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File: resources/js/Components/Header/Buttons.vue

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  Classes of Robert Devenyi   Iceburg CRM   resources/js/Components/Header/Buttons.vue   Download  
File: resources/js/Components/Header/Buttons.vue
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Iceburg CRM
CRM application to manage contacts
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 6,664 bytes



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<template> <div class="grid col-auto gap-4 align-bottom place-content-end"> <div class="col-span-6"> <Alert :message="alert_data.alert_text" :is_successful="alert_data.success_alert" :is_error="alert_data.error_alert" /> </div> <div class="btn-group"> <a v-if="props.permissions.write && props.allowed.includes('add') && props.module.admin != 1" class="p-2 w-16 text-xs btn btn-secondary text-secondary-content rounded-box shadow" :href="`/module/${}/add`" method="get" as="button"> Add </a> <a v-if="props.permissions.write && props.allowed.includes('edit')" class="p-2 w-16 text-xs btn btn-secondary text-secondary-content rounded-box shadow" :href="`/module/${}/edit/${}`" method="get" role="button"> Edit </a> <a v-if="props.permissions.write && props.allowed.includes('delete')" @click.prevent="deleteRecord(,'module')" class="p-2 w-24 btn btn-error text-error-content rounded-box shadow" href="" method="get" role="button"> Delete </a> <a v-if="props.permissions.write && props.allowed.includes('delete_subpanel')" @click.prevent="deleteRecord(,'relationship')" class="p-2 w-24 btn btn-error text-error-content rounded-box shadow" href="" method="get" role="button"> Delete </a> </div> <div class="btn-group"> <a v-if="props.permissions.import && props.allowed.includes('import')" class="p-2 w-20 text-xs btn btn-outline btn-secondary text-secondary-content rounded-box shadow" :href="`/import?from_module_id=${$}`" method="get" as="button"> Import </a> <select v-if="props.permissions.export && props.allowed.includes('export')" class="p-2 w-20 text-xs btn btn-outline text-left btn-secondary text-secondary-content rounded-box shadow" v-model="download_menu"> <option value="">Export</option> <option value="xlsx">Export Excel(XLSX)</option> <option value="xls">Export Excel Compatible (XLS)</option> <option value="csv">Export CSV</option> <option value="tsv">Export TSV</option> <option value="ods">Export ODS</option> <option value="html">Export HTML</option> </select> </div> <select class="p-2 w-20 text-xs btn p-2 w-20 text-xs btn btn-outline text-left btn-secondary text-secondary-content rounded-box shadow" v-if="props.permissions.write && props.allowed.includes('convert_to')" v-model="convert_module_id"> <option value="">Convert</option> <option v-for="module in props.module.convertedmodules" :value="module.module[0].id">{{module.module[0].label}}</option> </select> <a v-if=" && props.allowed.includes('audit_log')" class="p-2 w-20 text-xs btn btn-outline btn-secondary text-secondary-content rounded-box shadow" :href="`/audit_log/${$}`" method="get" as="button"> Audit Log </a> <Alert /> </div> </template> <script setup> import axios from "axios"; import {usePage} from "@inertiajs/inertia-vue3"; import {watch, onMounted, ref, reactive} from 'vue'; import Alert from "@/Components/Alert"; const props = defineProps({ permissions: [Object, null], module: [Object, null], allowed: [Array, null], record: [Object, null] }); const types = ['xlsx', 'xls', 'csv', 'tsv', 'ods', 'html']; const download_menu = ref(''); const convert_module_id = ref(''); const delete_id = ref(''); const alert_data = reactive({ success_alert: ref(null), error_alert: ref(null), alert_text: ref('') }); const deleteRecord = async function (record_id, type) { let ok = await confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this record?'); if(ok) {'/data/delete/' + + '/type/' + type, {record_id}, {responseType: 'arraybuffer'}) .then(response => { window.location = '/module/' + + '?message="Delete was successful'; }) .catch(function (error) { alert_data.error_alert.value=1; alert_data.alert_text='There was an error'; setTimeout(() => { alert_data.error_alert.value=null; alert_data.alert_text.value=''; }, 5000); }); } }; onMounted(() => { watch([download_menu], async (val) => { if(val+'' === 'delete'){ let ok = await confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this?'); if(ok) {'/data/delete/' + usePage() + '/type/module', selected_records.value, {responseType: 'arraybuffer'}) .then(response => { alert_data.success_alert.value=1; alert_data.alert_text.value='Successfully Deleted'; setTimeout(() => { alert_data.success_alert.value=null; alert_data.alert_text.value=''; }, 50000); }).catch(function (error) { alert_data.error_alert=1; alert_data.alert_text='There was an error'; setTimeout(() => { alert_data.error_alert=null; alert_data.alert_text=''; }, 50000); }); } } else if(types.indexOf(val+'') >= 0) {'/data/download/' + + '/' + val, null, {responseType: 'arraybuffer'}) .then(response => { var fileURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([])); var fileLink = document.createElement('a'); fileLink.href = fileURL; fileLink.setAttribute('download', + '.' + val); document.body.appendChild(fileLink);; download_menu.value = ''; }); } }); watch([convert_module_id], (val) => { window.location.href="/module/" + + "/add?convert_from_record=" + props.record['id'] + "&convert_module_id=" + val; }); }); </script>