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File: lib/Multiotp/multiotp-master-5.6/multiotp-master/multiotp.cli.header.php

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File: lib/Multiotp/multiotp-master-5.6/multiotp-master/multiotp.cli.header.php
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Description: Example script
Class: PHP User Credentials
Implement password authentication policies
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<?php /** * @file multiotp.cli.header.php * @brief Command line implementation of the multiOTP PHP class. * * multiOTP PHP CLI header - Strong two-factor authentication PHP class * * * Visit for additional support. * * Donation are always welcome! Please check * and you will find the magic button ;-) * * If the name of this file is multiotp.php, it means that it is already * the result of the merge of the two files multiotp.cli.header.php and * multiotp.class.php * * The MultiOTP PHP CLI header is simply merged with the MultiOTP PHP * class in order to provide an authentication command line script. * * This script can be used as an external authentication provider with at * least the following RADIUS servers: * - TekRADIUS LT, a free Radius server for Windows with SQLite backend * (http:/ * - TekRADIUS, a free Radius server for Windows with MS-SQL backend * (http:/ * - FreeRADIUS, a free Radius server implementation for Linux * and *nix environments ( * - WinRADIUS, the FreeRADIUS implementation ported for Windows * ( * * For Windows, you can also use the multiotp.exe file provided, which is * an embedded PHP interpreter together with the result of the merge. * * PHP 5.3.0 or higher is supported. * * @author Andre Liechti, SysCo systemes de communication sa, <> * @version * @date 2019-10-23 * @since 2010-06-08 * @copyright (c) 2010-2019 SysCo systemes de communication sa * @copyright GNU Lesser General Public License * *//* * * LICENCE * * Copyright (c) 2010-2019 SysCo systemes de communication sa * SysCo (tm) is a trademark of SysCo systemes de communication sa * ( * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the MultiOTP PHP class * * MultiOTP PHP class is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * MultiOTP PHP class is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with MultiOTP PHP class. * If not, see <>. * * * Command line usage * * Type multiotp -help to have the full description of the options, * and have a look at the readme.txt file for enhanced explanations * * * Return codes * * 0 OK: Token accepted * * 9 INFO: Access Challenge returned back to the client * 10 INFO: Access Challenge returned back to the client * * 11 INFO: User successfully created or updated * 12 INFO: User successfully deleted * 13 INFO: User PIN code successfully changed * 14 INFO: Token has been resynchronized successfully * 15 INFO: Tokens definition file successfully imported * 16 INFO: QRcode successfully created * 17 INFO: UrlLink successfully created * 18 INFO: SMS code request received * 19 INFO: Requested operation successfully done * * 20 ERROR: User blacklisted * 21 ERROR: User doesn't exist * 22 ERROR: User already exists * 23 ERROR: Invalid algorithm * 24 ERROR: Token locked (too many tries) * 25 ERROR: Token delayed (too many tries, but still a hope in a few minutes) * 26 ERROR: The time based token has already been used * 27 ERROR: Resynchronization of the token has failed * 28 ERROR: Unable to write the changes in the file * 29 ERROR: Token doesn't exist * * 30 ERROR: At least one parameter is missing * 31 ERROR: Tokens definition file doesn't exist * 32 ERROR: Tokens definition file not successfully imported * 33 ERROR: Encryption hash error, encryption key is not the same * 34 ERROR: Linked user doesn't exist * 35 ERROR: User not created * 36 ERROR: Token doesn't exist * 37 ERROR: Token already attributed * 38 ERROR: User is deactivated * 39 ERROR: Requested operation aborted * * 40 ERROR: SQL query error * 41 ERROR: SQL error * 42 ERROR: They key is not in the table schema * 43 ERROR: SQL entry cannot be updated * * 50 ERROR: QRcode not created * 51 ERROR: UrlLink not created (no provisionable client for this protocol) * 58 ERROR: File is missing * 59 ERROR: Bad restore configuration password * * 60 ERROR: No information on where to send SMS code * 61 ERROR: SMS code request received, but an error occured during transmission * 62 ERROR: SMS provider not supported * 63 ERROR: This SMS code has expired * 64 ERROR: Cannot resent an SMS code right now * 69 ERROR: Failed to send email * * 70 ERROR: Server authentication error * 71 ERROR: Server request is not correctly formatted * 72 ERROR: Server answer is not correctly formatted * 79 ERROR: AD/LDAP connection error * * 80 ERROR: Server cache error * 81 ERROR: Cache too old for this user, account autolocked * 82 ERROR: User not allowed for this device * 88 ERROR: Device is not defined as a HA slave * 89 ERROR: Device is not defined as a HA master * * 93 ERROR: Authentication failed (time based token probably out of sync) * 94 ERROR: API request error * 95 ERROR: API authentication failed * 96 ERROR: Authentication failed (CRC error) * 97 ERROR: Authentication failed (wrong private id) * 98 ERROR: Authentication failed (wrong token length) * 99 ERROR: Authentication failed (and other possible unknown errors) * * * Radius integration examples * * Example 1 (FreeRADIUS 2.x under Linux or Windows, new fashion) * * Have a look in the readme file, everything is explained. * * * Example 2 (FreeRADIUS under Linux or Windows, old fashion) * * Define a DEFAULT entry in the /etc/freeradius/users file like this: * DEFAULT Auth-Type = Accept * Exec-Program-Wait = "/usr/local/bin/multiotp.php %{User-Name} %{User-Password}", * Fall-Through = Yes, * Reply-Message = "Hello, %{User-Name}" * * * Example 3 (TekRADIUS or TekRADIUS LT under Windows) * * TekRADIUS supports a Default Username to be used when a matching user * profile cannot be found for an incoming RADIUS authentication request. * So a quick and easy way is to create in the TekRADIUS Manager a User * named 'Default' that belongs to the existing 'Default' Group. * Then add to this Default user the following attribute : * Check External-Executable C:\multitop\multiotp.exe %ietf|1% %ietf|2% * * * External files created * * Users database files in the subfolder called users * Tokens database files in the subfolder called tokens * * * External file needed * * Users database files in the subfolder called users * Tokens database files in the subfolder called tokens * * * Special issues * * If you need specific developements concerning strong authentication, * do not hesistate to contact us per email at * * * Users feedbacks and comments * * 2018-08-25 Muzammel (PK) * Thanks for your questions about the client/server process, * which has been enhanced based on the exchange we had. * * 2018-07-31 Sergey, Kiev (UA) * Thanks for your questions regarding -restore-config in the command line version. * The restore function has been corrected * * 2018-02-13 Jonathan Garber (via GitHub) * Thanks for your feedback about various issues. * * 2017-11-22 vak255 (via GitHub) * Thanks for your feedback about a bad handled unicode issue. * All strtoXXX and strpos have been changed to the the multibyte version. * * 2017-06-11 Richard Green * Thanks for your proposal about specific LDAPTLS configuration values to be moved in the config parameters. * * 2017-04-19 Frank van der Aa, Vanboxtel BV (NL) * Thanks a lot for your valuable implementation suggestion about PostgreSQL. * The proposed code has been adapted and integrated in the project. * * 2017-02-14 Frank van der Aa, Vanboxtel BV (NL) * Thanks for your proposal about GetList() method sorted output. * * 2017-02-09 Frank van der Aa, Vanboxtel BV (NL) * Thanks for your debug about lockedlistarray[], the proposed * GetDelayedUsersList() method and the delayed users display on the web GUI. * * 2017-02-02 Stefan Kügler, SerNet GmbH (DE) * Thanks for your feedback on the last edition. * * 2017-01-24 Jean-François Perillo, Kudelski Security (CH) * As proposed by Jean-François, requested LDAP password for synchronized users can be overwritten. * * 2017-01-05 Stefan Kügler, SerNet GmbH (DE) * Thanks for your feedbacks on the last beta edition. * * 2017-01-04 Frank van der Aa, Vanboxtel (NL) * Thanks for your feedback concerning leading zeros that can be omitted for the OTP or the PIN. * This has been fixed for the next release. * * 2016-12-07, 2016-12-01 Stefan Kügler, SerNet GmbH (DE) * Thanks for your feedbacks on the last beta edition. * * 2016-12-02, Jim Bailey (USA) * Thanks for your feedbacks with some features proposals. * * 2016-11-25 SKB Kontur (RU) * Thanks for your appreciated $$$ donation. * * 2016-11-23 Serg Avtukhovich, SKB Kontur (RU) * Serg had some issues with large Active Directory. He did the beta tests for several improvements. * * 2016-11-10 SerNet GmbH (DE) * MANY thanks for your appreciated $$$ sponsorship for new implemented features proposed by Stefan Kügler. * * 2016-04-18 Serg Avtukhovich, SKB Kontur (RU) * Serg had some strange problems when using multiOTP in client/server mode. * After some trials, we fix the issue with the server when "log on display" is activated. * * 2015-12-20 Svetoslav Mateev, STS Soft (BG) * Thanks for your appreciated $$$ donation. * * 2015-12-18 Sam Leach, Warwickshire County Council (UK) * Sam informed us that a huge AD/LDAP organizational unit (100'000 users) * crashed the sync process. This has been internally reproduced and corrected. * * 2015-08-10 Edward Kovarski (CA) * Edward informed us that some special chars in the LDAP/AD group name * was killing the SyncLdapUsers process. This has been corrected. * * 2015-07-14 Pierre-Nicolas Paradis, SherWeb (FR) * Pierre-Nicolas informed us that it was still not possible to change * the admin password using the web GUI. This has been corrected. * * 2015-06-23 Jun Li (CN) * As proposed by Jun Li, launching the command line version without * enough parameters returns now a 30 error code (instead of 19). * Side effect is that -help is now required to display help page. * * 2015-06-02 Jean-François Perillo, Kudelski Security (CH) * As proposed by Jean-François, token length error information has been * added in the regular log and the autoresync is now enabled by default. * * 2015-06-02 Sébastien Charlier, Thesis SA (CH) * 2015-03-09 Martin * Martin and Sébastien informed us that passwords containing the minus sign are not accepted. * * 2015-02-16 Sylvain Maret, Kudelski Security (CH) * Sylvain informed us that Gemalto PSKC file don't provide the time interval for TOTP tokens. * RFC default value (30 seconds) is now set by default if no time interval is given. * * 2015-01-27 Thomas Klute, ingenit GmbH & Co. KG (DE) * Thanks Thomas for you feedback concerning a potential exploit with dots and slashes in a username. * Even if no information can be extracted using this method, it's always good to patch this kind of weakness. * * 2015-01-08 Markus Arnoldi, LEWA Attendorn GmbH (DE) * Useful comments about prefix PIN handling, documentation has been enhanced. * Two new command line options are now available (fastcreatenopin and fastecreatewithpin) * * 2014-12-22 Sajid Hameed, Network Places Ltd (UK) * Questions about users lockout, documentation has been enhanced. * Three command line options information has been added in the documentation. * * 2014-12-15 Steve Jacot-Guillarmod, Swissdotnet SA (CH) * Thanks Steve for your valuable feedback about LDAP sync and groups * handling with a specific Synology OpenLDAP server implementation. * * 2014-11-04 Yubico Inc. (USA) / Yubico AB (S) / Yubico Ltd. (UK) * BIG THANKS to the Yubico team which provides us several YubiKeys for the * workshop organized during the Application Security Forum in Yverdon-les-Bains (Switzerland). * Starting with version, YubiKeys (both Yubico OTP and HOTP) are now also supported and easy to import. * (simply import the YubiKey traditional format log file) * * 2014-10-13 Adam Twardowski, Choopa LLC (USA) * Thanks Adam for your valuable feedback concerning a bug with the NT_KEY generation if prefix PIN is enabled. * Adam discovered the bug and fixed it when he configured pptpd with * FreeRADIUS in order to set up a PPTP VPN with strong authentication. * * 2014-06-17 Stefan Kügler, SerNet GmbH (DE) * Stefan proposes to add Active Directory msRADIUSFramedIPAddress attribute * synchronization in order to distribute the Framed-IP-Address to a user. * * 2014-04-04 Stefan Kügler, SerNet GmbH (DE) * 2014-04-01 Daniel Särnström, Donator AB (SE) * Daniel & Stefan asks some info in order to import tokens without a know format. * Good question, multiOTP supports now importation of tokens from CSV file. * * 2014-04-02 Prashant Kumar, Alscient (UK) * Prash is playing with FreeRADIUS and VPN (PPTP with MPPE). This requires radius to send MPPE keys. * Interesting feedback, multiOTP provides now NT_KEY, like the ntlm_auth external helper. * * 2014-03-31 Alex Tasikas (GR) * Thanks Alex for your valuable feedback concerning some bugs in LDAP support. * * 2014-03-25 Prashant Kumar, Alscient (UK) * As proposed by Prash, we have added the possibility to modify the list of attributes to encrypt. * * 2014-03-17 Arthur de Jong, West Consulting (NL) * Arthur gave some feedbacks concerning distributing the source code in the * "preferred form of the work for making modifications". * * 2014-03-14 Soeren Malchow, MCON (DE) * Thanks for your feedback concerning a bug in the SQL request for the log table. * * 2014-01-27 Henk van der Helm (NL) * MANY thanks for your appreciated $$$ donation. * * 2014-01-19 Erik Nylund (FI) * Thanks four your feedback concerning specific parameters order in QRCode for Microsoft Authenticator * * 2014-01-14 Sylvain Maret, Kudelski Security (CH) * Thanks for your feedback concerning possible zero division in the ComputeOathTruncate method. * Method has been altered in order to be more compatible with almost any PHP version. * Thanks also for the suggestion to resync without the prefix PIN. Both are supported now. * * 2014-01-08/09 Cheng Shao-Pin (CN) * Thanks for your feedback concerning possible missing JSON extension in old PHP distribution * and possible image functions incompatibilities with some PHP versions during QRcode generation. * Thanks also for your appreciated $ donation. * * 2014-01-08 Cheng Shao-Pin (CN) and Daniel Särnström, Donator AB (SE) * Thanks for your feedback concerning md5.js missing in the distribution. * * 2013-12-20 Rico Zeiss, Hermann Wegener GmbH & Co. KG (DE) * MANY thanks for your appreciated $$$ sponsorship to support us to add MS-CHAP and MS-CHAPv2 in a next release. * * 2013-12-18 Xavier Céspedes (ES) * Thanks to Xavier who noticed a problem with the hex2bin() function duringthe scratch password generation. * In the meantime, the GetUserScratchPasswordsList() function has been improved and fixed and is in the 4.1 release. * * 2013-09-20 Sean Butler-Lee (IE) * Thanks a lot for announcing a bug with the GetUserScratchPasswordsArray() method. * * 2013-08-22,26 Frank Bongrand (FR) * Thanks a lot for valuable feedbacks concerning some minor bugs in 4.0.4 and 4.0.6 * * 2013-08-21 Henk van der Helm (NL) * Thanks a lot for a valuable feedback concerning some minor bugs in 4.0.4 * * 2013-08-15 Donator AB (SE) * MANY thanks for your appreciated $$$ sponsorship to support us to add self-registration in a next release. * * 2013-08-13 Daniel Särnström, Donator AB (SE) * Daniel proposed to add self-registration and pskc v12 with encrypted data support (OATH compliant). * * 2013-07-25 Dominik Pretzsch from Last Squirrel IT (DE) * After some discussions with Dominik, integration of the client/server support in the basic library * * 2013-07-23 Stefan Kügler (DE) (again ;-) * Stefan proposed to add the possibility to show the log, which is especially convenient for MySQL log. * He proposed also to be able to call an external program to send SMS. * * 2013-07-11 Stefan Kügler (DE) * Stefan proposed to add a lock and unlock option for the user. * * 2013-06-19 SerNet GmbH (DE) * MANY thanks for your appreciated $$$ sponsorship after we implemented some features proposed by Stefan Kügler. * * 2013-06-13 Henk van der Helm (NL) (again ;-) * Henk proposed to be able to have a specific description for the software token. * (we use the already existing user description attribute) * * 2013-06-01 Stefan Irion (CH) * Thanks for your appreciated $$ donation. * * 2013-05-14 Henk van der Helm (NL) * Henk asked to support also the provider IntelliSMS. Thanks for the $$ sponsorship! * * 2013-05-03 Stefan Kügler (DE) * Stefan proposed to lower the default max_time_window to 600 seconds. * * 2013-03-04 Alan DeKok (CA) * Alan proposed in the freeradius mailing-list to put a prefix to be able to handle the * debug info by the freeradius server. * * 2012-11-28 Gareth Thomas * Thanks for your appreciated $$ donation. * * 2012-03-16 Nicolas Goralski (LU) * Nicolas proposed an enhancement in order to support PAM. Thanks also for the $$ sponsorship! * (with the -checkpam option in the command line edition) * * 2011-05-19 Fabiano Domeniconi (CH) * Fabiano found old info in the samples, CheckToken() is not boolean anymore! Samples fixed. * * 2011-04-24 Steven Roddis (AU) * Steven asked for more examples. Thanks to Steven for the $ donation ;-) * * 2010-09-15 Jasper Pol (NL) * Jasper has added an initial MySQL backend support * * 2010-09-13 Brenno Hiemstra (NL) * Brenno reported bad extra spaces after the #!/usr/bin/php in the Linux version of multiotp.php * * 2010-08-20 C. Christophi, BirdNet (CH) * Documentation enhancement proposal for the TekRADIUS part, thanks ! * * 2010-07-19 SysCo/al (CH) * Well, as requested by some users, the new "class" design is done, enjoy ! * * * Change Log * * 2019-10-23 SysCo/al FIX: Separated configuration/statistics storage handling * 2019-10-22 SysCo/al ENH: Better PHP 7.3 support * ENH: Base32 encoder/decoder new implementation * ENH: During WriteConfigData, loop on the current values, and check with the old values * ENH: Enhanced internal tests * 2019-09-02 SysCo/al ENH: Give an info if time based token is probably out of sync (in a window 10 time bigger) * (for example for hardware tokens not used for a long time) * 2019-03-29 SysCo/al ENH: Challenge-Response support * 2019-01-24 SysCo/al FIX: If any, clean specific NTP DHCP option at every reboot * 2019-01-07 SysCo/al ENH: Raspberry Pi 3B+ support * 2018-11-13 SysCo/al ENH: Import of PSKC definition files with binary decoding key file * ENH: added new sms providers (clickatell2, nexmo, nowsms, smseagle, swisscom, custom) * 2018-08-26 SysCo/al FIX: Restore configuration has been fixed in the command line edition * 2018-08-21 SysCo/al ENH: help text enhanced, without2fa option added * 2018-07-16 SysCo/al ENH: new commande line option ldap-users-dn * 2018-03-16 SysCo/al FIX: command line -set error for ldap-pwd and prefix-pin * 2018-02-26 SysCo/al ENH: Regular registry entries are now used directly from the Credential Provider. * 2018-02-19 SysCo/al ENH: Credential Provider multiOTPOptions registry entry is used if available * 2017-11-10 SysCo/al New -cp option (Credential Provider mode) * 2017-05-29 SysCo/al PostgreSQL support, based on source code provided by Frank van der Aa * 2017-02-21 SysCo/al Seed can now be given in Base32 format * 2017-02-03 SysCo/al -user-info fixed and replaced by a call to the GetUserInfo method * 2017-01-24 SysCo/al It's now possible to do several commands at once with the CLI edition * Some new commands added * Commands -user-info and -ldap-user-info enhanced * Commands -lock and -unlock return now 19 (instead of 99) * 2016-11-14 SysCo/al Better SSL support * Some new commands added * 2016-11-04 SysCo/al Better SSL support * Specific LDAP/AD attribute used as the synchronised account name can be defined * Implementing new library options * Additional error information sent back in the Reply-Message attribute * (the debug prefix must be set to Reply-Message = ) * Backup configuration file can now be restored in commercial version without any change * 2016-08-02 SysCo/al Command -network-info added * More debug information * 2015-07-18 SysCo/al Minor fixes * 2015-07-15 SysCo/al Calling multiotp CLI without parameter returns now error code 30 (instead of 19) * 2015-06-24 SysCo/al multiotp_account automatic support * 2015-06-10 SysCo/al Enhancements for the Dev(Talks): demo * 2015-06-09 SysCo/al Additional CLI features (fastcreatenopin, fastcreatewithpin) * Initialize-backend process enhanced * Resync during authentication (autoresync) is now better handled in the class directly * 2014-12-09 SysCo/al MULTIOTP_PATH environment variable support * CLI local proxy mode support added to speed up the command line * Scratch password need also the prefix PIN if it's activated * OTP with integrated serial numbers better supported (in PAP) * Generic LDAP support (no more only Microsoft AD compatible LDAP) * Raspberry Pi edition has the local proxy mode activated to speed up the process * 2014-11-04 SysCo/al Command -lockeduserslist added * Resynchronization is now done with ResyncToken() method instead of CheckToken() * SysCo/yj Changing examples : %message -> %msg; Added " around parameter sms-api-id in the example * 2014-06-12 SysCo/al Bug fix concerning aspsms provider * 2014-04-13 SysCo/al Minor fixes * 2014-04-06 SysCo/al Fixed bug concerning LDAP handling * NT_KEY support added (for FreeRADIUS further handling) * Tokens CSV import (serial_number;manufacturer;algorithm;seed;digits;interval_or_event) * When a user is deleted, the token(s) attributed to this user is/are unassigned * New option -user-info added * 2014-03-30 4.2.4 SysCo/al Fixed bug concerning MySQL handling and mysqli support added * Enhanced SetAttributesToEncrypt function * New implementation for some external classes * Generated QRcode are better * LOT of new QA tests, more than 60 different tests (including PHP class and command line versions) * Enhanced documentation * 2014-03-13 4.2.3 SysCo/al Updated examples * 2014-03-03 4.2.2 SysCo/al Cleaned some non-interpreted TekRADIUS variables (for old TeKRADIUS releases) * Some values can now go back to TekRADIUS * 2014-02-07 4.2.0 SysCo/al MS-CHAP and MS-CHAPv2 fully supported * 2014-01-21 4.1.2 SysCo/al Direct call of class methods using -call-method * 2014-01-20 4.1.1 SysCo/al Minor fixes * 2013-12-23 4.1.0 SysCo/al Some modifications in order to correctly handle the class methods * It is now possible to activate or deactivate a user * Encrypted pskc files are now supported * 2013-08-30 4.0.7 SysCo/al GetScriptFolder() was still buggy sometimes, thanks Frank for the feedback * File mode of the created QRcode file is also changed base on GetLinuxFileMode() * 2013-08-25 4.0.6 SysCo/al base32_encode() is now RFC compliant with uppercases * GetUserTokenQrCode() and GetTokenQrCode() where buggy * GetScriptFolder() use now __FILE__ if the full path is included * When doing a check in the CLI header, @... is automatically removed from the * username if the user doesn't exist, and the check is done on the clean name * Added a lot of tests to enhance release quality * 2013-08-21 4.0.5 SysCo/al Fixed the check of the cache lifetime * Added a temporary server blacklist during the same instances * Default server timeout is now set to 1 second * 2013-08-20 4.0.4 SysCo/al Added an optional group attribute for the user * (which will be send with the Radius Filter-Id option) * Added scratch passwords generation (if the token is lost) * Automatic database schema upgrade using method UpgradeSchemaIfNeeded() * Added client/server support with local cache * Added CHAP authentication support (PAP is of course still supported) * The encryption key is now a parameter of the class constructor * The method SetEncryptionKey('MyPersonalEncryptionKey') IS DEPRECATED * The method DefineMySqlConnection IS DEPRECATED * Full MySQL support, including tables creation (see example and SetSqlXXXX methods) * Added email, sms and seed_password to users attributes * Added sms support (aspsms, clickatell, intellisms, custom, exec) * Added prefix support for debug mode (in order to send Reply-Message := to Radius) * Added a lot of new methods to handle easier the users and the tokens * General speedup by using available native functions for hash_hmac and others * Default max_time_window has been lowered to 600 seconds (thanks Stefan for suggestion) * Integrated Google Authenticator support with integrated base 32 seed handling * Integrated QRcode generator library (from Y. Swetake) * General options in an external configuration file * Comments have been reformatted and enhanced for automatic documentation * Development process enhanced, source code reorganized, external contributions are * added automatically at the end of the library after an internal build release * 2011-10-25 3.9.2 SysCo/al Improved get_script_dir() for Linux/Windows compatibility * 2011-09-15 3.9.1 SysCo/al Some quick fixes concerning multiple users * 2011-09-13 3.9.0 SysCo/al Adding support for account with multiple users * 2011-07-06 3.2.0 SysCo/al Encryption hash handling with additional error message 33 * (if the key has changed) * Adding more examples * Adding generic user with multiple account * (Real account name is combined: "user" and "account password") * Adding log options, now default doesn't log token value anymore * Debugging MySQL backend support for the token handling * Fixed automatic detection of \ or / for script path detection * 2010-12-19 3.1.1 SysCo/al Better MySQL backend support, including in CLI version * 2010-09-15 3.1.0 SysCo/al Removed bad extra spaces in the multiotp.php file for Linux * MySQL backend support * 2010-09-02 3.0.0 SysCo/al Adding tokens handling support, including importing XML tokens definition file * ( * Enhanced flat database file format (multiotp is still compatible with old formats) * Internal method SetDataReadFlag renamed to SetUserDataReadFlag * Internal method GetDataReadFlag renamed to GetUserDataReadFlag * 2010-08-21 2.0.4 SysCo/al Enhancement in order to use an alternate php "compiler" for Windows command line * Documentation enhancement * 2010-08-18 2.0.3 SysCo/al Minor notice fix, define timezone if not defined (for embedded command line) * If user doesn't exist, do not create the related flat file after a check * 2010-07-21 2.0.2 SysCo/al Fix to create correctly the folders "users" and "log" if needed * 2010-07-19 2.0.1 SysCo/al Adding more information in the help text * 2010-07-19 2.0.0 SysCo/al New design using a class and a cli header stub * 2010-06-15 1.1.5 SysCo/al Adding OATH/TOTP support * 2010-06-15 1.1.4 SysCo/al Project renamed to multiotp to avoid overlapping * 2010-06-08 1.1.3 SysCo/al Typo in script folder detection * 2010-06-08 1.1.2 SysCo/al Typo in variable name * 2010-06-08 1.1.1 SysCo/al Status bar during resynchronization * 2010-06-08 1.1.0 SysCo/al Fix in the example, distribution not compressed * 2010-06-07 1.0.0 SysCo/al Initial implementation * *********************************************************************/ global $argc; global $argv; if (!isset($multiotp)) { require_once('multiotp.class.php'); } // Trick to define the current folder as the script folder function get_script_dir() { // Detect the current folder, change Windows notation to universal notation if needed $current_folder = convert_to_unix_path(getcwd()); $current_script_folder = convert_to_unix_path(isset($_SERVER["argv"][0])?$_SERVER["argv"][0]:''); if ('' == (trim($current_script_folder))) { if (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) { $current_script_folder = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']; } elseif (isset($argv[0])) { $current_script_folder = dirname($current_folder."/".$argv[0]); } } if (false === mb_strpos($current_script_folder,"/")) { $current_script_folder_detected = dirname($current_folder."/fake.file"); } else { $current_script_folder_detected = dirname($current_script_folder); } if (substr($current_script_folder_detected,-1) != "/") { $current_script_folder_detected.="/"; } return convert_to_windows_path_if_needed($current_script_folder_detected); } // Function to convert into a unix path notation function convert_to_unix_path( $path ) { return str_replace("\\","/",$path); } // Function to convert into a windows path notation if needed function convert_to_windows_path_if_needed( $path ) { $result = $path; if (false !== mb_strpos($result,":")) { $result = str_replace("/","\\",$result); } return $result; } // Clean quotes of the parameters if any if (!function_exists('clean_quotes')) { function clean_quotes( $value ) { $cleaned = FALSE; $var = $value; if ((1 < strlen($var)) && ((('"' == substr($var,0,1)) && ('"' == substr($var,-1))) || (("'" == substr($var,0,1)) && ("'" == substr($var,-1))))) { $var = substr($var, 1, strlen($var)-2); $cleaned = TRUE; } if ($cleaned) { $var = clean_quotes($var); } return $var; } } // CLI mode initialization (if not, it's the http local proxy mode) $cli_mode = TRUE; // Local proxy mode (non-CLI mode) detection and adaptation if (''==(isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])?$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']:'')) { if (isset($_POST['argv']) || isset($_GET['argv'])) { $cli_mode = FALSE; $folder_path = dirname(__FILE__).'/'; if (!@file_exists($folder_path.'scripts/')) { $folder_path = '/usr/local/bin/multiotp/'; } if (!@file_exists($folder_path.'templates/')) { $folder_path = ''; } else { $chdir_result = chdir($folder_path); } $detected_folder_path = $folder_path; ob_start(); } } if ($cli_mode) { // We try to detect the current folder where multiOTP is installed $folder_path = get_script_dir(); $chdir_result = chdir($folder_path); $detected_folder_path = $folder_path; // Trick to have mostly the correct timezone in embedded command line version // and to avoid error messages when using time functions if (function_exists("date_default_timezone_get")) { $actual_timezone = @date_default_timezone_get(); if (function_exists("date_default_timezone_set")) { @date_default_timezone_set($actual_timezone); } } // Be sure that STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR are defined correctly for command line edition if (!defined('STDIN')) { define('STDIN', @fopen('php://stdin', 'r')); } if (!defined('STDOUT')) { define('STDOUT', @fopen('php://stdout', 'w')); } if (!defined('STDERR')) { define('STDERR', @fopen('php://stderr', 'w')); } } // Initialize some variables $command = ""; $not_a_command = false; $command_array = array(); $call_method = ""; $cp_mode = false; $display_help = false; $display_status = false; $prefix_pin = false; $crlf = "\n"; // was chr(13).chr(10); $result = 99; // Unknown error $token_id_creation = false; $mysql_parameters = array(); $pgsql_parameters = array(); $no_php_info = false; $param_info_debug = false; $show_false_pin = false; $base_dir = ''; $source_tag = ''; $source_ip = ''; $source_mac = ''; $calling_ip = ''; $calling_mac = ''; $chap_id = ''; $chap_challenge = ''; $chap_password = ''; $ms_chap_challenge = ''; $ms_chap_response = ''; $ms_chap2_response = ''; $verbose_prefix = ''; $display_log = false; $enable_log = false; $verbose_log = false; $initialize_backend = false; $keep_local = false; $encrypted_password = false; $request_nt_key = false; $server_cache_level = ''; $server_secret = ''; $server_timeout = ''; $server_url = ''; $state = ''; $write_config_data = false; $write_param_data = false; // Extract all parameters $param_count = 0; $all_args = array(); $all_args_size = 20; if ($cli_mode) { $loop_start = 1; $argv = isset($_SERVER["argv"]) ? $_SERVER["argv"] : (isset($argv) ? $argv : ""); $argc = intval(isset($_SERVER["argc"]) ? $_SERVER["argc"] : (isset($argc) ? $argc : 0)); } else { $argv = array(); $loop_start = 1; if (isset($_POST['argv']) || isset($_GET['argv'])) { $argv[] = __FILE__; $all_argv = explode(chr(0), base64_decode(isset($_POST['argv'])?$_POST['argv']:$_GET['argv'])); foreach ($all_argv as $one_argv) { if ('' != trim($one_argv)) { $argv[] = trim($one_argv); } } } $argc = count($argv); } for ($arg_loop=$loop_start; $arg_loop < $argc; $arg_loop++) { $current_arg = clean_quotes($argv[$arg_loop]); $not_a_command = FALSE; if ("-activate" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "activate"; } elseif ("-assign-token" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "assign-token"; } elseif ("-callapi" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "callapi"; } elseif ("-backup-config" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "backup-config"; } elseif ("-call-method=" == substr(mb_strtolower($current_arg),0,13)) { $command = "call-method"; $src_array = explode("=",$current_arg,2); if (2 == count($src_array)) { $call_method = $src_array[1]; } } elseif ("-check" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "check"; } elseif ("-check-ldap-password" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "check-ldap-password"; } elseif ("-checkpam" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "checkpam"; } elseif ("-config" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "config"; } elseif ("-create" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "create"; } elseif ("-createga" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "createga"; } elseif ("-custominfo" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "custominfo"; } elseif ("-default-dialin-ip-mask" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "default-dialin-ip-mask"; } elseif ("-delete" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "delete"; } elseif ("-delete-token" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "delete-token"; } elseif ("-deactivate" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "deactivate"; } elseif ("-desactivate" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "desactivate"; } elseif ("-dialin-ip-address" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "dialin-ip-address"; } elseif ("-dialin-ip-mask" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "dialin-ip-mask"; } elseif ("-fastcreate" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "fastcreate"; } elseif ("-fastcreatenopin" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "fastcreatenopin"; } elseif ("-fastcreatewithpin" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "fastcreatewithpin"; } elseif ("-help" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "help"; } elseif ("-import" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "import"; } elseif ("-import-alpine-xml" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "import-alpine-xml"; } elseif ("-import-csv" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "import-csv"; } elseif ("-import-dat" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "import-dat"; } elseif ("-import-pskc" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "import-pskc"; } elseif ("-import-sql" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "import-sql"; } elseif ("-import-xml" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "import-xml"; } elseif ("-import-yubikey" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "import-yubikey"; } elseif ("-initialize-backend" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "initialize-backend"; $initialize_backend = true; } elseif ("-lockeduserslist" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "lockeduserslist"; } elseif ("-ldap-users-list" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "ldap-users-list"; } elseif ("-ldap-users-sync" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "ldap-users-sync"; } elseif ("-ldap-user-info" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "ldap-user-info"; } elseif ("-ldap-check" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "ldap-check"; } elseif ("-phpinfo" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "phpinfo"; } elseif ("-libhash" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "libhash"; } elseif ("-lock" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "lock"; } elseif ("-mysql" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "mysql"; } elseif ("-pgsql" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "pgsql"; } elseif ("-php-version" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "php-version"; } elseif ("-purge-lock-folder" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "purge-lock-folder"; } elseif ("-purge-ldap-cache-folder" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "purge-ldap-cache-folder"; } elseif ("-qrcode" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "qrcode"; } elseif ("-requiresms" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "requiresms"; } elseif ("-remove-token" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "remove-token"; } elseif ("-restore-config" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "restore-config"; } elseif ("-resync" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "resync"; } elseif ("-scratchlist" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "scratchlist"; } elseif ("-seed-info" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "seed"; } elseif ("-set" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "set"; } elseif ("-showlog" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "showlog"; } elseif ("-tokenslist" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "tokenslist"; } elseif ("-unlock" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "unlock"; } elseif ("-update" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "update"; } elseif ("-update-pin" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "update-pin"; } elseif ("-urllink" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "urllink"; } elseif ("-user-info" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "user-info"; } elseif ("-userslist" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "userslist"; } elseif (("-version" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) || ("-v" == mb_strtolower($current_arg))) { $command = "version"; } elseif ("-version-only" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $command = "version-only"; } else { // The current argument is not a command $not_a_command = TRUE; if ("-base-dir=" == substr(mb_strtolower($current_arg),0,10)) { $base_array = explode("=",$current_arg,2); if (2 == count($base_array)) { $base_dir = clean_quotes($base_array[1]); } } elseif ("-src=" == substr(mb_strtolower($current_arg),0,5)) { $src_array = explode("=",$current_arg,2); if (2 == count($src_array)) { $source_ip = clean_quotes($src_array[1]); } } elseif ("-tag=" == substr(mb_strtolower($current_arg),0,5)) { $src_array = explode("=",$current_arg,2); if (2 == count($src_array)) { $source_tag = clean_quotes($src_array[1]); } } elseif ("-mac=" == substr(mb_strtolower($current_arg),0,5)) { $src_array = explode("=",$current_arg,2); if (2 == count($src_array)) { $source_mac = clean_quotes($src_array[1]); } } elseif ("-calling-ip=" == substr(mb_strtolower($current_arg),0,12)) { $src_array = explode("=",$current_arg,2); if (2 == count($src_array)) { $calling_ip = clean_quotes($src_array[1]); } } elseif ("-calling-mac=" == substr(mb_strtolower($current_arg),0,13)) { $src_array = explode("=",$current_arg,2); if (2 == count($src_array)) { $calling_mac = clean_quotes($src_array[1]); } } elseif ("-chap-id=" == substr(mb_strtolower($current_arg),0,16)) { $src_array = explode("=",$current_arg,2); if (2 == count($src_array)) { $chap_id = clean_quotes($src_array[1]); if (("%msoft" == mb_strtolower(substr($chap_id,0,6))) || ("%ietf" == mb_strtolower(substr($chap_id,0,5)))) { $chap_id = ''; } } } elseif ("-chap-challenge=" == substr(mb_strtolower($current_arg),0,16)) { $src_array = explode("=",$current_arg,2); if (2 == count($src_array)) { $chap_challenge = clean_quotes($src_array[1]); if (("%msoft" == mb_strtolower(substr($chap_challenge,0,6))) || ("%ietf" == mb_strtolower(substr($chap_challenge,0,5)))) { $chap_challenge = ''; } } } elseif ("-chap-password=" == substr(mb_strtolower($current_arg),0,15)) { $src_array = explode("=",$current_arg,2); if (2 == count($src_array)) { $chap_password = clean_quotes($src_array[1]); if (("%msoft" == mb_strtolower(substr($chap_password,0,6))) || ("%ietf" == mb_strtolower(substr($chap_password,0,5)))) { $chap_password = ''; } else { $encrypted_password = true; } } } elseif ("-ms-chap-challenge=" == substr(mb_strtolower($current_arg),0,19)) { $src_array = explode("=",$current_arg,2); if (2 == count($src_array)) { $ms_chap_challenge = clean_quotes($src_array[1]); if (("%msoft" == mb_strtolower(substr($ms_chap_challenge,0,6))) || ("%ietf" == mb_strtolower(substr($ms_chap_challenge,0,5)))) { $ms_chap_challenge = ''; } } } elseif ("-ms-chap-response=" == substr(mb_strtolower($current_arg),0,18)) { $src_array = explode("=",$current_arg,2); if (2 == count($src_array)) { $ms_chap_response = clean_quotes($src_array[1]); if (("%msoft" == mb_strtolower(substr($ms_chap_response,0,6))) || ("%ietf" == mb_strtolower(substr($ms_chap_response,0,5)))) { $ms_chap_response = ''; } else { $encrypted_password = true; } } } elseif ("-ms-chap2-response=" == substr(mb_strtolower($current_arg),0,19)) { $src_array = explode("=",$current_arg,2); if (2 == count($src_array)) { $ms_chap2_response = clean_quotes($src_array[1]); if (("%msoft" == mb_strtolower(substr($ms_chap2_response,0,6))) || ("%ietf" == mb_strtolower(substr($ms_chap2_response,0,5)))) { $ms_chap2_response = ''; } else { $encrypted_password = true; } } } elseif ("-server-url=" == substr(mb_strtolower($current_arg),0,12)) { $src_array = explode("=",$current_arg,2); if (2 == count($src_array)) { $server_url = trim(str_replace(",",";",str_replace(" ",";",clean_quotes($src_array[1])))); } } elseif ("-server-cache-level=" == substr(mb_strtolower($current_arg),0,20)) { $src_array = explode("=",$current_arg,2); if (2 == count($src_array)) { $server_cache_level = clean_quotes($src_array[1]); } } elseif ("-server-secret=" == substr(mb_strtolower($current_arg),0,15)) { $src_array = explode("=",$current_arg,2); if (2 == count($src_array)) { $server_secret = clean_quotes($src_array[1]); } } elseif ("-server-timeout=" == substr(mb_strtolower($current_arg),0,16)) { $src_array = explode("=",$current_arg,2); if (2 == count($src_array)) { $server_timeout = clean_quotes($src_array[1]); } } elseif ("-state=" == substr(mb_strtolower($current_arg),0,7)) { $src_array = explode("=",$current_arg,2); if (2 == count($src_array)) { $state = clean_quotes($src_array[1]); } } elseif ("-cp" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $cp_mode = true; } elseif ("-debug" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $verbose_log = true; } elseif ("-display-log" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $display_log = true; } elseif ("-log" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $enable_log = true; } elseif ("-keep-local" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $keep_local = true; } elseif ("-no-php-info" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $no_php_info = true; } elseif ("-no-prefix-pin" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $set_prefix_pin = false; } elseif ("-param" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $param_info_debug = true; } elseif ("-prefix-pin" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $set_prefix_pin = true; } elseif (("-request-nt-key" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) || ("--request-nt-key" == mb_strtolower($current_arg))) { $request_nt_key = true; } elseif ("-show-false-pin" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $show_false_pin = true; } elseif ("-status" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $display_status = true; } elseif ("-token-id" == mb_strtolower($current_arg)) { $token_id_creation = true; } else { $param_count++; $all_args[$param_count] = $current_arg; } } if (("" != $command) && (!$not_a_command)) { $command_array[] = array('command' => $command, 'param_pos' => (1 + $param_count)); } } // Be sure that non-existent parameters are empty for ($i = ($param_count+1); $i <= $all_args_size; $i++) { $all_args[$i] = ''; } // if not enough parameters, display error message // and indicate how to display the help page if (($param_count < 1) && ($command != "backup-config") && ($command != "call-method") && ($command != "checkpam") && ($command != "custominfo") && ($command != "network-info") && ($command != "help") && ($command != "initialize-backend") && ($command != "ldap-check") && ($command != "ldap-users-list") && ($command != "ldap-users-sync") && ($command != "libhash") && ($command != "phpinfo") && ($command != "showlog") && ($command != "tokenslist")&& ($command != "userslist") && ($command != "lockeduserslist") && ($command != "version") && ($command != "php-version") && ($command != "purge-ldap-cache-folder") && ($command != "purge-lock-folder") && ($command != "version-only")) { $command = "noparam"; $command_array[] = array('command' => $command, 'param_pos' => 1); } // Without any command, it should be the check command if ('' == $command) { $command = "check"; $command_array[] = array('command' => $command, 'param_pos' => 1); } // If an environment variable is defined, we use it $env_folder_path = getenv('MULTIOTP_PATH'); if (($env_folder_path !== false) && ($env_folder_path != '')) { $folder_path = $env_folder_path; $chdir_result = chdir($folder_path); } // If a base directory is given as a parameter, we use it in priority if ('' != $base_dir) { $folder_path = $base_dir; $chdir_result = chdir($folder_path); } // Create a new Multiotp object // The log and users subfolders are set by default under the folder of the script // We set directly a specific encryption key for the config, tokens and users files // PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINE IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU DO! // IF YOU CHANGE THE ENCRYPTION KEY, YOUR PREVIOUS ENCRYPTED DATA WILL NOT BE READABLE ANYMORE $multiotp_etc_dir = '/etc/multiotp'; $config_folder = $multiotp_etc_dir.'/config'; if (false === mb_strpos(getcwd(), '/')) { // if (!@file_exists($config_folder)) { $multiotp_etc_dir = ''; $config_folder = ''; } if (($command == "libhash") || ($command == "help") || ($command == "version") || ($command == "php-version")) { if (!isset($multiotp)) { $multiotp = new Multiotp('DefaultCliEncryptionKey', false, $folder_path, $config_folder); $multiotp->SetCredentialProviderMode($cp_mode); $multiotp->SetCliMode($cli_mode); $multiotp->SetCliProxyMode(!$cli_mode); // The CLI proxy mode is *NOT* the CLI mode } } else { if (!isset($multiotp)) { $multiotp = new Multiotp('DefaultCliEncryptionKey', $initialize_backend, $folder_path, $config_folder); $multiotp->SetCredentialProviderMode($cp_mode); $multiotp->SetCliMode($cli_mode); $multiotp->SetCliProxyMode(!$cli_mode); // The CLI proxy mode is *NOT* the CLI mode if ('' != $multiotp_etc_dir) { $multiotp->SetLogFolder('/var/log/multiotp/'); $multiotp->SetConfigFolder($multiotp_etc_dir.'/config/'); $multiotp->SetDevicesFolder($multiotp_etc_dir.'/devices/'); $multiotp->SetGroupsFolder($multiotp_etc_dir.'/groups/'); $multiotp->SetTokensFolder($multiotp_etc_dir.'/tokens/'); $multiotp->SetUsersFolder($multiotp_etc_dir.'/users/'); $multiotp->SetCacheFolder('/tmp/cache/'); $multiotp->SetLinuxFileMode('0666'); } $multiotp->ReadConfigData(); } $multiotp->UpgradeSchemaIfNeeded(); $verbose_prefix = $multiotp->GetVerboseLogPrefix(); // for example Reply-Message := } // Initialize multiOTP direct Credential Provider options if ('' != $server_cache_level) { if ($multiotp->GetServerCacheLevel() != intval($server_cache_level)) { $multiotp->SetServerCacheLevel(intval($server_cache_level)); $write_param_data = true; if (($multiotp->IsDeveloperMode())) { $multiotp->WriteLog('Developer: new server_cache_level='.$server_cache_level, false, false, 8888, 'Debug', ''); } } } if ('' != $server_secret) { if ($multiotp->GetServerSecret() != $server_secret) { $multiotp->SetServerSecret($server_secret); $write_param_data = true; if (($multiotp->IsDeveloperMode())) { $multiotp->WriteLog('Developer: new server_secret='.$server_secret, false, false, 8888, 'Debug', ''); } } } if ('' != $server_timeout) { if ($multiotp->GetServerTimeout() != intval($server_timeout)) { $multiotp->SetServerTimeout(intval($server_timeout)); $write_param_data = true; if (($multiotp->IsDeveloperMode())) { $multiotp->WriteLog('Developer: new server_timeout='.$server_timeout, false, false, 8888, 'Debug', ''); } } } if ('' != $server_url) { if ($multiotp->GetServerUrl() != $server_url) { $multiotp->SetServerUrl($server_url); $write_param_data = true; if (($multiotp->IsDeveloperMode())) { $multiotp->WriteLog('Developer: new server_url='.$server_url, false, false, 8888, 'Debug', ''); } } } if ($write_param_data) { $write_result = $multiotp->WriteConfigData(array(), true); if (($multiotp->IsDeveloperMode())) { if ($write_result) { $multiotp->WriteLog('Developer: new configuration automatically written', false, false, 8888, 'Debug', ''); } else { $multiotp->WriteLog('Developer: error during new configuration writing operation', false, false, 8888, 'Debug', ''); } } } if (($multiotp->IsDeveloperMode())) { $multiotp->WriteLog('Developer: argv: '.print_r($argv, true), false, false, 8888, 'Debug', ''); } // Initialize multiOTP options if ($enable_log) { $multiotp->EnableLog(); } if ($verbose_log) { $multiotp->EnableVerboseLog(); } if ($display_log) { $multiotp->EnableDisplayLog(); } if ($keep_local) { $multiotp->EnableKeepLocal(); } $prefix_pin = $multiotp->IsDefaultRequestPrefixPin(); if (isset($set_prefix_pin)) { $prefix_pin = $set_prefix_pin; } $multiotp->SetSourceTag($source_tag); $multiotp->SetSourceIp($source_ip); $multiotp->SetSourceMac($source_mac); $multiotp->SetCallingIp($calling_ip); $multiotp->SetCallingMac($calling_mac); $multiotp->SetChapId($chap_id); $multiotp->SetChapChallenge($chap_challenge); $multiotp->SetChapPassword($chap_password); $multiotp->SetMsChapChallenge($ms_chap_challenge); $multiotp->SetMsChapResponse($ms_chap_response); $multiotp->SetMsChap2Response($ms_chap2_response); $multiotp->SetState($state); if (($multiotp->IsDeveloperMode())) { $loop_start = 1; $temp_radius = ''; for ($arg_loop=$loop_start; $arg_loop < $argc; $arg_loop++) { $one_radius = clean_quotes($argv[$arg_loop]); if (false !== mb_strpos($one_radius,' ')) { $one_radius = '"'.$one_radius.'"'; } $temp_radius.= '{'.$one_radius.'} '; } $multiotp->WriteLog('Developer: *parameter(s) received, displayed between {}: '.trim($temp_radius), false, false, 8888, 'Debug', ''); } // This is to be able to loop for various commands (since $full_args = $all_args; for ($every_command = 0; $every_command < count($command_array); $every_command++) { $command = $command_array[$every_command]['command']; $param_pos = $command_array[$every_command]['param_pos']; if (($every_command + 1) < (count($command_array))) { $param_count = $command_array[$every_command + 1]['param_pos'] - $param_pos; } else { $param_count = 1 + count($full_args) - $param_pos; } for ($i = 1; $i <= $param_count; $i++) { $all_args[$i] = $full_args[$param_pos + $i - 1]; } for ($i = ($param_count + 1); $i <= $all_args_size; $i++) { $all_args[$i] = ''; } switch ($command) { case "mysql": if ($param_count < 1) { $result = 30; // ERROR: At least one parameter is missing } else { $mysql_parameters = explode(",",mb_strtolower($all_args[1])); if (count($mysql_parameters) < 4) { $result = 30; // ERROR: At least one parameter is missing } else { $mysql_parameters = array_pad($mysql_parameters, 7, NULL); // Backend storage type $multiotp->SetBackendType('mysql'); $multiotp->SetSqlServer($mysql_parameters[0]); $multiotp->SetSqlUsername($mysql_parameters[1]); $multiotp->SetSqlPassword($mysql_parameters[2]); $multiotp->SetSqlDatabase($mysql_parameters[3]); // If table names are not defined, we keep the default value defined in the class constructor. if (NULL !== $mysql_parameters[4]) { $multiotp->SetSqlTableName('log', $mysql_parameters[4]); } if (NULL !== $mysql_parameters[5]) { $multiotp->SetSqlTableName('users', $mysql_parameters[5]); } if (NULL !== $mysql_parameters[6]) { $multiotp->SetSqlTableName('tokens', $mysql_parameters[6]); } } } break; case "pgsql": if ($param_count < 1) { $result = 30; // ERROR: At least one parameter is missing } else { $pgsql_parameters = explode(",",mb_strtolower($all_args[1])); if (count($pgsql_parameters) < 5) { $result = 30; // ERROR: At least one parameter is missing } else { $pgsql_parameters = array_pad($pgsql_parameters, 8, NULL); // Backend storage type $multiotp->SetBackendType('pgsql'); $multiotp->SetSqlServer($pgsql_parameters[0]); $multiotp->SetSqlUsername($pgsql_parameters[1]); $multiotp->SetSqlPassword($pgsql_parameters[2]); $multiotp->SetSqlDatabase($pgsql_parameters[3]); $multiotp->SetSqlSchema($pgsql_parameters[4]); // If table names are not defined, we keep the default value defined in the class constructor. if (NULL !== $pgsql_parameters[5]) { $multiotp->SetSqlTableName('log', $pgsql_parameters[5]); } if (NULL !== $pgsql_parameters[6]) { $multiotp->SetSqlTableName('users', $pgsql_parameters[6]); } if (NULL !== $pgsql_parameters[7]) { $multiotp->SetSqlTableName('tokens', $pgsql_parameters[7]); } } } break; case "version": $version_info = $multiotp->GetClassName()." ".$multiotp->GetVersion()." (".$multiotp->GetDate().")"; if ($multiotp->GetCliProxyMode()) { $version_info.= " [CLI PROXY]"; } elseif ($multiotp->GetCliMode()) { $version_info.= " [CLI]"; } if ($multiotp->GetCredentialProviderMode()) { $version_info.= " [CP]"; } $version_info.= $crlf; echo $version_info; $result = 19; break; case "version-only": echo $multiotp->GetVersion(); $result = 19; break; case "php-version": echo 'PHP '.phpversion().$crlf; $result = 19; break; case "backup-config": if (0 == $param_count) { // Backward compatibility $multiotp->BackupConfiguration(); $result = 19; // INFO: Requested operation successfully done } elseif ($param_count < 2) { $result = 30; // ERROR: At least one parameter is missing } else { $backup_file = ('' != trim($all_args[2])) ? $all_args[2] : 'multiotp.cfg'; if (TRUE === ($multiotp->BackupConfiguration(array('backup_file' => $backup_file, 'encryption_key' => $all_args[1], 'flush_attributes' => array('admin_password_hash'))))) { $result = 19; // INFO: Requested operation successfully done } else { $result = 99; // ERROR } } break; case "restore-config": if ($param_count < 2) { $result = 30; // ERROR: At least one parameter is missing } else { $backup_file = ('' != trim($all_args[2])) ? $all_args[2] : 'multiotp.cfg'; if (file_exists($backup_file)) { if (TRUE === ($multiotp->RestoreConfiguration(array('backup_file' => $backup_file, 'restore_key' => $all_args[1])))) { $result = 19; // INFO: Requested operation successfully done } else { $result = 99; // ERROR } } else { $result = 58; // ERROR: File is missing } } break; case "call-method"; if (method_exists($multiotp, $call_method)) { if ('' != $all_args[4]) { $call_result = $multiotp->$call_method($all_args[1], $all_args[2], $all_args[3], $all_args[4]); } elseif ('' != $all_args[3]) { $call_result = $multiotp->$call_method($all_args[1], $all_args[2], $all_args[3]); } elseif ('' != $all_args[2]) { $call_result = $multiotp->$call_method($all_args[1], $all_args[2]); } elseif ('' != $all_args[1]) { $call_result = $multiotp->$call_method($all_args[1]); } else { $call_result = $multiotp->$call_method(); } if ($multiotp->GetVerboseFlag()) { $multiotp->WriteLog('Debug: *Method '.$call_method.' returned the following result: '.print_r($call_result, true), false, false, 8888, 'Debug', ''); } $result = 19; } else { if ($multiotp->GetVerboseFlag()) { $multiotp->WriteLog("Debug: *Method $call_method doesn't exist", false, false, 8888, 'Debug', ''); } $result = 99; } break; case "check"; $self_registration = ''; $otp_inline = ''; if ($param_count > 1) { if (!$multiotp->CheckUserExists($all_args[1])) { if (false !== mb_strpos($all_args[1], ':')) { /************************************************************************* * Here we check special cases * * 1) serial_number:username (for alternate self-registration process) * Do not forget to activate self-registration ! * * 2) username:OTP (for alternate authentication with OTP and AD password) * For example in order to do MS-CHAPv2 authentication * *************************************************************************/ $part1 = substr($all_args[1], 0, mb_strpos($all_args[1], ':')); $part2 = substr($all_args[1], mb_strpos($all_args[1], ':')+1); if ($multiotp->IsSelfRegistrationEnabled() && ($multiotp->CheckTokenExists($part1))) { $self_registration = $part1; $all_args[1] = $part2; } elseif ($multiotp->IsUserRequestLdapPasswordEnabled() && ($multiotp->CheckUserExists($part1))) { $all_args[1] = $part1; $otp_inline = $part2; } } if (false !== mb_strpos($all_args[1], '@')) { $cleaned_user = substr($all_args[1], 0, mb_strpos($all_args[1], '@')); if ($multiotp->CheckUserExists($cleaned_user)) { $all_args[1] = $cleaned_user; $multiotp->SetUser($all_args[1]); } } elseif (false !== mb_strpos($all_args[1], "\\")) { $cleaned_user = substr($all_args[1], mb_strpos($all_args[1], "\\")+1); if ($multiotp->CheckUserExists($cleaned_user)) { $all_args[1] = $cleaned_user; $multiotp->SetUser($all_args[1]); } } else { $clean_phone = $multiotp->CleanPhoneNumber($all_args[1]); if ($multiotp->CheckUserExists($clean_phone)) { $all_args[1] = $clean_phone; $multiotp->SetUser($all_args[1]); } } } # check extension can be added here } if (($param_count < 2) && (!$encrypted_password)) { $result = 30; // ERROR: At least one parameter is missing } elseif (!$multiotp->ReadUserData($all_args[1])) { if ("ERROR" == $multiotp->GetUserEncryptionHash()) { $result = 33; // ERROR: Encryption hash error, encryption key is not the same } else { $result = 21; // ERROR: user doesn't exist. } } else { // Resynchronization information splitting (for autoresync) is now handled in CheckToken directly if ('' != $all_args[3]) { for ($i = 3; $i <= $all_args_size; $i++) { if ('' != $all_args[$i]) { $all_args[2] = $all_args[2]." ".$all_args[$i]; } } } $result = $multiotp->CheckToken($all_args[2], '', false, false, false, false, $self_registration); // Result provided by the MultiOTP class if (($multiotp->IsAutoResync()) && (14 == $result)) { $result = 0; } } break; case "checkpam": if (!$multiotp->ReadUserData(isset($_ENV["PAM_USER"])?$_ENV["PAM_USER"]:'PAM_USER_NOT_DEFINED!')) { if ("ERROR" == $multiotp->GetUserEncryptionHash()) { $result = 33; // ERROR: Encryption hash error, encryption key is not the same } else { $result = 21; // ERROR: user doesn't exist. } } else { $result = $multiotp->CheckToken(isset($_ENV["PAM_AUTHTOK"])?$_ENV["PAM_AUTHTOK"]:'PAM_AUTHTOK_NOT_DEFINED!'); } break; case "create": case "update": if (("create" == $command) && $multiotp->ReadUserData($all_args[1], true, true)) { $result = 22; // ERROR: user already exists. } elseif (("update" == $command) && (!$multiotp->ReadUserData($all_args[1], false, true))) { $result = 21; // ERROR: user doesn't exist. } elseif ($param_count < 3) { $result = 30; // ERROR: At least one parameter is missing } else { $multiotp->SetUser($all_args[1]); $multiotp->SetUserPrefixPin($prefix_pin?1:0); if ($token_id_creation) { $key_id = $all_args[2]; if (!$multiotp->ReadTokenData($key_id)) { $result = 29; // ERROR: token doesn't exist. } else { $multiotp->SetUserKeyId($key_id); $multiotp->SetUserTokenSerialNumber($multiotp->GetTokenSerialNumber()); if (!$multiotp->SetUserAlgorithm($multiotp->GetTokenAlgorithm())) { $result = 23; // ERROR: invalid algorithm } else { $multiotp->SetUserTokenSeed($multiotp->GetTokenSeed()); $multiotp->SetUserTokenNumberOfDigits($multiotp->GetTokenNumberOfDigits()); $multiotp->SetUserTokenTimeInterval($multiotp->GetTokenTimeInterval()); $multiotp->SetUserTokenLastEvent($multiotp->GetTokenLastEvent()); $multiotp->SetUserTokenAlgoSuite($multiotp->GetTokenAlgoSuite()); $multiotp->SetUserPin($all_args[3]); if ($multiotp->WriteUserData()) { $result = 11; // INFO: user successfully created or updated } else { $result = 28; // ERROR: Unable to write the changes in the file } } } } elseif (!$multiotp->SetUserAlgorithm($all_args[2])) { $result = 23; // ERROR: invalid algorithm } else { $multiotp->SetUserTokenSeed($all_args[3]); if ($param_count < 4) { $result = 30; // ERROR: At least one parameter is missing } else { $multiotp->SetUserPin($all_args[4]); if ('' == $all_args[5]) { $all_args[5] = 6; // Default number of digits is set to 6 } $multiotp->SetUserTokenNumberOfDigits($all_args[5]); switch (mb_strtoupper($all_args[2])) { // This is the time interval for mOTP case "MOTP": if ('' == $all_args[6]) { $all_args[6] = 10; // Default windows value interval for mOTP } $multiotp->SetUserTokenTimeInterval($all_args[6]); break; // This is the time interval for TOTP case "TOTP": if ('' == $all_args[6]) { $all_args[6] = 30; // Default windows value interval for TOTP } $multiotp->SetUserTokenTimeInterval($all_args[6]); break; // This is the next event for HOTP case "HOTP": default: if ('' == $all_args[6]) { $all_args[6] = 0; // Default next event } $multiotp->SetUserTokenLastEvent($all_args[6]-1); // -1 because we are saving the last event in the user file database break; } if ($multiotp->WriteUserData()) { $result = 11; // INFO: user successfully created or updated } else { $result = 28; // ERROR: Unable to write the changes in the file } } } } break; case "delete": if (!$multiotp->DeleteUser($all_args[1])) { $result = 21; // ERROR: user doesn't exist. } else { $result = 19; // INFO: user successfully deleted. } break; case "delete-token": if (!$multiotp->DeleteToken($all_args[1])) { $result = 36; // ERROR: token doesn't exist. } else { $result = 19; // INFO: token successfully deleted. } break; case "lock": if (!$multiotp->LockUser($all_args[1])) { // Write is done directly $result = 21; // ERROR: user doesn't exist. } else { $result = 19; // OK } break; case "unlock": if (!$multiotp->UnlockUser($all_args[1])) { // Write is done directly $result = 21; // ERROR: user doesn't exist. } else { $result = 19; // OK } break; case "callapi": $api_result = $multiotp->CallApi(array("script_uri" => $all_args[1], "secret" => $all_args[2])); $result = (FALSE !== mb_strpos($api_result, 'result_code')) ? 19 : 99; echo $api_result; break; case "assign-token": if (!$multiotp->AssignTokenToUser($all_args[1], $all_args[2])) { $result = 99; // ERROR } else { $result = 19; // OK } break; case "remove-token": if ($param_count < 1) { $result = 30; // ERROR: At least one parameter is missing } elseif (!$multiotp->ReadUserData($all_args[1])) { $result = 21; // ERROR: user doesn't exist. } else { if ($multiotp->RemoveTokenFromUser($all_args[1])) { $result = 19; // OK } else { $result = 99; // ERROR } } break; case "default-dialin-ip-mask": if (!$multiotp->SetDefaultDialinIpMask($all_args[1])) { $result = 99; // ERROR } elseif ($multiotp->WriteConfigData()) { $result = 19; // OK } else { $result = 99; // ERROR } break; case "dialin-ip-address": if ($param_count < 2) { $result = 30; // ERROR: At least one parameter is missing } elseif (!$multiotp->ReadUserData($all_args[1])) { $result = 21; // ERROR: user doesn't exist. } else { $multiotp->SetUserDialinIpAddress($all_args[1], $all_args[2]); if ($multiotp->WriteUserData()) { $result = 19; // OK } else { $result = 99; // ERROR } } break; case "dialin-ip-mask": if ($param_count < 2) { $result = 30; // ERROR: At least one parameter is missing } elseif (!$multiotp->ReadUserData($all_args[1])) { $result = 21; // ERROR: user doesn't exist. } else { $multiotp->SetUserDialinIpMask($all_args[1], $all_args[2]); if ($multiotp->WriteUserData()) { $result = 19; // OK } else { $result = 99; // ERROR } } break; case "activate": if (!$multiotp->ReadUserData($all_args[1])) { $result = 21; // ERROR: user doesn't exist. } else { $multiotp->SetUserActivated($all_args[1],1); if ($multiotp->WriteUserData()) { $result = 19; // OK } else { $result = 99; // ERROR } } break; case "deactivate": case "desactivate": if (!$multiotp->ReadUserData($all_args[1])) { $result = 21; // ERROR: user doesn't exist. } else { $multiotp->SetUserActivated($all_args[1],0); if ($multiotp->WriteUserData()) { $result = 19; // OK } else { $result = 99; // ERROR } } break; case "requiresms": if (!$multiotp->CheckUserExists($all_args[1])) { $result = 21; // ERROR: user doesn't exist. } else { $result = $multiotp->GenerateSmsToken($all_args[1]); // It writes automatically in the database } break; case "resync": if ($param_count < 3) { $result = 30; // ERROR: At least one parameter is missing } elseif (!$multiotp->ReadUserData($all_args[1])) { $result = 21; // ERROR: user doesn't exist. } else { if ($multiotp->ResyncToken($all_args[2], $all_args[3], $display_status)) { $result = 14; // INFO: token is now synchronized } } break; case "seed": if ($param_count < 3) { $result = 30; // ERROR: At least one parameter is missing } elseif (!$multiotp->ReadUserData($all_args[1])) { $result = 21; // ERROR: user doesn't exist. } else { $result1 = $multiotp->CheckToken($all_args[2]); $result2 = $multiotp->CheckToken($all_args[3]); if ($result1 && $result2) { $result = 19; } else { $result = 99; } } break; case "update-pin": if ($param_count < 2) { $result = 30; // ERROR: At least one parameter is missing } elseif (!$multiotp->ReadUserData($all_args[1])) { $result = 21; // ERROR: user doesn't exist. } else { $multiotp->SetUserPin($all_args[2]); if ($multiotp->WriteUserData()) { $result = 13; // INFO: pin successfully changed } } break; case "user-info": $result_txt = $multiotp->GetUserInfo($all_args[1]); if ("" != $result_txt) { echo $result_txt; $result = 19; } else { $result = 99; } break; case "set": $write_user_data = false; if ($param_count < 2) { $result = 30; // ERROR: At least one parameter is missing } elseif (!$multiotp->ReadUserData($all_args[1])) { $result = 21; // ERROR: user doesn't exist. } else { for ($params = 2; $params < count($all_args); $params++) { $actual_array = explode("=",$all_args[$params],2); if (2 == count($actual_array)) { switch ($actual_array[0]) { case 'cache-level': $multiotp->SetUserCacheLevel(intval($actual_array[1])); $write_user_data = true; break; case 'cache-lifetime': $multiotp->SetUserCacheLifetime(intval($actual_array[1])); $write_user_data = true; break; case 'description': $multiotp->SetUserDescription($actual_array[1]); $write_user_data = true; break; case 'email': $multiotp->SetUserEmail($actual_array[1]); $write_user_data = true; break; case 'pin': $multiotp->SetUserPin($actual_array[1]); $write_user_data = true; break; case 'ldap-pwd': $multiotp->SetUserRequestLdapPassword(intval($actual_array[1])); $write_user_data = true; break; case 'prefix-pin': $multiotp->SetUserPrefixPin(intval($actual_array[1])); $write_user_data = true; break; case 'sms': $multiotp->SetUserSms($actual_array[1]); $write_user_data = true; break; default: // Just in case we need to change additional values that have no related method $internal_user_option = str_replace("-", "_", $actual_array[0]); if ($multiotp->SetUserAttribute($internal_user_option, $actual_array[1])) { $write_user_data = true; } break; } } } if ($write_user_data) { if ($multiotp->WriteUserData()) { $result = 19; // INFO: Requested operation successfully done } } } break; case "config": $config_result = true; $write_config_data = false; if ($param_count < 1) { $result = 30; // ERROR: At least one parameter is missing } else { for ($params = 1; $params < count($all_args); $params++) { $actual_array = explode("=",$all_args[$params],2); if (2 == count($actual_array)) { switch ($actual_array[0]) { case 'attributes-to-encrypt': $multiotp->SetAttributesToEncrypt($actual_array[1]); $internal_config_option = str_replace("-", "_", $actual_array[0]); if ($multiotp->SetConfigAttribute($internal_config_option, $actual_array[1])) { $write_config_data = true; } break; case 'autoresync': $multiotp->SetAutoResync($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'backend-type': $multiotp->SetBackendType($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'clear-otp-attribute': $multiotp->SetClearOtpAttribute($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'debug': $multiotp->SetDebugOption(intval($actual_array[1])); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'display-log': $multiotp->SetDisplayLogOption(intval($actual_array[1])); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'debug-prefix': $multiotp->SetVerboseLogPrefix($actual_array[1]); $verbose_prefix = $multiotp->GetVerboseLogPrefix(); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'default-request-prefix-pin': $multiotp->SetDefaultRequestPrefixPin(intval($actual_array[1])); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'default-request-ldap-pwd': $multiotp->SetDefaultRequestLdapPwd(intval($actual_array[1])); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'group-attribute': $multiotp->SetGroupAttribute($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'issuer': $multiotp->SetIssuer($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'ldap-account-suffix': $multiotp->SetLdapAccountSuffix($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'ldap-activated': $multiotp->SetLdapActivated($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'ldap-base-dn': $multiotp->SetLdapBaseDn($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'ldap-bind-dn': $multiotp->SetLdapBindDn($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'ldap-cn-identifier': $multiotp->SetLdapCnIdentifier($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'ldap-default-algorithm': $multiotp->SetLdapDefaultAlgorithm($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'ldap-domain-controllers': $multiotp->SetLdapDomainControllers($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'ldap-group-attribute': $multiotp->SetLdapGroupAttribute($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'ldap-group-cn-identifier': $multiotp->SetLdapGroupCnIdentifier($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'ldap-in-group': $multiotp->SetLdapInGroup($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'ldap-network-timeout': $multiotp->SetLdapNetworkTimeout(intval($actual_array[1])); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'ldap-port': $multiotp->SetLdapPort(intval($actual_array[1])); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'ldap-server-password': $multiotp->SetLdapServerPassword($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'ldap-server-type': $multiotp->SetLdapServerType(intval($actual_array[1]), true); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'ldap-ssl': $multiotp->SetLdapSsl($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'ldap-synced-user-attribute': $multiotp->SetLdapSyncedUserAttribute($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'ldap-time-limit': $multiotp->SetLdapTimeLimit(intval($actual_array[1])); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'ldap-users-dn': $multiotp->SetLdapUsersDn($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'log': $multiotp->SetLogOption(intval($actual_array[1])); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'multiple-groups': $multiotp->SetMultipleGroups(intval($actual_array[1])); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'radius-reply-attributor': $multiotp->SetRadiusReplyAttributor($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'radius-reply-separator': $multiotp->SetRadiusReplySeparator($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'self-registration': $multiotp->SetSelfRegistration(intval($actual_array[1])); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'server-cache-level': $multiotp->SetServerCacheLevel(intval($actual_array[1])); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'server-cache-lifetime': $multiotp->SetServerCacheLifetime(intval($actual_array[1])); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'server-secret': $multiotp->SetServerSecret($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'server-timeout': $multiotp->SetServerTimeout(intval($actual_array[1])); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'server-type': $multiotp->SetServerType($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'server-url': $multiotp->SetServerUrl($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'sms-api-id': $multiotp->SetSmsApiId($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'sms-message': $multiotp->SetSmsMessage($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'sms-originator': $multiotp->SetSmsOriginator($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'sms-password': $multiotp->SetSmsPassword($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'sms-provider': $multiotp->SetSmsProvider($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'sms-userkey': case 'sms-username': $multiotp->SetSmsUsername($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'sms-url': $multiotp->SetSmsUrl($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'sms-ip': $multiotp->SetSmsIp($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'sms-port': $multiotp->SetSmsPort($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'sms-send-template': $multiotp->SetSmsSendTemplate($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'sms-method': $multiotp->SetSmsMethod($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'sms-encoding': $multiotp->SetSmsEncoding($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'sms-status-success': $multiotp->SetSmsStatusSuccess($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'sms-content-success': $multiotp->SetSmsContentSuccess($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'sms-no-double-zero': $multiotp->SetSmsNoDoubleZero($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'sms-basic-auth': $multiotp->SetSmsBasicAuth($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'sms-content-encoding': $multiotp->SetSmsContentEncoding($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'sql-server': $multiotp->SetSqlServer($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'sql-username': $multiotp->SetSqlUsername($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'sql-password': $multiotp->SetSqlPassword($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'sql-database': $multiotp->SetSqlDatabase($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'sql-config-table': $multiotp->SetSqlTableName('config',$actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'sql-devices-table': $multiotp->SetSqlTableName('devices',$actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'sql-log-table': $multiotp->SetSqlTableName('log',$actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'sql-tokens-table': $multiotp->SetSqlTableName('tokens',$actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'sql-users-table': $multiotp->SetSqlTableName('users',$actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'tel-default-country-code': $multiotp->SetTelDefaultCountryCode($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'token-serial-number-length': $multiotp->SetTokenSerialNumberLength($actual_array[1]); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'challenge-response-enabled': $multiotp->SetGlobalChallengeResponse(intval($actual_array[1])); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'sms-challenge-enabled': $multiotp->SetGlobalSmsChallenge(intval($actual_array[1])); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'text-sms-challenge': $multiotp->SetGlobalTextSmsChallenge(trim($actual_array[1])); $write_config_data = true; break; case 'text-token-challenge': $multiotp->SetGlobalTextTokenChallenge(trim($actual_array[1])); $write_config_data = true; break; default: // Just in case we need to change additional values that have no related method $internal_config_option = str_replace("-", "_", $actual_array[0]); if ($multiotp->SetConfigAttribute($internal_config_option, $actual_array[1])) { $write_config_data = true; } break; } } } if ($write_config_data) { if ($multiotp->WriteConfigData(array(), true)) { $result = 19; // INFO: Requested operation successfully done } } } break; case "import": if (!@file_exists($all_args[1])) { $result = 31; // ERROR: Tokens definition file doesn't exist. } else { $import_password = $all_args[2]; if (('' != $import_password) && (@file_exists($import_password))) { $import_password = @file_get_contents($import_password); } if ($multiotp->ImportTokensFile($all_args[1], $all_args[1], $import_password)) { $result = 15; // INFO: Tokens definition file successfully imported } else { $result = 32; // ERROR: Tokens definition file not successfully imported. } } break; case "import-csv": if (!@file_exists($all_args[1])) { $result = 31; // ERROR: Tokens definition file doesn't exist. } else { if ($multiotp->ImportTokensFromCsv($all_args[1])) { $result = 15; // INFO: Tokens definition file successfully imported } else { $result = 32; // ERROR: Tokens definition file not successfully imported. } } break; case "import-pskc": if (!@file_exists($all_args[1])) { $result = 31; // ERROR: Tokens definition file doesn't exist. } else { $import_password = $all_args[2]; if (('' != $import_password) && (@file_exists($import_password))) { $import_password = @file_get_contents($import_password); } if ($multiotp->ImportTokensFromPskc($all_args[1], $import_password)) { $result = 15; // INFO: Tokens definition file successfully imported } else { $result = 32; // ERROR: Tokens definition file not successfully imported. } } break; case "import-yubikey": if (!@file_exists($all_args[1])) { $result = 31; // ERROR: Tokens definition file doesn't exist. } else { if ($multiotp->ImportYubikeyTraditional($all_args[1])) { $result = 15; // INFO: Tokens definition file successfully imported } else { $result = 32; // ERROR: Tokens definition file not successfully imported. } } break; case "import-xml": if (!@file_exists($all_args[1])) { $result = 31; // ERROR: Tokens definition file doesn't exist. } else { if ($multiotp->ImportTokensFromXml($all_args[1])) { $result = 15; // INFO: Tokens definition file successfully imported } else { $result = 32; // ERROR: Tokens definition file not successfully imported. } } break; case "import-alpine-xml": if (!@file_exists($all_args[1])) { $result = 31; // ERROR: Tokens definition file doesn't exist. } else { if ($multiotp->ImportTokensFromAlpineXml($all_args[1])) { $result = 15; // INFO: Tokens definition file successfully imported } else { $result = 32; // ERROR: Tokens definition file not successfully imported. } } break; case "import-dat": if (!@file_exists($all_args[1])) { $result = 31; // ERROR: Tokens definition file doesn't exist. } else { if ($multiotp->ImportTokensFromAlpineDat($all_args[1])) { $result = 15; // INFO: Tokens definition file successfully imported } else { $result = 32; // ERROR: Tokens definition file not successfully imported. } } break; case "import-sql": if (!@file_exists($all_args[1])) { $result = 31; // ERROR: Tokens definition file doesn't exist. } else { if ($multiotp->ImportTokensFromAuthenexSql($all_args[1])) { $result = 15; // INFO: Tokens definition file successfully imported } else { $result = 32; // ERROR: Tokens definition file not successfully imported. } } break; case "qrcode": if ($param_count < 2) { $result = 30; // ERROR: At least one parameter is missing } elseif (!$multiotp->CheckUserExists($all_args[1])) { $result = 21; // ERROR: user doesn't exist. } else { if ($multiotp->GetUserTokenQrCode($all_args[1], '', $all_args[2])) { $result = 16; // INFO: QRcode successfully created. } else { $result = 50; // INFO: QRcode not created. } } break; case "urllink": if ($param_count < 1) { $result = 30; // ERROR: At least one parameter is missing } elseif (!$multiotp->CheckUserExists($all_args[1])) { $result = 21; // ERROR: user doesn't exist. } else { if (false !== ($url_result = $multiotp->GetUserTokenUrlLink($all_args[1]))) { echo $url_result.$crlf; $result = 17; // INFO: UrlLink successfully created. } else { $result = 51; // INFO: UrlLink not created. } } break; case "scratchlist": echo str_replace("\t",$crlf,$multiotp->GetUserScratchPasswordsList($all_args[1])).$crlf; $result = 19; break; case "userslist": echo str_replace("\t",$crlf,$multiotp->GetUsersList()).$crlf; $result = 19; break; case "lockeduserslist": echo str_replace("\t",$crlf,$multiotp->GetLockedUsersList()).$crlf; $result = 19; break; case "tokenslist": echo str_replace("\t",$crlf,$multiotp->GetTokensList()).$crlf; $result = 19; break; case "ldap-users-list": if ('' != $multiotp->_config_data['ldap_domain_controllers']) { $ldap_users_list = $multiotp->GetLdapUsersList(); if ('' != $ldap_users_list) { echo str_replace("\t",$crlf,$ldap_users_list).$crlf; $result = 19; } else { $result = 39; } } else { $result = 39; } break; case "ldap-user-info": $users_array = $multiotp->GetLdapUsersInfoArray($all_args[1], true, true); $user_separator = ""; foreach ($users_array as $one_user_array) { echo $user_separator; $user_separator = $crlf; foreach ($one_user_array as $array_key => $array_value) { if (is_array($array_value)) { $info_value = ""; foreach ($array_value as $one_key => $one_value) { $info_value.= (("" == $info_value) ? "" : ",").$one_value; } } else { $info_value = $array_value; } echo substr(str_repeat(" ", 23).$array_key, -23).": ".$info_value.$crlf; } } $result = 19; break; case "ldap-users-sync": // All users (*), include disabled, don't ignore in groups, display debug step if next argument > 0 if ("" == $all_args[1]) { $all_args[1] = 60; } $result = (($multiotp->SyncLdapUsers("*", TRUE, FALSE, intval($all_args[1]))) ? 19 : 99); break; case "purge-ldap-cache-folder": $result = (($multiotp->PurgeLdapCacheFolder()) ? 19 : 99); break; case "purge-lock-folder": $result = (($multiotp->PurgeLockFolder()) ? 19 : 99); break; case "showlog": $multiotp->ShowLog(); $result = 19; break; case "ldap-check": $result = (($multiotp->CheckLdapAuthentication()) ? 19 : 99); break; case "check-ldap-password": $result = (($multiotp->CheckUserLdapPassword($all_args[1],$all_args[2])) ? 19 : 99); break; case "fastcreate": case "fastcreatenopin": case "fastcreatewithpin": if ($multiotp->CheckUserExists($all_args[1])) { $result = 22; // ERROR: user already exists. } elseif ($param_count < 1) { $result = 30; // ERROR: At least one parameter is missing } else { if ('fastcreatenopin' == $command) { $prefix_pin = false; } elseif ('fastcreatewithpin' == $command) { $prefix_pin = true; } if ($multiotp->CreateUser($all_args[1], $prefix_pin?1:0, "TOTP", '', (''!=$all_args[2])?$all_args[2]:'')) { $result = 11; // INFO: user successfully created or updated } else { $result = 35; // ERROR: user not created } } break; case "createga": if ($multiotp->ReadUserData($all_args[1], true)) { $result = 22; // ERROR: user already exists. } elseif ($param_count < 2) { $result = 30; // ERROR: At least one parameter is missing } else { if ($multiotp->CreateUser($all_args[1], 0, "TOTP", bin2hex(base32_decode($all_args[2])), (''!=$all_args[3])?$all_args[3]:'')) { $result = 11; // INFO: user successfully created or updated } else { $result = 35; // ERROR: user not created } } break; case "phpinfo": phpinfo(); break; case "libhash": echo $multiotp->GetLibraryHash($all_args[1], $all_args[2]).$crlf; $result = 19; break; case "custominfo": echo $multiotp->GetCustomInfo().$crlf; $result = 19; break; case "network-info": echo implode($crlf, $multiotp->GetNetworkInfo()); echo $crlf; $result = 19; break; case "noparam": $result = 30; echo $multiotp->GetClassName()." ".$multiotp->GetVersion()." (".$multiotp->GetDate().")"; if (!$no_php_info) { if (PHP_MAJOR_VERSION > 4) { echo ", running with PHP ".phpversion(); } if ($multiotp->GetCliProxyMode()) { echo " (CLI proxy mode)"; } else { echo " (CLI mode)"; } } echo $crlf; echo $multiotp->GetCopyright().$crlf; echo $multiotp->GetWebsite()." (you can try the [Donate] button ;-)".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo "Not enough parameters, type multiotp -help for information about the options."; echo $crlf; break; case "error": break; case "help": default: // Help or others, except the -initialize-backend option. if (!$initialize_backend) { $result = 999; // Info only echo $multiotp->GetClassName()." ".$multiotp->GetVersion()." (".$multiotp->GetDate().")"; if (!$no_php_info) { echo ", running with embedded PHP version ".phpversion(); } echo $crlf; echo $multiotp->GetCopyright().$crlf; echo $multiotp->GetWebsite()." (you can try the [Donate] button ;-)".$crlf; echo $crlf; if ($multiotp->GetVerboseFlag()) { $script_folder = $multiotp->GetScriptFolder(); if (($detected_folder_path != '') && ($detected_folder_path != $script_folder)) { echo "*Initial detected folder: ".$detected_folder_path.$crlf; } if ($base_dir != '') { echo "*base_dir option folder: ".$folder_path.$crlf; } if (($env_folder_path !== false) && ($env_folder_path != '')) { echo "*MULTIOTP_PATH variable folder: ".$env_folder_path.$crlf; } echo "*Script folder: ".$script_folder.$crlf; echo $crlf; } echo "multiotp will check if the token of a user is correct, based on a specified".$crlf; echo "algorithm (currently Mobile-OTP (, OATH/HOTP (RFC 4226) ".$crlf; echo "and OATH/TOTP (RFC 6238) are implemented). PSKC format supported (RFC 6030).".$crlf; echo "Supported encryption methods are PAP and CHAP.".$crlf; echo "Yubico OTP format supported (44 bytes long, with prefixed serial number).".$crlf; echo "SMS-code are supported (current providers: aspsms,clickatell,clickatell2,".$crlf; echo " intellisms,nexmo,nowsms,smseagle,swisscom,custom,exec).".$crlf; echo "Specific SMS sender program supported by specifying exec as SMS provider.".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo "Google Authenticator base32_seed tokens must be of n*8 characters.".$crlf; echo "Google Authenticator TOTP tokens must have a 30 seconds interval.".$crlf; echo "Available characters in base32 are only ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo "To quickly create a user, use the -fastcreate option with the name of the user.".$crlf; echo "A quickly created user is compatible with Google Auth (30 seconds, 6 digits).".$crlf; echo "Depending on the prefix PIN option (WHICH IS ENABLED BY DEFAULT), a prefix PIN".$crlf; echo "will be requested or not before the displayed token.".$crlf; echo "If the PIN is not given, it is generated randomly.".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo "To quickly create a user without a prefix PIN request, use -fastcreatenopin".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo "To quickly create a user with a prefix PIN request, use -fastecreatewithpin".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo "If a token is locked (return code 24), you have to resync the token to unlock.".$crlf; echo "Requesting an SMS token (put sms as the password), and typing the received".$crlf; echo " token correctly will also unlock the token.".$crlf; if (!function_exists('ImageCreate')) { echo $crlf; echo "!!! You need to enable the gd2 library in order to create QRcode !!!".$crlf; } echo $crlf; echo "The check will return 0 for a correct token, and the other return code means:".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo "Return codes:".$crlf; echo $crlf; reset($multiotp->_errors_text); while(list($key, $value) = each($multiotp->_errors_text)) { echo substr(" ".$key, -2)." ".$value." ".$crlf; } echo $crlf; echo $crlf; echo "Usage:".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " PLEASE NOT THAT BY DEFAULT, A PREFIX PIN IS REQUIRED.".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp user [prefix PIN]OTP (check the OTP (with prefix PIN) of the user)".$crlf; echo " multiotp -checkpam (to check with pam-script, using PAM_USER and PAM_AUTHTOK)".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -requiresms user (generate and send an SMS token to the user)".$crlf; echo " multiotp user sms (send an SMS token to the user)".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp user [-chap-id=0x..] -chap-challenge=0x... -chap-password=0x...".$crlf; echo " (the first byte of the chap-password value can contain the chap-id value)".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -fastcreate user [pin] (create a Google Auth compatible token)".$crlf; echo " multiotp -fastcreatenopin user [pin] (create a user without a prefix PIN)".$crlf; echo " multiotp -fastecreatewithpin user [pin] (create a user with a prefix PIN)".$crlf; echo " multiotp -createga user base32_seed [pin] (create Google Auth user with TOTP)".$crlf; echo " multiotp -create user algo seed pin digits [pos|interval]".$crlf; echo " multiotp -create -token-id user token-id pin".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " token-id: id of the previously imported token to attribute to the user".$crlf; echo " user: name of the user (should be the account name)".$crlf; echo " algo: available algorithms are mOTP, HOTP, TOTP, YubicoOTP and without2FA".$crlf; echo " seed: hexadecimal or base32 seed of the token".$crlf; echo " pin: private pin code of the user".$crlf; echo " digits: number of digits given by the token".$crlf; echo " pos: for HOTP algorithm, position of the next awaited event".$crlf; echo " interval: for mOTP and TOTP algorithms, token interval time in seconds".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -import tokens_definition_file [key|pass|key_file]".$crlf; echo " (auto-detect format)".$crlf; echo " multiotp -import-csv csv_tokens_file.csv (tokens definition in a file)".$crlf; echo " (serial_number;manufacturer;algorithm;seed;digits;interval_or_event)".$crlf; echo " multiotp -import-pskc pskc_tokens_file.pskc [key|pass|key_file]".$crlf; echo " (PSKC format, RFC 6030)".$crlf; echo " multiotp -import-yubikey yubikey_traditional_format_log.csv (YubiKey)".$crlf; echo " multiotp -import-dat importAlpine.dat (SafeWord/Aladdin/SafeNet tokens)".$crlf; echo " multiotp -import-alpine-xml alpineXml.xml (SafeWord/Aladdin/SafeNet)".$crlf; echo " multiotp -import-xml xml_tokens_definition_file.xml (old Feitian)".$crlf; echo " multiotp -import-sql tokens_definition_file.sql (ZyXEL/Authenex)".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -delete-token token".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -qrcode user png_file_name.png (only for TOTP and HOTP)".$crlf; echo " multiotp -urllink user (only for TOTP and HOTP, generate provisioning URL)".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -scratchlist user (generate & display scratch passwords for the user)".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -resync [-status] user token1 token2 (two consecutive tokens)".$crlf; echo " multiotp -update-pin user pin".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -assign-token user token-id (assign the token to the user)".$crlf; echo " multiotp -remove-token user (remove the token assigned to the user)".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -default-dialin-ip-mask (set the default dialin IP mask)".$crlf; echo " multiotp -dialin-ip-address user ip-address (set the user dialin IP address)".$crlf; echo " multiotp -dialin-ip-mask user ip-address (set the user dialin IP mask)".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -[des]activate user".$crlf; echo " multiotp -[un]lock user".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -delete user".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -user-info user".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -config option1=value1 option2=value2 ... optionN=valueN".$crlf; echo " options are "; echo " autoresync: [0|1] enable/disable autoresync during login".$crlf; echo " attributes-to-encrypt: specific attributes list to encrypt, must be".$crlf; echo " surrounded by *, like '*token_seed*user_pin*'".$crlf; echo " backend-type: backend storage type (files|mysql|pgsql)".$crlf; echo " challenge-response-enabled: [0|1] enable/disable Challenge-Response".$crlf; echo " clear-otp-attribute: attribute to return for the clear OTP".$crlf; echo " (for example 'ietf|2' for TekRADIUS)".$crlf; echo " debug: [0|1] enable/disable enhanced log information".$crlf; echo " (code result are also displayed on the console)".$crlf; echo " debug-prefix: add a prefix when using the debug mode".$crlf; echo " (for example 'Reply-Message := ' for FreeRADIUS)".$crlf; echo " default-request-prefix-pin: [0|1] prefix PIN enabled/disabled by default".$crlf; echo " default-request-ldap-pwd: [0|1] LDAP/AD password enabled/disabled by default".$crlf; echo " display-log: [0|1] enable/disable log display on the console".$crlf; echo " group-attribute: attribute to return for the group membership".$crlf; echo " (for example 'Filter-Id' for FreeRADIUS)".$crlf; echo " issuer: default name of the issuer of the (soft) token".$crlf; echo " ldap-account-suffix: LDAP/AD account suffix".$crlf; echo " ldap-activated: [0|1] enable/disable LDAP/AD support".$crlf; echo " ldap-base-dn: LDAP/AD base".$crlf; echo " ldap-bind-dn: LDAP/AD bind ".$crlf; echo " ldap-cn-identifier: LDAP/AD cn identifier (default is sAMAccountName)".$crlf; echo " ldap-default-algorithm: [totp|hotp|motp|without2fa] default algorithm".$crlf; echo " for new LDAP/AD users".$crlf; echo " ldap-domain-controllers: LDAP/AD domain controller(s), comma separated".$crlf; echo " ldap-group-attribute: LDAP/AD group attribute (default is memberOf)".$crlf; echo " ldap-group-cn-identifier: LDAP/AD group cn identifier".$crlf; echo " (default is sAMAccountName for AD, cn for LDAP)".$crlf; echo " ldap-in-group: LDAP/AD group(s) in which users should be in".$crlf; echo " ldap-network-timeout: LDAP/AD network timeout (in seconds)".$crlf; echo " ldap-port: LDAP/AD port (default is set to 389)".$crlf; echo " ldap-server-password: LDAP/AD server password".$crlf; echo " ldap-server-type: [1|2] LDAP/AD server type (1=AD, 2=standard LDAP)".$crlf; echo " ldap-ssl: [0|1] enable/disable LDAP/AD SSL connection".$crlf; echo " ldap-synced-user-attribute: LDAP/AD attribute used as the account name".$crlf; echo " ldap-time-limit: LDAP/AD number of sec. to wait for search results".$crlf; echo " ldap-users-dn: LDAP/AD users DN (optional, use base-dn if empty)".$crlf; echo " (you can put several DN separated by semicolons)".$crlf; echo " ldaptls_reqcert: ['auto'|'never'|''|...] how to perform the LDAP TLS".$crlf; echo " server certificate checks (LDAPTLS_REQCERT)".$crlf; echo " 'auto' means 'never' for Windows and '' for Linux".$crlf; echo " ldaptls_cipher_suite: ['auto'|''|...] which cipher suite is used for the".$crlf; echo " LDAP TLS connection (LDAPTLS_CIPHER_SUITE)".$crlf; echo " 'auto' means '' for PHP higher than 5.x and".$crlf; echo " 'NORMAL:!VERS-TLS1.2' for PHP 5.x and before".$crlf; echo " log: [0|1] enable/disable log permanently".$crlf; echo " multiple-groups: [0|1] enable/disable multiple groups per user".$crlf; echo " radius-reply-attributor: [ += |=] how to attribute a value".$crlf; echo " ('=' for TekRADIUS, ' += ' for FreeRADIUS)".$crlf; echo " radius-reply-separator: [,|:|;|cr|crlf] returned attributes separator".$crlf; echo " ('crlf' for TekRADIUS, ',' for FreeRADIUS)".$crlf; echo " self-registration: [1|0] enable/disable self-registration of tokens".$crlf; echo " server-cache-level: [1|0] enable/allow cache from server to client".$crlf; echo " server-cache-lifetime: lifetime in seconds of the cached information".$crlf; echo " server-secret: shared secret used for client/server operation".$crlf; echo " server-timeout: timeout value for the connection to the server".$crlf; echo " server-type: [xml] type of the server".$crlf; echo " (only xml server type is able to do caching)".$crlf; echo " server-url: full url of the server(s) for client/server mode".$crlf; echo " (server_url_1;server_url_2 is accepted)".$crlf; echo " sms-api-id: SMS API id (if any, give your REST/XML API id)".$crlf; echo " with exec as provider, define the script to call".$crlf; echo " (available variables: %from, %to, %msg)".$crlf; echo " sms-ip: IP address of the SMS server (for inhouse server)".$crlf; echo " sms-challenge-enabled: [0|1] enable/disable SMS challenge".$crlf; echo " sms-message: SMS message to display before the OTP".$crlf; echo " sms-originator: SMS sender (if authorized by provider)".$crlf; echo " sms-password: SMS account password".$crlf; echo " sms-port: Port of the SMS server (for inhouse server)".$crlf; echo " sms-provider: SMS provider (aspsms,clickatell,clickatell2,".$crlf; echo " intellisms,nexmo,nowsms,smseagle,swisscom,custom,".$crlf; echo " exec)".$crlf; echo " sms-userkey: SMS account username or userkey".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo "Custom SMS provider only".$crlf; echo " sms-url: URL(s) of the custom SMS provider".$crlf; echo " (multiple URLs can be separated by [space],".$crlf; echo " supported variables : %api_id,%username,".$crlf; echo " %password,%from,%to,%msg,%ip,%url)".$crlf; echo " sms-send-template: POST template content for custom SMS provider".$crlf; echo " (supported variables : %api_id,%username,".$crlf; echo " %password,%from,%to,%msg)".$crlf; echo " sms-method: [GET|POST|POST-JSON|POST-XML] send method".$crlf; echo " sms-encoding: [ISO|UTF] characters encoding".$crlf; echo " sms-status-success: status result if successful (partial supported)".$crlf; echo " (example: 20, for any 20x result)".$crlf; echo " sms-content-success: content result if successful (partial supported)".$crlf; echo " (example: \"status\": \"0\")".$crlf; echo " sms-content-encoding: [''|'HTML'|'URL'|'QUOTES'] Special content encoding".$crlf; echo " sms-no-double-zero: [0|1] Remove double zero for international numbers".$crlf; echo " sms-basic-auth: [0|1] Enable basic HTTP authentication".$crlf; echo " (sms-userkey:sms-password)".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " sql-server: SQL server (FQDN or IP)".$crlf; echo " sql-username: SQL username".$crlf; echo " sql-password: SQL password".$crlf; echo " sql-database: SQL database".$crlf; echo " sql-config-table: SQL config table, default is multiotp_config".$crlf; echo " sql-devices-table: SQL devices table, default is multiotp_devices".$crlf; echo " sql-log-table: SQL log table, default is multiotp_log".$crlf; echo " sql-tokens-table: SQL tokens table, default is multiotp_tokens".$crlf; echo " sql-users-table: SQL users table, default is multiotp_users".$crlf; echo " tel-default-country-code: Default country code for phone number".$crlf; echo " text-sms-challenge: Text displayed for the SMS challenge".$crlf; echo " text-token-challenge: Text displayed for the challenge".$crlf; echo " token-serial-number-length: Length of the serial number of the tokens".$crlf; echo " (used for self-registration)".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -initialize-backend (when all options are set, it will initialize".$crlf; echo " the backend, including creating the tables)".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -set user option1=value1 option2=value2 ... optionN=valueN".$crlf; echo " options are email: update the email of the user".$crlf; echo " cache-level: [1|0] enable/allow cache for this user on the client".$crlf; echo " cache-lifetime: set/update lifetime in seconds of cached information".$crlf; echo " description: set a description to the user, used for example during".$crlf; echo " the QRcode generation as the description of the account".$crlf; echo " group: set/update the group of the user".$crlf; echo " ldap-pwd: [0|1] the LDAP/AD password is used instead of the pin".$crlf; echo " pin: set/update the private pin code of the user".$crlf; echo " prefix-pin: [0|1] the pin and the token must by merged by the user".$crlf; echo " (if your pin is 1234 and your token displays 5556677,".$crlf; echo " you will have to type 1234556677)".$crlf; echo " sms: set/update the sms phone number of the user".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo $crlf; echo "Authentication parameters:".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " -calling-ip=Framed-IP-Address".$crlf; echo " -calling-mac=Calling-Station-Id".$crlf; echo " -chap-challenge=0x... CHAP-Challenge".$crlf; echo " -chap-id=0x... Optional CHAP-Id".$crlf; echo " (the first byte of the chap-password value should contain this value)".$crlf; echo " -chap-password=0x... CHAP-Password".$crlf; echo " -mac=Called-Station-Id".$crlf; echo " -ms-chap-challenge=0x... MS-CHAP-Challenge".$crlf; echo " -ms-chap-response=0x... MS-CHAP-Response".$crlf; echo " -ms-chap2-response=0x... MS-CHAP2-Response".$crlf; echo " -src=Packet-Src-IP-Address".$crlf; echo " -state=State".$crlf; echo " -tag=Client-Shortname".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo $crlf; echo "Client/server inline parameters:".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " -server-cache-level=[1|0] enable/allow cache from server to client".$crlf; echo " -server-secret=shared secret used for client/server operation".$crlf; echo " -server-timeout=timeout value for the connection to the server".$crlf; echo " -server-url=full url of the server(s) for client/server mode".$crlf; echo " (-server-url=server_url_1;server_url_2 is accepted)".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo $crlf; echo "AD/LDAP integration:".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -ldap-check : check the AD/LDAP connection".$crlf; echo " multiotp -ldap-user-info user : print the AD/LDAP information for this user".$crlf; echo " multiotp -ldap-users-list : print the list of selected the AD/LDAP users".$crlf; echo " multiotp -ldap-users-sync : launch the AD/LDAP synchronization".$crlf; echo " (will check first if a lock file is present)".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo $crlf; echo "Backup/restore commands:".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -backup-config password [file-name]".$crlf; echo " multiotp -restore-config password [file-name]".$crlf; echo " By default, the file name is multiotp.cfg in the current folder.".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo $crlf; echo "Other information commands:".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -phpinfo : print the current PHP version".$crlf; echo " multiotp -showlog : print the log file".$crlf; echo " multiotp -tokenslist : print the list of the tokens".$crlf; echo " multiotp -userslist : print the list of the users".$crlf; echo " multiotp -lockeduserslist : print the list of the locked users".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo $crlf; echo "Special commands: ".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -purge-lock-folder".$crlf; echo " This will delete the .lock files in the lock folder.".$crlf; echo " .lock files are used to handle multiple instances.".$crlf; echo " They are valid by default for 5 minutes.".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -purge-ldap-cache-folder".$crlf; echo " This will delete the .cache files in the AD/LDAP cache folder.".$crlf; echo " .cache files are used to speed up the AD/LDAP synchronizsation process.".$crlf; echo " They are valid by default for 60 minutes.".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo $crlf; echo "Other parameters:".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " -base-dir=/full/path/to/the/main/folder/of/multiotp/".$crlf; echo " (if the script folder is wrongly detected, this will fix the issue)".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo $crlf; echo "Switches:".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " -debug Enhanced log information activated and code result on console".$crlf; echo " (the permanent state of debug can be set with -config debug=1)".$crlf; echo " -display-log Log information will also be displayed on the console".$crlf; echo " (the permanent state can be set with -config display-log=1)".$crlf; echo " -help Display this help page".$crlf; echo " -keep-local Keep local user even if the server doesn't have it".$crlf; echo " (if the server doesn't have it, the local one will be checked)".$crlf; echo " -log Log operation in the log subdirectory or in the database".$crlf; echo " (the permanent state of log can be set with -config log=1)".$crlf; echo " -network-info Display network info (mode, ip, mask, gateway, dns1, dns2)".$crlf; echo " -param All parameters are logged for debugging purposes".$crlf; echo " -php-version Display the current version of the running PHP interpreter".$crlf; echo " -request-nt-key This will return the NT_KEY to the radius server".$crlf; echo " -status Display a status bar during resynchronization".$crlf; echo " -version Display the current version of the library".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo $crlf; echo "Examples:".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -fastcreate gademo".$crlf; echo " multiotp -debug -createga gauser 2233445566777733".$crlf; echo " multiotp -debug -create alan TOTP 3683453456769abc3452 2233 6 60".$crlf; echo " multiotp -debug -set alan prefix-pin=1".$crlf; echo " multiotp -debug -create anna TOTP 56821bac24fbd2343393 4455 6 30".$crlf; echo " multiotp -debug -set anna prefix-pin=0".$crlf; echo " multiotp -debug -create john HOTP 31323334353637383930 5678 6 137".$crlf; echo " multiotp -debug -create -token-id rick 2010090201901 2345".$crlf; echo " multiotp -log -create jimmy mOTP 004f5a158bca13984d349a7f23 1234 6 10".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -set gademo description=\"VPN code for gademo\"".$crlf; echo " multiotp -set jimmy sms=41791234567".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp jimmy sms".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -scratchlist gademo".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -display-log -log -debug jimmy ea2315".$crlf; echo " multiotp -display-log -log anna 546078".$crlf; echo " multiotp -display-log -log -checkpam".$crlf; echo " multiotp john 5678124578".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -debug -import tokens.pskc \"1234 5678 9012 3456 7890 1234 5678 9012\"".$crlf; echo " multiotp -debug -import-pskc tokens.pskc \"qwerty\"".$crlf; echo " multiotp -debug -import 10OTP_data01_upgrade.sql".$crlf; echo " multiotp -debug -import-dat importAlpine.dat".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -debug -qrcode gademo gademo.png".$crlf; echo " multiotp -debug -urllink john".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -resync john 5678456789 5678345231".$crlf; echo " multiotp -resync -status anna 4455487352 4455983513".$crlf; echo " multiotp -update-pin alan 4417".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -config debug-prefix=\"Reply-Message := \"".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -config server-cache-level=1 server-cache-lifetime=15552000".$crlf; echo " multiotp -config server-secret=MySharedSecret server-type=xml".$crlf; echo " multiotp -config server-timeout=3".$crlf; echo " multiotp -config server-url=http://my.server/multiotp/;my.server2:8112/secure/".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -config sms-provider=clickatell sms-userkey=CL1 sms-password=PASS".$crlf; echo " multiotp -config sms-api-id=1234567".$crlf; echo " multiotp -config sms-message=\"Your SMS-code is:\" sms-originator=Company".$crlf; echo " multiotp -config sms-message=\"Type %s as code\" sms-originator=0041797654321".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -config sms-provider=exec sms-api-id=\"/path/to/app %from %to \"%msg\"\"".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -config token-serial-number-length=10,12".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -config backend-type=mysql sql-server=fqdn.or.ip sql-database=dbname".$crlf; echo " multiotp -config sql-username=user sql-password=pass".$crlf; echo " multiotp -initialize-backend".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo " multiotp -config backend-type=pgsql sql-server=fqdn.or.ip sql-database=dbname".$crlf; echo " multiotp -config sql-schema=schemaname sql-username=user sql-password=pass".$crlf; echo " multiotp -initialize-backend".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo $crlf; echo "multiOTP can be combined with a Raspberry Pi ( in".$crlf; echo "order to have a very low budget strong authentication device. Please look at".$crlf; echo "the readme file in order to learn how to set it up in a few steps.".$crlf; echo "The distribution is already optimized with an HTTP proxy to speed up the CLI.".$crlf; echo "A ready to use binary image can be downloaded at".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo "multiOTP open source is also available as a ready to use virtual appliance in".$crlf; echo "standard OVA, VMware optimized or Hyper-V formats.".$crlf; echo "Virtual appliance images can be downloaded at".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo "multiOTP web service is working fine with any web server supporting PHP.".$crlf; echo " - nginx is a light one under Linux and Windows (".$crlf; echo " - Mongoose is a light one under Windows (".$crlf; echo " - and many others like Apache HTTP Server (".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo "multiOTP is working fine with FreeRADIUS under Linux (".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo "multiOTP is working fine under Windows with WinRADIUS, a port of FreeRADIUS".$crlf; echo "(".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo "When used with TekRADIUS ( the External-Executable".$crlf; echo "must be called like this: C:\multiotp\multiotp.exe %ietf|1% %ietf|2%".$crlf; echo "Check the readme file for more information".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo $crlf; echo "Some of other products and services based on multiOTP:".$crlf; echo " multiOTP Credential Provider (".$crlf; echo " Open-source Credential Provider for Windows Logon, based on MultiotpCPV2RDP".$crlf; echo " MultiotpCPV2RDP (".$crlf; echo " Open-source Credential Provider for Windows Logon, by arcadejust".$crlf; echo " mOTP-CP (".$crlf; echo " Open-source Credential Provider for Windows Logon, by Last Squirrel IT".$crlf; echo " ownCloud OTP (".$crlf; echo " Open-source One Time Password app for ownCloud (".$crlf; echo " UserCredential (".$crlf; echo " Open-source authentication PHP library by Cyril Ogana".$crlf; echo " multiOTP Pro 501V (".$crlf; echo " Pro version virtual appliance, with full web GUI, 1 free user licence".$crlf; echo " multiOTP Pro 420B (".$crlf; echo " Pro version tiny hardware device (BeagleBone Black), with full web GUI".$crlf; echo " multiOTP Enterprise (http:s//".$crlf; echo " Enterprise version virtual appliance, with HA master-slave support,".$crlf; echo " also available as a Raspberry Pi image file".$crlf; echo " (".$crlf; echo " simple SMS trusting service for free WLAN Hotspot".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo "Don't hesitate to send us an email if your product uses our multiOTP library.".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo "Visit for additional support".$crlf; echo $crlf; echo $crlf; } break; } // switch if ($param_info_debug) { $param_info = ''; foreach ($all_args as $one_arg) { if ('' != $one_arg) { $param_info .= $one_arg.' '; } } $multiotp->WriteLog("Debug: *parameters used with command $command: ".trim($param_info), false, false, 8888, 'Debug', ''); } if (20 <= $result) { break; // Error, we don't do the loop for the other commands } } // for (new since, to be able to do multiple commands at once if ($command != "libhash") { if ($initialize_backend) { $result = $multiotp->InitializeBackend(); // = 0xx } if (999 == $result) { // Help page only, we don't want to display the result code in this case $result = 30; // ERROR: At least one parameter is missing } else { $reply_message = ''; // Log the result $result_log = $result.' '.(isset($multiotp->_errors_text[$result])?$multiotp->_errors_text[$result]:''); if ($multiotp->GetVerboseFlag()) { $reply_message = $result.' *'.(isset($multiotp->_errors_text[$result])?$multiotp->_errors_text[$result]:''); } if ($verbose_prefix != '') { $reply_message = $result; if ($multiotp->GetVerboseFlag()) { $reply_message.=' *'.(isset($multiotp->_errors_text[$result])?$multiotp->_errors_text[$result]:''); } $reply_message = $verbose_prefix."\"".$reply_message."\""; $result_log = $verbose_prefix."\"".$result_log."\""; } if ($multiotp->GetVerboseFlag()) { $multiotp->WriteLog('Debug: *'.$result_log, false, true, 8888, 'Debug', ''); } if ($multiotp->GetDisplayLogFlag()) { echo $reply_message.$crlf; } // echo "DEBUG: $reply_message / $result / $verbose_prefix \n"; if ($result > 19) { if ('' != $verbose_prefix) { $multiotp->AddReplyArrayForRadius($verbose_prefix."\"".(isset($multiotp->_errors_text[$result]) ? $multiotp->_errors_text[$result] : $result)."\""); } elseif ($multiotp->IsRadiusErrorReplyMessage()) { $multiotp->AddReplyArrayForRadius("Reply-Message := \"".(isset($multiotp->_errors_text[$result]) ? $multiotp->_errors_text[$result] : $result)."\""); } } $radius_additional = ''; $radius_separator = ''; if (count($multiotp->GetReplyArrayForRadius()) > 0) { $ignore_radius_array = explode(";","xxxx;yyyy"); foreach ($multiotp->GetReplyArrayForRadius() as $one_radius_message) { $ignore_attribute = false; $current_attribute = trim(substr($one_radius_message, 0, mb_strpos($one_radius_message, trim($multiotp->GetRadiusReplyAttributor())))); foreach ($ignore_radius_array as $one_ignore_attribute) { if (false !== mb_strpos(mb_strtoupper($current_attribute),mb_strtoupper($one_ignore_attribute))) { $ignore_attribute = true; } } if (!$ignore_attribute) { $radius_additional.= $radius_separator.$one_radius_message; $radius_separator = $multiotp->GetRadiusReplySeparator(); } } } if ($request_nt_key) { $nt_key = trim($multiotp->GetNtKey()); if ('' != $nt_key) { $radius_additional.= $radius_separator."NT_KEY: ".$nt_key.$crlf; } } if (0 < strlen($radius_additional)) { if ($multiotp->GetVerboseFlag()) { $multiotp->WriteLog('Debug: *Attributes sent to the RADIUS server: '.$radius_additional, false, false, 8888, 'Debug', ''); } echo $radius_additional."\r\n"; } } } if (!$cli_mode) { header('X-multiOTP-Error-Level: '.intval($result)); ob_end_flush(); } if ($multiotp->GetCredentialProviderMode()) { echo "multiOTP Credential Provider mode"; } exit(intval($result)); ?>