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File: cellroll_lib_ie.php

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File: cellroll_lib_ie.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: example usage
Class: cellroll_lib
js-rollovers for table-rows/-cells
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 22 years ago
Size: 1,841 bytes



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<!-- following sample html file.... -->
<!-- cellroll_lib by -->
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<!-- init cellroller between head for most correct js output -->
= new Cellroll();

<style type="text/css">
  td { font-family:Arial,Sans-Serif;font-size:11px; }
<body bgcolor="#EEEEEE">

<table width="400" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" bgcolor='silver'>
    <td colspan="4" style="width:400px;font-size:18px;" <?php
// call croll(OnMouseOver-color,OnMouseOut-color,OnMouseDown-Color) within a <tr> or <td>
// you don't have to define all params.
// see also the following calls

<tr <?php $CR->croll('#AED6A3','#A5AFB8','brown'); ?>>
    <td>fast and easy rollovers for rows</td>
    <td <?php $CR->croll('#AED6A3','#A5AFB8','blue'); ?>>or cells</td>
    <td <?php $CR->croll('#AED6A3','#A5AFB8','white'); ?>>Mouseover,</td>
    <td <?php $CR->croll('#AED6A3','#A5AFB8','green'); ?>>MouseOut or</td>
    <td <?php $CR->croll('#AED6A3','#A5AFB8','red'); ?>>MouseDown</td>
    <td colspan="4">&nbsp;</td>
    <td <?php $CR->croll('green','silver'); ?>>MouseOut has initial color</td>
    <td <?php $CR->croll('orange','silver','blue'); ?>>Click!&nbsp;</td>
    <td <?php $CR->croll(NULL,'silver','blue'); ?>>Just set color for Mouseout and Mousedown</td>
    <td <?php $CR->croll('yellow',NULL,'silver'); ?>>Just set color for Mouseover,Mousdown</td>
