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File: application/libraries/dompdf/lib/ttf2ufm/src/scripts/forceiso

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File: application/libraries/dompdf/lib/ttf2ufm/src/scripts/forceiso
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Thesis Proposal Hub
Store and publish research thesis documents
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Date: 6 years ago
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#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright (c) 1998 # Sergey A. Babkin. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # Sergey A. Babkin (, # # # Force the font to use the encoding as close to ISO Latin-1 as possible # # Use: # forceiso [format] <file1.t1a >file2.t1a # where format is a printf-type format used to select names for the # glyphs without standard Latin-1 names. It must expect one argument, # the character code. The default format is "_%d". %latin1=( 0, "", 1, "", 2, "", 3, "", 4, "", 5, "", 6, "", 7, "", 8, "", 9, "", 10, "", 11, "", 12, "", 13, "", 14, "", 15, "", 16, "", 17, "", 18, "", 19, "", 20, "", 21, "", 22, "", 23, "", 24, "", 25, "", 26, "", 27, "", 28, "", 29, "", 30, "", 31, "", 32, "space", 33, "exclam", 34, "quotedbl", 35, "numbersign", 36, "dollar", 37, "percent", 38, "ampersand", 39, "quoteright", 40, "parenleft", 41, "parenright", 42, "asterisk", 43, "plus", 44, "comma", 45, "hyphen", 46, "period", 47, "slash", 48, "zero", 49, "one", 50, "two", 51, "three", 52, "four", 53, "five", 54, "six", 55, "seven", 56, "eight", 57, "nine", 58, "colon", 59, "semicolon", 60, "less", 61, "equal", 62, "greater", 63, "question", 64, "at", 65, "A", 66, "B", 67, "C", 68, "D", 69, "E", 70, "F", 71, "G", 72, "H", 73, "I", 74, "J", 75, "K", 76, "L", 77, "M", 78, "N", 79, "O", 80, "P", 81, "Q", 82, "R", 83, "S", 84, "T", 85, "U", 86, "V", 87, "W", 88, "X", 89, "Y", 90, "Z", 91, "bracketleft", 92, "backslash", 93, "bracketright", 94, "asciicircum", 95, "underscore", 96, "grave", 97, "a", 98, "b", 99, "c", 100, "d", 101, "e", 102, "f", 103, "g", 104, "h", 105, "i", 106, "j", 107, "k", 108, "l", 109, "m", 110, "n", 111, "o", 112, "p", 113, "q", 114, "r", 115, "s", 116, "t", 117, "u", 118, "v", 119, "w", 120, "x", 121, "y", 122, "z", 123, "braceleft", 124, "bar", 125, "braceright", 126, "asciitilde", 127, "", 128, "", 129, "", 130, "", 131, "", 132, "", 133, "", 134, "", 135, "", 136, "", 137, "", 138, "", 139, "", 140, "", 141, "", 142, "", 143, "", 144, "", 145, "", 146, "", 147, "", 148, "", 149, "", 150, "", 151, "", 152, "", 153, "", 154, "", 155, "", 156, "", 157, "", 158, "", 159, "", 160, "", 161, "exclamdown", 162, "cent", 163, "sterling", 164, "currency", 165, "yen", 166, "brokenbar", 167, "section", 168, "dieresis", 169, "copyright", 170, "ordfeminine", 171, "guillemotleft", 172, "logicalnot", 173, "minus", 174, "registered", 175, "macron", 176, "degree", 177, "plusminus", 178, "twosuperior", 179, "threesuperior", 180, "acute", 181, "mu", 182, "paragraph", 183, "periodcentered", 184, "cedilla", 185, "onesuperior", 186, "ordmasculine", 187, "guillemotright", 188, "onequarter", 189, "onehalf", 190, "threequarters", 191, "questiondown", 192, "Agrave", 193, "Aacute", 194, "Acircumflex", 195, "Atilde", 196, "Adieresis", 197, "Aring", 198, "AE", 199, "Ccedilla", 200, "Egrave", 201, "Eacute", 202, "Ecircumflex", 203, "Edieresis", 204, "Igrave", 205, "Iacute", 206, "Icircumflex", 207, "Idieresis", 208, "Eth", 209, "Ntilde", 210, "Ograve", 211, "Oacute", 212, "Ocircumflex", 213, "Otilde", 214, "Odieresis", 215, "multiply", 216, "Oslash", 217, "Ugrave", 218, "Uacute", 219, "Ucircumflex", 220, "Udieresis", 221, "Yacute", 222, "Thorn", 223, "germandbls", 224, "agrave", 225, "aacute", 226, "acircumflex", 227, "atilde", 228, "adieresis", 229, "aring", 230, "ae", 231, "ccedilla", 232, "egrave", 233, "eacute", 234, "ecircumflex", 235, "edieresis", 236, "igrave", 237, "iacute", 238, "icircumflex", 239, "idieresis", 240, "eth", 241, "ntilde", 242, "ograve", 243, "oacute", 244, "ocircumflex", 245, "otilde", 246, "odieresis", 247, "divide", 248, "oslash", 249, "ugrave", 250, "uacute", 251, "ucircumflex", 252, "udieresis", 253, "yacute", 254, "thorn", 255, "ydieresis" ); # how to treat the unknown characters $unk = "_%d"; if($#ARGV >= 0) { $unk = $ARGV[0]; } # fill in the unnamed characters if( sprintf($unk, 0) eq sprintf($unk, 1) ) { die "The format for unnamed characters must not be a constant" } for($i=0; $i < 256; $i++) { if($latin1{$i} eq "") { $latin1{$i} = sprintf($unk, $i); } } while(<STDIN>) { print $_; if(/^\/Encoding\s+.*\s+array/) { $fontfile=1; last; } if(/^StartCharMetrics\s+/) { $fontfile=0; last; } } $ndups=0; if($fontfile) { # .t1a file while(<STDIN>) { if($_ !~ /^dup\s+(\d+)\s+\/(\S+)\s+put/) { print $_; last; } $code=$1+0; $name=$2; if($name eq ".notdef") { print $_; } else { printf("dup %d /%s put\n",$code,$latin1{$code}); if($trans{$name}) { # two or more references to the same glyph $ndups++; #printf(STDERR "forceiso: %d dups\n", $ndups); if($copies{$name} eq "") { $copies{$name} = $latin1{$code}; } else { $copies{$name} .= "|" . $latin1{$code}; } } else { $trans{$name}=$latin1{$code}; } } } while(<STDIN>) { if( /\/CharStrings\s+(\d+)\s/) { $nchars=$1+$ndups; #printf(STDERR "forceiso: %d dups %d chars\n", $ndups, $nchars); $_ =~ s|/CharStrings\s+\d+\s|/CharStrings $nchars |; print $_; last; } print $_; } while(<STDIN>) { if(/^\/(\S+)/) { $name=$1; $to=$trans{$name}; $header=$_; $body=""; if($to ne "") { $_ =~ s/^\/\S+/\/$to/; } print $_; } elsif(/endchar/) { print $_; if($copies{$name}) { for $to (split(/\|/,$copies{$name})) { $header =~ s/^\/\S+/\/$to/; print($header, $body, $_); } } } else { print $_; $body .= $_; } } } else { # .afm file while(<STDIN>) { if($_ !~ /^C\s+(\d+)(\s*;.*N\s+)(\S+)(\s*;.*)\n/) { print $_; last; } $code=$1+0; $name=$3; $part2=$2; $part4=$4; if($name eq ".notdef") { print $_; } else { printf("C %d%s%s%s\n",$code,$part2,$latin1{$code},$part4); if($copies{$name} eq "") { $copies{$name} = $latin1{$code}; } else { $copies{$name} .= "|" . $latin1{$code}; $ndups++; #printf(STDERR "forceiso: %d dups\n", $ndups); } } } while(<STDIN>) { if(/^StartKernPairs\s+(\d+)/) { last; } print $_; } $npairs=0; $kps=""; while(<STDIN>) { if(/^KPX\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)\n/) { $name1=$1; $name2=$2; $metric=$3; $cp1=$copies{$name1}; if($cp1 eq "") { $cp1=$name1; } $cp2=$copies{$name2}; if($cp2 eq "") { $cp2=$name2; } for $to1 (split(/\|/,$cp1)) { for $to2 (split(/\|/,$cp2)) { $kps .= sprintf("KPX %s %s %s\n", $to1, $to2, $metric); $npairs++; } } } else { if($npairs!=0) { printf("StartKernPairs %d\n", $npairs); printf("%s", $kps); $npairs=0; $kps=""; } print $_; } } }