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File: UsingFunctionsOfNigerPdoClass.php

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  Classes of Hassane Moussa   Niger PHP MySQL Excel Export   UsingFunctionsOfNigerPdoClass.php   Download  
File: UsingFunctionsOfNigerPdoClass.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: Niger PHP MySQL Excel Export
Export MySQL records to a file to import in Excel
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 1,439 bytes



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                                Using Functions of Niger Class
// ini_set("memory_limit","10500M");
// set_time_limit(600);
$limit = 100; // number of rows in the file
$extension = ".csv"; // Extension File : ex : .txt ; .xls; .xlsx; ...
$filename = "NigerPdo"; // the file name
$nigerconnect = new NigerPdo ('localhost', 'root', '', 'adventureworks'); // Create a new object Niger
$Resulats = $nigerconnect->ReqSQL('SELECT * FROM `address` '); // request SQL
if ($Resulats){
$i =0;
$j = 1 ;
    foreach (
$Resulats as $Valeur)
          if (
$nigerconnect->Modulo($i,$limit) ==0){
$newfile = $nigerconnect->CreatFile($filename,$extension,$j) ; // create new file
fputs($newfile, 'AddressID;AddressLine1;City'); // file header
fputs($newfile, "\r\n");
fputs($newfile, '"'.$Valeur[0].'";"'.$Valeur[1].'";"'.$Valeur[3].'"'); // put the data from database in the file
fputs($newfile, "\r\n");
               if (
$nigerconnect->Modulo($i,$limit) ==0){fclose($newfile);} // close file

} // foreach
echo "You succeed ! Congratulations.";
// if
else {
"You did not succeed.Check your sql!";