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File: css/1mix.accordion.js

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  Classes of Alex Lau   Mix2ool   css/1mix.accordion.js   Download  
File: css/1mix.accordion.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: The accordion component
Class: Mix2ool
Web development framework integrated with jQuery
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 15 years ago
Size: 2,114 bytes



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mixElements.append("accordion"); "accordion,heading,content".split(",").each(function (v){ document.createElement(v); }); mix.accordion = function (elements){ var accordion; if (type(elements) == "undefined"){ accordion = $(document.createElement("accordion")); }else{ accordion = $(elements).filter(function (){ var el = this.parentNode; while (el.nodeType == 1 && el.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "html" && el.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "template") el = el.parentNode; return (("" + this.nodeName).toLowerCase() == "accordion" && this._mixInit !== true && el.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "template"); //node name is accordion and has not been initialized //and it is not in template }); } accordion.bind("attrChange", function (){ mix.accordion.redraw(this); }).each(function (){ this._mixInit = true; }).find("heading").bind("click", function (e){ $(this.parentNode).attr("selected", $(this).parent().find("heading").index(this)); }).end().redraw(); $(window).resize(function (){ accordion.redraw(); }); return accordion; }; mix.accordion.redraw = function (el){ var selectedIdx = $(el).attr("selected"); if (type(selectedIdx) != "string" && type(selectedIdx) != "number") selectedIdx = 0; else selectedIdx = selectedIdx.toInteger(); var currSelect = $(el).find("heading").index($(el).find("heading.selected")); if (currSelect == selectedIdx) return; $(el).find("content").slideUp().filter(function (idx){ return idx == selectedIdx; }).slideDown().end().end().find("heading").removeClass("selected").filter(function (idx){ return idx == selectedIdx; }).addClass("selected"); }; mix.accordion.attr = function (el, name, value){ if (type(value) == "undefined"){ //getter switch (name){ case "selected": return el.getAttribute(name); break; } return; } switch (name){ case "selected": el.setAttribute(name, value); $(el).trigger("attrChange", [name, value]); break; } return value; }; mix.accordion.customAttrList = "selected".split(",");