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File: aFiles.class.php

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File: aFiles.class.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Main class
Class: aFiles
Manipulate files and folders
Author: By
Last change: Bug in rm function corrected
Date: 16 years ago
Size: 16,726 bytes



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<?PHP /* * Project: Absynthe files * File: afiles.class.php5 * Author: Sylvain 'Absynthe' Rabot <> * Website: * Version: alpha 2.2 * Date: 31/01/2008 * License: LGPL */ class aFiles { /** * Default path to an entity * @var string * @access private */ private $path = false; /** * Constructor which allows to chose the path of the entity used for following actions * @param string $path */ public function __construct($path = false) { $this->path = $path; } /** * Methods which allows to chose the path of the entity used for following actions * @param string $path */ public function set_path($path = false) { $this->path = $path; } /** * Return the path of the entity used by default * @return string */ public function get_path() { return $this->path; } /** * Return the type of an entity * @param string $path * @return string */ public function type($path = null) { $this->test_var($path, $this->path); if (is_dir($path)) return 'dir'; else if (is_file($path)) return 'file'; else return false; } /** * Return the list of all entity included in the path * @param string $path * @param boolean $withroot * @return array */ public function ls($path = null, $withroot = true) { $this->test_var($path, $this->path); if (!is_dir($path)) return false; if ($handle = opendir($path)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != '..' && $file != '.' && $file != '') { if ($withroot) $infos[] = $path.'/'.$file; else $infos[] = $file; } } closedir($handle); $infos = array_map(array($this, 'format_path'), $infos); return $infos; } else { return false; } } /** * Return the list of directories included in the path * @param string $path * @param boolean $withroot * @return array */ public function lsd($path = null, $withroot = true) { $this->test_var($path, $this->path); if (!is_dir($path)) return false; $infos = array(); if ($handle = opendir($path)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (is_dir($path.'/'.$file)) { if ($file != '..' && $file != '.' && $file != '') { if ($withroot) $infos[] = $path.'/'.$file; else $infos[] = $file; } } } $infos = array_map(array($this, 'format_path'), $infos); closedir($handle); return $infos; } else { return false; } } /** * Return infos of all entity included in the path * @param string $path * @param boolean $withroot * @return array */ public function ll($path = null, $withroot = true) { $this->test_var($path, $this->path); if (!is_dir($path)) return false; if ($handle = opendir($path)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != '..' && $file != '.' && $file != '') { if ($withroot) { $temp = $this->format_path($path.'/'.$file); $infos[$temp] = $this->infos($temp); } else { $temp = $this->format_path($file); $infos[$temp] = $this->infos($path.'/'.$file); } } } closedir($handle); return $infos; } else { return false; } } /** * Return infos of all directories included in the path * @param string $path * @param boolean $withroot * @return array */ public function lld($path = null, $withroot = true) { $this->test_var($path, $this->path); if (!is_dir($path)) return false; if ($handle = opendir($path)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (is_dir($path.'/'.$file)) { if ($file != '..' && $file != '.' && $file != '') { if ($withroot) { $temp = $this->format_path($path.'/'.$file); $infos[$temp] = $this->infos($temp); } else { $temp = $this->format_path($file); $infos[$temp] = $this->infos($path.'/'.$file); } } } } closedir($handle); return $infos; } else { return false; } } /** * Create a file with or without content * @param string $content * @param string $path * @return boolean */ public function mkfile($content = '', $path = null) { $this->test_var($path, $this->path); if ($handle = fopen($path, 'w+')) { if (strlen($content) != 0) fwrite($handle, $content); fclose($handle); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Read the content of a file * @param string $path * @param boolean $byline * @param int $length * @return string/array */ public function read_file($path = null, $byline = false, $length = 1024) { $this->test_var($path, $this->path); if (!is_file($path)) return false; if ($byline) { if ($handle = fopen($path, 'r')) { while (!feof($handle)) $lines[] = fgets($handle, $length); fclose($handle); return $lines; } else return false; } else { return file_get_contents($path); } } /** * Create a directory with/without chmod * @param string $path * @param int $chmod * @return boolean */ public function mkdir($path = null, $chmod = null) { $this->test_var($path, $this->path); if (@mkdir($path)) { if (!is_null($chmod)) chmod($path, $chmod); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Move a file or a directory * @param string $path * @param string $where * @return boolean */ public function mv($path, $where) { if (!is_dir($where)) return false; if (is_dir($path)) { $tree = $this->tree($path); $this->cp($path, $where); $this->rm($tree); } else if (is_file($path)) { $this->cp($path, $where); $this->rm($path); } return true; } /** * Remove files or/and directories * @param string $path * @return boolean */ public function rm($path = null) { $this->test_var($path, $this->path); if (!is_array($path)) $path = array($path); foreach ($path as $file) { if (is_dir($file)) { $tree = $this->tree($file); rsort($tree); foreach ($tree as $f) { if (is_dir($f)) rmdir($f); else if (is_file($f)) unlink($f); } } else if (is_file($file)) { unlink($file); } else { return false; } } return true; } /** * Copy files or/and directories * @param string $path * @param string $where * @return boolean */ public function cp($path, $where) { if (!is_dir($where)) return false; if (!is_array($path)) $path = array($path); foreach($path as $file) { if (is_file($file)) copy($file, $where.'/'.$file); else if (is_dir($file)) { $files = $this->tree($file); $this->mkdir($where.'/'.$file); foreach ($files as $f) { if (is_file($f)) copy($f, $where.'/'.$f); else if (is_dir($f)) $this->mkdir($where.'/'.$f); } } } return true; } /** * Return the mod of a file/directory * Credits goes to Ambriel_Angel (www dot ambriels dot net) * @param string $path * @return int */ public function mod($path) { $this->test_var($path, $this->path); // Initialisation $val = 0; $perms = fileperms($path); // Owner; User $val += (($perms & 0x0100) ? 0x0100 : 0x0000); // Read $val += (($perms & 0x0080) ? 0x0080 : 0x0000); // Write $val += (($perms & 0x0040) ? 0x0040 : 0x0000); // Execute // Group $val += (($perms & 0x0020) ? 0x0020 : 0x0000); // Read $val += (($perms & 0x0010) ? 0x0010 : 0x0000); // Write $val += (($perms & 0x0008) ? 0x0008 : 0x0000); // Execute // Global; World $val += (($perms & 0x0004) ? 0x0004 : 0x0000); // Read $val += (($perms & 0x0002) ? 0x0002 : 0x0000); // Write $val += (($perms & 0x0001) ? 0x0001 : 0x0000); // Execute // Misc $val += (($perms & 0x40000) ? 0x40000 : 0x0000); // temporary file (01000000) $val += (($perms & 0x80000) ? 0x80000 : 0x0000); // compressed file (02000000) $val += (($perms & 0x100000) ? 0x100000 : 0x0000); // sparse file (04000000) $val += (($perms & 0x0800) ? 0x0800 : 0x0000); // Hidden file (setuid bit) (04000) $val += (($perms & 0x0400) ? 0x0400 : 0x0000); // System file (setgid bit) (02000) $val += (($perms & 0x0200) ? 0x0200 : 0x0000); // Archive bit (sticky bit) (01000) return decoct($val); } /** * Return infos concerning the entity * @param string $path * @param boolean $withroot * @param boolean $content * @param boolean $byline * @param int $length * @return array */ public function infos($path = null, $withroot = true, $content = true, $byline = false, $length = 1024) { $this->test_var($path, $this->path); if (is_dir($path)) { if ($handle = opendir($path)) { $infos['type'] = 'dir'; $infos['path_infos'] = pathinfo($path); $infos['atime'] = fileatime($path); $infos['ctime'] = filectime($path); $infos['mtime'] = filemtime($path); $infos['chmod'] = $this->mod($path); $infos['owner_id'] = fileowner($path); $infos['owner_infos'] = posix_getpwuid($infos['owner_id']); $infos['group_id'] = filegroup($path); $infos['group_infos'] = posix_getgrgid($infos['group_id']); $infos['dir_count'] = 0; $infos['files_count'] = 0; $infos['size'] = $this->filesize($path); $infos['files'] = array(); $infos['directories'] = array(); while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (is_dir($path.'/'.$file)) { if ($file != '..' && $file != '.' && $file != '') { $infos['dir_count']++; if ($withroot) $infos['directories'][] = $path.'/'.$file; else $infos['directories'][] = $file; } } else if (is_file($path.'/'.$file)) { $infos['files_count']++; if ($withroot) $infos['files'][] = $path.'/'.$file; else $infos['files'][] = $file; } } $infos['files'] = array_map(array($this, 'format_path'), $infos['files']); $infos['directories'] = array_map(array($this, 'format_path'), $infos['directories']); $this->sort_results($infos['directories']); $this->sort_results($infos['files']); closedir($handle); return $infos; } else { return false; } } else if (is_file($path)) { if ($handle = fopen($path, 'r')) { $infos['type'] = 'file'; $infos['path_infos'] = pathinfo($path); $infos['atime'] = fileatime($path); $infos['ctime'] = filectime($path); $infos['mtime'] = filemtime($path); $infos['chmod'] = $this->mod($path); $infos['owner_id'] = fileowner($path); $infos['owner_infos'] = posix_getpwuid($infos['owner_id']); $infos['group_id'] = filegroup($path); $infos['group_infos'] = posix_getgrgid($infos['group_id']); $infos['lines_count'] = 0; $infos['size'] = $this->filesize($path); $infos['md5'] = md5_file($path); $infos['sha1'] = sha1_file($path); if ($content) $infos['content'] = $byline === true ? array() : file_get_contents($path); while (!feof($handle)) { if ($byline && $content) $infos['content'][] = fgets($handle, $length); else fgets($handle, $length); $infos['lines_count']++; } fclose($handle); return $infos; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } /** * Return tree of a directory * @param string $path * @param boolean $expand2files * @return array */ public function tree($path = null, $expand2files = true) { $this->test_var($path, $this->path); $directories = $this->lsd($path); for ($x = 0; $x < count($directories); $x++) { if (!is_dir($directories[$x])) continue; if ($handle = opendir($directories[$x])) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (is_dir($directories[$x]."/".$file)) { if ($file != '..' && $file != '.' && $file != '') { $directories[] = $directories[$x]."/".$file; } } } closedir($handle); } else { $directories[] = false; } } $directories[] = $path; $directories = array_map(array($this, 'format_path'), $directories); if ($expand2files) { foreach ($directories as $dir) { $expanded_directories[] = $dir; if ($handle = opendir($dir)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) if (is_file($dir.'/'.$file)) $expanded_directories[] = $dir.'/'.$file; } else { $expanded_directories[] = false; } } $expanded_directories = array_map(array($this, 'format_path'), $expanded_directories); $this->sort_results($expanded_directories); } else { $this->sort_results($directories); } return $expand2files === true ? $expanded_directories : $directories; } /** * Return the size of an entity * @param string $path * @return int */ public function filesize($path = null) { $this->test_var($path, $this->path); if (is_file($path)) return filesize($path); else { $tree = $this->tree($path); $size = 0; foreach ($tree as $file) if (is_file($file)) $size += filesize($file); return $size; } } /** * Serialize and creates a file with the serial * @param anything $var * @param string $path * @return boolean */ public function serialize($var, $path = null) { $this->test_var($path, $this->path); if($this->mkfile(serialize($var), $path)) return true; else return false; } /** * Unserialize a file * @param string $path * @return array */ public function unserialize($path = null) { $this->test_var($path, $this->path); if(is_file($path)) return unserialize($this->read_file($path)); else return false; } /** * Parse a ini file * @param string $path * @return array */ public function parse_ini($path = null, $whithsection = true) { $this->test_var($path, $this->path); if(is_file($path)) return parse_ini_file($path, $whithsection); else return false; } /** * Make ini file * @param array $content * @param string $path * @return boolean */ public function mkini($content, $path = null) { $this->test_var($path, $this->path); $out = ''; if (!is_array($content)) return false; foreach ($content as $key => $ini) { if (is_array($ini)) { $out .= "\n[".$key."]\n\n"; foreach ($ini as $var => $value) { $out .= $var." \t\t= ".$this->quote_ini($value)."\n"; } } else { $out .= $key." \t\t= ".$this->quote_ini($ini)."\n"; } } return $this->mkfile($out, $path); } /* Private section ------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Set a variable to $default parameter if it's null * @param anything $var * @param anything $default */ private function test_var(&$var, $default) { if (is_null($var) || strlen(trim($var)) === 0) $var = $default; } /** * Replace '//' by '/' in paths * @param string $path * @return string */ private function format_path($path) { return preg_replace('#\/{2,}#', '/', $path); } /** * Quote ini var if needed * @param anything $var * @return anything */ private function quote_ini($var) { return is_string($var) === true ? '"'.str_replace('"', '\"', $var).'"' : $var; } /** * Sort results * @param array $array * @return array */ private function sort_results(&$array) { if (is_array($array)) array_multisort(array_map('strtolower', $array), SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, $array); } } ?>