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File: fitin.pimg.php

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  Classes of Tony Bogdanov   PIMG   fitin.pimg.php   Download  
File: fitin.pimg.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Fitting an image in a rectangle
Class: PIMG
Process images using multiple operations
Author: By
Last change: 1.1
Date: 14 years ago
Size: 1,170 bytes



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/* PIMG module: resizes an image keeping it's aspect ratio and fits it in an user defined rectangle */
class pimg_fitin
/* Resources */
private $pimg;
// PIMG constructor
function __construct($pimg)
$this -> pimg = $pimg;
        Resizes an image keeping it's aspect ratio and fits it in an user defined rectangle
        @param: $width - rectangle width
        @param: $height - rectangle height
        @result: a pointer to the caller pimg class for furthur usage
function init($width, $height)
if ($width <= 0)
$this -> pimg -> setDebug('Fitin destination width must be > 0', 'error', __CLASS__);
        if (
$height <= 0)
$this -> pimg -> setDebug('Fitin destination height must be > 0', 'error', __CLASS__);
// Callculate new width and height
$newWidth = $width;
$newHeight = $this -> pimg -> height() * $newWidth / $this -> pimg -> width();
        if (
$newHeight > $height)
$newHeight = $height;
$newWidth = $this -> pimg -> width() * $newHeight / $this -> pimg -> height();
// Resize
return $this -> pimg -> stretch($newWidth, $newHeight);