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File: Readme.txt

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  Classes of José Augusto Ferreira Franco   myYouYube   Readme.txt   Download  
File: Readme.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: Some advices about testing
Class: myYouYube
Manage and display videos from YouTube
Author: By
Last change: some details
Date: 16 years ago
Size: 2,288 bytes



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I´m seeying that some users don´t see this class utility, so let me explain. Imagine that want a followed video session ,as movie series or video lessons. This class allows you to put all your videos ordered with a respective menu link to navigate between each video. You can check for a demo at To mantain my active contribution , please rate this class on PHP classes How to use this class 1st Go to youtube web site and search for some of your favourite videos, and get the respective video id, located on the video URL text field on the top right of the page Example : This video id will be HJ0-jW8tFu8 Extract all files of my class to the main folder of your web server Example: C:\Programas\EasyPHP 2.0b1\www On EasyMysql i extact them onto the folder www ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [+] System database and table is done automaticly ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [+] WHAT DO I NEED TO DO ? Edit the file 'Host_conf.php' and configure it with your Webserver settings, host , user and password. [CAREFUL] On this version , leave database and table name as it is , so database must be called 'videos' and table is named as 'youtube'. Otherwise you must conifg whole sistem, and inform the news values. [+] HOW DO I ADD MY OWN VIDEOS ? To add new videos , edit the file insert_videos.php and build as many arrays you will need , supplying video id => Example: HJ0-jW8tFu8 your video tag => Example: Create Mysql Databases Video Descrition => Example: This video shows how to create databases and tables using MySQL Video Rate => Example: 8 on 10 (whatever ) [List o changes] Class myYouTube :: version 1.1 Add more 3 methods to manage with MySQL data. It allows to build the navigation menu all videos on database , created on file "load_videos.php" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [+] Update 24 Março 2008 10:00 AM minor fix on load_video.php , see #ref 003 bug correction on index.php , check #ref 001 and #ref 002 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Regards :) José Franco