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File: application/libraries/dompdf/lib/ttf2ufm/src/scripts/unhtml

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  Classes of harold rita   PHP Thesis Proposal Hub   application/libraries/dompdf/lib/ttf2ufm/src/scripts/unhtml   Download  
File: application/libraries/dompdf/lib/ttf2ufm/src/scripts/unhtml
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Thesis Proposal Hub
Store and publish research thesis documents
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 6 years ago
Size: 785 bytes



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#!/bin/sh # # This script removes the HTML formatting from a file. If the file was designed # with such use in mind and was properly formatted besides HTML (such as the README # file for ttf2pt1) it will look good as a plain text file. # # This script supports a very limited set of HTML formatting. Everything that # goes before <BODY> is removed. Any lines that # contain only the HTML formatting or start with "<!" or contain only ">" # are completely removed. Then all the in-line formatting is removed. # Then "&nbsp;", "&lt;", "&gt;" are changed to " ", "<", ">". sed '1,/<[bB][oO][dD][yY]>/d; /^<!/d; s/<[lL][iI]>/-/g; s/^</< </; s/> *$/>>/; s/<[^<>]*>//g; /^< *>$/d; /^>>$/d;s/^< //; s/>$//; s/&[nN][bB][sS][pP];/ /g;s/&[lL][tT];/</g;s/&[gG][tT];/>/g;s/&[aA][mM][pP];/\&/g;'