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File: properties.txt

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  Classes of Daniel Jänecke   PHP INI Class   properties.txt   Download  
File: properties.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: Methods and properties of ini.class.php
Class: PHP INI Class
Handle ini files and defaults
Author: By
Last change: added defaults for properties
Date: 22 years ago
Size: 1,402 bytes



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ini.class.php Methods and properties I. Properties boolean parse_constants ( default: TRUE ) if TRUE any value in an ini-file representing the name of a constant will replaced by that respective value. boolean use_defaults ( default: TRUE ) determins if the setting of a defaults file should be used if a requested key is not set II. Methods constructor ini ( [ string ini_file [, string default_file ] ] ) the constructor is called when an instance of the class is created. The filenames for the ini-file and the default-file can be passed as optional arguments; mixed get ( string key [, string section ] ) get the settings for the given <key> in the ini-file; if necessary the name of the section has to be given, too. if a value is found in the ini-file this is returned; else, if <parse_constants> is TRUE and there is a setting for <key> in the defaults-file, this is returned. Otherwise this method returns NULL. mixed read_ini ( string filename [, boolean return_ini ] ) reads the ini-file given by <filename>. Returns FALSE if errors occur. Otherwise returns TRUE or, if <return_ini> is TRUE, returns the settings as associative array. boolean read_defaults ( string_filename ) reads the file holding the default-settings. Returns TRUE in success, otherwise FALSE.