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Class: Check PHP Requirements
Verify conditions for a PHP application to run
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PHP Requirements Checker

PHP Requirements Checker

A PHP library to check the current environment against a set of defined requirements. Currently it supports checking for PHP version, OS, extensions, php.ini values, functions, classes, apache modules and local files and folders.

Install via composer

composer require mirazmac/php-requirements-checker dev-master

Manual Install

Download the latest release. Extract and require src/Checker.php in your code. But it's highly recommended to use Composer.

require 'src/Checker.php';


use MirazMac\Requirements\Checker;

$checker = new Checker;

// Define requirements
        ->requirePhpExtensions(['ffmpeg', 'mbstring'])
        ->requireFile('../composer.json', Checker::CHECK_FILE_EXISTS)
        ->requireDirectory('../src', Checker::CHECK_IS_READABLE)
            'allow_url_fopen' => true,
            'short_open_tag' => true,
            'memory_limit'  => '>=64M',

// Runs the check and returns parsed requirements as an array
// Contains parsed requirements with state of the current values
// and their comparison result
$output = $checker->check();

// Should be called after running check() to see if requirements has met or not
$satisfied = $checker->isSatisfied();

if ($satisfied) {
    echo "Requirements are met.";
} else {
    echo join(', ', $checker->getErrors());

Supported Requirement Checks

Every supported requirements check begins with the word require. They return the class instance that means they're chain-able. These are the supported checks:

requirePhpVersion(string $version);

You can check if current PHP version matches your desired version using this method. The parameter `$version` should be a string containing your desired PHP version. Comparison operators can be prepended at the very beginning of the string.


// Note the comparison operator
// Supports comparison operators: <, >, =, >=

requireOS(string $os);

You can check if current OS matches with your desired operating system. The parameter `$os` must have one of the following values: `Checker::OS_UNIX,Checker::OS_DOS`


requireIniValues(array $values)

Use this to validate a set of php.ini config values to compare against your provided values. The parameter `$valuesshould be an array as key => value fashion, where the key would contain the php.ini config var and the value should be the desired value. LikerequirePhpVersion();` comparison operators can be prepended at the very beginning of the value. To keep things simple and neat, use `booleaninstead of usingOn/1/Off/0` for the check.

    // Will check if file_uploads is enabled or not
    // Notice the usage of boolean instead of On/Off/1/0
    'file_uploads' => true,

    // Note the comparison operator > before the desired value
    // This means the library will check if post_max_size is greater than 2M or not
    'post_max_size' => '>2M',

    // Set a value to `NULL` to just skip the check for that value
    // Useful when you don't wanna compare but want to fetch the
    // current value on the parsed requirements array
    'safe_mode'   => null,

requirePhpExtensions(array $extensions)

To make sure provided extensions are loaded. Parameter `$extenstions` should be an array with the extension names.

    'openssl', 'mbstring', 'curl'

requireFunctions(array $functions)

To make sure provided functions are loaded. Parameter `$functions` should be an array with the function names.

    'apcu_fetch', 'mb_substr', 'curl_init'

requireClasses(array $classes)

To make sure provided classes are loaded. Parameter `$classes` should be an array with the class names (namespaced or global namespace will be used).

    'PDO', 'finfo', 'stdClass'

requireApacheModules(array $modules)

To make sure provided modules are loaded. Parameter `$modules` should be an array with the module names. NOTE: This check will only run if current server is Apache.

    'mod_rewrite', 'mod_mime'

requireFile(string $path, string $check = self::CHECK_FILE_EXISTS)

To check permissions and existence of certain files and directories. The parameter `$path` should be path to any file or directory. The parameter `$check` is the check name that would be performed on the path. The supported values are: * `Checker::CHECK_IS_FILE- Runsis_file()` on the path.

  • ``Checker::CHECK_IS_DIR`` Runs ``is_dir()`` on the path.
  • ``Checker::CHECK_IS_READABLE`` Runs ``is_readable()`` on the path.
  • ``Checker::CHECK_IS_WRITABLE`` Runs ``is_writable()`` on the path.
  • ``Checker::CHECK_FILE_EXISTS`` Runs ``file_exists()`` on the path.

NOTE: `requireDirectory()` is an alias of this method.

$checker->requireFile('app/config.ini', Checker::CHECK_IS_FILE)
        ->requireFile('app/cache', Checker::CHECK_IS_WRITABLE);
        ->requireDirectory('app/cache', Checker::CHECK_IS_DIR);


  • Write tests
  • Write extended docs