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File: application/libraries/dompdf/lib/ttf2ufm/src/other/showg
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Thesis Proposal Hub
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#!/usr/bin/perl my @cmpfiles; while($ARGV[0] eq "-c") { shift(@ARGV); push(@cmpfiles, shift(@ARGV)); } if( $#ARGV < 1) { die("Usage: $0 [-c file]... file glyph-code...\n"); } $fname=shift @ARGV; # storage for files my %fontname; my %fbbox; my %fblues; my %fenc; my %frevenc; my %fsubrs; my %fchars; my @cmnbbox; # common bounding box covering all files @cmnbbox = (100, 100, 100, 100); # read all files into memory for $f (@cmpfiles, $fname) { open(FILE, "<$f") or die("no such file $f"); while(<FILE>) { if(/FontBBox\s+\{\s*(.*)\s*}/) { @bbox=split(/\s+/, $1); push(@{$fbbox{$f}}, @bbox); if($bbox[0] < $cmnbbox[0]) { $cmnbbox[0] = $bbox[0]; } if($bbox[1] < $cmnbbox[1]) { $cmnbbox[1] = $bbox[1]; } if($bbox[2] > $cmnbbox[2]) { $cmnbbox[2] = $bbox[2]; } if($bbox[3] > $cmnbbox[3]) { $cmnbbox[3] = $bbox[3]; } } elsif( /BlueValues\s+\[\s*(.*)\s*\]/ || /OtherBlues\s+\[\s*(.*)\s*\]/ ) { @blues=split(/\s+/, $1); push(@{$fblues{$f}}, @blues); } elsif( /^dup\s+(\d+)\s+\/(\S+)\s+put/ ) { $fenc{$f}{$1} = $2; if( ! defined $frevenc{$f}{$2} ) { $frevenc{$f}{$2} = $1; } } elsif( /^dup\s+(\d+)\s+\{\s*$/ ) { $key = $1; $bf = $_; while(<FILE>) { $bf .= $_; if( /\}\s+NP/ ) { last; } } $fsubrs{$f}{$key} = $bf; } elsif( /^\/(\S+)\s+\{\s*$/ ) { $key = $1; $bf = $_; while(<FILE>) { $bf .= $_; if( /endchar/ ) { last; } } $fchars{$f}{$key} = $bf; } elsif( /^\/FontName\s+(\S+)/ ) { $fontname{$f} = $1; } } close(FILE); } ######################## Prolog ################################### print("%%!PS-Adobe-1.0 %%DocumentNeededResources: font Courier %%Pages: (atend) %%EndComments %%BeginProlog /cmpfcolorarray [ [ 1 0.2 0.2 ] % slightly lighter red [ 0 0.7 0.7 ] % cyan [ 0.7 0.7 0 ] % brown-yellow ] def /cmpfcolor { % number -> . cmpfcolorarray length mod % get the subarray number cmpfcolorarray exch get aload pop setrgbcolor } bind def /contourcolor { 0 0 0 setrgbcolor } bind def % black /bluezonecolor { 0.95 0.95 1 setrgbcolor } bind def % very light blue /coordcolor { 0 1 0 setrgbcolor } bind def % green /textcolor { 0 0 0 setrgbcolor } bind def % black /stemcolor { 1 0 0 setrgbcolor } bind def % red /mainstemcolor { 0 0 1 setrgbcolor } bind def % blue % /fnt2pt { 72 5 mul 1000 div } bind def /linehor { % . font_y -> . gsave 0 72 translate 72 fnt2pt scale newpath 0 exch moveto 7 0 rlineto stroke grestore } bind def /linevert { % . font_x -> . gsave 72 0 translate fnt2pt 72 scale newpath 0 moveto 0 7 rlineto stroke grestore } bind def /bluezone { % . font_y_1 font_y_2 -> . gsave bluezonecolor 0 72 translate 72 fnt2pt scale newpath 0 exch moveto 7 0 rlineto 7 exch lineto -7 0 rlineto closepath fill grestore } bind def /drawstem { % . xwidth ywidth x0 y0 -> . gsave 72 72 translate fnt2pt fnt2pt scale xorg yorg translate newpath moveto dup 0 exch rlineto exch 0 rlineto neg 0 exch rlineto closepath fill grestore } bind def /getlen { dup stringwidth pop } bind def /compressfont 0.8 def /label { % . string stringwd y -> . dup lasty lt { dup lasty fontsz sub le } { dup lasty fontsz add ge } ifelse { /curx 0 store } if dup /lasty exch store 0 exch moveto compressfont mul dup curx add maxx gt { /curx 0 store } if curx 0 rmoveto dup 0 rlineto stroke gsave curx lasty moveto curx add /curx exch store compressfont 1 scale show grestore } bind def "); @bbox=@cmnbbox; $nx=$bbox[2]-$bbox[0]; $ny=$bbox[3]-$bbox[1]; $maxsz= ($nx>$ny) ? $nx : $ny; $fnt2pt= 72*5/$maxsz; printf("/fnt2pt 72 5 mul %d div def\n", $maxsz); $xorg= -($bbox[0]-($maxsz-$nx)/2); $yorg= -($bbox[1]-($maxsz-$ny)/2); printf("/xorg %d def /yorg %d def\n", $xorg, $yorg); print(" %%EndProlog "); ######################## Subroutines ############################## sub bluezone # from to { my ($a, $b)=@_; printf("%d %d bluezone\n",$a+$yorg, $b+$yorg); $ycoord{$a+0}=1; $ycoord{$b+0}=1; } sub linehor # x { my $a=$_[0]; printf("%d linehor\n",$a+$yorg); $ycoord{$a+0}=1; } sub linevert # x { my $a=$_[0]; printf("%d linevert\n",$a+$xorg); $xcoord{$a+0}=1; } sub hstem # from width { my ($from, $width)=@_; $stemhused=1; printf("%d %d %d %d drawstem %% %d %d h \n", -$stemwd, $width, $bbox[0]-2-$stemhgrp*$stemwd, $from, $from, $width); printf("%d %d %d %d drawstem %% %d %d h \n", $stemwd, $width, $bbox[2]+2+$stemhgrp*$stemwd, $from, $from, $width); } sub vstem # from width { my ($from, $width)=@_; $stemvused=1; printf("%d %d %d %d drawstem %% %d %d v \n", $width, -$stemwd, $from, $bbox[1]-2-$stemhgrp*$stemwd, $from, $width); printf("%d %d %d %d drawstem %% %d %d v \n", $width, $stemwd, $from, $bbox[3]+2+$stemhgrp*$stemwd, $from, $width); } sub nextstemgrp { if($stemhused || $stemvused) { $stemhgrp++; $stemhused=0; $stemvgrp++; $stemvused=0; } } sub substems # fname subrlist { my $fname = shift; my $i, $cmd, @vals; print("\nstemcolor\n"); for $i (@_) { &nextstemgrp(); for $_ (split(/\n/, $fsubrs{$fname}{$i})) { s/^\s+//; @vals=split(/\s+/, $_); $cmd=$vals[$#vals]; if($cmd eq "hstem") { &hstem($vals[0], $vals[1]); } elsif($cmd eq "vstem") { &vstem($vals[0], $vals[1]); } } } print("\n"); } sub drawcharwstems # charstring { my($x,$y)=(0,0); my @vals, $cmd, $i; print("\nmainstemcolor\n"); &nextstemgrp(); for $_ (split(/\n/, $_[0])) { s/^\s+//; @vals=split(/\s+/, $_); $cmd=$vals[$#vals]; if($cmd eq "hsbw") { $x=$vals[0]+0; } elsif($cmd eq "hstem") { &hstem($vals[0], $vals[1]); } elsif($cmd eq "hstem3") { &hstem($vals[0], $vals[1]); &hstem($vals[2], $vals[3]); &hstem($vals[4], $vals[5]); } elsif($cmd eq "vstem") { &vstem($vals[0], $vals[1]); } elsif($cmd eq "vstem3") { &vstem($vals[0], $vals[1]); &vstem($vals[2], $vals[3]); &vstem($vals[4], $vals[5]); } elsif($cmd eq "rmoveto") { # a shortcut last; } } &drawchar("drawchar", 1, "contourcolor", $_[0]); } sub drawchar #procname wantgrid color charstring { my($procname, $wantgrid, $color, $charstring) = @_; my($x,$y)=(0,0); my @vals, $cmd, $i; my %xv=(); my %yv=(); printf("\n/%s {\n",$procname); printf("\ngsave 72 72 translate fnt2pt fnt2pt scale %d %d translate\n", $xorg, $yorg); printf("%s 1 setlinewidth newpath\n", $color); for $_ (split(/\n/, $charstring)) { s/^\s+//; @vals=split(/\s+/, $_); $cmd=$vals[$#vals]; if($cmd eq "callsubr" && $vals[1] == 4) { push(@subrlist, $vals[0]); } elsif($cmd eq "amoveto") { $x=$vals[0]+0; $y=$vals[1]+0; $xv{$x+0}=1; $yv{$y+0}=1; printf("%d %d moveto\n", $x, $y); printf("%d %d 5 0 360 arc %d %d moveto\n", $x, $y, $x, $y); } elsif($cmd eq "rmoveto") { $x+=$vals[0]; $y+=$vals[1]; $xv{$x+0}=1; $yv{$y+0}=1; printf("%d %d moveto\n", $x, $y); printf("%d %d 5 0 360 arc %d %d moveto\n", $x, $y, $x, $y); } elsif($cmd eq "hmoveto") { $x+=$vals[0]; $xv{$x+0}=1; $yv{$y+0}=1; printf("%d %d moveto\n", $x, $y); printf("%d %d 5 0 360 arc %d %d moveto\n", $x, $y, $x, $y); } elsif($cmd eq "vmoveto") { $y+=$vals[0]; $xv{$x+0}=1; $yv{$y+0}=1; printf("%d %d moveto\n", $x, $y); printf("%d %d 5 0 360 arc %d %d moveto\n", $x, $y, $x, $y); } elsif($cmd eq "alineto") { $x=$vals[0]+0; $y=$vals[1]+0; $xv{$x+0}=1; $yv{$y+0}=1; printf("%d %d lineto\n", $x, $y); printf("%d %d 3 0 360 arc %d %d moveto\n", $x, $y, $x, $y); } elsif($cmd eq "rlineto") { $x+=$vals[0]; $y+=$vals[1]; $xv{$x+0}=1; $yv{$y+0}=1; printf("%d %d lineto\n", $x, $y); printf("%d %d 3 0 360 arc %d %d moveto\n", $x, $y, $x, $y); } elsif($cmd eq "hlineto") { $x+=$vals[0]; $xv{$x+0}=1; $yv{$y+0}=1; printf("%d %d lineto\n", $x, $y); printf("%d %d 3 0 360 arc %d %d moveto\n", $x, $y, $x, $y); } elsif($cmd eq "vlineto") { $y+=$vals[0]; $xv{$x+0}=1; $yv{$y+0}=1; printf("%d %d lineto\n", $x, $y); printf("%d %d 3 0 360 arc %d %d moveto\n", $x, $y, $x, $y); } elsif($cmd eq "arcurveto") { for $i (0,2,4) { $x=$vals[$i]+0; $y=$vals[$i+1]+0; printf("%d %d ", $x, $y); } $xv{$x+0}=1; $yv{$y+0}=1; printf("curveto\n"); printf("%d %d 3 0 360 arc %d %d moveto\n", $x, $y, $x, $y); } elsif($cmd eq "rrcurveto") { for $i (0,2,4) { $x+=$vals[$i]; $y+=$vals[$i+1]; printf("%d %d \n", $x, $y); } $xv{$x+0}=1; $yv{$y+0}=1; printf("curveto\n"); printf("%d %d 3 0 360 arc %d %d moveto\n", $x, $y, $x, $y); } elsif($cmd eq "hvcurveto") { $x+=$vals[0]; printf("%d %d \n", $x, $y); $x+=$vals[1]; $y+=$vals[2]; printf("%d %d \n", $x, $y); $y+=$vals[3]; printf("%d %d \n", $x, $y); $xv{$x+0}=1; $yv{$y+0}=1; printf("curveto\n"); printf("%d %d 3 0 360 arc %d %d moveto\n", $x, $y, $x, $y); } elsif($cmd eq "vhcurveto") { $y+=$vals[0]; printf("%d %d \n", $x, $y); $x+=$vals[1]; $y+=$vals[2]; printf("%d %d \n", $x, $y); $x+=$vals[3]; printf("%d %d \n", $x, $y); $xv{$x+0}=1; $yv{$y+0}=1; printf("curveto\n"); printf("%d %d 3 0 360 arc %d %d moveto\n", $x, $y, $x, $y); } elsif($cmd eq "closepath") { printf("closepath stroke newpath\n"); } } printf("grestore } bind def\n"); if($wantgrid) { printf("coordcolor\n"); for $x (keys %xv) { &linevert($x); } for $y (keys %yv) { &linehor($y); } } } $pages=0; for $arg (@ARGV) { undef $name, $code; if( $arg =~ /^\/(.*)/ ) { $name=$1; } elsif( $arg =~ /^\.(.)/ ) { $code=ord($1); } else { $code=$arg; } $pages++; $stemhgrp=0; $stemhused=0; $stemvgrp=0; $stemvused=0; $stemwd=10; undef %xcoord; undef %ycoord; if( defined $name ) { $xname = $name; $xcode = $frevenc{$fname}{$name}; if( $xcode eq "" ) { $xcode = "**UNKNOWN**"; } } else { $xname = $fenc{$fname}{$code}; if( $xname eq "" ) { $xname = "**UNKNOWN**"; } $xcode = $code; } printf("%%%%Page: %d %d\n", $pages, $pages); printf("gsave 0 setlinewidth 36 72 translate gsave contourcolor 72 72 scale newpath 0 0 moveto 7 0 rlineto 0 7 rlineto -7 0 rlineto closepath stroke 1 1 translate newpath 0 0 moveto 5 0 rlineto 0 5 rlineto -5 0 rlineto closepath stroke grestore "); undef @subrlist; @bbox=@{$fbbox{$fname}}; print("coordcolor\n"); printf("0 linehor %d linehor %d linehor\n", $bbox[1]+$yorg, $bbox[3]+$yorg); printf("%d linevert %d linevert\n", $bbox[0]+$xorg, $bbox[2]+$xorg); %vals=@{$fblues{$fname}}; for $i (keys %vals) { &bluezone($i, $vals{$i}); } $havechar = 1; if( defined $fchars{$fname}{$xname} ) { &drawcharwstems($fchars{$fname}{$xname}); } else { $havechar = 0; if(defined $name) { printf(STDERR "WARNING: %s nas no character with name \"%s\"\n", $fname, $name); } else { printf(STDERR "WARNING: %s nas no character with code \"%s\"\n", $fname, $code); } } &substems($fname, @subrlist); printf(STDERR "glyph name:%s code:%s (%d substituted stem groups)\n", $xname, $xcode, scalar @subrlist); $cmpfidx = 0; for $cmpf(@cmpfiles) { undef $cname, $ccode; if( defined $name ) { if ( ! defined $fchars{$cmpf}{$name} && defined $fenc{$cmpf}{$xcode}) { printf(STDERR " NOTE: %s nas no glyph with name \"%s\", guessed by code\n", $cmpf, $name); $cname = $fenc{$cmpf}{$xcode}; if( $cname eq "" ) { $cname = "**UNKNOWN**"; } $ccode = $xcode; } else { $cname = $name; $ccode = $frevenc{$cmpf}{$name}; if( $ccode eq "" ) { $ccode = "**UNKNOWN**"; } } } else { $cname = $fenc{$cmpf}{$code}; if( $cname eq "" ) { $cname = "**UNKNOWN**"; } $ccode = $code; } if( defined $fchars{$cmpf}{$cname} ) { &drawchar("drawcmpchar", 0, sprintf("%d cmpfcolor", $cmpfidx), $fchars{$cmpf}{$cname}); printf("drawcmpchar\n\n"); printf(STDERR " in %s glyph name:%s code:%s\n", $cmpf, $cname, $ccode); } else { if(defined $name) { printf(STDERR " WARNING: %s nas no character with name \"%s\"\n", $cmpf, $name); } else { printf(STDERR " WARNING: %s nas no character with code \"%s\"\n", $cmpf, $code); } } $cmpfidx++; } if($havechar) { printf("drawchar\n\n"); } # flush the last group &nextstemgrp(); # the values of coordinates printf("/fontsz 8 fnt2pt div def\n"); printf("/Myfont /Courier findfont fontsz scalefont def\n\n"); printf("contourcolor Myfont setfont\n"); for $org (0, $xorg+$bbox[2]+$stemwd*$stemhgrp+72/$fnt2pt) { printf("gsave\n"); printf("/maxx 72 fnt2pt div %d sub def /curx 0 def /lasty -10000 def\n", 2+$stemhgrp*$stemwd-$xorg-$bbox[0]); printf("0 72 translate fnt2pt fnt2pt scale %f yorg translate 1 setlinewidth\n", $org); for $y (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %ycoord) { printf("(%d) getlen %d label\n", $y, $y); } printf("grestore\n"); } for $org (0, $yorg+$bbox[3]+$stemwd*$stemvgrp+72/$fnt2pt) { printf("gsave\n"); printf("/maxx 72 fnt2pt div %d sub def /curx 0 def /lasty -10000 def\n", 2+$stemvgrp*$stemwd-$yorg-$bbox[1]); printf("72 0 translate fnt2pt fnt2pt scale xorg %f translate 90 rotate 1 setlinewidth\n", $org); for $x (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %xcoord) { printf("(%d) getlen %d label\n", $x, -$x); } printf("grestore\n"); } printf("gsave 0 %d translate\n", 7.5*72 ); printf("contourcolor /Courier findfont 12 scalefont setfont\n"); $line = 0; $cmpfidx = $#cmpfiles; if( $cmpfidx > (2.5*72/15)-4 ) { $cmpfidx = (2.5*72/15)-4; } for(; $cmpfidx>=0; $cmpfidx--) { $cmpf = $cmpfiles[$cmpfidx]; printf("%d cmpfcolor\n", $cmpfidx); printf("newpath 20 %d moveto 0 10 rlineto 10 0 rlineto 0 -10 rlineto closepath fill\n", 15*$line, $cmpf); printf("contourcolor 40 %d moveto (%s %s) show\n", 15*$line, $cmpf, $fontname{$cmpf}); $line++; } if( $#cmpfiles >=0 ) { printf("0 %d moveto (Comparison files:) show\n", 15*$line++); } printf("0 %d moveto (code: %d name: %s) show\n", 15*$line++, $xcode, $xname); printf("0 %d moveto (%s) show\n", 15*$line++, $fname); printf("0 %d moveto (%s) show\n", 15*$line++, $fontname{$fname}); printf("grestore\n\n"); printf("showpage grestore\n\n"); } printf("%%%%Pages: %d\n", $pages);