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File: documentation.txt

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File: documentation.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: documentation
Class: PHP Installer
Create PHP application install scripts
Author: By
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Date: 15 years ago
Size: 1,957 bytes



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//------------------------------------------ // Php Installer 0.5 (beta) //------------------------------------------ What is? . Php Installer is a script that compresses content of directory and database into an executable php file. Features? . compress with gzip . user interface for installation . choose the directories to install . dump database . overwrite existing file (yes/no) How works (Developer interface): . Copy "create_installer.php" and "php installer/" in the directory of script you want insert into the compressed package, . execute "create_installer.php" by browser, edit all settings: - Title (title of package) - Description - Author - Database (choose if you want dump the database) - Directory to compress, select the directory you want instert into the package, if you leave blank Php Installer will take the current directory. Into the package it will not insert the files listed in installer.class.php::ignore_list. - Installer Filename: name of the installer file - File to execute on installation complete: you can select a file that will be executed after 10 seconds of the end of the installation. Usefull for example for cms installation, or other web software. How Works (User Interface): . copy the file where you want install the package . execute the install file (es. install.php) by browser and edit all settings: - choose directory, where deflate the file - Overwrite files, if files are duplicated - Install database, set database access and database to import the database - Confirm installation, check to install the package. . You can check the list of files and tables that will be installed. To Do: . download output installer . password to protect installation . unique installation for a pc (IP check, date check and other) . code obfuscator for installed code