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File: pimg.php

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File: pimg.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Core class
Class: PIMG
Process images using multiple operations
Author: By
Last change: 1.1
Date: 14 years ago
Size: 8,755 bytes



Class file image Download
/* This is the core 'image' class which handles image operations with the GD library */
class pimg_image
/* Defaults */
public $defaultWidth = 100;
$defaultHeight = 100;
$defaultFormat = 'jpeg';
/* Resources */
private $image;
public function __call($mod, $args)
// Check if the module exists
$mod = basename($mod);
$modFile = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . $mod . '.pimg.php';
$mod = 'pimg_' . $mod;
        if (
// Load the module and return an instance
            if (!
'PIMG module <b>' . $mod . '</b> does not exist or cannot be loaded!');
            else {
$mod = new $mod($this);
call_user_func_array(array($mod, 'init'), $args);
        } else
'PIMG module <b>' . $mod . '</b> does not exist or cannot be loaded!');
        Create the image instance and load it with the width and height
        @param: $image - the input image to be created, can be string, encoded base64 string, local file, url or scan matrix
        @param: $width - the width of the image processed - used only if there is no image input.
                        - if there is no image, an empty transparent one is created and this width is set to it
                        - if no width is specified, the default one is used
                        - if image input is set, then image width is used
        @param: $height - the height of the image processed - used only if there is no image input.
                        - if there is no image, an empty transparent one is created and this height is set to it
                        - if no height is specified, the default one is used
                        - if image input is set, then image height is used
function __construct($image = null, $width = null, $height = null)
// Resources
$this -> image = $this -> newImage($image, $width, $height);
$this -> width = imagesx($this -> image);
$this -> height = imagesy($this -> image);
        Create a new image (redirection of __construct)
        @result: returns the handle of the new image resource
public function newImage($image = null, $width = null, $height = null)
// Check if a string is passed as an image
$img = @imagecreatefromstring($image);
$makeFromScan = false;
        if (!
// Check if the image is a string encoded with base64
$img = @imagecreatefromstring(base64_decode($image));
            if (!
// Check if the image is a local file or an url
$img = @imagecreatefromstring(implode('', file($image)));
                if (!
// Check if the image is a scan matrix
if (is_array($image))
$width = count($image);
                        if (
$height = count($image[0]);
$img = @imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
// First we need to fill the image with transparency in order for the imagesetpixel to handle transparency
$makeFromScan = true;
// There is no valid image passed, generate an empty, transparent one and pass a warning
$this -> setDebug('Image input is invalid, generating empty one', 'notice');
                    if ((int)
$width <> 0 && (int) $height <> 0)
$img = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
                    } else {
$img = imagecreatetruecolor($this -> defaultWidth, $this -> defaultHeight);
$filltransparent = true;
// Keep image transparent
imagealphablending($img, true);
imagesavealpha($img, true);
// Fill with transparency if image is empty
if (isset($filltransparent))
imagealphablending($img, false);
$color = imagecolorallocatealpha($img, 0, 0, 0, 127);
imagefill($img, 0, 0, $color);
imagealphablending($img, true);
        if (
// Copy the matrix
for($i = 0; $i < $width; $i++)
$j = 0; $j < $height; $j++)
imagesetpixel($img, $i, $j, $image[$i][$j] -> color() -> allocate());
// Return the image handle
return $img;
        Destroy the image instance when the class is unset
function __destruct()
imagedestroy($this -> image);
        Updates / replaces the pimg with a different one (used in resizing / merging etc.)
        @param: $pimg - new pimg handle
        @result: returns na instance of the updated pimg image class
public function update($img, $width, $height)
$this -> image = $img;
$this -> width = $width;
$this -> height = $height;
/***** GETTING IMAGE INFO *****/
        Sets or gets the width color value
        @param: $width
        @result: color handle or width value
public function width($width = null)
        if (isset(
$this -> width = $width;
$this -> width;
        Sets or gets the height color value
        @param: $height
        @result: color handle or height value
public function height($height = null)
        if (isset(
$this -> height = $height;
$this -> height;
        Returns image handle (resource pointer)
        @result: returns image handle
public function handle()
$this -> image;
/***** DEBUG *****/
        Sets debug log
        @param: $msg - the message to add to the debug list
        @param: $type - the type of the error - can be any string (human readable)
public function setDebug($msg, $type = 'notice', $caller = __CLASS__)
$exp = explode(' ', microtime());
$exp = explode('.', $exp[0]);
$milliseconds = substr($exp[1], 0, 3);
$this -> log .= date('d.m.Y - H:i:s.') . $milliseconds . ' @ {' . $caller . '} <b>' . strtoupper(substr($type, 0, 1)) . substr($type, 1) . '</b>: ' . $msg . '<br />';
        if (
$type == 'error')
$this -> showDebug();
        Clears the debug log
public function clearDebug()
$this -> log = '';
        Displays debug log
        @result: displays the debug log so far
public function showDebug()
$this -> log;
/***** RENDERING *****/
        Render the final image
        @param: $format - the format for rendering, can be any supported by GD library: jpeg / gif / png etc.
                        - jpg as format is invalid becouse there is imagejpeg function but no imagejpg!
        @param: $location - the location where the file should be stored, if set to null the image will be send to the buffer
        @param: $quality - the quality of the rendered image (only for jpeg format)
public function render($format = null, $location = null, $quality = 75)
// Check if the format is supported
$function = 'image' . $format;
        if (
            if (!empty(
$function($this -> image, $location, $quality);
            } else {
header('Content-type: image/' . $format);
$function($this -> image);
        } else {
// Format not supported, use default one
$this -> setDebug('Format <b>' . $format . '</b> not supported, using default one: <b>' . $this -> defaultFormat . '</b>', 'warning');
$function = 'image' . $this -> defaultFormat;
            if (!empty(
$function($this -> image, $location, $quality);
            } else {
header('Content-type: image/' . $this -> defaultFormat);
$function($this -> image);
        Renders the image in the PNG format, but returns the contents instead of outputing it to the buffer.
        This functionality is useful for 'copying' an image (used in pimg_merge). The rendered format is PNG becouse it's the best
        format for keeping all other formats' qualities (lossless, semi-transparent, etc.).
        @result: returns the content of a rendered png image as a string
public function renderString()
imagepng($this -> image);
        Renders the image only if no debug log is set
        @param: $format - see render function
        @param: $location - see render function
        @param: $quality - see render function
        @result: displays debug if there is any, otherwise calls render function
public function renderDebug($format = null, $location = null, $quality = 75)
        if (empty(
$this -> log))
$this -> render($format, $location, $quality);
        } else {
$this -> showDebug();