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File: chkFiscalCode_it_doc.txt

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File: chkFiscalCode_it_doc.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: Documentation
Class: chkFiscalCode_it
Check Italian VAT and fiscal Code
Author: By
Last change: Swapped position of year and day/sex. The correct is 1=year and 2=day/sex.
Date: 13 years ago
Size: 1,333 bytes



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/** ****************************************************************** * chkFiscalCode class to check italian VAT Code and Fiscal Code * * THIS IS JUST A BRIEF DOCUMENTATION * If you need more detailed documentation feel free to ask me :) * * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * VAT Code (for company) is something like this: * 11111111112 * where * 1 is the number like 0139182389 * 2 is the check digit * * Fiscal Code (for people) is something like this: * AAABBB11C22D333E * where * A are 3 characters from the surname * B are 3 characters from the name * 1 is the birth year * C is the birth month * 2 is the birth day and the sex * D333 is the birth city code * E is the check character * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * @copyright ConsulTes Snc 2003 - [email protected] * @author Daniele Testoni - [email protected] * ***************************************************************** */ // EASY USE // Copy this section to easy use the class in yours include('./chkFiscalCode_it.php'); $code = new chkFiscalCode_it('put_here_the _code'); $type = $code->type(); $error = $code->check(); $details = $code->explode();