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File: warm-up-test.php

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  Classes of Cuthbert Martin Lwinga   PHP Matrix Extension Class   warm-up-test.php   Download  
File: warm-up-test.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: PHP Matrix Extension Class
Perform matrix calculations using a PHP extension
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 7 months ago
Size: 3,571 bytes



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('memory_limit', '200G'); // Increase to 2GB or more as needed

// Helper function to create a random matrix
function create_random_matrix($rows, $cols) {
$matrix = array_fill(0, $rows, array_fill(0, $cols, 0));
    for (
$i = 0; $i < $rows; ++$i) {
        for (
$j = 0; $j < $cols; ++$j) {
$matrix[$i][$j] = mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax();

// Function to measure execution time of a given operation
function measure_time($callback, $description) {
$start_time = microtime(true);
$end_time = microtime(true);
$execution_time = $end_time - $start_time;
$description . ": " . $execution_time . " seconds\n";

// Generate random matrices
$rows = 10000; // Adjust size as needed
$cols = 10000;
$min_val = 0.2;
$max_val = 0.8;

" MATRIX($rows,$cols)\n\n";

$m1 = create_random_matrix($rows, $cols);
$m2 = create_random_matrix($rows, $cols);

$matrix1 = new MatrixWrapper($m1);
$matrix2 = new MatrixWrapper($m2);

measure_time(function() use ($m1) {
$matrix1 = new MatrixWrapper($m1);
"Init Time");

measure_time(function() use ($matrix1) {
"Finding Shape Time");

// Perform subtraction first and then addition
measure_time(function() use ($matrix1, $matrix2) {
"Subtraction Time");

measure_time(function() use ($matrix1, $matrix2) {
"Addition Time after Subtraction");

// Perform addition first and then subtraction
measure_time(function() use ($matrix1, $matrix2) {
"Addition Time");

measure_time(function() use ($matrix1, $matrix2) {
"Subtraction Time after Addition");

// Measure constant addition time
measure_time(function() use ($matrix1) {
"Addition Constant Time");

// Measure dot product time
measure_time(function() use ($matrix1, $matrix2) {
"Dot Product Time");

measure_time(function() use ($matrix1, $matrix2) {
"Matrix-to-Matrix Division Time");

// Measure matrix-to-scalar division time
measure_time(function() use ($matrix1) {
"Matrix-to-Scalar Division Time");

// Measure transpose time
measure_time(function() use ($matrix1) {
"Transpose Time");

// Measure Multiplication time
measure_time(function() use ($matrix1) {
"Multiplication Time");

// Measure argmax time
measure_time(function() use ($matrix1) {
"Arg max Time");

// Measure clip time
measure_time(function() use ($matrix1, $min_val, $max_val) {
$matrix1->clip($min_val, $max_val);
"Clip Time");

// Measure log
measure_time(function() use ($matrix1) {
"Log Time");

// Measure exp
measure_time(function() use ($matrix1) {
"Exp Time");

// Measure sum
measure_time(function() use ($matrix1) {
"Sum Time");

measure_time(function() use ($matrix1) {
"Sum along columns Time");

measure_time(function() use ($matrix1) {
"Sum along rows Time");

// Measure inverse
measure_time(function() use ($matrix1) {
"Inverse Time");

// Measure determinant
measure_time(function() use ($matrix1) {
"Determinant Time");

// Measure eigen
measure_time(function() use ($matrix1) {
"Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Time");