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File: class.cnp.php

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File: class.cnp.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: `CNP` class source code
Class: CNP validator
Validate and extract details from a Romanian CNP
Author: By
Last change: # validator recognizes the CNP which start with 1-9
# class returns data about residence and origin of owner
Date: 12 years ago
Size: 5,215 bytes



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 * @author: Iosif Chiriluta
 * @description: This class checks if a CNP is valid or not. If the CNP is valid, this class pull out the information about the possessor of given CNP.
 * @release date: 10/13/2011
 * @last update: 08/27/2012
 * @version: 2.0
class CNP {

     * @access public
     * @var integer
public $error;

     * @access protected
     * @var string
protected $cnp;

     * @access protected
     * @var string[]
protected $cities = array(
1 => "Alba",
2 => "Arad",
3 => "Arges",
4 => "Bacau",
5 => "Bihor",
6 => "Bistrita-Nasaud",
7 => "Botosani",
8 => "Brasov",
9 => "Braila",
10 => "Buzau",
11 => "Caras-Severin",
12 => "Cluj",
13 => "Constanta",
14 => "Covasna",
15 => "Dambovita",
16 => "Dolj",
17 => "Galati",
18 => "Gorj",
19 => "Harghita",
20 => "Hunedoara",
21 => "Ialomita",
22 => "Iasi",
23 => "Ilfov",
24 => "Maramures",
25 => "Mehedinti",
26 => "Mures",
27 => "Neamt",
28 => "Olt",
29 => "Prahova",
30 => "Satu Mare",
31 => "Salaj",
32 => "Sibiu",
33 => "Suceava",
34 => "Teleorman",
35 => "Timis",
36 => "Tulcea",
37 => "Vaslui",
38 => "Valcea",
39 => "Vrancea",
41 => "Bucuresti/Sectorul 1",
42 => "Bucuresti/Sectorul 2",
43 => "Bucuresti/Sectorul 3",
44 => "Bucuresti/Sectorul 4",
45 => "Bucuresti/Sectorul 5",
46 => "Bucuresti/Sectorul 6",
51 => "Calarasi",
52 => "Giurgiu"

     * @access protected
     * @var string[]
protected $months = array(
1 => "Ianuarie",
2 => "Februarie",
3 => "Martie",
4 => "Aprilie",
5 => "Mai",
6 => "Iunie",
7 => "Iulie",
8 => "August",
9 => "Septembrie",
10 => "Octombrie",
11 => "Noiembrie",
12 => "Decembrie"

     * @access public
     * @param string $cnp The CNP that will be validated
     * @return void|boolean
public function __construct($cnp) {
$this->cnp = $cnp;

        if (
FALSE === $this->_validate())
$this->genre = (int)substr($this->cnp, 0, 1);
$this->month = (int)substr($this->cnp, 3, 2);
$this->day = (int)substr($this->cnp, 5, 2);
$this->city = (int)substr($this->cnp, 7, 2);
        if( (
1 > $this->month || 12 < $this->month) || (1 > $this->day || 31 < $this->day) || (!isset($this->cities[$this->city])) ) {
$this->error = 3;
     * @access public
     * @return string[] Returns all information extracted from CNP
public function fetchAllData() {
        return array(
"genre" => $this->getGenre(),
"year" => $this->getYear(),
"month" => $this->getMonth(),
"day" => $this->getDay(),
"city" => $this->getCity(),
"resident" => $this->getResidentInfo(),
"stranger" => $this->getStrangerInfo()

     * @access public
     * @return boolean Checks and returns if the owner of CNP lives in Romania
public function getResidentInfo() {
in_array($this->genre, array(7, 8)) ? TRUE : FALSE;
     * @access public
     * @return boolean Checks and returns if the owner of CNP has Romanian orgins
public function getStrangerInfo() {
in_array($this->genre, array(7, 8, 9)) ? TRUE : FALSE;

      * @access public
      * @return string[] Returns an array composed of number and initials genre
public function getGenre() {
        return array(
in_array($this->genre, array(1, 3, 5, 7)) ? "m" : (
in_array($this->genre, array(2, 4, 6, 8)) ? "f" : "n/a"

     * @access public
     * @return string Returns the year extracted from CNP
public function getYear() {
        return (
in_array($this->genre, array(1, 2)) ? 19 : (
in_array($this->genre, array(3, 4)) ? 18 : (
in_array($this->genre, array(5, 6)) ? 20 : NULL
            ) .
substr($this->cnp, 1, 2);

     * @access public
     * @return integer[] Returns an array composed of number and name of month extracted from CNP
public function getMonth() {
        return array(

     * @access public
     * @return mixed[] Returns an array composed of month day and week name of day extracted from CNP
public function getDay() {
        return array(
date("l", strtotime("{$this->getYear()}/{$this->month}/{$this->day}"))

     * @access public
     * @return mixed[] Returns an array composed of name of county and number extracted from CNP
public function getCity() {
        return array (

     * @access private
     * @return boolean Checks if the CNP is valid
private function _validate() {
$key = "279146358279";
13 !== strlen($this->cnp)) {
$this->error = 1;

$s = 0;

$i = 0; $i <= 11; $i++)
$s += $this->cnp[$i] * $key[$i];
$s %= 11;

10 === $s && "1" !== $this->cnp[12]) || (10 > $s && $s != $this->cnp[12])) {
$this->error = 2;
