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/* * Handling of the bitmapped glyphs * * Copyright (c) 2001 by the TTF2PT1 project * Copyright (c) 2001 by Sergey Babkin * * see COPYRIGHT for the full copyright notice */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include "pt1.h" #include "global.h" /* possible values of limits */ #define L_NONE 0 /* nothing here */ #define L_ON 1 /* black is on up/right */ #define L_OFF 2 /* black is on down/left */ static int warnedhints = 0; #ifdef USE_AUTOTRACE #include <autotrace/autotrace.h> /* * Produce an autotraced outline from a bitmap. * scale - factor to scale the sizes * bmap - array of dots by lines, xsz * ysz * xoff, yoff - offset of the bitmap's lower left corner * from the logical position (0,0) */ static void autotraced_bmp_outline( GLYPH *g, int scale, char *bmap, int xsz, int ysz, int xoff, int yoff ) { at_bitmap_type atb; at_splines_type *atsp; at_fitting_opts_type *atoptsp; at_spline_list_type *slp; at_spline_type *sp; int i, j, k; double lastx, lasty; double fscale; char *xbmap; fscale = (double)scale; /* provide a white margin around the bitmap */ xbmap = malloc((ysz+2)*(xsz+2)); if(xbmap == 0) { fprintf (stderr, "****malloc failed %s line %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(255); } memset(xbmap, 0, xsz+2); /* top margin */ for(i=0, j=xsz+2; i<ysz; i++, j+=xsz+2) { xbmap[j] = 0; /* left margin */ memcpy(&xbmap[j+1], &bmap[xsz*(ysz-1-i)], xsz); /* a line of bitmap */ xbmap[j+xsz+1] = 0; /* right margin */ } memset(xbmap+j, 0, xsz+2); /* bottom margin */ xoff--; yoff-=2; /* compensate for the margins */ atoptsp = at_fitting_opts_new(); atb.width = xsz+2; atb.height = ysz+2; = 1; atb.bitmap = xbmap; atsp = at_splines_new(&atb, atoptsp); lastx = lasty = -1.; for(i=0; i<atsp->length; i++) { slp = &atsp->data[i]; #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "%s: contour %d: %d entries clockwise=%d color=%02X%02X%02X\n", g->name, i, slp->length, slp->clockwise, slp->color.r, slp->color.g, slp->color.b); #endif if(slp->length == 0) continue; #if 0 if(slp->color.r + slp->color.g + slp->color.b == 0) continue; #endif fg_rmoveto(g, fscale*(slp->data[0].v[0].x+xoff), fscale*(slp->data[0].v[0].y+yoff)); for(j=0; j<slp->length; j++) { #if 0 fprintf(stderr, " "); for(k=0; k<4; k++) fprintf(stderr, "(%g %g) ", fscale*(slp->data[j].v[k].x+xoff), fscale*(ysz-slp->data[j].v[k].y+yoff) ); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); #endif fg_rrcurveto(g, fscale*(slp->data[j].v[1].x+xoff), fscale*(slp->data[j].v[1].y+yoff), fscale*(slp->data[j].v[2].x+xoff), fscale*(slp->data[j].v[2].y+yoff), fscale*(slp->data[j].v[3].x+xoff), fscale*(slp->data[j].v[3].y+yoff) ); } g_closepath(g); } at_splines_free(atsp); at_fitting_opts_free(atoptsp); free(xbmap); } #endif /*USE_AUTOTRACE*/ /* an extension of gentry for description of the fragments */ typedef struct gex_frag GEX_FRAG; struct gex_frag { /* indexes to len, the exact values and order are important */ #define GEXFI_NONE -1 #define GEXFI_CONVEX 0 #define GEXFI_CONCAVE 1 #define GEXFI_LINE 2 /* a line with steps varying by +-1 pixel */ #define GEXFI_EXACTLINE 3 /* a line with exactly the same steps */ #define GEXFI_SERIF 4 /* small serifs at the ends of stemsi - must be last */ #define GEXFI_COUNT 5 /* maximal index + 1 */ unsigned short len[GEXFI_COUNT]; /* length of various fragment types starting here */ unsigned short lenback[GEXFI_COUNT]; /* length back to the start of curve */ signed char ixstart; /* index of the frag type that starts here */ signed char ixcont; /* index of the frag type that continues here */ short flags; #define GEXFF_HLINE 0x0001 /* the exact line is longer in "horizontal" dimension */ #define GEXFF_EXTR 0x0002 /* this gentry is an extremum in some direction */ #define GEXFF_CIRC 0x0004 /* the joint at this gentry is for a circular curve */ #define GEXFF_DRAWCURVE 0x0008 /* vect[] describes a curve to draw */ #define GEXFF_DRAWLINE 0x0010 /* vect[] describes a line to draw */ #define GEXFF_SPLIT 0x0020 /* is a result of splitting a line */ #define GEXFF_SYMNEXT 0x0040 /* this subfrag is symmetric with next one */ #define GEXFF_DONE 0x0080 /* this subfrag has been vectorized */ #define GEXFF_LONG 0x0100 /* this gentry is longer than 1 pixel */ unsigned short aidx; /* index of gentry in the array representing the contour */ unsigned short vectlen; /* number of gentries represented by vect[] */ /* coordinates for vectored replacement of this fragment */ /* (already scaled because it's needed for curve approximation) */ double vect[4 /*ref.points*/][2 /*X,Y*/]; double bbox[2 /*X,Y*/]; /* absolute sizes of bounding box of a subfragment */ /* used when splitting the curved frags into subfrags */ GENTRY *prevsub; /* to gentries describing neighboring subfrags */ GENTRY *nextsub; GENTRY *ordersub; /* single-linked list describing the order of calculation */ int sublen; /* length of this subfrag */ /* the symmetry across the subfrags */ int symaxis; /* the symmetry axis, with next subfrag */ int symxlen; /* min length of adjacent symmetric frags */ /* the symmetry within this subfrag (the axis is always diagonal) */ GENTRY *symge; /* symge->i{x,y}3 is the symmetry point of symge==0 if none */ }; #define X_FRAG(ge) ((GEX_FRAG *)((ge)->ext)) /* various interesting tables related to GEX_FRAG */ static char *gxf_name[GEXFI_COUNT] = {"Convex", "Concave", "Line", "ExLine", "Serif"}; static int gxf_cvk[2] = {-1, 1}; /* coefficients of concaveness */ /* * Dump the contents of X_EXT()->len and ->lenback for a contour */ static void gex_dump_contour( GENTRY *ge, int clen ) { int i, j; for(j = 0; j < GEXFI_COUNT; j++) { fprintf(stderr, "%-8s", gxf_name[j]); for(i = 0; i < clen; i++, ge = ge->frwd) fprintf(stderr, " %2d", X_FRAG(ge)->len[j]); fprintf(stderr, " %p\n (back) ", ge); for(i = 0; i < clen; i++, ge = ge->frwd) fprintf(stderr, " %2d", X_FRAG(ge)->lenback[j]); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } } /* * Calculate values of X_EXT()->lenback[] for all entries in * a contour. The contour is identified by: * ge - any gentry of the contour * clen - contour length */ static void gex_calc_lenback( GENTRY *ge, int clen ) { int i, j; int end; GEX_FRAG *f; int len[GEXFI_COUNT]; /* length of the most recent fragment */ int count[GEXFI_COUNT]; /* steps since beginning of the fragment */ for(j = 0; j < GEXFI_COUNT; j++) len[j] = count[j] = 0; end = clen; for(i = 0; i < end; i++, ge = ge->frwd) { f = X_FRAG(ge); for(j = 0; j < GEXFI_COUNT; j++) { if(len[j] != count[j]) { f->lenback[j] = count[j]++; } else f->lenback[j] = 0; if(f->len[j] != 0) { len[j] = f->len[j]; count[j] = 1; /* start with the next gentry */ /* if the fragment will wrap over the start, process to its end */ if(i < clen && i + len[j] > end) end = i + len[j]; } } } gex_dump_contour(ge, clen); } /* Limit a curve to not exceed the given coordinates * at its given side */ static void limcurve( double curve[4][2 /*X,Y*/], double lim[2 /*X,Y*/], int where /* 0 - start, 3 - end */ ) { int other = 3-where; /* the other end */ int sgn[2 /*X,Y*/]; /* sign for comparison */ double t, from, to, nt, t2, nt2, tt[4]; double val[2 /*X,Y*/]; int i; for(i=0; i<2; i++) sgn[i] = fsign(curve[other][i] - curve[where][i]); #if 0 fprintf(stderr, " limit (%g,%g)-(%g,%g) at %d by (%g,%g), sgn(%d,%d)\n", curve[0][0], curve[0][1], curve[3][0], curve[3][1], where, lim[0], lim[1], sgn[0], sgn[1]); #endif /* a common special case */ if( sgn[0]*(curve[where][0] - lim[0]) >= 0. && sgn[1]*(curve[where][1] - lim[1]) >= 0. ) return; /* nothing to do */ if(other==0) { from = 0.; to = 1.; } else { from = 1.; to = 0.; } #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "t="); #endif while( fabs(from-to) > 0.00001 ) { t = 0.5 * (from+to); t2 = t*t; nt = 1.-t; nt2 = nt*nt; tt[0] = nt2*nt; tt[1] = 3*nt2*t; tt[2] = 3*nt*t2; tt[3] = t*t2; for(i=0; i<2; i++) val[i] = curve[0][i]*tt[0] + curve[1][i]*tt[1] + curve[2][i]*tt[2] + curve[3][i]*tt[3]; #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "%g(%g,%g) ", t, val[0], val[1]); #endif if(fabs(val[0] - lim[0]) < 0.1 || fabs(val[1] - lim[1]) < 0.1) break; if(sgn[0] * (val[0] - lim[0]) < 0. || sgn[1] * (val[1] - lim[1]) < 0.) to = t; else from = t; } /* now t is the point of splitting */ #define SPLIT(pt1, pt2) ( (pt1) + t*((pt2)-(pt1)) ) /* order is important! */ for(i=0; i<2; i++) { double v11, v12, v13, v21, v22, v31; /* intermediate points */ v11 = SPLIT(curve[0][i], curve[1][i]); v12 = SPLIT(curve[1][i], curve[2][i]); v13 = SPLIT(curve[2][i], curve[3][i]); v21 = SPLIT(v11, v12); v22 = SPLIT(v12, v13); v31 = SPLIT(v21, v22); if(other==0) { curve[1][i] = v11; curve[2][i] = v21; curve[3][i] = fabs(v31 - lim[i]) < 0.1 ? lim[i] : v31; } else { curve[0][i] = fabs(v31 - lim[i]) < 0.1 ? lim[i] : v31; curve[1][i] = v22; curve[2][i] = v13; } } #undef SPLIT #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "\n"); #endif } /* * Vectorize a subfragment of a curve fragment. All the data has been already * collected by this time */ static void dosubfrag( GLYPH *g, int fti, /* fragment type index */ GENTRY *firstge, /* first gentry of fragment */ GENTRY *ge, /* first gentry of subfragment */ double fscale ) { GENTRY *gel, *gei; /* last gentry of this subfrag */ GEX_FRAG *f, *ff, *lf, *pf, *xf; /* maximal amount of space that can be used at the beginning and the end */ double fixfront[2], fixend[2]; /* fixed points - used to show direction */ double mvfront[2], mvend[2]; /* movable points */ double limfront[2], limend[2]; /* limit of movement for movabel points */ double sympt; int outfront, outend; /* the beginning/end is going outwards */ int symfront, symend; /* a ready symmetric fragment is present at front/end */ int drnd[2 /*X,Y*/]; /* size of the round part */ int i, j, a1, a2, ndots; double avg2, max2; /* squared distances */ struct dot_dist *dots, *usedots; ff = X_FRAG(firstge); f = X_FRAG(ge); gel = f->nextsub; lf = X_FRAG(gel); if(f->prevsub != 0) pf = X_FRAG(f->prevsub); else pf = 0; for(i=0; i<2; i++) drnd[i] = gel->bkwd->ipoints[i][2] - ge->ipoints[i][2]; if(f->prevsub==0 && f->ixcont == GEXFI_NONE) { /* nothing to join with : may use the whole length */ for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) limfront[i] = ge->bkwd->ipoints[i][2]; } else { /* limit to a half */ for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) limfront[i] = 0.5 * (ge->ipoints[i][2] + ge->bkwd->ipoints[i][2]); } if( (ge->ix3 == ge->bkwd->ix3) /* vert */ ^ (isign(ge->bkwd->ix3 - ge->frwd->ix3)==isign(ge->bkwd->iy3 - ge->frwd->iy3)) ^ (fti == GEXFI_CONCAVE) /* counter-clockwise */ ) { /* the beginning is not a flat 90-degree end */ outfront = 1; for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) fixfront[i] = ge->frwd->ipoints[i][2]; } else { outfront = 0; for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) fixfront[i] = ge->ipoints[i][2]; } if(lf->nextsub==0 && lf->ixstart == GEXFI_NONE) { /* nothing to join with : may use the whole length */ for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) limend[i] = gel->ipoints[i][2]; } else { /* limit to a half */ for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) limend[i] = 0.5 * (gel->ipoints[i][2] + gel->bkwd->ipoints[i][2]); } gei = gel->bkwd->bkwd; if( (gel->ix3 == gel->bkwd->ix3) /* vert */ ^ (isign(gel->ix3 - gei->ix3)==isign(gel->iy3 - gei->iy3)) ^ (fti == GEXFI_CONVEX) /* clockwise */ ) { /* the end is not a flat 90-degree end */ outend = 1; for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) fixend[i] = gel->bkwd->bkwd->ipoints[i][2]; } else { outend = 0; for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) fixend[i] = gel->bkwd->ipoints[i][2]; } for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { fixfront[i] *= fscale; limfront[i] *= fscale; fixend[i] *= fscale; limend[i] *= fscale; } fprintf(stderr, " %d out(%d[%d %d %d],%d[%d %d %d]) drnd(%d, %d)\n", fti, outfront, (ge->ix3 == ge->bkwd->ix3), (isign(ge->bkwd->ix3 - ge->frwd->ix3)==isign(ge->bkwd->iy3 - ge->frwd->iy3)), (fti == GEXFI_CONCAVE), outend, (gel->ix3 == gel->bkwd->ix3), (isign(gel->ix3 - gei->ix3)==isign(gel->iy3 - gei->iy3)), (fti == GEXFI_CONVEX), drnd[0], drnd[1]); /* prepare to calculate the distances */ ndots = f->sublen - 1; dots = malloc(sizeof(*dots) * ndots); if(dots == 0) { fprintf (stderr, "****malloc failed %s line %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(255); } for(i = 0, gei = ge; i < ndots; i++, gei = gei->frwd) { for(a1 = 0; a1 < 2; a1++) dots[i].p[a1] = fscale * gei->ipoints[a1][2]; } /* see if we can mirror a ready symmetric curve */ /* check symmetry with the fragment before this */ symfront = (pf != 0 && (pf->flags & GEXFF_SYMNEXT) && (pf->flags & GEXFF_DONE) && ( outend && f->sublen <= pf->sublen || ( pf->sublen == f->sublen && (lf->sublen == 0 || ( abs(limfront[0]-limend[0]) >= abs(pf->vect[0][0]-pf->vect[3][0]) && abs(limfront[1]-limend[1]) >= abs(pf->vect[0][1]-pf->vect[3][1]) )) ) ) ); /* check symmetry with the fragment after this */ symend = ( (f->flags & GEXFF_SYMNEXT) && (lf->flags & GEXFF_DONE) && ( outfront && f->sublen <= lf->sublen || ( lf->sublen == f->sublen && (pf == 0 || ( abs(limfront[0]-limend[0]) >= abs(lf->vect[0][0]-lf->vect[3][0]) && abs(limfront[1]-limend[1]) >= abs(lf->vect[0][1]-lf->vect[3][1]) )) ) ) ); if(symfront || symend) { /* mirror the symmetric neighbour subfrag */ if(symfront) { a1 = (ge->ix3 != ge->bkwd->ix3); /* the symmetry axis */ a2 = !a1; /* the other axis (goes along the extremum gentry) */ /* the symmetry point on a2 */ sympt = fscale * 0.5 * (ge->ipoints[a2][2] + ge->bkwd->ipoints[a2][2]); xf = pf; /* the symmetric fragment */ } else { a1 = (gel->ix3 != gel->bkwd->ix3); /* the symmetry axis */ a2 = !a1; /* the other axis (goes along the extremum gentry) */ /* the symmetry point on a2 */ sympt = fscale * 0.5 * (gel->ipoints[a2][2] + gel->bkwd->ipoints[a2][2]); xf = lf; /* the symmetric fragment */ } fprintf(stderr, " sym with %p f=%d(%p) e=%d(%p) a1=%c a2=%c sympt=%g\n", xf, symfront, pf, symend, lf, a1 ? 'Y': 'X', a2 ? 'Y': 'X', sympt ); for(i=0; i<4; i++) { f->vect[3-i][a1] = xf->vect[i][a1]; f->vect[3-i][a2] = sympt - (xf->vect[i][a2]-sympt); } if(symfront) { if(outend || lf->sublen==0) limcurve(f->vect, limend, 3); } else { if(outfront || pf == 0) limcurve(f->vect, limfront, 0); } avg2 = fdotcurvdist2(f->vect, dots, ndots, &max2); fprintf(stderr, " avg=%g max=%g fscale=%g\n", sqrt(avg2), sqrt(max2), fscale); if(max2 <= fscale*fscale) { f->flags |= (GEXFF_DONE | GEXFF_DRAWCURVE); f->vectlen = f->sublen; free(dots); return; } } if( !outfront && !outend && f->symge != 0) { /* a special case: try a circle segment as an approximation */ double lenfront, lenend, len, maxlen; /* coefficient for a Bezier approximation of a circle */ #define CIRCLE_FRAC 0.55 a1 = (ge->ix3 == ge->bkwd->ix3); /* get the axis along the front */ a2 = !a1; /* axis along the end */ lenfront = fixfront[a1] - limfront[a1]; lenend = fixend[a2] - limend[a2]; if(fabs(lenfront) < fabs(lenend)) len = fabs(lenfront); else len = fabs(lenend); /* make it go close to the round shape */ switch(f->sublen) { case 2: maxlen = fscale; break; case 4: case 6: maxlen = fscale * 2.; break; default: maxlen = fscale * abs(ge->frwd->frwd->ipoints[a1][2] - ge->ipoints[a1][2]); break; } if(len > maxlen) len = maxlen; mvfront[a1] = fixfront[a1] - fsign(lenfront) * len; mvfront[a2] = limfront[a2]; mvend[a2] = fixend[a2] - fsign(lenend) * len; mvend[a1] = limend[a1]; for(i=0; i<2; i++) { f->vect[0][i] = mvfront[i]; f->vect[3][i] = mvend[i]; } f->vect[1][a1] = mvfront[a1] + CIRCLE_FRAC*(mvend[a1]-mvfront[a1]); f->vect[1][a2] = mvfront[a2]; f->vect[2][a1] = mvend[a1]; f->vect[2][a2] = mvend[a2] + CIRCLE_FRAC*(mvfront[a2]-mvend[a2]); avg2 = fdotcurvdist2(f->vect, dots, ndots, &max2); fprintf(stderr, " avg=%g max=%g fscale=%g\n", sqrt(avg2), sqrt(max2), fscale); if(max2 <= fscale*fscale) { f->flags |= (GEXFF_DONE | GEXFF_DRAWCURVE); f->vectlen = f->sublen; free(dots); return; } #undef CIRCLE_FRAC } for(i=0; i<2; i++) { f->vect[0][i] = limfront[i]; f->vect[1][i] = fixfront[i]; f->vect[2][i] = fixend[i]; f->vect[3][i] = limend[i]; } usedots = dots; if(outfront) { usedots++; ndots--; } if(outend) ndots--; if( fcrossrayscv(f->vect, NULL, NULL) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "**** Internal error: rays must cross but don't at %p-%p\n", ge, gel); fprintf(stderr, " (%g, %g) (%g, %g) (%g, %g) (%g, %g)\n", limfront[0], limfront[1], fixfront[0], fixfront[1], fixend[0], fixend[1], limend[0], limend[1] ); dumppaths(g, NULL, NULL); exit(1); } else { if(ndots != 0) fapproxcurve(f->vect, usedots, ndots); f->flags |= (GEXFF_DONE | GEXFF_DRAWCURVE); f->vectlen = f->sublen; } free(dots); } /* * Subtract a list of gentries (covered by a fragment of higher * priority) from the set of fragments of a given * type. * * An example is subtraction of the long exact line fragments * from the curve fragments which get overridden. */ static void frag_subtract( GLYPH *g, GENTRY **age, /* array of gentries for this contour */ int clen, /* length of the contour */ GENTRY *ge, /* first gentry to be subtracted */ int slen, /* number of gentries in the list to be subtracted */ int d /* type of fragments from which to subtract, as in GEXFI_... */ ) { GENTRY *pge; GEX_FRAG *f, *pf; int len, i, j; f = X_FRAG(ge); len = slen; /* check if we overlap the end of some fragment */ if(f->lenback[d]) { /* chop off the end of conflicting fragment */ len = f->lenback[d]; pge = age[(f->aidx + clen - len)%clen]; pf = X_FRAG(pge); if(pf->len[d] == clen+1 && pf->flags & GEXFF_CIRC) { /* the conflicting fragment is self-connected */ pf->len[d] = 0; /* calculate the new value for lenback */ len = clen+1 - slen; for(pge = ge; len > 0; pge = pge->bkwd, len--) X_FRAG(pge)->lenback[d] = len; /* now pge points to the last entry of the line, * which is also the new first entry of the curve */ X_FRAG(pge)->len[d] = clen+2 - slen; /* clean lenback of gentries covered by the line */ for(pge = ge->frwd, j = slen-1; j > 0; pge = pge->frwd, j--) X_FRAG(pge)->lenback[d] = 0; fprintf(stderr, " cut %s circular frag to %p-%p\n", gxf_name[d], pge, ge); gex_dump_contour(ge, clen); } else { /* when we chop off a piece of fragment, we leave the remaining * piece(s) overlapping with the beginning and possibly the end * of the line fragment under consideration */ fprintf(stderr, " cut %s frag at %p from len=%d to len=%d (end %p)\n", gxf_name[d], pge, pf->len[d], len+1, ge); j = pf->len[d] - len - 1; /* how many gentries are chopped off */ pf->len[d] = len + 1; i = slen - 1; for(pge = ge->frwd; j > 0 && i > 0; j--, i--, pge = pge->frwd) X_FRAG(pge)->lenback[d] = 0; gex_dump_contour(ge, clen); if(j != 0) { /* the conflicting fragment is split in two by this line * fragment, fix up its tail */ fprintf(stderr, " end of %s frag len=%d %p-", gxf_name[d], j+1, pge->bkwd); X_FRAG(pge->bkwd)->len[d] = j+1; /* the overlapping */ for(i = 1; j > 0; j--, i++, pge = pge->frwd) X_FRAG(pge)->lenback[d] = i; fprintf(stderr, "%p\n", pge->bkwd); gex_dump_contour(ge, clen); } } } /* check if we overlap the beginning of some fragments */ i = slen-1; /* getntries remaining to consider */ j = 0; /* gentries remaining in the overlapping fragment */ for(pge = ge; i > 0; i--, pge = pge->frwd) { if(j > 0) { X_FRAG(pge)->lenback[d] = 0; j--; } /* the beginning of one fragment may be the end of another * fragment, in this case if j-- above results in 0, that will * cause it to check the same gentry for the beginning */ if(j == 0) { pf = X_FRAG(pge); j = pf->len[d]; if(j != 0) { fprintf(stderr, " removed %s frag at %p len=%d\n", gxf_name[d], pge, j); gex_dump_contour(ge, clen); pf->len[d] = 0; j--; } } } /* pge points at the last gentry of the line fragment */ if(j > 1) { /* we have the tail of a fragment left */ fprintf(stderr, " end of %s frag len=%d %p-", gxf_name[d], j, pge); X_FRAG(pge)->len[d] = j; /* the overlapping */ for(i = 0; j > 0; j--, i++, pge = pge->frwd) X_FRAG(pge)->lenback[d] = i; fprintf(stderr, "%p\n", pge->bkwd); gex_dump_contour(ge, clen); } else if(j == 1) { X_FRAG(pge)->lenback[d] = 0; } } /* * Produce an outline from a bitmap. * scale - factor to scale the sizes * bmap - array of dots by lines, xsz * ysz * xoff, yoff - offset of the bitmap's lower left corner * from the logical position (0,0) */ void bmp_outline( GLYPH *g, int scale, char *bmap, int xsz, int ysz, int xoff, int yoff ) { char *hlm, *vlm; /* arrays of the limits of outlines */ char *amp; /* map of ambiguous points */ int x, y; char *ip, *op; double fscale; if(xsz==0 || ysz==0) return; #ifdef USE_AUTOTRACE if(use_autotrace) { autotraced_bmp_outline(g, scale, bmap, xsz, ysz, xoff, yoff); return; } #endif /*USE_AUTOTRACE*/ fscale = (double)scale; g->flags &= ~GF_FLOAT; /* build it as int first */ if(!warnedhints) { warnedhints = 1; if(hints && subhints) { WARNING_2 fprintf(stderr, "Use of hint substitution on bitmap fonts is not recommended\n"); } } #if 0 printbmap(bmap, xsz, ysz, xoff, yoff); #endif /* now find the outlines */ hlm=calloc( xsz, ysz+1 ); /* horizontal limits */ vlm=calloc( xsz+1, ysz ); /* vertical limits */ amp=calloc( xsz, ysz ); /* ambiguous points */ if(hlm==0 || vlm==0 || amp==0) { fprintf (stderr, "****malloc failed %s line %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(255); } /* * hlm and vlm represent a grid of horisontal and * vertical lines. Each pixel is surrounded by the grid * from all the sides. The values of [hv]lm mark the * parts of grid where the pixel value switches from white * to black and back. */ /* find the horizontal limits */ ip=bmap; op=hlm; /* 1st row */ for(x=0; x<xsz; x++) { if(ip[x]) op[x]=L_ON; } ip+=xsz; op+=xsz; /* internal rows */ for(y=1; y<ysz; y++) { for(x=0; x<xsz; x++) { if(ip[x]) { if(!ip[x-xsz]) op[x]=L_ON; } else { if(ip[x-xsz]) op[x]=L_OFF; } } ip+=xsz; op+=xsz; } /* last row */ ip-=xsz; for(x=0; x<xsz; x++) { if(ip[x]) op[x]=L_OFF; } /* find the vertical limits */ ip=bmap; op=vlm; for(y=0; y<ysz; y++) { if(ip[0]) op[0]=L_ON; for(x=1; x<xsz; x++) { if(ip[x]) { if(!ip[x-1]) op[x]=L_ON; } else { if(ip[x-1]) op[x]=L_OFF; } } if(ip[xsz-1]) op[xsz]=L_OFF; ip+=xsz; op+=xsz+1; } /* * Ambiguous points are the nodes of the grids * that are between two white and two black pixels * located in a checkerboard style. Actually * there are only two patterns that may be * around an ambiguous point: * * X|. .|X * -*- -*- * .|X X|. * * where "|" and "-" represent the grid (respectively members * of vlm and hlm), "*" represents an ambiguous point * and "X" and "." represent black and white pixels. * * If these sample pattern occur in the lower left corner * of the bitmap then this ambiguous point will be * located at amp[1][1] or in other words amp[1*xsz+1]. * * These points are named "ambiguous" because it's * not easy to guess what did the font creator mean * at these points. So we are going to treat them * specially, doing no aggressive smoothing. */ /* find the ambiguous points */ for(y=ysz-1; y>0; y--) for(x=xsz-1; x>0; x--) { if(bmap[y*xsz+x]) { if( !bmap[y*xsz+x-1] && !bmap[y*xsz-xsz+x] && bmap[y*xsz-xsz+x-1] ) amp[y*xsz+x]=1; } else { if( bmap[y*xsz+x-1] && bmap[y*xsz-xsz+x] && !bmap[y*xsz-xsz+x-1] ) amp[y*xsz+x]=1; } } #if 0 printlimits(hlm, vlm, amp, xsz, ysz); #endif /* generate the vectored (stepping) outline */ while(1) { int found = 0; int outer; /* flag: this is an outer contour */ int hor, newhor; /* flag: the current contour direction is horizontal */ int dir; /* previous direction of the coordinate, 1 - L_ON, 0 - L_OFF */ int startx, starty; /* start of a contour */ int firstx, firsty; /* start of the current line */ int newx, newy; /* new coordinates to try */ char *lm, val; int maxx, maxy, xor; for(y=ysz; !found && y>0; y--) for(x=0; x<xsz; x++) if(hlm[y*xsz+x] > L_NONE) goto foundcontour; break; /* have no contours left */ foundcontour: ig_rmoveto(g, x+xoff, y+yoff); /* intermediate as int */ startx = firstx = x; starty = firsty = y; if(hlm[y*xsz+x] == L_OFF) { outer = 1; dir = 0; hlm[y*xsz+x] = -hlm[y*xsz+x]; /* mark as seen */ hor = 1; x++; } else { outer = 0; dir = 0; hor = 0; y--; vlm[y*(xsz+1)+x] = -vlm[y*(xsz+1)+x]; /* mark as seen */ } while(x!=startx || y!=starty) { #if 0 printf("trace (%d, %d) outer=%d hor=%d dir=%d\n", x, y, outer, hor, dir); #endif /* initialization common for try1 and try2 */ if(hor) { lm = vlm; maxx = xsz+1; maxy = ysz; newhor = 0; } else { lm = hlm; maxx = xsz; maxy = ysz+1; newhor = 1; } xor = (outer ^ hor ^ dir); try1: /* first we try to change axis, to keep the * contour as long as possible */ newx = x; newy = y; if(!hor && (!outer ^ dir)) newx--; if(hor && (!outer ^ dir)) newy--; if(newx < 0 || newx >= maxx || newy < 0 || newy >= maxy) goto try2; if(!xor) val = L_ON; else val = L_OFF; #if 0 printf("try 1, want %d have %d at %c(%d, %d)\n", val, lm[newy*maxx + newx], (newhor ? 'h':'v'), newx, newy); #endif if( lm[newy*maxx + newx] == val ) goto gotit; try2: /* try to change the axis anyway */ newx = x; newy = y; if(!hor && (outer ^ dir)) newx--; if(hor && (outer ^ dir)) newy--; if(newx < 0 || newx >= maxx || newy < 0 || newy >= maxy) goto try3; if(xor) val = L_ON; else val = L_OFF; #if 0 printf("try 2, want %d have %d at %c(%d, %d)\n", val, lm[newy*maxx + newx], (newhor ? 'h':'v'), newx, newy); #endif if( lm[newy*maxx + newx] == val ) goto gotit; try3: /* try to continue in the old direction */ if(hor) { lm = hlm; maxx = xsz; maxy = ysz+1; } else { lm = vlm; maxx = xsz+1; maxy = ysz; } newhor = hor; newx = x; newy = y; if(hor && dir) newx--; if(!hor && !dir) newy--; if(newx < 0 || newx >= maxx || newy < 0 || newy >= maxy) goto badtry; if(dir) val = L_ON; else val = L_OFF; #if 0 printf("try 3, want %d have %d at %c(%d, %d)\n", val, lm[newy*maxx + newx], (newhor ? 'h':'v'), newx, newy); #endif if( lm[newy*maxx + newx] == val ) goto gotit; badtry: fprintf(stderr, "**** Internal error in the contour detection code at (%d, %d)\n", x, y); fprintf(stderr, "glyph='%s' outer=%d hor=%d dir=%d\n", g->name, outer, hor, dir); fflush(stdout); exit(1); gotit: if(hor != newhor) { /* changed direction, end the previous line */ ig_rlineto(g, x+xoff, y+yoff); /* intermediate as int */ firstx = x; firsty = y; } lm[newy*maxx + newx] = -lm[newy*maxx + newx]; hor = newhor; dir = (val == L_ON); if(newhor) x -= (dir<<1)-1; else y += (dir<<1)-1; } #if 0 printf("trace (%d, %d) outer=%d hor=%d dir=%d\n", x, y, outer, hor, dir); #endif ig_rlineto(g, x+xoff, y+yoff); /* intermediate as int */ g_closepath(g); } /* try to vectorize the curves and sloped lines in the bitmap */ if(vectorize) { GENTRY *ge, *pge, *cge, *loopge; int i; int skip; dumppaths(g, NULL, NULL); /* allocate the extensions */ for(cge=g->entries; cge!=0; cge=cge->next) { cge->ext = calloc(1, sizeof(GEX_FRAG) ); if(cge->ext == 0) { fprintf (stderr, "****malloc failed %s line %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(255); } } for(cge=g->entries; cge!=0; cge=cge->next) { if(cge->type != GE_MOVE) continue; /* we've found the beginning of a contour */ { int d, vert, count, stepmore, delaystop; int vdir, hdir, fullvdir, fullhdir, len; int dx, dy, lastdx, lastdy; int k1, k2, reversal, smooth, good; int line[2 /*H,V*/], maxlen[2 /*H,V*/], minlen[2 /*H,V*/]; GENTRY **age; /* array of gentries in a contour */ int clen; /* contour length, size of ths array */ int i, j; GEX_FRAG *f; /* we know that all the contours start at the top-left corner, * so at most it might be before/after the last element of * the last/first fragment */ ge = cge->next; pge = ge->bkwd; if(ge->ix3 == pge->ix3) { /* a vertical line */ /* we want to start always from a horizontal line because * then we always start from top and that is quaranteed to be a * fragment boundary, so move the start point of the contour */ pge->prev->next = pge->next; pge->next->prev = pge->prev; cge->next = pge; pge->prev = cge; pge->next = ge; ge->prev = pge; ge = pge; pge = ge->bkwd; cge->ix3 = pge->ix3; cge->iy3 = pge->iy3; } /* fill the array of gentries */ clen = 1; for(ge = cge->next->frwd; ge != cge->next; ge = ge->frwd) clen++; age = (GENTRY **)malloc(sizeof(*age) * clen); ge = cge->next; count = 0; do { age[count] = ge; X_FRAG(ge)->aidx = count++; /* and by the way find the extremums */ for(i=0; i<2; i++) { if( isign(ge->frwd->ipoints[i][2] - ge->ipoints[i][2]) * isign(ge->bkwd->bkwd->ipoints[i][2] - ge->bkwd->ipoints[i][2]) == 1) { X_FRAG(ge)->flags |= GEXFF_EXTR; fprintf(stderr, " %s extremum at %p\n", (i?"vert":"hor"), ge); } if(abs(ge->ipoints[i][2] - ge->bkwd->ipoints[i][2]) > 1) X_FRAG(ge)->flags |= GEXFF_LONG; } ge = ge->frwd; } while(ge != cge->next); /* Find the serif fragments, looking as either of: * -+ | * | | * +-+ +-+ * | | * +--... +--... * with the thickness of serifs being 1 pixel. We make no * difference between serifs on vertical and horizontal stems. */ ge = cge->next; do { GENTRY *nge; int pdx, pdy, ndx, ndy; /* two gentries of length 1 mean a potential serif */ pge = ge->bkwd; nge = ge->frwd; dx = nge->ix3 - pge->ix3; dy = nge->iy3 - pge->iy3; if(abs(dx) != 1 || abs(dy) != 1) /* 2 small ones */ continue; if( (!(X_FRAG(ge)->flags & GEXFF_EXTR) || !(X_FRAG(ge->bkwd)->flags & GEXFF_EXTR)) && (!(X_FRAG(ge->frwd)->flags & GEXFF_EXTR) || !(X_FRAG(ge->frwd->frwd)->flags & GEXFF_EXTR)) ) continue; /* either side must be a couple of extremums */ pdx = pge->ix3 - pge->bkwd->ix3; pdy = pge->iy3 - pge->bkwd->iy3; ndx = nge->frwd->ix3 - nge->ix3; ndy = nge->frwd->iy3 - nge->iy3; if(pdx*dx + pdy*dy > 0 && ndx*dx + ndy*dy > 0) continue; /* definitely not a serif but a round corner */ if(abs(pdx) + abs(pdy) == 1 || abs(ndx) + abs(ndy) == 1) continue; /* we've found a serif including this and next gentry */ X_FRAG(ge)->len[GEXFI_SERIF] = 2; } while( (ge = ge->frwd) != cge->next ); /* Find the convex and concave fragments, defined as: * convex (clockwise): dy/dx <= dy0/dx0, * or a reversal: dy/dx == - dy0/dx0 && abs(dxthis) == 1 && dy/dx > 0 * concave (counter-clockwise): dy/dx >= dy0/dx0, * or a reversal: dy/dx == - dy0/dx0 && abs(dxthis) == 1 && dy/dx < 0 * * Where dx and dy are measured between the end of this gentry * and the start of the previous one (dx0 and dy0 are the same * thing calculated for the previous gentry and its previous one), * dxthis is between the end and begginning of this gentry. * * A reversal is a situation when the curve changes its direction * along the x axis, so it passes through a momentary vertical * direction. */ for(d = GEXFI_CONVEX; d<= GEXFI_CONCAVE; d++) { ge = cge->next; pge = ge->bkwd; /* the beginning of the fragment */ count = 1; lastdx = pge->ix3 - pge->bkwd->bkwd->ix3; lastdy = pge->iy3 - pge->bkwd->bkwd->iy3; #define CHKCURVCONN(ge, msg) do { \ dx = (ge)->ix3 - (ge)->bkwd->bkwd->ix3; \ dy = (ge)->iy3 - (ge)->bkwd->bkwd->iy3; \ if(0 && msg) { \ fprintf(stderr, " %p: dx=%d dy=%d dx0=%d dy0=%d ", \ (ge), dx, dy, lastdx, lastdy); \ } \ k1 = X_FRAG(ge)->flags; \ k2 = X_FRAG((ge)->bkwd)->flags; \ if(0 && msg) { \ fprintf(stderr, "fl=%c%c%c%c ", \ (k1 & GEXFF_EXTR) ? 'X' : '-', \ (k1 & GEXFF_LONG) ? 'L' : '-', \ (k2 & GEXFF_EXTR) ? 'X' : '-', \ (k2 & GEXFF_LONG) ? 'L' : '-' \ ); \ } \ if( (k1 & GEXFF_EXTR) && (k2 & GEXFF_LONG) \ || (k2 & GEXFF_EXTR) && (k1 & GEXFF_LONG) ) { \ smooth = 0; \ good = reversal = -1; /* for debugging */ \ } else { \ k1 = dy * lastdx; \ k2 = lastdy * dx; \ smooth = (abs(dx)==1 || abs(dy)==1); \ good = (k1 - k2)*gxf_cvk[d] >= 0; \ if(smooth && !good) { \ reversal = (k1 == -k2 && abs((ge)->ix3 - (ge)->bkwd->ix3)==1 \ && dy*dx*gxf_cvk[d] < 0); \ } else \ reversal = 0; \ } \ if(0 && msg) { \ fprintf(stderr, "k1=%d k2=%d pge=%p count=%d %s good=%d rev=%d\n", \ k1, k2, pge, count, gxf_name[d], good, reversal); \ } \ } while(0) do { CHKCURVCONN(ge, 1); if(smooth && (good || reversal) ) count++; else { /* can't continue */ #if 0 if(count >= 4) { /* worth remembering */ fprintf(stderr, " %s frag %p-%p count=%d\n", gxf_name[d], pge, ge->bkwd, count); } #endif X_FRAG(pge)->len[d] = count; if(smooth) { pge = ge->bkwd; count = 2; } else { pge = ge; count = 1; } } lastdx = dx; lastdy = dy; ge = ge->frwd; } while(ge != cge->next); /* see if we can connect the last fragment to the first */ CHKCURVCONN(ge, 1); if(smooth && (good || reversal) ) { /* -1 to avoid ge->bkwd being counted twice */ if( X_FRAG(ge->bkwd)->len[d] >= 2 ) count += X_FRAG(ge->bkwd)->len[d] - 1; else if(count == clen+1) { /* we are joining a circular (closed) curve, check whether it * can be joined at any point or whether it has a discontinuity * at the point where we join it now */ lastdx = dx; lastdy = dy; CHKCURVCONN(ge->frwd, 0); if(smooth && (good || reversal) ) { /* yes, the curve is truly a circular one and can be * joined at any point */ #if 0 fprintf(stderr, " found a circular joint point at %p\n", pge); #endif /* make sure that in a circular fragment we start from an extremum */ while( ! (X_FRAG(pge)->flags & GEXFF_EXTR) ) pge = pge->frwd; X_FRAG(pge)->flags |= GEXFF_CIRC; } } #if 0 fprintf(stderr, " %s joined %p to %p count=%d bk_count=%d\n", gxf_name[d], pge, ge->bkwd, count, X_FRAG(ge->bkwd)->len[d] ); #endif X_FRAG(ge->bkwd)->len[d] = 0; } X_FRAG(pge)->len[d] = count; #if 0 if(count >= 4) { /* worth remembering */ fprintf(stderr, " %s last frag %p-%p count=%d\n", gxf_name[d], pge, ge->bkwd, count); } #endif #undef CHKCURVCONN /* do postprocessing */ ge = cge->next; do { f = X_FRAG(ge); len = f->len[d]; #if 0 fprintf(stderr, " %p %s len=%d clen=%d\n", ge, gxf_name[d], len, clen); #endif if(len < 3) /* get rid of the fragments that are too short */ f->len[d] = 0; else if(len == 3) { /* _ * drop the |_| - shaped fragments, leave alone the _| - shaped * (and even those only if not too short in pixels), * those left alone are further filtered later */ k1 = (ge->ix3 == ge->bkwd->ix3); /* axis of the start */ if(isign(ge->ipoints[k1][2] - ge->bkwd->ipoints[k1][2]) != isign(ge->frwd->ipoints[k1][2] - ge->frwd->frwd->ipoints[k1][2]) && abs(ge->frwd->frwd->ipoints[k1][2] - ge->bkwd->ipoints[k1][2]) > 2) { #if 0 fprintf(stderr, " %s frag %p count=%d good shape\n", gxf_name[d], ge, count); #endif } else f->len[d] = 0; } else if(len == clen+1) break; /* a closed fragment, nothing else interesting */ else { /* only for open fragments */ GENTRY *gem, *gex, *gei, *ges; ges = ge; /* the start entry */ gem = age[(f->aidx + f->len[d])%clen]; /* entry past the end of the fragment */ gei = ge->frwd; if( (ge->ix3 == ge->bkwd->ix3) /* vert */ ^ (isign(ge->bkwd->ix3 - gei->ix3)==isign(ge->bkwd->iy3 - gei->iy3)) ^ !(d == GEXFI_CONVEX) /* counter-clockwise */ ) { #if 0 fprintf(stderr, " %p: %s potential spurious start\n", ge, gxf_name[d]); #endif /* the beginning may be a spurious entry */ gex = 0; /* the extremum closest to the beginning - to be found */ for(gei = ge->frwd; gei != gem; gei = gei->frwd) { if(X_FRAG(gei)->flags & GEXFF_EXTR) { gex = gei; break; } } if(gex == 0) gex = gem->bkwd; /* A special case: ignore the spurious ends on small curves that * either enclose an 1-pixel-wide extremum or are 1-pixel deep. * Any 5-or-less-pixel-long curve with extremum 2 steps away * qualifies for that. */ if(len <= 5 && gex == ge->frwd->frwd) { good = 0; #if 0 fprintf(stderr, " E"); #endif } else { good = 1; /* assume that ge is not spurious */ /* gei goes backwards, gex goes forwards from the extremum */ gei = gex; /* i is the symmetry axis, j is the other axis (X=0 Y=1) */ i = (gex->ix3 != gex->bkwd->ix3); j = !i; for( ; gei!=ge && gex!=gem; gei=gei->bkwd, gex=gex->frwd) { if( gei->bkwd->ipoints[i][2] != gex->ipoints[i][2] || gei->bkwd->ipoints[j][2] - gei->ipoints[j][2] != gex->bkwd->ipoints[j][2] - gex->ipoints[j][2] ) { good = 0; /* no symmetry - must be spurious */ #if 0 fprintf(stderr, " M(%p,%p)(%d %d,%d)(%d %d,%d)", gei, gex, i, gei->bkwd->ipoints[i][2], gex->ipoints[i][2], j, gei->bkwd->ipoints[j][2] - gei->ipoints[j][2], gex->bkwd->ipoints[j][2] - gex->ipoints[j][2] ); #endif break; } } if(gex == gem) { /* oops, the other side is too short */ good = 0; #if 0 fprintf(stderr, " X"); #endif } if(good && gei == ge) { if( isign(gei->bkwd->ipoints[j][2] - gei->ipoints[j][2]) != isign(gex->bkwd->ipoints[j][2] - gex->ipoints[j][2]) ) { good = 0; /* oops, goes into another direction */ #if 0 fprintf(stderr, " D"); #endif } } } if(!good) { /* it is spurious, drop it */ #if 0 fprintf(stderr, " %p: %s spurious start\n", ge, gxf_name[d]); #endif f->len[d] = 0; ges = ge->frwd; len--; X_FRAG(ges)->len[d] = len; } } gei = gem->bkwd->bkwd->bkwd; if( (gem->ix3 != gem->bkwd->ix3) /* gem->bkwd is vert */ ^ (isign(gem->bkwd->ix3 - gei->ix3)==isign(gem->bkwd->iy3 - gei->iy3)) ^ (d == GEXFI_CONVEX) /* clockwise */ ) { #if 0 fprintf(stderr, " %p: %s potential spurious end\n", gem->bkwd, gxf_name[d]); #endif /* the end may be a spurious entry */ gex = 0; /* the extremum closest to the end - to be found */ for(gei = gem->bkwd->bkwd; gei != ges->bkwd; gei = gei->bkwd) { if(X_FRAG(gei)->flags & GEXFF_EXTR) { gex = gei; break; } } if(gex == 0) gex = ges; good = 1; /* assume that gem->bkwd is not spurious */ /* gei goes backwards, gex goes forwards from the extremum */ gei = gex; /* i is the symmetry axis, j is the other axis (X=0 Y=1) */ i = (gex->ix3 != gex->bkwd->ix3); j = !i; for( ; gei!=ges->bkwd && gex!=gem->bkwd; gei=gei->bkwd, gex=gex->frwd) { if( gei->bkwd->ipoints[i][2] != gex->ipoints[i][2] || gei->bkwd->ipoints[j][2] - gei->ipoints[j][2] != gex->bkwd->ipoints[j][2] - gex->ipoints[j][2] ) { good = 0; /* no symmetry - must be spurious */ #if 0 fprintf(stderr, " M(%p,%p)(%d %d,%d)(%d %d,%d)", gei, gex, i, gei->bkwd->ipoints[i][2], gex->ipoints[i][2], j, gei->bkwd->ipoints[j][2] - gei->ipoints[j][2], gex->bkwd->ipoints[j][2] - gex->ipoints[j][2] ); #endif break; } } if(gei == ges->bkwd) { /* oops, the other side is too short */ good = 0; #if 0 fprintf(stderr, " X"); #endif } if(good && gex == gem->bkwd) { if( isign(gei->bkwd->ipoints[j][2] - gei->ipoints[j][2]) != isign(gex->bkwd->ipoints[j][2] - gex->ipoints[j][2]) ) { good = 0; /* oops, goes into another direction */ #if 0 fprintf(stderr, " D"); #endif } } if(!good) { /* it is spurious, drop it */ #if 0 fprintf(stderr, " %p: %s spurious end\n", gem->bkwd, gxf_name[d]); #endif X_FRAG(ges)->len[d] = --len; } } if(len < 4) { X_FRAG(ges)->len[d] = 0; #if 0 fprintf(stderr, " %p: %s frag discarded, too small now\n", ge, gxf_name[d]); #endif } if(ges != ge) { if(ges == cge->next) break; /* went around the loop */ else { ge = ges->frwd; /* don't look at this fragment twice */ continue; } } } ge = ge->frwd; } while(ge != cge->next); } /* Find the straight line fragments. * Even though the lines are sloped, they are called * "vertical" or "horizontal" according to their longer * dimension. All the steps in the shother dimension must * be 1 pixel long, all the steps in the longer dimension * must be within the difference of 1 pixel. */ for(d = GEXFI_LINE; d<= GEXFI_EXACTLINE; d++) { ge = cge->next; pge = ge->bkwd; /* the beginning of the fragment */ count = 1; delaystop = 0; do { int h; stepmore = 0; hdir = isign(ge->ix3 - ge->bkwd->ix3); vdir = isign(ge->iy3 - ge->bkwd->iy3); vert = (hdir == 0); if(count==1) { /* at this point pge==ge->bkwd */ /* account for the previous gentry, which was !vert */ if(!vert) { /* prev was vertical */ maxlen[0] = minlen[0] = 0; maxlen[1] = minlen[1] = abs(pge->iy3 - pge->bkwd->iy3); line[0] = (maxlen[1] == 1); line[1] = 1; fullhdir = hdir; fullvdir = isign(pge->iy3 - pge->bkwd->iy3); } else { maxlen[0] = minlen[0] = abs(pge->ix3 - pge->bkwd->ix3); maxlen[1] = minlen[1] = 0; line[0] = 1; line[1] = (maxlen[0] == 1); fullhdir = isign(pge->ix3 - pge->bkwd->ix3); fullvdir = vdir; } } h = line[0]; /* remember the prevalent direction */ #if 0 fprintf(stderr, " %p: v=%d(%d) h=%d(%d) vl(%d,%d,%d) hl=(%d,%d,%d) %s count=%d ", ge, vdir, fullvdir, hdir, fullhdir, line[1], minlen[1], maxlen[1], line[0], minlen[0], maxlen[0], gxf_name[d], count); #endif if(vert) { if(vdir != fullvdir) line[0] = line[1] = 0; len = abs(ge->iy3 - ge->bkwd->iy3); } else { if(hdir != fullhdir) line[0] = line[1] = 0; len = abs(ge->ix3 - ge->bkwd->ix3); } #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "len=%d\n", len); #endif if(len != 1) /* this is not a continuation in the short dimension */ line[!vert] = 0; /* can it be a continuation in the long dimension ? */ if( line[vert] ) { if(maxlen[vert]==0) maxlen[vert] = minlen[vert] = len; else if(maxlen[vert]==minlen[vert]) { if(d == GEXFI_EXACTLINE) { if(len != maxlen[vert]) line[vert] = 0; /* it can't */ } else if(len < maxlen[vert]) { if(len < minlen[vert]-1) line[vert] = 0; /* it can't */ else minlen[vert] = len; } else { if(len > maxlen[vert]+1) line[vert] = 0; /* it can't */ else maxlen[vert] = len; } } else if(len < minlen[vert] || len > maxlen[vert]) line[vert] = 0; /* it can't */ } if(line[0] == 0 && line[1] == 0) { #if 0 if(count >= 3) fprintf(stderr, " %s frag %p-%p count=%d\n", gxf_name[d], pge, ge->bkwd, count); #endif X_FRAG(pge)->len[d] = count; if(d == GEXFI_EXACTLINE && h) { X_FRAG(pge)->flags |= GEXFF_HLINE; } if(count == 1) pge = ge; else { stepmore = 1; /* may reconsider the 1st gentry */ pge = ge = ge->bkwd; count = 1; } } else count++; ge = ge->frwd; if(ge == cge->next && !stepmore) delaystop = 1; /* consider the first gentry again */ } while(stepmore || ge != cge->next ^ delaystop); /* see if there is an unfinished line left */ if(count != 1) { #if 0 if(count >= 3) fprintf(stderr, " %s frag %p-%p count=%d\n", gxf_name[d], pge, ge->bkwd, count); #endif X_FRAG(ge->bkwd->bkwd)->len[d] = 0; X_FRAG(pge)->len[d] = count; } } /* do postprocessing of the lines */ #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "Line postprocessing\n"); gex_dump_contour(cge->next, clen); #endif /* the non-exact line frags are related to exact line frags sort * of like to individual gentries: two kinds of exact frags * must be interleaved, with one kind having the size of 3 * and the other kind having the size varying within +-2. */ ge = cge->next; do { GEX_FRAG *pf, *lastf1, *lastf2; int len1, len2, fraglen; f = X_FRAG(ge); fraglen = f->len[GEXFI_LINE]; if(fraglen >= 4) { vert = 0; /* vert is a pseudo-directon */ line[0] = line[1] = 1; maxlen[0] = minlen[0] = maxlen[1] = minlen[1] = 0; lastf2 = lastf1 = f; len2 = len1 = 0; for(pge = ge, i = 1; i < fraglen; i++, pge=pge->frwd) { pf = X_FRAG(pge); len = pf->len[GEXFI_EXACTLINE]; #if 0 fprintf(stderr, " pge=%p i=%d of %d ge=%p exLen=%d\n", pge, i, f->len[GEXFI_LINE], ge, len); #endif len1++; len2++; if(len==0) { continue; } vert = !vert; /* alternate the pseudo-direction */ if(len > 3) line[!vert] = 0; if(maxlen[vert] == 0) maxlen[vert] = minlen[vert] = len; else if(maxlen[vert]-2 >= len && minlen[vert]+2 <= len) { if(len > maxlen[vert]) maxlen[vert] = len; else if(len < minlen[vert]) minlen[vert] = len; } else line[vert] = 0; if(line[0] == 0 && line[1] == 0) { #if 0 fprintf(stderr, " Line breaks at %p %c(%d, %d) %c(%d, %d) len=%d fl=%d l2=%d l1=%d\n", pge, (!vert)?'*':' ', minlen[0], maxlen[0], vert?'*':' ', minlen[1], maxlen[1], len, fraglen, len2, len1); #endif if(lastf2 != lastf1) { lastf2->len[GEXFI_LINE] = len2-len1; } lastf1->len[GEXFI_LINE] = len1+1; pf->len[GEXFI_LINE] = fraglen+1 - i; #if 0 gex_dump_contour(pge, clen); #endif /* continue with the line */ vert = 0; /* vert is a pseudo-directon */ line[0] = line[1] = 1; maxlen[0] = minlen[0] = maxlen[1] = minlen[1] = 0; lastf2 = lastf1 = f; len2 = len1 = 0; } else { lastf1 = pf; len1 = 0; } } } ge = ge->frwd; } while(ge != cge->next); #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "Line postprocessing part 2\n"); gex_dump_contour(cge->next, clen); #endif ge = cge->next; do { f = X_FRAG(ge); if(f->len[GEXFI_LINE] >= 4) { len = f->len[GEXFI_EXACTLINE]; /* if a non-exact line covers precisely two exact lines, * split it */ if(len > 0 && f->len[GEXFI_LINE] >= len+1) { GEX_FRAG *pf; pge = age[(f->aidx + len - 1)%clen]; /* last gentry of exact line */ pf = X_FRAG(pge); if(f->len[GEXFI_LINE] + 1 == len + pf->len[GEXFI_EXACTLINE]) { f->len[GEXFI_LINE] = len; f->flags |= GEXFF_SPLIT; pf->len[GEXFI_LINE] = pf->len[GEXFI_EXACTLINE]; pf->flags |= GEXFF_SPLIT; } } } ge = ge->frwd; } while(ge != cge->next); #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "Line postprocessing part 2a\n"); gex_dump_contour(cge->next, clen); #endif ge = cge->next; do { f = X_FRAG(ge); /* too small lines are of no interest */ if( (f->flags & GEXFF_SPLIT)==0 && f->len[GEXFI_LINE] < 4) f->len[GEXFI_LINE] = 0; len = f->len[GEXFI_EXACTLINE]; /* too small exact lines are of no interest */ if(len < 3) /* exact lines may be shorter */ f->len[GEXFI_EXACTLINE] = 0; /* get rid of inexact additions to the end of the exact lines */ else if(f->len[GEXFI_LINE] == len+1) f->len[GEXFI_LINE] = len; /* same at the beginning */ else { int diff = X_FRAG(ge->bkwd)->len[GEXFI_LINE] - len; if(diff == 1 || diff == 2) { X_FRAG(ge->bkwd)->len[GEXFI_LINE] = 0; f->len[GEXFI_LINE] = len; } } ge = ge->frwd; } while(ge != cge->next); #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "Line postprocessing is completed\n"); gex_dump_contour(cge->next, clen); #endif gex_calc_lenback(cge->next, clen); /* prepare data */ /* resolve conflicts between lines and curves */ /* * the short (3-gentry) curve frags must have one of the ends * coinciding with another curve frag of the same type */ for(d = GEXFI_CONVEX; d<= GEXFI_CONCAVE; d++) { ge = cge->next; do { f = X_FRAG(ge); if(f->len[d] == 3) { pge = age[(f->aidx + 2)%clen]; /* last gentry of this frag */ if(f->lenback[d] == 0 && X_FRAG(pge)->len[d] == 0) { fprintf(stderr, " discarded small %s at %p-%p\n", gxf_name[d], ge, pge); f->len[d] = 0; X_FRAG(ge->frwd)->lenback[d] = 0; X_FRAG(ge->frwd->frwd)->lenback[d] = 0; } } ge = ge->frwd; } while(ge != cge->next); } /* the serifs take priority over everything else */ ge = cge->next; do { f = X_FRAG(ge); len = f->len[GEXFI_SERIF]; if(len == 0) continue; if(len != 2) { /* this is used in the code below */ fprintf(stderr, "Internal error at %s line %d: serif frags len is %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, len); exit(1); } for(d = 0; d < GEXFI_SERIF; d++) { /* serifs may not have common ends with the other fragments, * this is expressed as extending them by 1 gentry on each side */ frag_subtract(g, age, clen, ge->bkwd, len+2, d); } } while( (ge = ge->frwd) != cge->next); /* * longer exact lines take priority over curves; shorter lines * and inexact lines are resolved with convex/concave conflicts */ ge = cge->next; do { f = X_FRAG(ge); len = f->len[GEXFI_EXACTLINE]; if(len < 6) { /* line is short */ ge = ge->frwd; continue; } fprintf(stderr, " line at %p len=%d\n", ge, f->len[GEXFI_EXACTLINE]); for(d = GEXFI_CONVEX; d<= GEXFI_CONCAVE; d++) { frag_subtract(g, age, clen, ge, len, d); } ge = ge->frwd; } while(ge != cge->next); /* * The exact lines take priority over curves that coincide * with them or extend by only one gentry on either side * (but not both sides). By this time it applies only to the * small exact lines. * * An interesting general case is when a curve matches more * than one exact line going diamond-like. */ ge = cge->next; do { int done, len2; int sharpness; GEX_FRAG *pf; f = X_FRAG(ge); /* "sharpness" shows how a group of exact line frags is connected: if the gentries * of some of them overlap, the curve matching requirement is loosened: it may * extend up to 1 gentry beyond each end of the group of exact line frags * (sharpness=2); otherwise it may extend to only one end (sharpness=1) */ sharpness = 1; len = f->len[GEXFI_EXACTLINE]; if(len >= 4) { while(len < clen) { done = 0; pf = X_FRAG(ge->bkwd); for(d = GEXFI_CONVEX; d<= GEXFI_CONCAVE; d++) { if(f->len[d] == len || f->len[d] == len+1) { fprintf(stderr, " removed %s frag at %p len=%d linelen=%d\n", gxf_name[d], ge, f->len[d], len); pge = ge->frwd; for(i = f->len[d]; i > 1; i--, pge = pge->frwd) X_FRAG(pge)->lenback[d] = 0; f->len[d] = 0; gex_dump_contour(ge, clen); done = 1; } else if(pf->len[d] == len+1 || pf->len[d] == len+sharpness) { fprintf(stderr, " removed %s frag at %p len=%d next linelen=%d\n", gxf_name[d], ge->bkwd, pf->len[d], len); pge = ge; for(i = pf->len[d]; i > 1; i--, pge = pge->frwd) X_FRAG(pge)->lenback[d] = 0; pf->len[d] = 0; gex_dump_contour(ge, clen); done = 1; } } if(done) break; /* is there any chance to match a sequence of exect lines ? */ if(f->len[GEXFI_CONVEX] < len && f->len[GEXFI_CONCAVE] < len && pf->len[GEXFI_CONVEX] < len && pf->len[GEXFI_CONCAVE] < len) break; done = 1; /* check whether the line is connected to another exact line at an extremum */ pge = age[(f->aidx + len - 1)%clen]; /* last gentry of exact line */ len2 = X_FRAG(pge)->len[GEXFI_EXACTLINE]; if(len2 > 0) { if( len2 >= 4 && (X_FRAG(pge)->flags & GEXFF_EXTR) ) { len += len2 - 1; sharpness = 2; done = 0; } } else { /* see if the extremum is between two exact lines */ pge = pge->frwd; if(X_FRAG(pge)->flags & GEXFF_EXTR) { pge = pge->frwd; len2 = X_FRAG(pge)->len[GEXFI_EXACTLINE]; if(len2 >= 4) { len += len2 + 1; done = 0; } } } if(done) break; } } ge = ge->frwd; } while(ge != cge->next); /* * The lines may cover only whole curves (or otherwise empty space), * so cut them where they overlap parts of the curves. If 2 or less * gentries are left in the line, remove the line. * If a line and a curve fully coincide, remove the line. Otherwise * remove the curves that are completely covered by the lines. */ ge = cge->next; do { f = X_FRAG(ge); reconsider_line: len = f->len[GEXFI_LINE]; if(len == 0) { ge = ge->frwd; continue; } if(f->len[GEXFI_CONVEX] >= len || f->len[GEXFI_CONCAVE] >= len) { line_completely_covered: fprintf(stderr, " removed covered Line frag at %p len=%d\n", ge, len); f->len[GEXFI_LINE] = 0; for(pge = ge->frwd; len > 1; len--, pge = pge->frwd) X_FRAG(pge)->lenback[GEXFI_LINE] = 0; gex_dump_contour(ge, clen); ge = ge->frwd; continue; } k1 = 0; /* how much to cut at the front */ for(d = GEXFI_CONVEX; d<= GEXFI_CONCAVE; d++) { if(f->lenback[d]) { pge = age[(f->aidx + clen - f->lenback[d])%clen]; i = X_FRAG(pge)->len[d] - f->lenback[d] - 1; if(i > k1) k1 = i; } } k2 = 0; /* how much to cut at the end */ pge = age[(f->aidx + len)%clen]; /* gentry after the end */ for(d = GEXFI_CONVEX; d<= GEXFI_CONCAVE; d++) { i = X_FRAG(pge)->lenback[d] - 1; if(i > k2) k2 = i; } if(k1+k2 > 0 && k1+k2 >= len-3) { fprintf(stderr, " k1=%d k2=%d\n", k1, k2); goto line_completely_covered; } if(k2 != 0) { /* cut the end */ len -= k2; f->len[GEXFI_LINE] = len; /* pge still points after the end */ for(i = k2, pge = pge->bkwd; i > 0; i--, pge = pge->bkwd) X_FRAG(pge)->lenback[GEXFI_LINE] = 0; } if(k1 != 0) { /* cut the beginning */ len -= k1; f->len[GEXFI_LINE] = 0; for(i = 1, pge = ge->frwd; i < k1; i++, pge = pge->frwd) X_FRAG(pge)->lenback[GEXFI_LINE] = 0; X_FRAG(pge)->len[GEXFI_LINE] = len; for(i = 0; i < len; i++, pge = pge->frwd) X_FRAG(pge)->lenback[GEXFI_LINE] = i; } if(k1 != 0 || k2 != 0) { fprintf(stderr, " cut Line frag at %p by (%d,%d) to len=%d\n", ge, k1, k2, len); gex_dump_contour(ge, clen); goto reconsider_line; /* the line may have to be cut again */ } pge = age[(f->aidx + k1)%clen]; /* new beginning */ good = 1; /* flag: no need do do a debugging dump */ for(i=1; i<len; i++, pge = pge->frwd) for(d = GEXFI_CONVEX; d<= GEXFI_CONCAVE; d++) { if(X_FRAG(pge)->len[d]) { fprintf(stderr, " removed %s frag at %p len=%d covered by line\n", gxf_name[d], pge, X_FRAG(pge)->len[d], len); good = 0; } X_FRAG(pge)->len[d] = 0; } pge = age[(f->aidx + k1 + 1)%clen]; /* next after new beginning */ for(i=1; i<len; i++, pge = pge->frwd) for(d = GEXFI_CONVEX; d<= GEXFI_CONCAVE; d++) X_FRAG(pge)->lenback[d] = 0; if(!good) gex_dump_contour(ge, clen); ge = ge->frwd; } while(ge != cge->next); /* Resolve conflicts between curves */ for(d = GEXFI_CONVEX; d<= GEXFI_CONCAVE; d++) { dx = (GEXFI_CONVEX + GEXFI_CONCAVE) - d; /* the other type */ ge = cge->next; do { GENTRY *sge; f = X_FRAG(ge); len = f->len[d]; if(len < 2) { ge = ge->frwd; continue; } sge = ge; /* the start of fragment */ i = f->len[dx]; if(i != 0) { /* two curved frags starting here */ /* should be i!=len because otherwise they would be * covered by an exact line */ if(i > len) { curve_completely_covered: /* remove the convex frag */ fprintf(stderr, " removed %s frag at %p len=%d covered by %s\n", gxf_name[d], ge, len, gxf_name[dx]); f->len[d] = 0; for(pge = ge->frwd, j = 1; j < len; j++, pge = pge->frwd) X_FRAG(pge)->lenback[d] = 0; gex_dump_contour(ge, clen); ge = ge->frwd; /* the frag is gone, nothing more to do */ continue; } else { /* remove the concave frag */ fprintf(stderr, " removed %s frag at %p len=%d covered by %s\n", gxf_name[dx], ge, i, gxf_name[d]); f->len[dx] = 0; for(pge = ge->frwd, j = 1; j < i; j++, pge = pge->frwd) X_FRAG(pge)->lenback[dx] = 0; gex_dump_contour(ge, clen); } } k1 = X_FRAG(ge->frwd)->lenback[dx]; if(k1 != 0) { /* conflict at the front */ GENTRY *gels, *gele, *gei; pge = age[(f->aidx + clen - (k1-1))%clen]; /* first gentry of concave frag */ k2 = X_FRAG(pge)->len[dx]; /* its length */ i = k2 - (k1-1); /* amount of overlap */ if(i > len) i = len; /* i >= 2 by definition */ if(i >= k2-1) { /* covers the other frag - maybe with 1 gentry showing */ fprintf(stderr, " removed %s frag at %p len=%d covered by %s\n", gxf_name[dx], pge, k2, gxf_name[d]); X_FRAG(pge)->len[dx] = 0; for(pge = pge->frwd, j = 1; j < k2; j++, pge = pge->frwd) X_FRAG(pge)->lenback[dx] = 0; if(i >= len-1) { /* covers our frag too - maybe with 1 gentry showing */ /* our frag will be removed as well, prepare a line to replace it */ gels = ge; gele = age[(f->aidx + i - 1)%clen]; fprintf(stderr, " new Line frag at %p-%p len=%d\n", gels, gele, i); X_FRAG(gels)->len[GEXFI_LINE] = i; for(gei = gels->frwd, j = 1; j < i; gei = gei->frwd, j++) X_FRAG(gei)->lenback[GEXFI_LINE] = j; } else { gex_dump_contour(ge, clen); ge = ge->frwd; continue; } } if(i >= len-1) /* covers our frag - maybe with 1 gentry showing */ goto curve_completely_covered; /* XXX need to do something better for the case when a curve frag * is actually nothing but an artifact of two other curves of * the opposite type touching each other, like on the back of "3" */ /* change the overlapping part to a line */ gels = ge; gele = age[(f->aidx + i - 1)%clen]; /* give preference to local extremums */ if(X_FRAG(gels)->flags & GEXFF_EXTR) { gels = gels->frwd; i--; } if(X_FRAG(gele)->flags & GEXFF_EXTR) { gele = gele->bkwd; i--; } if(gels->bkwd == gele) { /* Oops the line became negative. Probably should * never happen but I can't think of any formal reasoning * leading to that, so check just in case. Restore * the previous state. */ gels = gele; gele = gels->frwd; i = 2; } j = X_FRAG(gels)->lenback[dx] + 1; /* new length */ if(j != k2) { X_FRAG(pge)->len[dx] = j; fprintf(stderr, " cut %s frag at %p len=%d to %p len=%d end overlap with %s\n", gxf_name[dx], pge, k2, gels, j, gxf_name[d]); for(gei = gels->frwd; j < k2; gei = gei->frwd, j++) X_FRAG(gei)->lenback[dx] = 0; } if(gele != ge) { sge = gele; f->len[d] = 0; fprintf(stderr, " cut %s frag at %p len=%d ", gxf_name[d], ge, len); len--; for(gei = ge->frwd; gei != gele; gei = gei->frwd, len--) X_FRAG(gei)->lenback[d] = 0; X_FRAG(gele)->len[d] = len; X_FRAG(gele)->lenback[d] = 0; fprintf(stderr, "to %p len=%d start overlap with %s\n", sge, len, gxf_name[dx]); for(gei = gei->frwd, j = 1; j < len; gei = gei->frwd, j++) X_FRAG(gei)->lenback[d] = j; } if(i > 1) { fprintf(stderr, " new Line frag at %p-%p len=%d\n", gels, gele, i); X_FRAG(gels)->len[GEXFI_LINE] = i; for(gei = gels->frwd, j = 1; j < i; gei = gei->frwd, j++) X_FRAG(gei)->lenback[GEXFI_LINE] = j; } gex_dump_contour(ge, clen); } ge = ge->frwd; } while(ge != cge->next); } /* * Assert that there are no conflicts any more and * for each gentry find the fragment types that start * and continue here. */ ge = cge->next; do { f = X_FRAG(ge); dx = GEXFI_NONE; /* type that starts here */ dy = GEXFI_NONE; /* type that goes through here */ /* GEXFI_EXACTLINE and GEXFI_SERIF are auxiliary and don't * generate any actual lines/curves in the result */ for(d = GEXFI_CONVEX; d<= GEXFI_LINE; d++) { if(f->len[d]) { if(dx >= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "**** Internal error in vectorization\n"); fprintf(stderr, "CONFLICT in %s at %p between %s and %s\n", g->name, ge, gxf_name[dx], gxf_name[d]); dumppaths(g, cge->next, cge->next->bkwd); gex_dump_contour(ge, clen); exit(1); } dx = d; } if(f->lenback[d]) { if(dy >= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "**** Internal error in vectorization\n"); fprintf(stderr, "CONFLICT in %s at %p between %s and %s\n", g->name, ge, gxf_name[dy], gxf_name[d]); dumppaths(g, cge->next, cge->next->bkwd); gex_dump_contour(ge, clen); exit(1); } dy = d; } } f->ixstart = dx; f->ixcont = dy; ge = ge->frwd; } while(ge != cge->next); /* * make sure that the contour does not start in the * middle of a fragment */ ge = cge->next; /* old start of the contour */ f = X_FRAG(ge); if(f->ixstart == GEXFI_NONE && f->ixcont != GEXFI_NONE) { /* oops, it's mid-fragment, move the start */ GENTRY *xge; xge = ge->bkwd->next; /* entry following the contour */ /* find the first gentry of this frag */ pge = age[(f->aidx + clen - f->lenback[f->ixcont])%clen]; ge->prev = ge->bkwd; ge->bkwd->next = ge; cge->next = pge; pge->prev = cge; pge->bkwd->next = xge; if(xge) xge->prev = pge->bkwd; cge->ix3 = pge->bkwd->ix3; cge->iy3 = pge->bkwd->iy3; } /* vectorize each fragment separately * make 2 passes: first handle the straight lines, then * the curves to allow the curver to be connected smoothly * to the straights */ ge = cge->next; do { /* pass 1 */ f = X_FRAG(ge); switch(f->ixstart) { case GEXFI_LINE: len = f->len[GEXFI_LINE]; pge = age[(f->aidx + len - 1)%clen]; /* last gentry */ if(ge->iy3 == ge->bkwd->iy3) { /* frag starts and ends horizontally */ k1 = 1/*Y*/ ; /* across the direction of start */ k2 = 0/*X*/ ; /* along the direction of start */ } else { /* frag starts and ends vertically */ k1 = 0/*X*/ ; /* across the direction of start */ k2 = 1/*Y*/ ; /* along the direction of start */ } if(len % 2) { /* odd number of entries in the frag */ double halfstep, halfend; f->vect[0][k1] = fscale * ge->ipoints[k1][2]; f->vect[3][k1] = fscale * pge->ipoints[k1][2]; halfstep = (pge->ipoints[k2][2] - ge->bkwd->ipoints[k2][2]) * 0.5 / ((len+1)/2); if(f->ixcont != GEXFI_NONE) { halfend = (ge->ipoints[k2][2] - ge->bkwd->ipoints[k2][2]) * 0.5; if(fabs(halfstep) < fabs(halfend)) /* must be at least half gentry away */ halfstep = halfend; } if(X_FRAG(pge)->ixstart != GEXFI_NONE) { halfend = (pge->ipoints[k2][2] - pge->bkwd->ipoints[k2][2]) * 0.5; if(fabs(halfstep) < fabs(halfend)) /* must be at least half gentry away */ halfstep = halfend; } f->vect[0][k2] = fscale * (ge->bkwd->ipoints[k2][2] + halfstep); f->vect[3][k2] = fscale * (pge->ipoints[k2][2] - halfstep); } else { /* even number of entries */ double halfstep, halfend; f->vect[0][k1] = fscale * ge->ipoints[k1][2]; halfstep = (pge->ipoints[k2][2] - ge->bkwd->ipoints[k2][2]) * 0.5 / (len/2); if(f->ixcont != GEXFI_NONE) { halfend = (ge->ipoints[k2][2] - ge->bkwd->ipoints[k2][2]) * 0.5; if(fabs(halfstep) < fabs(halfend)) /* must be at least half gentry away */ halfstep = halfend; } f->vect[0][k2] = fscale * (ge->bkwd->ipoints[k2][2] + halfstep); halfstep = (pge->ipoints[k1][2] - ge->bkwd->ipoints[k1][2]) * 0.5 / (len/2); if(X_FRAG(pge)->ixstart != GEXFI_NONE) { halfend = (pge->ipoints[k1][2] - pge->bkwd->ipoints[k1][2]) * 0.5; if(fabs(halfstep) < fabs(halfend)) /* must be at least half gentry away */ halfstep = halfend; } f->vect[3][k1] = fscale * (pge->ipoints[k1][2] - halfstep); f->vect[3][k2] = fscale * pge->ipoints[k2][2]; } f->vectlen = len; f->flags |= GEXFF_DRAWLINE; break; } } while((ge = ge->frwd) != cge->next); ge = cge->next; do { /* pass 2 */ /* data for curves */ GENTRY *firstge, *lastge, *gef, *gel, *gei, *gex; GENTRY *ordhd; /* head of the order list */ GENTRY **ordlast; int nsub; /* number of subfrags */ GEX_FRAG *ff, *lf, *xf; f = X_FRAG(ge); switch(f->ixstart) { case GEXFI_CONVEX: case GEXFI_CONCAVE: len = f->len[f->ixstart]; firstge = ge; lastge = age[(f->aidx + len - 1)%clen]; /* last gentry */ nsub = 0; gex = firstge; xf = X_FRAG(gex); xf->prevsub = 0; xf->sublen = 1; xf->flags &= ~GEXFF_DONE; for(gei = firstge->frwd; gei != lastge; gei = gei->frwd) { xf->sublen++; if(X_FRAG(gei)->flags & GEXFF_EXTR) { xf->nextsub = gei; for(i=0; i<2; i++) xf->bbox[i] = abs(gei->ipoints[i][2] - gex->bkwd->ipoints[i][2]); nsub++; xf = X_FRAG(gei); xf->prevsub = gex; xf->sublen = 1; xf->flags &= ~GEXFF_DONE; gex = gei; } } xf->sublen++; xf->nextsub = gei; for(i=0; i<2; i++) xf->bbox[i] = abs(gei->ipoints[i][2] - gex->bkwd->ipoints[i][2]); nsub++; ff = xf; /* remember the beginning of the last subfrag */ xf = X_FRAG(gei); xf->prevsub = gex; if(firstge != lastge) { xf->nextsub = 0; xf->sublen = 0; /* correct the bounding box of the last and first subfrags for * intersections with other fragments */ if(xf->ixstart != GEXFI_NONE) { /* ff points to the beginning of the last subfrag */ for(i=0; i<2; i++) ff->bbox[i] -= 0.5 * abs(lastge->ipoints[i][2] - lastge->bkwd->ipoints[i][2]); } ff = X_FRAG(firstge); if(ff->ixcont != GEXFI_NONE) { for(i=0; i<2; i++) ff->bbox[i] -= 0.5 * abs(firstge->ipoints[i][2] - firstge->bkwd->ipoints[i][2]); } } fprintf(stderr, " %s frag %p%s nsub=%d\n", gxf_name[f->ixstart], ge, (f->flags&GEXFF_CIRC)?" circular":"", nsub); /* find the symmetry between the subfragments */ for(gef = firstge, count=0; count < nsub; gef = ff->nextsub, count++) { ff = X_FRAG(gef); gex = ff->nextsub; xf = X_FRAG(gex); gel = xf->nextsub; if(gel == 0) { ff->flags &= ~GEXFF_SYMNEXT; break; /* not a circular frag */ } good = 1; /* assume that we have symmetry */ /* gei goes backwards, gex goes forwards from the extremum */ gei = gex; /* i is the symmetry axis, j is the other axis (X=0 Y=1) */ ff->symaxis = i = (gex->ix3 != gex->bkwd->ix3); j = !i; for( ; gei!=gef && gex!=gel; gei=gei->bkwd, gex=gex->frwd) { if( gei->bkwd->ipoints[i][2] != gex->ipoints[i][2] || gei->bkwd->ipoints[j][2] - gei->ipoints[j][2] != gex->bkwd->ipoints[j][2] - gex->ipoints[j][2] ) { good = 0; /* no symmetry */ break; } } if(good) { if( isign(gei->bkwd->ipoints[j][2] - gei->ipoints[j][2]) != isign(gex->bkwd->ipoints[j][2] - gex->ipoints[j][2]) ) { good = 0; /* oops, goes into another direction */ } } if(good) ff->flags |= GEXFF_SYMNEXT; else ff->flags &= ~GEXFF_SYMNEXT; } for(gef = firstge, count=0; count < nsub; gef = ff->nextsub, count++) { ff = X_FRAG(gef); if((ff->flags & GEXFF_SYMNEXT)==0) { ff->symxlen = 0; continue; } gex = ff->prevsub; if(gex == 0 || (X_FRAG(gex)->flags & GEXFF_SYMNEXT)==0) { ff->symxlen = 0; continue; } ff->symxlen = X_FRAG(gex)->sublen; xf = X_FRAG(ff->nextsub); if(xf->sublen < ff->symxlen) ff->symxlen = xf->sublen; } /* find the symmetry inside the subfragments */ for(gef = firstge, count=0; count < nsub; gef = ff->nextsub, count++) { ff = X_FRAG(gef); if(ff->sublen % 2) { /* we must have an even number of gentries for diagonal symmetry */ ff->symge = 0; continue; } /* gei goes forwards from the front */ gei = gef->frwd; /* gex goes backwards from the back */ gex = ff->nextsub->bkwd; /* i is the direction of gei, j is the direction of gex */ i = (gei->iy3 != gei->bkwd->iy3); j = !i; for( ; gei->bkwd != gex; gei=gei->frwd, gex=gex->bkwd) { if( abs(gei->bkwd->ipoints[i][2] - gei->ipoints[i][2]) != abs(gex->bkwd->ipoints[j][2] - gex->ipoints[j][2]) ) break; /* no symmetry */ i = j; j = !j; } if(gei->bkwd == gex) ff->symge = gex; else ff->symge = 0; /* no symmetry */ } /* find the order of calculation: * prefer to start from long fragments that have the longest * neighbours symmetric with them, with all being equal prefer * the fragments that have smaller physical size */ ordhd = 0; for(gef = firstge, count=0; count < nsub; gef = ff->nextsub, count++) { ff = X_FRAG(gef); for(ordlast = &ordhd; *ordlast != 0; ordlast = &xf->ordersub) { xf = X_FRAG(*ordlast); if(ff->sublen > xf->sublen) break; if(ff->sublen < xf->sublen) continue; if(ff->symxlen > xf->symxlen) break; if(ff->symxlen < xf->symxlen) continue; if(ff->bbox[0] < xf->bbox[0] || ff->bbox[1] < xf->bbox[1]) break; } ff->ordersub = *ordlast; *ordlast = gef; } /* vectorize the subfragments */ for(gef = ordhd; gef != 0; gef = ff->ordersub) { /* debugging stuff */ ff = X_FRAG(gef); fprintf(stderr, " %p-%p bbox[%g,%g] sym=%p %s len=%d xlen=%d\n", gef, ff->nextsub, ff->bbox[0], ff->bbox[1], ff->symge, (ff->flags & GEXFF_SYMNEXT) ? "symnext" : "", ff->sublen, ff->symxlen); dosubfrag(g, f->ixstart, firstge, gef, fscale); } break; } } while((ge = ge->frwd) != cge->next); free(age); } } /* all the fragments are found, extract the vectorization */ pge = g->entries; g->entries = g->lastentry = 0; g->flags |= GF_FLOAT; loopge = 0; skip = 0; for(ge = pge; ge != 0; ge = ge->next) { GEX_FRAG *f, *pf; switch(ge->type) { case GE_LINE: f = X_FRAG(ge); if(skip == 0) { if(f->flags & (GEXFF_DRAWLINE|GEXFF_DRAWCURVE)) { /* draw a line to the start point */ fg_rlineto(g, f->vect[0][0], f->vect[0][1]); /* draw the fragment */ if(f->flags & GEXFF_DRAWCURVE) fg_rrcurveto(g, f->vect[1][0], f->vect[1][1], f->vect[2][0], f->vect[2][1], f->vect[3][0], f->vect[3][1]); else fg_rlineto(g, f->vect[3][0], f->vect[3][1]); skip = f->vectlen - 2; } else { fg_rlineto(g, fscale * ge->ix3, fscale * ge->iy3); } } else skip--; break; case GE_MOVE: fg_rmoveto(g, -1e6, -1e6); /* will be fixed by GE_PATH */ skip = 0; /* remember the reference to update it later */ loopge = g->lastentry; break; case GE_PATH: /* update the first MOVE of this contour */ if(loopge) { loopge->fx3 = g->lastentry->fx3; loopge->fy3 = g->lastentry->fy3; loopge = 0; } g_closepath(g); break; } } for(ge = pge; ge != 0; ge = cge) { cge = ge->next; free(ge->ext); free(ge); } dumppaths(g, NULL, NULL); /* end of vectorization logic */ } else { /* convert the data to float */ GENTRY *ge; double x, y; for(ge = g->entries; ge != 0; ge = ge->next) { ge->flags |= GEF_FLOAT; if(ge->type != GE_MOVE && ge->type != GE_LINE) continue; x = fscale * ge->ix3; y = fscale * ge->iy3; ge->fx3 = x; ge->fy3 = y; } g->flags |= GF_FLOAT; } free(hlm); free(vlm); free(amp); } #if 0 /* print out the bitmap */ printbmap(bmap, xsz, ysz, xoff, yoff) char *bmap; int xsz, ysz, xoff, yoff; { int x, y; for(y=ysz-1; y>=0; y--) { putchar( (y%10==0) ? y/10+'0' : ' ' ); putchar( y%10+'0' ); for(x=0; x<xsz; x++) putchar( bmap[y*xsz+x] ? 'X' : '.' ); if(-yoff==y) putchar('_'); /* mark the baseline */ putchar('\n'); } putchar(' '); putchar(' '); for(x=0; x<xsz; x++) putchar( x%10+'0' ); putchar('\n'); putchar(' '); putchar(' '); for(x=0; x<xsz; x++) putchar( (x%10==0) ? x/10+'0' : ' ' ); putchar('\n'); } /* print out the limits of outlines */ printlimits(hlm, vlm, amp, xsz, ysz) char *hlm, *vlm, *amp; int xsz, ysz; { int x, y; static char h_char[]={ ' ', '~', '^' }; static char v_char[]={ ' ', '(', ')' }; for(y=ysz-1; y>=0; y--) { for(x=0; x<xsz; x++) { if(amp[y*xsz+x]) putchar('!'); /* ambigouos point is always on a limit */ else putchar(v_char[ vlm[y*(xsz+1)+x] & (L_ON|L_OFF) ]); putchar(h_char[ hlm[(y+1)*xsz+x] & (L_ON|L_OFF) ]); } putchar(v_char[ vlm[y*(xsz+1)+x] & (L_ON|L_OFF) ]); putchar('\n'); } /* last line */ for(x=0; x<xsz; x++) { putchar(' '); putchar(h_char[ hlm[x] & (L_ON|L_OFF) ]); } putchar(' '); putchar('\n'); } #endif /* 0 */