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  Classes of Lars Moelleken   PHP httpful Request   Download  
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Class: PHP httpful Request
Send and process HTTP requests using handler class
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? Httpful

Forked some years ago from nategood/httpful + added support for parallel request and implemented many PSR Interfaces: A Chainable, REST Friendly Wrapper for cURL with many "PSR-HTTP" implemented inferfaces.


- Readable HTTP Method Support (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, HEAD, PATCH and OPTIONS) - Custom Headers - Automatic "Smart" Parsing - Automatic Payload Serialization - Basic Auth - Client Side Certificate Auth (SSL) - Request "Download" - Request "Templates" - Parallel Request (via curl_multi) - PSR-3: Logger Interface - PSR-7: HTTP Message Interface - PSR-17: HTTP Factory Interface - PSR-18: HTTP Client Interface



// Make a request to the GitHub API.

$uri = '';
$response = \Httpful\Client::get($uri, null, \Httpful\Mime::JSON);

echo $response->getBody()->name . ' joined GitHub on ' . date('M jS Y', strtotime($response->getBody()->created_at)) . "\n";


// Make a request to the GitHub API with a custom
// header of "X-Foo-Header: Just as a demo".

$uri = '';
$response = \Httpful\Client::get_request($uri)->withAddedHeader('X-Foo-Header', 'Just as a demo')

$result = $response->getRawBody();

echo $result['name'] . ' joined GitHub on ' . \date('M jS Y', \strtotime($result['created_at'])) . "\n";


// BasicAuth example with MultiCurl for async requests.

/ @var \Httpful\Response[] $results */
$results = [];
$multi = new \Httpful\ClientMulti(
    static function (\Httpful\Response $response, \Httpful\Request $request) use (&$results) {
        $results[] = $response;

$request = (new \Httpful\Request(\Httpful\Http::GET))
    ->withBasicAuth('postman', 'password');

// $multi->add_request(...); // add more calls here




composer require voku/httpful


We can override the default parser configuration options be registering a parser with different configuration options for a particular mime type

Example: setting a namespace for the XMLHandler parser

$conf = ['namespace' => ''];
\Httpful\Setup::registerMimeHandler(\Httpful\Mime::XML, new \Httpful\Handlers\XmlMimeHandler($conf));

Handlers are simple classes that are used to parse response bodies and serialize request payloads. All Handlers must implement the MimeHandlerInterface interface and implement two methods: serialize($payload) and parse($response). Let's build a very basic Handler to register for the text/csv mime type.


class SimpleCsvMimeHandler extends \Httpful\Handlers\DefaultMimeHandler
     * Takes a response body, and turns it into
     * a two dimensional array.
     * @param string $body
     * @return array
    public function parse($body)
        return \str_getcsv($body);

     * Takes a two dimensional array and turns it
     * into a serialized string to include as the
     * body of a request
     * @param mixed $payload
     * @return string
    public function serialize($payload)
        // init
        $serialized = '';

        foreach ($payload as $line) {
            $serialized .= '"' . \implode('","', $line) . '"' . "\n";

        return $serialized;

\Httpful\Setup::registerMimeHandler(\Httpful\Mime::CSV, new SimpleCsvMimeHandler());

Finally, you must register this handler for a particular mime type.

\Httpful\Setup::register(Mime::CSV, new SimpleCsvHandler());

After this registering the handler in your source code, by default, any responses with a mime type of text/csv should be parsed by this handler.