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File: Sql_Compiler.class.php

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File: Sql_Compiler.class.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: compiler class
Class: SQL Parse and Compile
Parse and compose SQL queries programatically
Author: By
Last change: update
Date: 15 years ago
Size: 10,961 bytes



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<?php /** * * Sql_Compiler * @package Sql * @author Thomas Sch�fer * @since 02.12.2008 * @desc compiles sql statements into string */ /** * * Sql_Compiler * @package Sql * @author Thomas Sch�fer * @since 02.12.2008 07:49:30 * @desc compiles sql statements into string */ class Sql_Compiler { const LINEBREAK = "\n"; const OPENBRACE = "("; const CLOSEBRACE = ")"; const COMMA = ","; const SEMICOLON = ";"; const COLON = "."; const ESCAPE = "'"; const SPACE = " "; const TICK = "`"; const ALIAS = " AS "; const ON = " ON "; const ASTERISK = "*"; const DBLQUOTE = '"'; const QUOTE = "'"; const SQL_NOT = "NOT"; const SQL_NULL = "NULL"; const SQL_IS = "IS"; const SQL_WHERE = "WHERE"; const SQL_AND = "AND"; const SQL_OR = "OR"; const SQL_GROUPBY = "GROUP BY"; const SQL_HAVING = "HAVING"; const SQL_SELECT = "SELECT"; const SQL_FROM = "FROM"; const SQL_DISTINCT = "DISTINCT"; const SQL_ORDERBY = "ORDER BY"; const SQL_LIMIT = "LIMIT"; const SQL_INSERT = "INSERT INTO"; const SQL_REPLACE = "REPLACE INTO"; const SQL_DELETE = "DELETE"; const SQL_UPDATE = "UPDATE"; const SQL_SET = "SET"; const SQL_INTO = "INTO"; const SQL_VALUES = "VALUES"; const SQL_UNION = "UNION"; const SQL_ADD = "ADD"; const SQL_ALTER = "ALTER"; const SQL_CREATE = "CREATE"; const SQL_VIEW = "VIEW"; const SQL_INDEX = "INDEX"; const SQL_TABLE = "TABLE"; const SQL_SHOW = "SHOW"; const SQL_GRANT = "GRANT"; const SQL_COLUMNS = "COLUMNS"; const SQL_EXPLAIN = "EXPLAIN"; const SQL_DESCRIBE = "DESCRIBE"; const SQL_ANALYSE = "ANALYSE"; const SQL_OPTIMIZE = "OPTIMIZE"; const SQL_DROP = "DROP"; const SQL_PRIMARYKEY = "PRIMARY KEY"; const SQL_DEFAULT = "DEFAULT"; const SQL_KEY = "KEY"; const SQL_USING = "USING"; const SQL_ON = "ON"; /** * linebreak char property * @var string */ public static $breakline = self::LINEBREAK; /** * indentation level property * @var integer */ protected static $indent = 0; /** * sql object tree * @var array */ protected $tree; /** * holder of copy * @var array */ protected $backupTree; /** * notBreakLine * * @desc unset line break * @access public * return void */ public static function notBreakline() { self::$breakLine = ''; } /** * setIndent * @desc set indentation string * @desc public * @param string $indent */ public static function setIndent($indent) { self::$indent = $indent; } /** * indent * * @access private * @desc indentation string by level * @return string */ public static function indent() { return str_pad(self::SPACE, 2 * (self::$indent+1),self::SPACE); } /** * isError * * @desc check if is error * @param Exception $data * @param string $code * @return mixed */ public static function isError($data, $code = null) { if (is_a($data, 'Exception')) { if (is_null($code)) { return true; } elseif (is_string($code)) { return $data->getMessage() == $code; } else { return $data->getCode() == $code; } } return false; } /** * raiseError * * @desc raise an exception * @access private * @param string $message * @return Exception */ public static function raiseError($message) { return new Exception($message); } public static function escape($value) { return self::DBLQUOTE . $value . self::DBLQUOTE; } public static function compileColumns($sql) { for ($i = 0; $i < count(Sql_Object :: get('tree.ColumnNames')); $i++) { // added 2008-01-16 if(Sql_Object :: has('tree.ColumnTableAliases') and Sql_Object :: count('tree.ColumnTableAliases')) { $column = ''; if(Sql_Object :: length('tree.ColumnTableAliases.' . $i)>0) $column = Sql_Object :: get('tree.ColumnTableAliases.' . $i) . "."; $column .= Sql_Object :: get('tree.ColumnNames.' . $i); } elseif(Sql_Object :: has('tree.ColumnTables') and Sql_Object :: count('tree.ColumnTables')) { $column = ''; if(Sql_Object :: length('tree.ColumnTables.' . $i)>0) $column = Sql_Object :: get('tree.ColumnTables.' . $i) . "."; $column .= Sql_Object :: get('tree.ColumnNames.' . $i); } else { $column = Sql_Object :: get('tree.ColumnNames.' . $i); } if (Sql_Object :: get('tree.ColumnAliases.' . $i) != '') { $column .= Sql_Compiler :: ALIAS . Sql_Object :: get('tree.ColumnAliases.' . $i); } // add only if there is a column if(strlen($column)) { $column_names[] = $column; } } // loop on functions for ($i = 0; $i < count(Sql_Object :: get('tree.Function')); $i++) { if (Sql_Object :: has('tree.Function.' . $i . '.Arg')) { $funcName = Sql_Object :: get('tree.Function.' . $i . '.Name'); $column = Sql_Object :: get('tree.Function.' . $i . '.Name') . Sql_Compiler :: OPENBRACE; if (Sql_Object :: has('tree.Function.' . $i . '.Distinct')) { $column .= Sql_Compiler :: SQL_DISTINCT . Sql_Compiler :: SPACE; } switch (strtolower($funcName)) { case 'case' : case 'if' : $column_names[] = Sql_CompilerFlow::compile($funcName, Sql_Object :: get('tree.Function.' . $i)); break; case Sql_Object::has("functions.".strtolower($funcName)): $column_names[] = Sql_CompilerFunction::compile($funcName, Sql_Object :: get('tree.Function.' . $i)); break; default : if (is_array(Sql_Object :: get('tree.Function.' . $i . '.Arg'))) { $column .= implode(Sql_Compiler :: COMMA, Sql_Object :: get('tree.Function.' . $i . '.Arg')); } else { $column .= Sql_Object :: get('tree.Function.' . $i . '.Arg'); } $column .= Sql_Compiler :: CLOSEBRACE; if (Sql_Object :: get('tree.Function.' . $i . '.Alias') != '') { $column .= Sql_Compiler :: ALIAS . Sql_Object :: get('tree.Function.' . $i . '.Alias'); } $column_names[] = $column; break; } } } if (isset ($column_names)) { $sql .= implode(", ", $column_names); } return $sql; } /** * values of where * * @desc set condition items by type * @access private * @param array $arg * @return string */ public static function getWhereValue ($arg) { switch ($arg['Type']) { case 'null': case 'ident': case 'real_val': case 'int_val': $value = $arg['Value']; break; case 'text_val': $value = self::ESCAPE .$arg['Value']. self::ESCAPE; break; case 'subselect': $value = self::OPENBRACE; $value .= self::doCompile($arg['Value']); $value .= self::CLOSEBRACE; break; case 'subclause': $value = self::OPENBRACE . self::compileSearchClause($arg['Value']). self::CLOSEBRACE; break; default: return self::raiseError('Unknown type: '.$arg['type']); } return $value; } /** * get params * * @desc identify parameters within compilation * @access private * @param array $arg * @return string */ public static function getParams($arg) { for ($i = 0; $i < count ($arg['Type']); $i++) { switch ($arg['Type'][$i]) { case 'ident': case 'real_val': case 'int_val': $value[] = $arg['Value'][$i]; break; case 'text_val': $value[] = self::ESCAPE .$arg['Value'][$i]. self::ESCAPE; break; default: return self::raiseError('Unknown type: '.$arg['Type']); } } $value = self::OPENBRACE . implode(self::COMMA . self::SPACE, $value) . self::CLOSEBRACE; return $value; } /** * search clause * * @desc build sql where statement part * @accress private * @param array $where_clause * @return string */ public static function compileSearchClause($where_clause) { $value = ''; if (isset ($where_clause['Left']['Value'])) { $value = self::getWhereValue ($where_clause['Left']); if (self::isError($value)) { return $value; } $sql = $value; } else { $value = self::compileSearchClause($where_clause['Left']); if (self::isError($value)) { return $value; } $sql = $value; } if (isset ($where_clause['Op'])) { if (strtolower($where_clause['Op']) == 'in') { if($where_clause["Right"]["Type"]=="command") { // new instance enabling sub-selects $value = self::OPENBRACE . Sql_Compiler::compile($where_clause["Right"]["Value"]) . self::CLOSEBRACE; } else { $value = self::getParams($where_clause['Right']); } if (self::isError($value)) { return $value; } $sql .= self::SPACE . $where_clause['Op'] . self::SPACE . $value; } elseif (strtolower($where_clause['Op']) == 'is') { if (isset ($where_clause['Neg'])) { $value = self::SQL_NOT . self::SPACE . self::SQL_NULL; } else { $value = self::SQL_NULL; } $sql .= self::SPACE . self::SQL_IS . self::SPACE . $value; } elseif (strtolower($where_clause['Op']) == 'between') { // added 2008-12-19 $sql .= self::SPACE; $sql .= $where_clause['Op']; $sql .= self::SPACE; if(isset($where_clause['Right'])){ $sql .= self::SPACE; $sql .= $where_clause['Right']['Value']['Left']["Value"]; $sql .= self::SPACE; $sql .= $where_clause['Right']['Value']["Op"]; $sql .= self::SPACE; $sql .= $where_clause['Right']['Value']['Right']["Value"]; } } else { $sql .= self::SPACE.$where_clause['Op'].self::SPACE; if (isset ($where_clause['Right']['Value'])) { $value = self::getWhereValue ($where_clause['Right']); if (self::isError($value)) { return $value; } $sql .= $value; } else { $value = self::compileSearchClause($where_clause['Right']); if (self::isError($value)) { return $value; } $sql .= $value; } } } return $sql; } private function reCompile($array){ $object = new Sql_Compiler(); return $object->compile($array); } private static function doCompile($array){ $object = new Sql_Compiler(); return $object->compile($array); } public function compile($array = null) { $this->tree = $array; pdbg($this->tree, "orange", __LINE__,__FILE__); switch ($this->tree['Command']) { case 'union': case 'select': case 'update': case 'delete': case 'insert': case 'replace': $className = __CLASS__.ucfirst($this->tree['Command']); return call_user_func(array($className,"compile"), $array); default: return self::raiseError('Unknown action: '.$this->tree['Command']); } } }