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File: application/libraries/dompdf/lib/ttf2ufm/src/other/bzscreen.c

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File: application/libraries/dompdf/lib/ttf2ufm/src/other/bzscreen.c
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Class: PHP Thesis Proposal Hub
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/* * see COPYRIGHT */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "bzscreen.h" /* * functions to draw the bezier curves in text mode */ double fmin(a,b) double a, b; { if(a<b) return a; else return b; } int abs(x) int x; { if(x<0) return -x; else return x; } void initscreen(physx, physy, cols, rows, xoff, yoff, minx, miny, maxx, maxy) unsigned physx, physy, cols, rows, xoff, yoff, minx, miny, maxx, maxy; { int i,j; double yxscale; if(screen.dots != NULL) free(screen.dots); if(physx==0 || physy==0 || rows==0 || cols==0) { fprintf(stderr, "*** negative or zero screen size\n"); exit(1); } if(physx+xoff > cols || physy+yoff > rows) { fprintf(stderr, "*** drawable area out of screen\n"); exit(1); } if(minx>maxx || miny>maxy) { fprintf(stderr, "*** empty drawable area\n"); exit(1); } screen.physx = physx; screen.physy = physy; screen.rows = rows; screen.cols = cols+2; /* for '\n\0' */ screen.xoff = xoff; screen.yoff = yoff; screen.minx = minx; screen.miny = miny; if(( screen.dots=malloc(screen.rows*screen.cols) )==NULL) { perror("*** no memory for screen: "); exit(1); } j=screen.rows*screen.cols; for(i=0; i<j; i++) screen.dots[i]=' '; /* scale of Y to X on the screen, i.e. x=YXSCALE*y */ /* 3/4 is the approx. ratio of Y/X sizes of the physical screen */ yxscale = ((double)physx/(double)physy*3.0/4.0); /* scale of "logical" to "physical", i.e. physical=PHYSSCALE*logical */ screen.yscale = fmin( ((double)physy-0.51)/(maxy+1-miny), ((double)physx-0.51)/yxscale/(maxx+1-minx) ); screen.xscale = yxscale * screen.yscale; } void drawcurve(mark, ax,ay, bx,by, cx,cy, dx,dy) int mark, ax,ay, bx,by, cx,cy, dx,dy; { int i,j,n,c; int maxn=(screen.physx + screen.physy)*2; ax-=screen.minx; bx-=screen.minx; cx-=screen.minx; dx-=screen.minx; ay-=screen.miny; by-=screen.miny; cy-=screen.miny; dy-=screen.miny; for(i=0; i<=maxn; i++) { double t, t2, t3, nt, nt2, nt3; t=(double)i/(double)maxn; t2=t*t; t3=t2*t; nt=1-t; nt2=nt*nt; nt3=nt2*nt; setfdot( mark, ( ax*t3 + bx*3*t2*nt + cx*3*t*nt2 + dx*nt3 ), ( ay*t3 + by*3*t2*nt + cy*3*t*nt2 + dy*nt3 ) ); } } /* draw curve and mark direction at the ends */ void drawcurvedir(mark, ax,ay, bx,by, cx,cy, dx,dy) int mark, ax,ay, bx,by, cx,cy, dx,dy; { int i,j,n,c; int maxn=(screen.physx + screen.physy)*2; double t, t2, t3, nt, nt2, nt3; int markb, marke; ax-=screen.minx; bx-=screen.minx; cx-=screen.minx; dx-=screen.minx; ay-=screen.miny; by-=screen.miny; cy-=screen.miny; dy-=screen.miny; if(bx==ax && by==ay) { markb=mark; } else if( abs(by-ay) > abs(bx-ax) ) { if(by>ay) markb='^'; else markb='v'; } else { if(bx>ax) markb='>'; else markb='<'; } if(dx==cx && dy==cy) { marke=mark; } else if( abs(dy-cy) > abs(dx-cx) ) { if(dy>cy) marke='^'; else marke='v'; } else { if(dx>cx) marke='>'; else marke='<'; } for(i=1; i<maxn; i++) { t=(double)i/(double)maxn; t2=t*t; t3=t2*t; nt=1-t; nt2=nt*nt; nt3=nt2*nt; setfdot( mark, ( ax*t3 + bx*3*t2*nt + cx*3*t*nt2 + dx*nt3 ), ( ay*t3 + by*3*t2*nt + cy*3*t*nt2 + dy*nt3 ) ); } /* mark the ends */ setfdot( markb, (double)ax, (double)ay ); setfdot( marke, (double)dx, (double)dy ); } void drawdot(mark, x, y) int mark; int x, y; { x=(int)((x-screen.minx)*screen.xscale+0.5); y=(int)((y-screen.miny)*screen.yscale+0.5); if(y<0 || y>=screen.physy || x<0 || x>=screen.physx) return; screendot(x,y)=mark; } void setabsdot(mark, x, y) int x, y, mark; { if(y<0 || y>=screen.rows || x<0 || x>=screen.cols-2) return; screenabsdot(x,y)=mark; } void setfdot(mark, fx, fy) int mark; double fx, fy; { int x, y; x=(int)(fx*screen.xscale+0.5); y=(int)(fy*screen.yscale+0.5); if(y<0 || y>=screen.physy || x<0 || x>=screen.physx) return; screendot(x,y)=mark; } /* destructive */ void printscreen(f) FILE *f; { int r; char *pi, *pc; for(r=screen.rows-1; r>=0; r--) { pc=&screenabsdot(0,r); for(pi=&screenabsdot(-2,r+1); pi>=pc && *pi == ' '; pi--) {} pi[1]='\n'; pi[2]=0; fputs(pc, f); } }