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File: application/libraries/dompdf/lib/ttf2ufm/src/scripts/t1fdir

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File: application/libraries/dompdf/lib/ttf2ufm/src/scripts/t1fdir
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Thesis Proposal Hub
Store and publish research thesis documents
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Date: 6 years ago
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#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright (c) 1998 # Sergey A. Babkin. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # Sergey A. Babkin (, # # # Script that reads the Type1 font files and prints out the fonts.scale # lines for them # # other substrings (regexps) that are considered irrelevant # and sould be removed from the font names: @wrongstr= ( "koi8r", "koi8", "cp1251", "ibm1251", "win1251", "cp866", "ibm866", "iso8859[1-9]", "iso8859", "isolatin[0-9]", "isolatin", "latin[0-9]", "^ER ", "^K8 ", ); sub usage { print STDERR "Use: \n"; print STDERR " t1fdir [-g] <foundry> <encoding>... [ -f <file>...]\n"; print STDERR "or\n"; print STDERR " t1fdir -d fonts.scale fonts.alias <foundry> <encoding>... [ -f <file>...]\n"; } $ghost=0; if( $ARGV[0] eq "-g" ) { shift @ARGV; $ghost=1; } elsif( $ARGV[0] eq "-d" ) { shift @ARGV; $files=1; $scalef=shift @ARGV; $aliasf=shift @ARGV; } if($#ARGV<2) { &usage(); exit 1; } $foundry=$ARGV[0]; shift @ARGV; while($#ARGV>=0) { if($ARGV[0] eq "-f") { shift @ARGV; last; } push(@encodings,$ARGV[0]); shift @ARGV; } if($files) { open(SCALEF, ">>$scalef") || die "Can't write to $scalef"; open(ALIASF, ">>$aliasf") || die "Can't write to $aliasf"; } for $name (@ARGV) { $familyname=""; $fullname=""; $fontname=""; $weight=""; $angle=0; open(FILE,"<$name") || die "Unable to open file $name\n"; $type="p"; # by default while(<FILE>) { if(/eexec/) { last; } if(/^\/FamilyName.*\((.+)\)/ ) { $familyname= $1; } if(/^\/FullName.*\((.+)\)/ ) { $fullname= $1; } if(/^\/FontName.*\((.+)\)/ ) { $fontname= $1; } if(/^\/Weight.*\((.+)\)/ ) { $weight= $1; } if(/^\/ItalicAngle.*(\d+)/ ) { $angle= $1+0; } if(/^\/isFixedPitch/) { if(/true/) { $type="m"; } else { $type="p"; } } } # now try to interpret this information $allinfo= $familyname ." ". $fullname ." ". $fontname ." ". $weight; $lcallinfo=$allinfo; $lcallinfo=~tr[A-Z][a-z]; $familyname.="_"; # just a delimiter for substitutions $familyname=~s/Bold([^a-z])/$1/g; $familyname=~s/Italic([^a-z])/$1/g; $familyname=~s/Oblique([^a-z])/$1/g; $familyname=~s/Roman([^a-z])/$1/g; for $i (@wrongstr) { # for uppercase- and space- sensitive strings $familyname =~ s/$i//g; } $familyname=~tr[A-Z][a-z]; $familyname=~tr[A-Za-z0-9][]cd; for $i (@wrongstr) { # for case-insensitive strings $familyname =~ s/$i//g; } if( $familyname eq "") { $familyname="unknown"; } $fn=$name; $fn=~ s/.*\///g; $n=0; for $encoding (@encodings) { $n++; if($ghost) { printf("/%s-", uc(substr($familyname,0,1)).substr($familyname,1)); $r=1; if( $allinfo =~ /Bold[^a-z]/ || $lcallinfo =~ /\bbold\b/ ) { printf("Bold"); $r=0; } if( $allinfo =~ /Italic[^a-z]/ || $lcallinfo =~ /\bitalic\b/ || $angle>0 ) { printf("Italic"); $r=0; } elsif( $allinfo =~ /Oblique[^a-z]/ || $lcallinfo =~ /\boblique\b/ || $angle<0 ) { printf("Oblique"); $r=0; } if($r) { printf("Roman"); } printf("-%s\t (%s) ;\n",$encoding,$fn); } else { $xenc=$encoding; $xenc =~ s/\-/_/g; $srec = sprintf("-%s-%s_%s-",$foundry,$familyname,$xenc); $arec = sprintf("-%s-%s-",$foundry,$familyname); if( $allinfo =~ /Bold[^a-z]/ || $lcallinfo =~ /\bbold\b/ ) { $srec .= "bold-"; $arec .= "bold-"; } else { $srec .= "medium-"; $arec .= "medium-"; } if( $allinfo =~ /Italic[^a-z]/ || $lcallinfo =~ /\bitalic\b/ || $angle>0 ) { $srec .= "i-"; $arec .= "i-"; } elsif( $allinfo =~ /Oblique[^a-z]/ || $lcallinfo =~ /\boblique\b/ || $angle<0 ) { $srec .= "o-"; $arec .= "o-"; } else { $srec .= "r-"; $arec .= "r-"; } $srec .= sprintf("normal--0-0-0-0-%s-0-adobe-fontspecific",$type,$encoding); $arec .= sprintf("normal--0-0-0-0-%s-0-%s",$type,$encoding); if($files) { if($n==1) { printf(SCALEF "%s %s\n",$fn,$srec); printf(ALIASF "%s %s\n",$arec,$srec); $srec1=$srec; } else { printf(ALIASF "%s %s\n",$arec,$srec1); } } else { printf("%s %s\n",$fn,$arec); } } } close(FILE); } if($files) { close(SCALEF); close(ALIASF); }