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File: application/libraries/dompdf/lib/ttf2ufm/src/scripts/trans

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File: application/libraries/dompdf/lib/ttf2ufm/src/scripts/trans
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Thesis Proposal Hub
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Date: 6 years ago
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#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright (c) 1998-2000 # Sergey A. Babkin. All rights reserved. # # See the full text of the license in the COPYRIGHT file. # # Sergey A. Babkin (, # # # Script to transcode the Type1 disassembled font to other encoding # # calculation of UniqueID from old UID and encoding name # we don't have unsigned integer arithmetic in Perl # so we try to do at least something sub newuid { use integer; my ($u,$enc)=@_; my $i, $uid; $uid=substr($u, -6, 6); $u=substr($u, 0, 4); $uid+=0; for $i (split(//,$enc)) { $uid*=37; $uid+=ord($i); $uid+=($uid>>16) & 0xff; $uid&=0xffffff; } ($uid % 1000000) + 4000000; #$u . substr(sprintf("%d",$uid), 0, 5); } if($#ARGV != 1) { printf(STDERR "Use: trans src-table dst-table <src-font >dst-font\n"); exit 1; } # tables are formatted in two columns, one row per character # name decimal-code # Read the destination table open(FILE,"<".$ARGV[1]) or die "Unable to read $ARGV[2]\n"; while(<FILE>) { @sl=split(/\s+/); $dst{$sl[0]}=$sl[1]; } close(FILE); #read the source table and build the translation table open(FILE,"<".$ARGV[0]) or die "Unable to read $ARGV[0]\n"; while(<FILE>) { @sl=split(/\s+/); $trans{$sl[1]}=$dst{$sl[0]}; } close(FILE); # name of the encoding, for UniqueID $encname=$ARGV[1]; $encname =~ s|^.*\/||g; $encname =~ s|\..*$||g; # now read the font file, skip everything upto the encoding table # we suppose that the file was autogenerated by ttf2pt1 with my patches while(<STDIN>) { if( /^\/FontName\s+(\S+)/) { $fontname=$1; } if( /^\/UniqueID\s+(\S+)/) { use integer; my $uid=$1; $_=sprintf("/UniqueID %u def\n", &newuid($uid, $encname)); } print $_; if(/^\/Encoding/) { $fontfile=1; last; } if(/^StartCharMetrics/) { $fontfile=0; last; } } # read the old encoding table and build the new encoding table if($fontfile) { # .t1a while($row=<STDIN>) { if( $row !~ /^dup/) { last; } @sl=split(/\s+/,$row); $new=$trans{$sl[1]}; if($new eq "") { $new=$sl[1]; if($enc{$new} eq "") { $enc{$new}=$sl[2]; } } else { $enc{$new}=$sl[2]; } } # print new encoding table for $i (0..255) { if($enc{$i}) { printf("dup %d %s put\n",$i,$enc{$i}); } else { printf("dup %d /.notdef put\n",$i); } } } else { # .afm while($row=<STDIN>) { if($row !~ /^C\s+(\d+)(\s*;.*)\n/) { last; } $code=$1; $part2=$2; $new=$trans{$code}; if($new eq "") { $new=$code; if($enc{$new} eq "") { $enc{$new}=$part2; } } else { $enc{$new}=$part2; } } # print new encoding table for $i (0..255) { if($enc{$i}) { printf("C %d%s\n",$i,$enc{$i}); } } } print $row; # now copy the rest of file while(<STDIN>) { if( /^\/UniqueID\s+(\S+)/) { use integer; my $uid=$1; $_=sprintf("/UniqueID %u def\n", &newuid($uid, $encname)); } print; }