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Class: Lazy JSON
Load and parse JSON files progressively
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LazyJson API

This document exposes the LazyJson API with the available classes and methods.

If you are interested to know how to use it, you can see the Usage.


abstract LazyJson\JsonElement implements JsonSerializable, Stringable

Abstract class for wrapper classes of JSON elements.

public static function load(SplFileObject $fileHandler, bool $useCache = true): LazyJson\JsonElement

This is the main method to load a JSON file and return a LazyJson\JsonElement.

Note: it returns a lazzy object. That means the file is not parsed. This method only detects which type of JSON element the cursor of the file handler points to based on the current byte. If you want to parse the entire file, use the method parse.


  • `$fileHandler`: The JSON file to be read/parsed.
  • `$useCache`: Whether the class must use cache to improve performance (default `true`)

Note: when cache is activated, the position of the child elements of an array or an object are stored in memory. This way, it improves the performance, since the object does not need to parse all the child elements again to reach the desired array position or object property.

public function getDecodedValue(bool $associative = false): mixed

Returns the decoded value of the current JSON element.


  • `$associative` - Whether the decoded JSON objects will be represented by associative arrays (default `false`).

public function parse(): void

Parses the current elements and advance the file cursor to the next byte after the current element.

If you want to validate whether the current JSON file is valid, you can call this method and check for exceptions if the JSON is not valid.

Note: only the current element of the file will be parsed. If the element is a string that is a child of an array, parse will stop after reaching the end-of-string, represented by double quotes. That means: if you run parse over the root element of a JSON file, it will not check the remaining bytes after the end of the current element.

public function __toString(): string

Magic method to return the object as a string, when requested (from Stringable interface)

public function jsonSerialize()

Return the serializable value for json_encode (from JsonSerializable interface)

LazyJson\NullElement extends LazyJson\JsonElement

Wrapper class for value null of a JSON file.

LazyJson\BooleanElement extends LazyJson\JsonElement

Wrapper class for boolean values of a JSON file.

LazyJson\NumberElement extends LazyJson\JsonElement

Wrapper class for numeric values of a JSON file.

public function getRawValue(): string

Returns the original numeric value read from the JSON file. It is useful if the JSON file contains a very big number that would be converted to +INF (positive infinite) or -INF (negative infinite) in the PHP scope.

LazyJson\StringElement extends LazyJson\JsonElement implements IteratorAggregate

Wrapper class for string values of a JSON file.

public function getIterator(): Traversable\<string\>

Returns an iterator to traverse each decoded unicode symbol from the string element (from IteratorAggregate interface).

LazyJson\ArrayElement extends LazyJson\JsonElement implements ArrayAccess, Countable, IteratorAggregate

Wrapper class for array values of a JSON file.

public function getIterator(): Traversable\<int,LazyJson\JsonElement\>

Returns an iterator to traverse each child element of the array (from IteratorAggregate interface).

public function count(): int

Returns the total number of elements of the array (from Countable interface).

public function offsetExists(mixed $offset): bool

Returns whether an element exists in the position $offset of the current array element (from ArrayAccess interface).

This method is called when the operator [] is used over the object that is being tested by an isset call.

Note: if the offset exists and points to the value null in the JSON, this method will return true.


$exists = isset($lazyObj[1]);
$exists = $lazyObj->offsetExists(1);

public function offsetGet(mixed $offset): ?LazyJson\JsonElement

Returns an element of the position $offset of the current array element or null if it does not exist (from ArrayAccess interface).

This method is called when the operator [] is used over the object in a context of consulting the value.

Note: if the offset exists and points to the value null in the JSON, this method will return an instance of LazyJson\NullElement, that will wrap the value null.


$value = $lazyObj[1];
$value = $lazyObj->offsetGet(1);

LazyJson\ObjectElement extends LazyJson\JsonElement implements ArrayAccess, Countable, IteratorAggregate

Wrapper class for object values of a JSON file.

public function getIterator(): Traversable\<string,LazyJson\JsonElement\>

Returns an iterator to traverse each child element (property) of the object (from IteratorAggregate interface).

public function count(): int

Returns the total number of properties of the object (from Countable interface).

public function offsetExists(mixed $offset): bool

Returns whether a property exists with the name $offset of the current object element (from ArrayAccess interface).

This method is called when the operator [] is used over the object that is being tested by an isset call.

Note: if the property exists and points to the value null in the JSON, this method will return true.


$exists = isset($lazyObj['prop']);
$exists = $lazyObj->offsetExists('prop');

public function offsetGet(mixed $offset): ?LazyJson\JsonElement

Returns the property with the name $offset of the current object element or null if it does not exist (from ArrayAccess interface).

This method is called when the operator [] is used over the object in a context of consulting the value.

Note: if the property exists and points to the value null in the JSON, this method will return an instance of LazyJson\NullElement, that will wrap the value null.


$value = $lazyObj['prop'];
$value = $lazyObj->offsetGet('prop');

public function __isset(string $name): bool

Magic method that returns whether a property exists in the current object element.

This method is called when the operator -> is used over the object that is being tested by an isset call.

Note: if the property exists and points to the value null in the JSON, this method will return true.


$exists = isset($lazyObj->prop);
$exists = $lazyObj->__isset('prop');

public function __get(string $name): ?LazyJson\JsonElement

Magic method that returns a property of the JSON object or null if it does not exist.

This method is called when the operator -> is used in a read context.

Note: if the property exists and points to the value null in the JSON, this method will return an instance of LazyJson\NullElement, that will wrap the value null.


$value = $lazyObj->prop;
$value = $lazyObj->__get('prop');