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File: example.php

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  Classes of Peter Drinnan   Adjacency Model   example.php   Download  
File: example.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Examples of adding, appending, renesting and deleting nodes within an adjacency list.
Class: Adjacency Model
Create and manipulate adjacency lists in MySQL
Author: By
Last change: Added examples of using the following functions:

public function getSiblingNodes($sibling_id)
public function getParentID($node_id)
public function getParentData($node_id)
public function getPositionData($node_id)
public function repositionSibling($node_id,$direction)
public function getSiblings($node_id)
public function addSiblingNode($sibling_id,$data)
Date: 14 years ago
Size: 10,893 bytes



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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Adjacency List Demo</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/styles.css" type="text/css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/timepicker_plug/style.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/smothness/jquery_ui_datepicker.css"> <script src="/js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/js/jquery-ui-1.8.custom.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/js/i18n/ui.datepicker-de.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/js/timepicker_plug/jquery.timepicker.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ $(function() { $('#pickerfield').datetime({ userLang : 'en', americanMode: true, }); $('#pickerfield2').datetime({ userLang : 'fr', americanMode: false, }); }); /* ]]> */ </script> </head> <body> <div id="container"> <div id="header"> <h1><a href="/">OPCMF</a></h1> <h2>The Open Portal Content Module Framework</h2> </div> <div id="body"> <div id="content"> <h1>Adjacency List PHP/MySQL Demo (version 2)</h1> <br> By Peter Drinnan <p> <p> This is a simple class to handle adjacency hierarchy list operations within a MySQL database. This is a sanity saving alternative to Nested Sets (Joe Celco Sets) which can be problematic when your application requires a lot of node moves ending up with a tangled mess of left/right ids (YES I have been there). <p> <p> Note that in this demo every time you reload the page, you will see the group ids increase. This is a live demo actually creating, moving and deleting notes. It isn't static. <p> <p> For a full explanation of the Adjacency List Model, please see: <p> <a href="">Click here</a> to download a working demo (requires MySQL). <br> <br> <hr> <? /** NOTE: You will need to create a data table for this demo. If the sql file is not attached with this file, please use the SQL query below: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `adjacency_demo_groups` ( `ID` int(6) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `parent_id` int(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `Group_Name` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `Color` varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL, `position` int(6) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`ID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=28 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; */ /////////////////////////// // Change these parameters $db_host = 'localhost'; $db_user = 'opcmf_adminz'; $db_pass = 'karissa202'; $db_name = '3daadmin_opcmf'; // //////////////////// $dbConnectionID = @mysql_pconnect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass); if(!$dbConnectionID){ echo(mysql_errno().":".mysql_error()); exit; }else{ $status = @mysql_select_db($db_name, $dbConnectionID); if(!$status){ echo "$db_name, $dbConnectionID"; echo(mysql_errno().":".mysql_error()); exit; } } require_once("adjacency.class.php"); $adjtree = new adjacencyTree(); $adjtree->setidfield('ID'); $adjtree->setparentidfield('parent_id'); $adjtree->setpositionfield('position'); $adjtree->setdbtable('adjacency_demo_groups'); $adjtree->setDBConnectionID($dbConnectionID ); ?> <br>Initialize the Class <br> <code> <br> <br>$dbConnectionID = @mysql_pconnect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass); <br> <br>if(!$dbConnectionID){ <br> echo(mysql_errno().":".mysql_error()); <br> exit; <br>}else{ <br> $status = @mysql_select_db($db_name, $dbConnectionID); <br> <br> if(!$status){ <br> <br> echo "$db_name, $dbConnectionID"; <br> echo(mysql_errno().":".mysql_error()); <br> exit; <br> } <br>} <br> <br>require_once("adjacency.class.php"); <br> <br>$adjtree = new adjacencyTree(); <br> <br>$adjtree->setidfield('ID'); <br>$adjtree->setparentidfield('parent_id'); <br>$adjtree->setpositionfield('position'); <br>$adjtree->setdbtable('adjacency_demo_groups'); <br>$adjtree->setDBConnectionID($dbConnectionID ); </code> <br> Adding Nodes <br> <code> <br>$catinsertarray = array('Group_Name'=>'admin','Color'=>'AADDEE'); <br>$root_id = $adjtree->addNode(0,$catinsertarray); <br>$catinsertarray = array('Group_Name'=>'managers','Color'=>'BBAAEE'); <br>$first_child_id = $adjtree->addNode($root_id,$catinsertarray); <br>$catinsertarray = array('Group_Name'=>'advisors','Color'=>'BBAAFF'); <br>$first_child_sibling = $adjtree->addNode($root_id,$catinsertarray); <br>$catinsertarray = array('Group_Name'=>'general staff','Color'=>'CCAAFF'); <br>$second_child_id = $adjtree->addNode($first_child_id,$catinsertarray); <br>$catinsertarray = array('Group_Name'=>'field workers','Color'=>'99BBEE'); <br>$last_child_id = $adjtree->addNode($second_child_id,$catinsertarray); </code> <? $catinsertarray = array('Group_Name'=>'admin','Color'=>'AADDEE'); $root_id = $adjtree->addNode(0,$catinsertarray); $catinsertarray = array('Group_Name'=>'managers','Color'=>'BBAAEE'); $first_child_id = $adjtree->addNode($root_id,$catinsertarray); $catinsertarray = array('Group_Name'=>'advisors','Color'=>'BBAAFF'); $first_child_sibling = $adjtree->addNode($root_id,$catinsertarray); $catinsertarray = array('Group_Name'=>'general staff','Color'=>'CCAAFF'); $second_child_id = $adjtree->addNode($first_child_id,$catinsertarray); $catinsertarray = array('Group_Name'=>'field workers','Color'=>'99BBEE'); $last_child_id = $adjtree->addNode($second_child_id,$catinsertarray); ?> <br><br> Now showing full list <br> <code> <br>$groups = $adjtree->getFullNodes(); </code> <? $groups = $adjtree->getFullNodes(); echo "<h3>FULL LIST</h3><table>" . tabledorderlist($groups) . "</table>"; ?> <br> Now showing child list <br> <code> <br>$groups = $adjtree->getChildNodes($root_id); </code> <? $groups = $adjtree->getChildNodes($root_id); echo "<br><br><h3>CHILD LIST</h3><table>" . tabledorderlist($groups) . "</table>"; ?> <br> Now reparenting last child to root <br> <code> <br>$groups = $adjtree->reparentNode($last_child_id,$root_id); <br>$groups = $adjtree->getFullNodes(); </code> <? $groups = $adjtree->reparentNode($last_child_id,$root_id); $groups = $adjtree->getFullNodes(); echo "<h3>FULL LIST WITH LAST CHILD SET TO ROOT PARENT </h3><table>" . tabledorderlist($groups) . "</table>"; ?> <br> Add a sibling to the previous child <br> <code> <code> <br>$catinsertarray = array('Group_Name'=>'new sibling','Color'=>'FF953F'); <br>$sibling_id = $adjtree->addSiblingNode($last_child_id,array()); <br>$groups = $adjtree->getSiblingNodes($sibling_id); </code> <? $catinsertarray = array('Group_Name'=>'new sibling','Color'=>'FF953F'); $sibling_id = $adjtree->addSiblingNode($last_child_id,$catinsertarray); $groups = $adjtree->getSiblingNodes($sibling_id); echo "<h3>CHILD LIST WITH NEW SIBLING SHOWN AT TOP OF LIST </h3><table>" . tabledorderlist($groups) . "</table>"; ?> <br> Reposition the new sibling in the list <br> <code> <code> <br>$adjtree->repositionSibling($sibling_id,"down"); <br>$adjtree->repositionSibling($sibling_id,"down"); <br>$groups = $adjtree->getSiblingNodes($sibling_id); </code> <? $adjtree->repositionSibling($sibling_id,"down"); $adjtree->repositionSibling($sibling_id,"down"); $groups = $adjtree->getSiblingNodes($sibling_id); echo "<h3>CHILD LIST WITH NEW SIBLING MOVED DOWN TWO POSITIONS IN LIST </h3><table>" . tabledorderlist($groups) . "</table>"; ?> <br> Now deleting second child <br> <code> <br>$groups = $adjtree->deleteNode($second_child_id); <br>$groups = $adjtree->getFullNodes(); </code> <? $groups = $adjtree->deleteNode($second_child_id); $groups = $adjtree->getFullNodes(); echo "<h3>FULL LIST WITH SECOND CHILD GONE </h3><table>" . tabledorderlist($groups) . "</table>"; ?> <br> Now deleting everything <code> <br>$groups = $adjtree->deleteNode($root_id); <br>$groups = $adjtree->getFullNodes(); </code> <br> <? $groups = $adjtree->deleteNode($root_id); $groups = $adjtree->getFullNodes(); echo "<h3>FULL LIST IS NOW EMPTY</h3><table>" . tabledorderlist($groups) . "</table>"; /** * loop throught the adjacency array to build a view */ function tabledorderlist($items) { global $opcmf, $dispitem, $group_indent, $Image_Color; $managegroupspageitems = ''; if (count($items) && is_array($items)) { $group_indent ++; foreach ($items as $cat_id=>$catvals) { $dispitem['bgcolor'] = $catvals['Color']; if($dispitem[bgcolor] == "#CFCFCF"){ $dispitem[bgcolor]="#DDDDDD"; } else { $dispitem[bgcolor]="#CFCFCF"; } $this_group_Name = $catvals['Group_Name']; if($catvals['Color'] != "") $dispitem[bgcolor] = "#" . $catvals['Color']; $dispitem[group_name] = $this_group_Name; $dispitem[group_indent] = str_repeat("--",($group_indent-1)); $dispitem[this_group_id] = $cat_id; $managegroupspageitems .= "<tr style=\"background-color:".$dispitem[bgcolor].";\">\n"; $managegroupspageitems .= "<td style=\"background-color:".$dispitem[bgcolor].";\">[" . $cat_id . "]".$dispitem[group_indent]." ".$dispitem[group_name]."</td>\n"; $managegroupspageitems .= "</tr>\n"; if (count($catvals['children'])) { $managegroupspageitems .= tabledorderlist($catvals['children']); } } $group_indent --; } return $managegroupspageitems; }/////// ?> </div> <div class="sidebar"> <ul> <li> <h4>Snippets</h4> <ul class="blocklist"> <li><a href="/adjacency_demo/">Adjacency List PHP Class</a></li> <li><a href="/datetimepicker/">jQury Date/Time Picker</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="body-end"></div> <div id="footer"> <div class="footer-top"></div> <div class="footer-content"> <p>&copy; 3dA Multimedia Inc. <a href="">3da Multimedia Inc</a> | <a href="">Web Application Development</a></p> </div> <div class="footer-bottom"></div> </div> </div> </body> </html>