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File: baseobject_country.php

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  Classes of Tom Schaefer   TypeSafeStruct   baseobject_country.php   Download  
File: baseobject_country.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: persistent type safe model object operating with mysql sample world db
Class: TypeSafeStruct
Manipulate type safe objects
Author: By
Last change: chg
Date: 15 years ago
Size: 1,384 bytes



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 * Model_Objects_Countries
 * @since 2009-03-14 14:40:58
 * @generated execute_vo.php
 * @author Thomas Schaefer
 * @mail
class Model_Objects_Countries extends TypeSafeStruct
     * @var string
private $string_Code;
     * @var string
private $string_Name;
     * @var string
private $string_Continent;
$ListContinent = array (
0 => "Asia",
1 => "Europe",
2 => "North America",
3 => "Africa",
4 => "Oceania",
5 => "Antarctica",
6 => "South America",
     * @var string
private $string_Region;
     * @var float
private $float_SurfaceArea;
     * @var integer
private $integer_IndepYear;
     * @var integer
private $integer_Population;
     * @var float
private $float_LifeExpectancy;
     * @var float
private $float_GNP;
     * @var float
private $float_GNPOld;
     * @var string
private $string_LocalName;
     * @var string
private $string_GovernmentForm;
     * @var string
private $string_HeadOfState;
     * @var integer
private $integer_Capital;
     * @var string
private $string_Code2;
    protected function
__set($key,$value) {
$this->{$key} = $value;
    protected function
__get($key) {