if( $n == $this->inputbox_list[$index]['val_cursor'] ) { ncurses_wcolor_set($win,2); } else { ncurses_wcolor_set($win,5); } } else { ncurses_wcolor_set($win,2); } if(isset($val[$n])) // print chars that exist { $char = $val[$n]; } else { $char = " "; } ncurses_mvwaddstr( $win, $cord_y, ($cord_x+$label_offset+1+$n), $char ); } } // PRIVATE // outputs a paragraph text and returns offset lines taken up. function _stroke_para(&$win,$text,$y,$x,$align="center",$wrap=true) { if($wrap) { $text = wordwrap($text, ($x-2), "|"); } $text = str_replace ( "\n", "|", $text ); // decode linebreaks $lines = explode("|",$text); $curs_y = 1; foreach($lines as $line) { $len = strlen($line) + 1; if($align == "center") // text alignment { $text_offset_x = round( ($x - $len) / 2 ); } else { $text_offset_x = 1; } ncurses_mvwaddstr( $win, $curs_y, $text_offset_x, $line ); $curs_y++; } return($curs_y - 1); // return lines taken up } // PRIVATE // initializes a button input type. function _addbutton($name,$hot,$value,$y,$x) { $this->button_list[$this->button_total]['name'] = $name; $this->button_list[$this->button_total]['hot'] = $hot; $this->button_list[$this->button_total]['value'] = $value; $this->button_list[$this->button_total]['y'] = $y; $this->button_list[$this->button_total]['x'] = $x; // add to master focus list $this->_focus_list[$this->_focus_total] = "B-" . $this->button_total; $this->button_total++; $this->_focus_total++; } // PRIVATE // Check if any user key input matches button hotkey designations // Returns the value assigned to that button. function _checkHotButtons($key) { for($n=0;$n<$this->button_total;$n++) { $thischar = strtolower(chr($key)); $hotchar = strtolower( $this->button_list[$n]['hot'] ); if($thischar == $hotchar) { return($this->button_list[$n]['value']); } } return(NULL); } // PRIVATE // Check if any user key input matches Menu item hotkey designations // Returns the value assigned to that Menu item. function _checkHotMenuItems($key) { for($n=0;$n<$this->menu_total;$n++) { $thischar = strtolower(chr($key)); $hotchar = strtolower( $this->menu_list[$n]['hot'] ); if($thischar == $hotchar) { if($this->mode == "checklist") // checklists support { $this->menu_list[$n]['selected'] = ( $this->menu_list[$n]['selected'] == false ? true : false ); return(NULL); } else { $this->menu_cursor = $n; return($this->menu_list[$n]['value']); } } } return(NULL); } // PRIVATE // Returns array name/value of all defined input boxes function _returnInputboxVals() { $results = array(); for($n=0;$n<$this->inputbox_total;$n++) { $name = $this->inputbox_list[$n]['name']; $value = implode("",$this->inputbox_list[$n]['val']); // merge value array to string $results[$name] = $value; } return($results); } // PRIVATE // Displays all defined button types function _strokeAllButtons(&$win) { for($i=0;$i<$this->button_total;$i++) { ncurses_mvwaddstr( $win, $this->button_list[$i]['y'], $this->button_list[$i]['x'], "" ); $len = strlen($this->button_list[$i]['name']); for($n=0;$n<$len;$n++) { $char = substr($this->button_list[$i]['name'],$n,1); $ord = ord($char); if($char == $this->button_list[$i]['hot']) // highlight char that is the hotkey { if(( $this->_focusCat() == "B" ) && ($i == $this->_focusSubindex() )) { ncurses_wcolor_set($win,6); } else { ncurses_wcolor_set($win,7); } ncurses_wattron ( $win, NCURSES_A_BOLD ); ncurses_waddch ($win, $ord); ncurses_wattroff ( $win, NCURSES_A_BOLD ); } else { if(( $this->_focusCat() == "B" ) && ($i == $this->_focusSubindex() )) { ncurses_wcolor_set($win,5); } else { ncurses_wcolor_set($win,2); } ncurses_waddch ($win, $ord); } } } } // PRIVATE // Gets user input and acts based on button navigation style function _getButtonInput(&$win) { $exit = NULL; $keyPressed = ncurses_getch(); //print" {".$keyPressed."} "; switch($keyPressed) { case NCURSES_KEY_RIGHT : case NCURSES_KEY_DOWN : case 9 : // tab $this->_focus_cursor++; if($this->_focus_cursor >= $this->_focus_total) { $this->_focus_cursor = 0; } break; case NCURSES_KEY_LEFT : case NCURSES_KEY_UP : case 353 : // shift-tab $this->_focus_cursor--; if($this->_focus_cursor < 0) { $this->_focus_cursor = $this->_focus_total -1 ; } break; case 32 : // space case 13 : // enter // get current focus list($ftype,$fnum) = explode("-",$this->_focus_list[$this->_focus_cursor]); // send the button value we are focused on $exit = $this->button_list[$fnum]['value']; if($exit === "#FORM#") // Support for inputbox { $exit = $this->_returnInputboxVals(); } break; default: // check if any button hotkeys were pressed - return 'null' if no match $exit = $this->_checkHotButtons($keyPressed); break; } return($exit); } // PRIVATE // Gets user input and acts based on textbox navigation style function _getTextboxInput(&$win) { $exit = NULL; $char = NULL; $keyPressed = ncurses_getch(); if($keyPressed<256) // is this an ascii code/ { $char = chr($keyPressed); } //print" {".$keyPressed."} "; switch($keyPressed) { case NCURSES_KEY_DOWN : case 9 : // tab case 13 : // enter $this->_focus_cursor++; if($this->_focus_cursor >= $this->_focus_total) { $this->_focus_cursor = 0; } break; case NCURSES_KEY_UP : case 353 : // shift-tab $this->_focus_cursor--; if($this->_focus_cursor < 0) { $this->_focus_cursor = $this->_focus_total -1 ; } break; case NCURSES_KEY_RIGHT : $ii = $this->_focusSubindex(); // get selected inputbox $val_len = &$this->inputbox_list[$ii]['val_len']; $cursor = &$this->inputbox_list[$ii]['val_cursor']; if($cursor < $val_len) { $cursor++; } else { $crap = ncurses_beep(); } break; case NCURSES_KEY_LEFT : $ii = $this->_focusSubindex(); // get selected inputbox $cursor = &$this->inputbox_list[$ii]['val_cursor']; if($cursor > 0) { $cursor--; } else { $crap = ncurses_beep(); } break; case 263 : // backspace $ii = $this->_focusSubindex(); // get selected inputbox $cursor = &$this->inputbox_list[$ii]['val_cursor']; $value = &$this->inputbox_list[$ii]['val']; $value_len = &$this->inputbox_list[$ii]['val_len']; if($cursor > 0) { $sub1 = array_slice($value, 0, $cursor-1); $sub2 = array_slice($value, $cursor); $value = array_merge($sub1,$sub2); $cursor--; $value_len = count($value); } else { $crap = ncurses_beep(); } // Refresh current input box $this->_drawInputBoxContents($ii); break; case 330 : // del key $ii = $this->_focusSubindex(); // get selected inputbox $cursor = &$this->inputbox_list[$ii]['val_cursor']; $value = &$this->inputbox_list[$ii]['val']; $value_len = &$this->inputbox_list[$ii]['val_len']; $sub1 = array_slice($value, 0, $cursor); $sub2 = array_slice($value, $cursor+1); $value = array_merge($sub1,$sub2); $value_len = count($value); // Refresh current input box $this->_drawInputBoxContents($ii); break; default: $ii = $this->_focusSubindex(); // get selected inputbox $value = &$this->inputbox_list[$ii]['val']; $value_len = &$this->inputbox_list[$ii]['val_len']; $value_max = &$this->inputbox_list[$ii]['max_length']; $cursor = &$this->inputbox_list[$ii]['val_cursor']; if( ($keyPressed >= 32) && ($keyPressed <= 126) ) { if($value_len < $value_max) { $sub1 = array_slice($value, 0, $cursor); $sub2 = array_slice($value, $cursor); $new = array($char); $value = array_merge($sub1,$new,$sub2); //$value[$cursor] = $char; $cursor++; $value_len++; } else { $crap = ncurses_beep(); } } // Refresh current input box $this->_drawInputBoxContents($ii); break; } return($exit); } // PRIVATE // Gets user input and acts based on Menu/Checklist navigation style function _getMenuInput(&$win) { $exit = NULL; $keyPressed = ncurses_getch(); //print" {".$keyPressed."} "; switch($keyPressed) { case NCURSES_KEY_DOWN : $this->menu_cursor++; if($this->menu_cursor >= $this->menu_total) { $this->menu_cursor = 0; } break; case NCURSES_KEY_UP : $this->menu_cursor--; if($this->menu_cursor < 0) { $this->menu_cursor = $this->menu_total -1 ; } break; case NCURSES_KEY_RIGHT : case 9 : // tab $this->_focus_cursor++; if($this->_focus_cursor >= $this->_focus_total) { $this->_focus_cursor = 0; } break; case NCURSES_KEY_LEFT : case 353 : // shift-tab $this->_focus_cursor--; if($this->_focus_cursor < 0) { $this->_focus_cursor = $this->_focus_total -1 ; } break; case 32 : // space if($this->mode == "checklist") { // toggle item selection $this->menu_list[$this->menu_cursor]['selected'] = ( $this->menu_list[$this->menu_cursor]['selected'] == false ? true : false ); } break; case 13 : // enter $ii = $this->_focusSubindex(); // get selected inputbox if( $this->button_list[$ii]['value'] == true ) { if($this->mode == "checklist") // checklists { $exit = $this->_getAllCheckboxVals(); } else // menu { // return the menu value we are focused on $exit = $this->menu_list[$this->menu_cursor]['value']; } } else { $exit = false; } break; default: // check if any button hotkeys were pressed - return 'null' if no match $hot = $this->_checkHotButtons($keyPressed); // try trap for hot buttons 1st. if($hot === true) // was hot button pressed? { if($this->mode == "checklist") // checklist support -- (optional) { $exit = $this->_getAllCheckboxVals(); } else // menu selection { // return the menu value we are focused on $exit = $this->menu_list[$this->menu_cursor]['value']; } } elseif($hot === false) { $exit = false; } else // $hot == null , so let see if there is a hot-checkbox match { $exit = $this->_checkHotMenuItems($keyPressed); } break; } return($exit); } // PRIVATE // Returns array name/value of selected check boxes function _getAllCheckboxVals() { $exit = null; for($n=0;$n<$this->menu_total;$n++) { // return all items selected if( $this->menu_list[$n]['selected'] ) { $name = &$this->menu_list[$n]['name']; $value = &$this->menu_list[$n]['value']; $exit[$name] = $value; } } if(!is_array($exit)) // if nothing was selected we still need to return something { $exit = true; } return($exit); } // PRIVATE // Initializes Menu Items (or Checklist) types function addMenuItem($type,$name,$label,$hotkey,$desc,$value=NULL,$selected=false) { $this->menu_list[$this->menu_total]['name'] = $name; $this->menu_list[$this->menu_total]['type'] = $type; $this->menu_list[$this->menu_total]['selected'] = $selected; $this->menu_list[$this->menu_total]['label'] = $label; $this->menu_list[$this->menu_total]['desc'] = $desc; $this->menu_list[$this->menu_total]['hot'] = $hotkey; $this->menu_list[$this->menu_total]['value'] = ( $value === NULL ? $this->menu_total : $value ); // default value if non given $this->menu_list[$this->menu_total]['y'] = $this->menu_total; $this->menu_list[$this->menu_total]['x'] = 0; $this->menu_total++; $len = strlen($label); if($len > $this->menu_label_width) { $this->menu_label_width = $len; } // track largest label width $len = strlen($desc); if($len > $this->menu_desc_width) { $this->menu_desc_width = $len; } // track largest description width } // PRIVATE // Displays all Menu Items (or Checklist) to screen function _strokeAllMenuItems(&$win) { for($i=0;$i<$this->menu_total;$i++) { if($this->menu_cursor == $i) { ncurses_wcolor_set($win,5); } else { ncurses_wcolor_set($win,2); } // output Checkbox -- (optional) if($this->mode == "checklist") // for checklist type menus { $sel = ( $this->menu_list[$i]['selected'] == true ? "\xFB" : " " ); ncurses_mvwaddstr( $win, $this->menu_list[$i]['y'], $this->menu_list[$i]['x'], "[".$sel."]" ); ncurses_mvwaddstr( $win, $this->menu_list[$i]['y'], $this->menu_list[$i]['x']+4, "" ); $desc_offset = 5; } else { ncurses_mvwaddstr( $win, $this->menu_list[$i]['y'], $this->menu_list[$i]['x'], "" ); $desc_offset = 2; } // output menu item label $len = strlen($this->menu_list[$i]['label']); for($n=0;$n<$len;$n++) { $char = substr($this->menu_list[$i]['label'],$n,1); $ord = ord($char); if($char == $this->menu_list[$i]['hot']) // highlight char that is the hotkey { if($this->menu_cursor == $i) { ncurses_wcolor_set($win,6); } else { ncurses_wcolor_set($win,7); } ncurses_wattron ( $win, NCURSES_A_BOLD ); ncurses_waddch ($win, $ord); ncurses_wattroff ( $win, NCURSES_A_BOLD ); } else { if($this->menu_cursor == $i) { ncurses_wcolor_set($win,5); } else { ncurses_wcolor_set($win,2); } ncurses_waddch ($win, $ord); } } // output menu item description if($this->menu_cursor == $i) { ncurses_wcolor_set($win,5); } else { ncurses_wcolor_set($win,2); } ncurses_mvwaddstr( $win, $this->menu_list[$i]['y'], $this->menu_list[$i]['x']+$this->menu_label_width+$desc_offset, $this->menu_list[$i]['desc'] ); } } // PRIVATE // Displays and creates a sub-window to contain the Menu Items // Returns the resource ID of the sub-window function _createMenuSubWindow(&$win,$parent_height, $parent_width, $para_offset_y) { // auto-detect window width based on menu contents if($this->mode == "checklist" ) { $menu_width = 1 + 4 + $this->menu_label_width + 2 + $this->menu_desc_width + 1; } else { $menu_width = 1 + $this->menu_label_width + 2 + $this->menu_desc_width + 1; } // Draw borders $cord['y'] = 1 + $para_offset_y; $cord['x'] = round( ($parent_width-$menu_width) / 2 ); //$cord = $this->_getCoordinates($parent_height,$menu_width,"center","middle"); $y = $this->menu_total+2; $x = $menu_width; $this->_drawThinBorders($win, $cord['y'], $cord['x'] ,$y, $x ); // draw window inside borders $cord = $this->_getCoordinates($parent_height,$menu_width,"center","middle"); $swin = ncurses_newwin ( $y-2, $x-2, $cord['y']+$para_offset_y+2, $cord['x']+1 ); // fill window ncurses_wcolor_set($swin,2); for($row=0;$row<$y-2;$row++) { ncurses_wmove ( $swin, $row, 0 ); ncurses_whline ( $swin, 32, $x-2 ); } return($swin); } // ################## PUBLIC ################### // PUBLIC // Used to set internal class variables function set($varname,$varvalue) { $this->$varname = $varvalue; } // PUBLIC // Wrapper method to initialize Checkbox items function addChecklist($name,$label,$hotkey,$desc,$value=NULL,$selected=false) { $this->addMenuItem("check",$name,$label,$hotkey,$desc,$value,$selected); } // PUBLIC // Wrapper method to initialize Menu items function addMenu($label,$hotkey,$desc,$value=NULL) { $name = ""; $this->addMenuItem("menu",$name,$label,$hotkey,$desc,$value,false); } // PUBLIC function _menu() { // open a dialog box window $cord = $this->_getCoordinates($this->height,$this->width,"center","middle"); $win = $this->_createDialogWindow($cord['y'], $cord['x'], $this->height, $this->width, true); // output dialog text $para_offset_y = $this->_stroke_para($win,$this->text,$this->height,$this->width,"center",true); // Create menu sub-window $mwin = $this->_createMenuSubWindow($win,$this->height,$this->width, $para_offset_y); // configure buttons $ok_offset_x_yes = round( ($this->width - 23) / 2 ); $ok_offset_x_no = $ok_offset_x_yes + 13; $this->_addbutton("[ Select ]","S",true,$this->height-2,$ok_offset_x_yes); $this->_addbutton("[ Cancel ]","C",false,$this->height-2,$ok_offset_x_no); // wait for input do { $this->_strokeAllButtons($win); $this->_strokeAllMenuItems($mwin); ncurses_wrefresh($win); ncurses_wrefresh($mwin); // get keyboard input $status = $this->_getMenuInput($win); } while( $status === NULL ); return($status); } // PUBLIC function _messagebox() { // open a dialog box window $cord = $this->_getCoordinates($this->height,$this->width,"center","middle"); $win = $this->_createDialogWindow($cord['y'], $cord['x'], $this->height, $this->width, true); // output dialog text $dontcare = $this->_stroke_para($win,$this->text,$this->height,$this->width,"center",true); // ok button $ok_offset_x = round( ($this->width - 6) / 2 ); $this->_addbutton("[ OK ]","O",true,$this->height-2,$ok_offset_x); // wait for input do { $this->_strokeAllButtons($win); ncurses_wrefresh($win); // get keyboard input $status = $this->_getButtonInput($win); } while( $status === NULL ); return(true); } // PUBLIC function _yesno() { // open a dialog box window $cord = $this->_getCoordinates($this->height,$this->width,"center","middle"); $win = $this->_createDialogWindow($cord['y'], $cord['x'], $this->height, $this->width, true); // output dialog text $dontcare = $this->_stroke_para($win,$this->text,$this->height,$this->width,"center",true); // configure buttons $ok_offset_x_yes = round( ($this->width - 16) / 2 ); $ok_offset_x_no = $ok_offset_x_yes + 10; $this->_addbutton("[ Yes ]","Y",TRUE,$this->height-2,$ok_offset_x_yes); $this->_addbutton("[ No ]","N",FALSE,$this->height-2,$ok_offset_x_no); // wait for input do { $this->_strokeAllButtons($win); ncurses_wrefresh($win); // get keyboard input $status = $this->_getButtonInput($win); } while( $status === NULL ); return($status); } // PUBLIC function _notice() { if( ($this->height == 0) || ($this->height == 0) ) { // auto-detect required height & width based on text $this->width = $this->height = 0; $text = str_replace ( "\n", "|", $this->text ); // decode any linebreaks $lines = explode("|",$text); foreach($lines as $line) { $len = strlen($line); if($len > $this->width) { $this->width = $len; } $this->height++; } } // open a dialog box window $cord = $this->_getCoordinates($this->height,$this->width,"center","middle"); $this->nwin = $this->_createDialogWindow($cord['y'], $cord['x'], $this->height+2, $this->width+2, true, 2); $crap = $this->_stroke_para($this->nwin,$this->text,$this->height,$this->width+2,"center",false); ncurses_wrefresh($this->nwin); } // PUBLIC function _inputbox() { // open a dialog box window $cord = $this->_getCoordinates($this->height,$this->width,"center","middle"); $win = $this->_createDialogWindow($cord['y'], $cord['x'], $this->height, $this->width, true); // output dialog text $para_offset_y = $this->_stroke_para($win,$this->text,$this->height,$this->width,"center",true); // Create menu sub-window $cord_x = round(($this->width/2) - ($this->length/2) ); $cord_y = 2 + $para_offset_y; $this->addInputBox($win,"val","",$cord_y,$cord_x,$this->length,$this->default_val); // configure buttons $ok_offset_x_yes = round( ($this->width - 23) / 2 ); $ok_offset_x_no = $ok_offset_x_yes + 13; $this->_addbutton("[ Accept ]","A","#FORM#",$this->height-2,$ok_offset_x_yes); $this->_addbutton("[ Cancel ]","C",false,$this->height-2,$ok_offset_x_no); // wait for input do { $this->_strokeAllButtons($win); $this->_strokeInputBoxes($win); ncurses_wrefresh($win); // get keyboard input if( $this->_focusCat() == "B" ) { $status = $this->_getButtonInput($win); } else { $status = $this->_getTextboxInput($win); } } while( $status === NULL ); if(isset($status['val'])) { $status = $status['val']; } return($status); } // PUBLIC function _checklist() { // open a dialog box window $cord = $this->_getCoordinates($this->height,$this->width,"center","middle"); $win = $this->_createDialogWindow($cord['y'], $cord['x'], $this->height, $this->width, true); // output dialog text $para_offset_y = $this->_stroke_para($win,$this->text,$this->height,$this->width,"center",true); // Create menu sub-window $mwin = $this->_createMenuSubWindow($win,$this->height, $this->width, $para_offset_y); // configure buttons $ok_offset_x_yes = round( ($this->width - 19) / 2 ); $ok_offset_x_no = $ok_offset_x_yes + 9; $this->_addbutton("[ OK ]","O",true,$this->height-2,$ok_offset_x_yes); $this->_addbutton("[ Cancel ]","C",false,$this->height-2,$ok_offset_x_no); // wait for input do { $this->_strokeAllButtons($win); $this->_strokeAllMenuItems($mwin); ncurses_wrefresh($win); ncurses_wrefresh($mwin); // get keyboard input $status = $this->_getMenuInput($win); } while( $status === NULL ); return($status); } function mode($mode,$size="") { $this->_reset(); $this->mode = $mode; // set hieght/width if($size != "") { list($this->height,$this->width) = explode("x",$size); } else { $this->height = $this->width = 0; } } function stroke() { // startup ncurses ncurses_init(); $this->_init_screen(); switch($this->mode) { case"menu": $results = $this->_menu(); break; case"checklist": $results = $this->_checklist(); break; case"notice": $results = $this->_notice(); break; case"msgbox": $results = $this->_messagebox(); break; case"yesno": $results = $this->_yesno(); break; case"inputbox": $results = $this->_inputbox(); break; default: $results = "ERROR: unknown <mode>\n\n"; } return($results); } } ?>