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Class: Scroll to Top
Show a button to scroll the page to the top
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<p align="center"><img src="" height=120 /></p>


How to use Block scroll_to_top of Ascoos Cms.

This tutorial is divided into three steps. 1) Installing the scroll_to_top Block 2) Editing and configuration of its parameters. 3) The result we have.



The first step is to install the Block on the Ascoos Cms website we have.

Block is installed only through the built-in installer in the admin section.

From the Ascoos Cms desktop, double-click the Installation Program icon you see in the image below.

<p align="center"><img src="scr-installer-000.png" /></p>

This will open us the installer, in which we will have to follow some easy steps to complete the installation of our block.


First the program welcomes us to the installer, giving us some information about it and the installation process.

<p align="center"><img src="scr-installer-001-1280.png" /></p>

Action Selection

Here we select the two action steps of the installer. - In the first step, we select the action Install, thus declaring to the installer that we will do a new installation. In case our block is already installed and we just want to upgrade it then we will choose Extension Upgrade. In case we want to uninstall a component then we will select Unistall. The first option `ASCOOS Upgrade' is for kernel version upgrade.

  • In the second action step, we choose the type of our extension. In our case here, we choose `Blocks`.

Then press the Next button to continue with the installation process.

<p align="center"><img src="scr-installer-002-1280.png" /></p>

Select installation package

Here we are asked to select from our computer the compressed zip file containing the installation package.

The program also informs us that the installation package should be certified by AlexSoft Software to have all the necessary security safeguards for your system.

We press Next and since in this particular case we have no parameters that must be set during the installation process, the program will complete the installation.

We will press the Close button at the end and we will finish our work with the installer.

<p align="center"><img src="scr-installer-003-1280.png" /></p>

Edit and configure the Block

On the Ascoos Cms desktop, double-click the ASCOOS Explorer icon to open the Ascoos component management program.

<p align="center"><img src="scr-ascoos-explorer-000.png" /></p>

In the program that will open (see image below) we choose:

1) From the menu ribbon the Blocks tab to go to the Blocks management page.

2) we go to the Views section and from the drop-down named Block we select scroll_to_top. This will show us in the list of blocks only the block with the title Scroll to Top. 3) In the displayed list, click on Scroll to Top to open our block for editing.

<p align="center"><img src="scr-block-001-800px.png" /></p>


1. Edit the basic properties of the Block.

All Blocks in Ascoos Cms have their basic settings the same from the start.

From the editing page of the basic settings, we can adjust to the specific needs of each block, although the install.php file of our block's installation package takes care of presetting these specifics.

let's analyze these pieces of basic settings one by one.

  1. `BLOCK NAME`: Here we give the name our block will have. In addition to letters and numbers, we can also use the hyphen `-` and underscore hyphen `_`. - `Block Name` : it is essentially the name of the copy of the physical block. - `Natural Block Name` : It is the natural name of the block as it is on the server disk. We can create as many copies of the block as we want. Of course, each one will have a different name.

<p align="center"><img src="scr-block-002-800px.png" /></p>

  1. `BLOCK TITLE` : Here we can give multilingual titles to our block. Of course we can only in the languages supported by our website. We can add, remove and sort the titles as we wish.

<p align="center"><img src="scr-block-003-800px.png" /></p>

  1. `VIEW OPTIONS` : Here we define the display parameters of the block.

    - `Envirenment` : The environment that will be displayed. e.g. in the image below, we tell it to appear in the foreground of the webpage. It could be set to appear in the admin section, newsletter, etc.

    - `3LT Template (Front)` : Each Ascoos Template consists of 3 layers, `front`, `frontpage` and `efp (encapsulation frontpage)`.`front` is the main part of the template and does not change. Within this the two other layers listed below can appear, but only a frontpage. While we can embed multiple `efp`. With the technology of 3LT Template, `Ascoos Cms', gives the possibility to adjust from page to page, from article to article, etc., without changing our basic visual part.

    - `3LT Template (Frontpage)`: The 2nd level of our template. It can contain individual code (like `native blocks`), contain as many `efp`s as we want but cannot contain another `frontpage` or `front`.

    - `3LT Template (EFP)` : The 3rd level of the template. can be integrated into the previous two as many times as we like. `CAUTION - BONUS` : The combination of the three layers can give enormous flexibility in the appearance of our components. E.g. we create two copies of the block with different settings and parameters and while the display position is the same, if the frontpage is different, we will have only one block displayed, while the other block will appear on the frontpage we set for it, when the page contains this the frontpage. E.g. in the program `articles` we define another `frontpage` and in the program `contacts` another, but both have display positions, e.g. the "position1". Depending on which `frontpage` or `efp` we define in our block settings, the corresponding one will appear.

    - `View Position` : The display position of the block. Each part of 3LT Templates can have different display positions. These are usually created during the template installation process, but can be created later as well.

    - `View Order` : The order that will appear inside the `View Position`.

<p align="center"><img src="scr-block-007.png" /></p>


    - `A/A` : Auto Increment number. Generated from the database.

    - `User Group` : We declare the minimum user group access level.

    - `Published` : Should the block be published?

    - `Show Title` : Will the title of the block be displayed?

    - `Cache` : Include the final code of the block in the cache?

    - `Cache Duration` : Refresh rate of the data in the `Cache`, in seconds.

<p align="center"><img src="scr-block-006.png" /></p>

  1. `COMMENTS ON BLOCK` : includes various comments the user wants to have about the block.

<p align="center"><img src="scr-block-008.png" /></p>


2. Permissions

How access rights work, not only for blocks but also for all components of Ascoos Cms is described in the video Ascoos Cms Blocks - Edit Permissions which is on youtube.


3. Edit Block's special parameters.

Each component of Ascoos Cms also has its own operating parameters. For the specific block are those shown in the following image.

<p align="center"><img src="scr-block-004-800px.png" /></p>

1) General Configuration Options :

- `Theme of appearance of Block` : Select the theme that will be implemented block. Each block has at least a predetermined theme, called &laquo;Default&raquo;

- `Distance to top` : The position from the top where the scroll object will appear.

- `Scrolling speed` : The scrolling speed

- `Distance to Top (After scrolling)` : The final distance from the top after rolling.


The result

At the end we select the Save button from the ribbon menu and go to the frontend of our page to see the results.

As an Administrator we have the ability to see our website fully functional, even if its elements are reserved for publication at a later time.

From the settings we see in the various images above, we will have a result on our page like the one below.

<p align="center"><img src="scr-block-005.png" /></p>