/* @author: Anoop singh
|* @email: [email protected]
|* @date: Sep - 03
|* Environment config variables
|* Please edit DB details to make connection
|* from your DB
|*Ex. SALT Value for security from direct access
|*DB Host name Ex. LocalhostDB Host name Ex. Localhost
|*DB Username Ex. Root
|*DB Password Ex. abcXYZ
|*DB DataBase Name Ex. custom_cms
// this value must be bigger the 6 character
define("BASE_DIR",dirname(__FILE__)); //BASE Path to the site
define("EXT",".php"); //PhP file name extension
define("INCLUDE_DIR","class/"); //Ex. Class Directory Path
define("IS_FOOTER_LINK","true"); //Ex. Class Directory Path
define("THEME_DIR","theme/RJP_final/"); //Ex. Theme Directory "Default"
define("MODULE_DIR","module/"); //Ex. Module Directory "ABC"
|* @ Config class
class config
static protected $SQL_HOST_NAME=SQL_HOST_NAME;
static protected $SQL_USER_NAME=SQL_USER_NAME;
static protected $SQL_PASSWORD=SQL_PASSWORD;
static protected $SQL_DB=SQL_DB;
* Constructor
* @access protected
* @return void
function __construct()
//TODO: write some code here
|* @Config variables please do not edit/delete any
global $config;
* Page Request Variables
* Path Variables
* Header Variables
"title"=>"CMS Pages",
"metaTag"=>"CMS Pages",
"keywords"=>"CMS Pages",
"description"=>"CMS Description",
* Content variables
| Error Logging Directory Path
| Leave this BLANK unless you would like to set something other than the default
| system/logs/ folder. Use a full server path with trailing slash.
$config['log_path'] = '';
| Error Logging Threshold
| If you have enabled error logging, you can set an error threshold to
| determine what gets logged. Threshold options are:
| You can enable error logging by setting a threshold over zero. The
| threshold determines what gets logged. Threshold options are:
| 0 = Disables logging, Error logging TURNED OFF
| 1 = Error Messages (including PHP errors)
| 2 = Debug Messages
| 3 = Informational Messages
| 4 = All Messages
| For a live site you'll usually only enable Errors (1) to be logged otherwise
| your log files will fill up very fast.
$config['log_threshold'] = 2;
| Date Format for Logs
| Each item that is logged has an associated date. You can use PHP date
| codes to set your own date formatting
$config['log_date_format']='Y-m-d H:i:s';
|* Include basic engine core i8E_engine
die("Illegal use of Script!! Some files Missing!!!!");
/* Load Localsettings for environment
|* variables for Messanger
die("Illegal use of Script!! Some files Missing!!!!");
global $wgDb,$wgTemplate;
$wgDb=new env();