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File: index.php

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  Classes of inwebo   My DeviantArt API   index.php   Download  
File: index.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: My DeviantArt API
Retrieve information from DeviantArt accounts
Author: By
Last change: Update of index.php
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 6,878 bytes


Class file image Download
= 'My.DeviantArt API';
$projectVersion = '02-01-2012';
$projectKeywords = 'php, deviantart, api, PHP5';
$projectShortDescription = 'API PHP5 de récupération d\'images de deviantart.';
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE);
include 'autoload.php'; ?>
<?php ini_set
('display_errors', TRUE ); ?>

(!isset($_POST['deviantId'])) ? $_POST['deviantId']= 'inwebo' : NULL ;

$_POST['deviantId'] !== NULL || $_POST['deviantId'] !== '' ) {
$deviantid = $_POST['deviantId'];
    else {
$deviantid = 'inwebo';
$galleryUrl = '';

    try {
// First we always need a DOMDocument to parse
$DOMProfil = new DOMDeviantProfil( $deviantid );

// After we need to Xpath it to collect informations or deviations.
        // Here we want all profil informations
$version = new DeviantVersion( $DOMProfil );
$profil = new DeviantProfil( $DOMProfil );
$stats = new DeviantStats( $DOMProfil );
$featured = new DeviantFeatured( $DOMProfil );
$newest = new DeviantNewest( $DOMProfil );
$favorites = new DeviantFavorites( $DOMProfil );

// Which are available galleries from a deviant user ?
        // First we need a DOMDocument to parse
        //$DOMGalleriesList = new DOMDeviantGalleriesList( $deviantid );
        // As usual we Xpath it
        //$galleriesList = new DeviantGalleriesList( $DOMGalleriesList );
        //$DOMGallery = new DOMDeviantGallery( $deviantid );
        //$oneGallery = new DeviantGallery($DOMGallery);

} catch (Exception $e) {
<!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
    <meta name="keywords" content="<?php echo $projectKeywords; ?>" />
    <meta name="author" lang="fr" content="Inwebo" />
    <meta name="copyright" content="Creative commons" />
    <meta name="date" content="2012" />
    <title><?php echo $projectName; ?></title>
    <meta name="description" content="<?php echo $projectShortDescription; ?>">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
    <a name="top"></a>
    <h1><?php echo $projectName; ?> <span id="version">version : <span><?php echo $projectVersion; ?></span></span></h1>
            <?php include('README'); ?>
        Compatible <?php echo $version->deviantVersion; ?>
<div role="main">
    <h2>Source <a href="#top">TOP</a></h2>
      <form name="deviantIdForm" method="post">
          <label>Deviant id : <input type="text" value="" name="deviantId"> (mine is inwebo)</label>
          <input type="submit">
    <h3><img src="<?php echo $profil->avatarSrc; ?>"><?php echo $profil->prefix ?><?php echo $profil->deviantId ?> 's DeviantProfil from <?php echo $profil->country; ?> <a href="#top">TOP</a></h3>
      <h2>Stats <a href="#top">TOP</a></h2>
          <li><?php echo $stats->deviations ; ?> <em>Deviations</em></li>
          <li><?php echo $stats->comments ; ?> <em>Comments</em></li>
          <li><?php echo $stats->pageviews ; ?> <em>Pageviews</em></li>
          <li><?php echo $stats->scraps ; ?> <em>Scraps</em></li>
          <li><?php echo $stats->watchers ; ?> <em>Watchers</em></li>
          <li><?php echo $stats->critiques ; ?> <em>Critiques</em></li>
          <li><?php echo $stats->forumPosts ; ?> <em>Forum posts</em></li>
          <li><?php echo $stats->favourites ; ?> <em>Favourites</em></li>
    <h2>Featured (<?php echo $featured->nodeList->length; ?>) <a href="#top">TOP</a></h2>
= new DisplayGallery( $featured->splObjectStorage );
      <h2>Newest (<?php echo $newest->nodeList->length; ?>) <a href="#top">TOP</a></h2>
= new DisplayGallery( $newest->splObjectStorage );
      <h2>Favorites (<?php echo $favorites->nodeList->length; ?>) <a href="#top">TOP</a></h2>
= new DisplayGallery( $favorites->splObjectStorage );
      <h2>Galleries list (<?php echo $galleriesList->nodeList->length; ?>) <a href="#top">TOP</a></h2>
= new DisplayGalleriesList( $galleriesList->splObjectStorage );
      <h3>Galleries list as array <a href="#top">TOP</a></h3>
( $galleriesList->toArray($galleriesList->splObjectStorage) );
      <h2>Gallerie web page 1</h2>
= new Gallery('inwebo', '');
$displayGallery = new DisplayGallery( $gallerie->page(0) );
      <h2>Whole default gallery</h2>
= new Gallery('inwebo');
$displayGallery = new DisplayGallery( $wholeGallerie->all() );
      <h2>Custom display</h2>
      <?php highlight_file('lib/class.customdisplay.php'); ?>
= new Gallery('inwebo', '');
$displayGallery = new CustomDisplay( $CustomGallerie->page(0) );
      <h2>Creation archive PHAR <a href="#top">TOP</a></h2>
          <a href="" target="_blank" title="Why PHAR archive ?">Why PHAR archives ?</a>
          <a href="make.php" target="_blank">make</a>

        <a title="Julien Hannotin" href="" target="_blank" title="Résumé">Jool</a> | <a href="" title="Creative Commons 2" target="_blank">creative commons 2</a> | <a title="Git repository" target="_blank" href="">Github Repository</a> | <a href="#top">top</a>