List of changes
1 February 2007 at 10:38 GMT
Change 01 :: file mysql_conn
File mysql_conn.class.php was renamed to mysql_conn.php
Now the package works well, and allows to install database and table automatically.
Just unzip all file to your server document root, and launch it to run
(This allows to run well the packahe for version 1.1
1 February 2007 at 11:17 GMT
* Changes on File
File was renamed to myYouTube.class.php
The method setConn() was removed
* Added new file 'Host_conf.php'
It contains all your system configuration. To test this script
all you need to do, is TO edit this file and set YOUR MySQL Server credentials
* Added new file 'connect.php'
Requires the mysql_warraper and system configuration and build server connection
This file will be required along the script, to get host connection
Your must assure that Mysql resource connection will be saver on the var $conn
Script won´t works if you don´t assure that. So don´t mess with this file :)
* Changes on File
File was renamed to myYouTube.config.php
Script Code was review and clean .
Now it only build the object myTouTube and pass the resource MySQL conn inside the classe,as the table name.
* Added new file comments.class.php (get it available from full version)
This class allows you to add comments and display them according target video.
It´s kind of 'Comment this video'
This way users comments will be displayed right above each video.
Class also calculates the rate for each video , and display a star image rate , according rate value
It includes also a form right above where users can submit theirs comments about the videos they are seeing
Go to (Contacts area of the site ) and ask me how to get this script full version
* Changes on file 'insert_videos.' php
File code was review and clean
* Changes on file 'insert_videos.' php
File code was review and clean
* Changes on file 'index.' php
File code was review and clean