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File: include/core/WADebug.lib

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File: include/core/WADebug.lib
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Dominion
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Last change: patch 8.00.05
Date: 12 years ago
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<?php /* WADebug.lib, DomCore, the WebAbility(r) Core System Contains the semi static object to give debug capabilities to all classes (c) 2008-2012 Philippe Thomassigny This file is part of DomCore DomCore is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. DomCore is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with DomCore. If not, see <>. */ /* @UML_Box |------------------------------------------------------------------| | WADebug: Debug object for all WA objects and instances | |------------------------------------------------------------------| | ! VERSION : version string | | ! SYSTEM : 1 | | ! INFO : 2 | | ! USER : 3 | | ! HTMLREDIR : 1 | | ! ASCIIREDIR : 2 | | ! FILEREDIR : 3 | | ! WINDOWS : 1 | | ! UNIX : 2 | | ! MAX : 3 | | - ::numtotalinstances : integer | | - ::numinstances : array | | - uidinstance : integer | | - creation : string | | # classname : string | | # ::ostype : integer | | # ::htmlapi : boolean | | # ::debug : boolean | | # localdebug : boolean | | - ::redirect : integer | | - ::level : integer | | - ::filename : string | | - ::filter : string | | - ::init : boolean | |------------------------------------------------------------------| | + new WADebug() | | + ::getHTMLAPI() : boolean | | + ::getOSType() : integer | | + ::setDebug($flag: boolean) | | + ::getDebug() : boolean | | + setLocalDebug($flag: boolean) | | + getLocalDebug() : boolean | | + ::setRedirect($type: integer, $filename: string) | | + ::getRedirect() : integer | | + ::getRedirectFile() : string | | + ::setLevel($level: integer) | | + ::getLevel() : integer | | + ::setFilter($filter: string) | | + ::getFilter() : string | | + getClassName() : string | | + getCreated() : microtime | | # doDebug($message: string, $level: integer) | | + ::getNumTotalInstances() : integer | | + ::getAllInstances() : array(string => integer) | | + getNumInstances() : integer | | + getUIDInstance() : integer | | # __getValue($val: string, $indent: integer, $ignore: array): string | | + explain($indent: integer, $ignore: array) : html string | | + __tostring() : string | |------------------------------------------------------------------| @End_UML_Box */ class WADebug { // DomCore version const VERSION = '1.01.02'; // All the functions entry const SYSTEM = 1; // Important debug information const INFO = 2; // All the user debug const USER = 3; // redirect on HTML (i-e with colors and tags) const HTMLREDIR = 1; // redirect on ASCII (only the text) const ASCIIREDIR = 2; // redirect on FILE (only the text) const FILEREDIR = 3; // if we are working on a Windows type OS const WINDOWS = 1; // if we are working on a Unix type OS const UNIX = 2; // if we are working on a Mac type OS const MAC = 3; // Statistics on objects and instances private static $numtotalinstances = 0; private static $numinstances = array(); private $uidinstance = 0; // timing of the class protected $creation = null; // Name of the top class owner protected $classname = ''; // on which type of OS we are working protected static $ostype = null; // if we are on a text or html API protected static $htmlapi = null; // Debug flag: true = log, false = ignore debug, for ALL application protected static $debug = false; // Debug flag: true = log, false = ignore debug, for THIS instance only protected $localdebug = false; // Type of debug: 1 = print in html page, 2 = print in ascii page (no html format), 3 = print in log file private static $redirect = WADebug::HTMLREDIR; // html page // Level to log private static $level = WADebug::USER; // only user level by default // Log file if redirect type = 3 private static $filename = null; // any filter on content private static $filter = null; // set to true once initialized (i.e. static variables calculated) private static $init = false; // Main constructor: set the classname and debug status, based on defined WADEBUG public function __construct() { if (!self::$init) { if (defined('WADEBUG')) self::$debug = WADEBUG; self::getHTMLAPI(); self::getOSType(); self::$init = true; } if (!defined('WADEBUG')) // for production sites, we dont use anymore debug properties return; $this->creation = microtime(); $this->classname = get_class($this); $this->uidinstance = ++self::$numtotalinstances; if (isset(self::$numinstances[get_class($this)])) self::$numinstances[get_class($this)]++; else self::$numinstances[get_class($this)] = 1; } // ========================================================================= // basic methods, always available public static function getHTMLAPI() { if (self::$htmlapi === null) self::$htmlapi = (PHP_SAPI=='cli'?false:true); return self::$htmlapi; } public static function getOSType() { if (!self::$ostype) { self::$ostype = WADebug::UNIX; if (strpos(strtolower(PHP_OS), 'win') !== false) self::$ostype = WADebug::WINDOWS; elseif (strpos(strtolower(PHP_OS), 'mac') !== false) self::$ostype = WADebug::MAC; } return self::$ostype; } // ========================================================================= // debug methods, available only if WADEBUG is set public static function setDebug($flag) { if (!defined('WADEBUG')) // for production sites, we dont use anymore debug properties return; self::$debug = $flag; } public static function getDebug() { return self::$debug; } public function setLocalDebug($flag) { if (!defined('WADEBUG')) // for production sites, we dont use anymore debug properties return; $this->localdebug = $flag; } public function getLocalDebug() { return $this->localdebug; } public static function setRedirect($redir, $filename = null) { if (!defined('WADEBUG')) // for production sites, we dont use anymore debug properties return; self::$redirect = $redir; self::$filename = $filename; } public static function getRedirect() { return self::$redirect; } public static function getRedirectFile() { return self::$filename; } public static function setLevel($level) { if (!defined('WADEBUG')) // for production sites, we dont use anymore debug properties return; self::$level = $level; } public static function getLevel() { return self::$level; } public static function setFilter($filter) { if (!defined('WADEBUG')) // for production sites, we dont use anymore debug properties return; self::$filter = $filter; } public static function getFilter() { return self::$filter; } public function getClassName() { return $this->classname; } public function getCreated() { return $this->created; } protected function doDebug($message, $level = WADebug::USER) { if (!defined('WADEBUG')) // for production sites, we dont use anymore debug properties return; if ((self::$debug || $this->localdebug) && $level >= self::$level) { if (self::$filter && stripos($message, self::$filter) === false) return; switch(self::$redirect) { case WADebug::HTMLREDIR: // html page $color = 'black'; if ($level == WADebug::SYSTEM) $color = 'blue'; if ($level == WADebug::INFO) $color = 'green'; if ($level == WADebug::USER) $color = 'red'; print '<font color="'.$color.'"><b>'.$this->classname.'@'.$this->uidinstance.':</b> '.$message.'</font><br />'.PHP_EOL; break; case WADebug::ASCIIREDIR: // ascii text page print $this->classname.'@'.$this->uidinstance.': '.$message.PHP_EOL; break; case WADebug::FILEREDIR: // log file $f = fopen(self::$filename, 'a'); fwrite($f, $this->classname.'@'.$this->uidinstance.': '.$message.PHP_EOL); fclose($f); break; default: break; } } } public static function getNumTotalInstances() { return self::$numtotalinstances; } public static function getAllInstances() { return self::$numinstances; } public function getNumInstances() { if (!defined('WADEBUG')) // for production sites, we dont use anymore debug properties return 0; return self::$numinstances[get_class($this)]; } public function getUIDInstance() { return $this->uidinstance; } protected function __getValue($val, $indent = 0, $ignore = array()) { if (is_object($val) && $val instanceOf WADebug) { return '{<br />'.PHP_EOL.$val->explain($indent+2, $ignore).str_repeat('.', $indent+2).'}'; } if (is_array($val)) { $ret = '{'; $item = 0; foreach($val as $k => $v) $ret .= ($item++?', ':'') . $k .' => '.$this->__getValue($v, $indent+2); $ret .= '}'; return $ret; } // timestamp ? if (preg_match('/^0\.[0-9]{8}\s[0-9]{1,12}$/', $val)) { $d = explode(' ', $val); return date('Y-m-d H:i:s ', $d[1]) . substr($d[0], 2, 3) . '.' . substr($d[0], 5); } return var_export($val, true); } public function explain($indent = 0, $ignore = array()) { if (!defined('WADEBUG')) // for production sites, we dont use anymore debug properties return ''; if (self::$htmlapi) { // get all the data of this object $exp = str_repeat('.', $indent).'<font color="red">Class name: <b>'.$this->classname.'</b> with '.self::$numinstances[$this->classname].' instances<br />'.PHP_EOL; $exp .= str_repeat('.', $indent).'Instance #<b>'.$this->uidinstance.'</b> of '.self::$numtotalinstances.' total instances<br />'.PHP_EOL; $exp .= str_repeat('.', $indent).'Debug mode is <b>'.(self::$debug?'On':'Off').'</b> and Local Debug is <b>'.($this->localdebug?'On':'Off').'</b></font><br />'.PHP_EOL; } else { $exp = str_repeat('.', $indent).'Class name: '.$this->classname.' with '.self::$numinstances[$this->classname].' instances'.PHP_EOL; $exp .= str_repeat('.', $indent).'Instance #'.$this->uidinstance.' of '.self::$numtotalinstances.' total instances'.PHP_EOL; $exp .= str_repeat('.', $indent).'Debug mode is '.(self::$debug?'On':'Off').' and Local Debug is '.($this->localdebug?'On':'Off').PHP_EOL; } $class = new ReflectionClass($this->getClassName()); $properties = $class->getProperties(); foreach($properties as $prop) { $name = $prop->getName(); if (in_array($name, $ignore)) continue; $origin = $prop->getDeclaringClass()->getname(); if ($origin != $this->getClassName()) $origin = '&'.$origin; $access = false; if ($prop->isPublic()) { $exp .= str_repeat('.', $indent).$origin.'+'; $access = true; } elseif ($prop->isProtected()) { $exp .= str_repeat('.', $indent).$origin.'#'; $access = true; } elseif ($prop->isPrivate()) { $exp .= str_repeat('.', $indent).$origin.'-'; } $exp .= $prop->isStatic() ? '::' : ''; $exp .= '<b>'.$name.'</b>'; if ($access) { if ($prop->isStatic()) $exp .= ' = '; //. $this->__getValue(self::$$name, $indent, $ignore); else $exp .= ' = '; // . $this->__getValue($this->$name, $indent, $ignore); } else { $fct = 'get'.$name; if (method_exists($this,$fct)) $exp .= ' = ' . $this->$fct(); else $exp .= ' is private'; } $exp .= '<br />'.PHP_EOL; } return $exp; } // this function is NEEDED by PHP 5.2 , since __tostring is not automatic for objects since this version public function __toString() { if (!defined('WADEBUG')) // for production sites, we dont use anymore debug properties return ''; return $this->classname.'@'.$this->uidinstance; } } ?>