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  Classes of Carlo Zottmann   Class.Jabber.PHP   README   Download  
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Description: README
Class: Class.Jabber.PHP
API to interact with the Jabber network
Author: By
Last change: version number change
Date: 21 years ago
Size: 1,878 bytes



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Class.Jabber.PHP v0.4 April 27th, 2003 The Jabber Instant Messaging project is an Open Source project seeking to provide a complete cross protocol messaging solution. The problem with current IM solutions is that they are all proprietary and cannot talk to each other. Jabber seeks to get rid of those barriers by allowing a Jabber client to talk with an AOL user, or an IRC chat room, or any number of other programs. For more information about the Jabber project visit Class.Jabber.PHP a PHP class that provides a PHP Developer access to the Jabber protocol. Using this OOP class, I provide a clean interface to writing anything from a full client to a simple protocol tester. NOTE: The documentation in this archive is basically not existing. For docs and examples please visit the Class.Jabber.PHP wiki @ Carlo Zottmann Class.Jabber.PHP developer THIS SOFTWARE IS RELEASED UNDER THE GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. REQUIREMENTS - PHP 4.1.0+ with XML support, mhash support optional (if you want to use digest or 0k authentication) DOCUMENTATION The documentation in this archive is basically not existing. For docs and examples please visit the Class.Jabber.PHP wiki @ STATUS For the most part things are stable, but if you see a newer version, you should switch to it immediatly and read the ChangeLog at to find out what has changed. For questions, bug reports etc, please visit the official site and the dev board at PS: Thanks to Ryan Eatmon for 80% of the text above... found it in his Net::Jabber README. ;)