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File: public/js/script.js

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  Classes of Stefan Ninic   Online PHP Currency Converter   public/js/script.js   Download  
File: public/js/script.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Online PHP Currency Converter
Allow users convert currency values online
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 5,594 bytes



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var Converter = (function(){ var private_currencyIn; var private_currencyOut; var private_amount; var private_history = []; /** * * Method used to switch currency you want to convert with desired currency * * @param String inSelector Valid jQuery selector for curent currency * @param String outSelector Valid jQuery selector for desired currency * * @return Void * */ function private_SwitchCurrency(inSelector, outSelector) { // We create temporary variables for both currencies var tempCurrencyIn = private_currencyIn; var tempCurrencyOut = private_currencyOut; // Here we actually switch currencies private_currencyIn = tempCurrencyOut; private_currencyOut = tempCurrencyIn; // This is to visually update currencies $(inSelector).val(tempCurrencyOut); $(outSelector).val(tempCurrencyIn); } /** * * Method used to set current and desired currency * * @param String inSelector Valid jQuery selector for curent currency * @param String outSelector Valid jQuery selector for desired currency * * @return Void * */ function private_setCurrencies(inSelector, outSelector) { private_currencyIn = $(inSelector).val(); private_currencyOut = $(outSelector).val(); } /** * * Method used to update amount of currency you want to convert * * @param String selector Valid jQuery selector for <input> element of amount * * @return Void * */ function private_setAmount(selector) { private_amount = parseFloat($(selector).val()); } function private_getAmount() { return private_amount; } function private_updateHistory(result) { var newRow = "<span class='history-row'>" + private_currencyIn + " " + private_amount + " = " + result + " " + private_currencyOut + "</span>"; if(private_history.length >= 5) { private_history.shift(); } private_history.push(newRow); // We first remove old history $("#history").empty(); // Here we render rows into view $.each(private_history, function(key, value) { $("#history").append(value); }); } function private_showError(error) { var alert = "<div class='alert alert-danger alert-dismissible fade in' role='alert'>"; alert += "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert' aria-label='Close'>"; alert += "<span aria-hidden='true'>&times;</span></button><span id='error'>" + error + "</span></div>"; $("#controls").append(alert); } function private_convert(){ var amount = private_amount; var currencyIn = private_currencyIn; var currencyOut = private_currencyOut; if(!isNaN(amount)) { if($.inArray(currencyIn, allowed_currencies) > -1) { if($.inArray(currencyOut, allowed_currencies) > -1) { $.ajax({ url: "/convert/index", method: "post", dataType: "json", data: {"amount": amount, "in": currencyIn, "out": currencyOut}, success: function(resp){ if(resp.hasOwnProperty("error")) { private_showError(resp.error); } else { if(resp.hasOwnProperty("result")) { private_updateHistory(resp.result); } } } }); } else { private_showError(currencyOut + " is not allowed currency."); } } else { private_showError(currencyIn + " is not allowed currency."); } } else{ private_showError("Amount must be number."); } } return { public_SwitchCurrencies: function(inSelector, outSelector) { private_SwitchCurrency(inSelector, outSelector); }, public_setCurrencies: function(inSelector, outSelector) { private_setCurrencies(inSelector, outSelector); }, public_setAmount: function(amount) { private_setAmount(amount); }, public_getAmount: function() { var amount = private_getAmount(); return amount; }, public_convert: function() { private_convert(); } }; })(); $(function(){ Converter.public_setCurrencies("#currency_in", "#currency_out"); Converter.public_setAmount("#convert_value"); $("#currency_in, #currency_out").change(function(){ Converter.public_setCurrencies("#currency_in", "#currency_out"); }); $("#switch_currency").click(function(){ Converter.public_SwitchCurrencies("#currency_in", "#currency_out"); }); $("#convert_value") .change(function(){ Converter.public_setAmount(this); }) .keyup(function(){ Converter.public_setAmount(this); }); $("#convert_form").submit(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); Converter.public_setCurrencies("#currency_in", "#currency_out"); Converter.public_convert(); }); });