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  Classes of Dominique Vienne   PHP Swiss Day Off   Download  
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Class: PHP Swiss Day Off
Check if a given day is off in Switzerland
Author: By
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Date: 5 years ago
Size: 3,254 bytes



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Library used to know if a day is off in a given Swiss Canton



Go to you project root directory and use composer using this command

composer require dominiquevienne/swiss-off

Then create your application bootstrap using this kind of code

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$oCanton  = new Dominiquevienne\SwissOff\Canton();
echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$oCanton->getNextDayOffByCanton('VD'));

Manual installation

  • Download latest stable release on Github
  • Uncompress the downloaded file
  • Place content into your project
  • Use similar code to load object
    require __DIR__ . '/swiss-off/src/SwissOff.php';
    require __DIR__ . '/swiss-off/src/Canton.php';

$oCanton = new Dominiquevienne\SwissOff\Canton(); echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$oCanton->getNextDayOffByCanton('VD'));

### Laravel
Using swissOff in Laravel is as simple as a

composer require dominiquevienne/swiss-off

and add the following lines in your class

<?php use Dominiquevienne\SwissOff\Canton;

class yourController { public function show() {

/ some code of yours */
$oCanton  = new Canton();
return date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$oCanton->getNextDayOffByCanton('VD'));

} }

## Available functions
Note: time is always given to functions and returned as a timestamp. 
### Canton
#### getDaysOffByCantonAndTime($canton, $time = null)
This function will return an array containing every day off of the year of the given time for the specified canton (two letters code). 

If no time is given, current time will be used. 
#### getDaysOffNames()
This function will return an array containing all days off machine name (eg. Christmas, Berchtold, ...)
#### getCantonsByDayOffName($dayOffName)
This function will return an array containing all cantons that are off for this day off. 
#### getNextDayOffByCanton($canton, $time = null)
This function will return a timestamp corresponding to the next day off after the given time for the given canton. 

If no time is given, current time will be used. 
#### getNextDaysOff($time = null)
This function will return an associative array which will contain canton two letters code / time of its next day off after the given time. 

If no time is given, current time will be used. 
### SwissOff
SwissOff object consists of a list of isSpecificDayOff and getSpecificDayOff function that will check if given time is, for example, Easter / Christmas / Palm Sunday / ... and get the day off.

For example `getChristmas($time = null)` will return the timestamp of the Christmas date of the year of the given time. 

`isChristmas($time = null)` will check if the given time corresponds to a Christmas day

 Functions name are constructed using `is` + day off machine name (case sensitive) which are listed below:
 - Easter
 - Christmas
 - NewYear
 - Berchtold
 - Epiphany
 - RepublicDay
 - Joseph
 - Nafelser
 - Palm
 - GoodFriday
 - EasterMonday
 - LaborDay
 - Ascension
 - Pentecost
 - WhitMonday
 - CorpusChristi
 - Independance
 - PeterPaul
 - National
 - Assumption
 - JeuneGenevois
 - Thanksgiving
 - Jeune
 - NicolasFlue
 - AllSaint
 - Immaculate
 - Stephen
 - Restoration
 - NewEve