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File: af_ZA.sor

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File: af_ZA.sor
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: af_ZA language for Soros class
Class: Convert Number to Text with Soros
Spell number with text in multiple languages
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 11 years ago
Size: 1,818 bytes



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__numbertext__ ^0$ nul 1 een 2 twee 3 drie 4 vier 5 vyf 6 ses 7 sewe 8 agt 9 nege 10 tien 11 elf 12 twaalf 13 dertien 14 veertien 17 sewentien 19 negentien 1(\d) $1|tien 20 twintig 30 dertig 40 veertig 70 sewentig 80 tagtig 90 negentig (\d)0 $1tig (\d)(\d) $2-en-$(\10) # function a a:0* " " # eenhonderd a:0*1?\d -en- # eenhonderd-en-een a:0*\d0 -en- # eenhonderd-en-twintig a:\d+ " " # eenhonderd een-en-twintig # function b b:0*1?\d # negentienduisend b:0*\d0 # twintigduisend b:\d+ " " # een-en-twintig duisend ^1(\d\d) honderd$(a:\1)$1 (\d)(\d\d) $1honderd$(a:\2)$2 ^1(\d{3}) duisend$(a:\1)$1 (\d{1,3})(\d{3}) $1$(b:\1)duisend$(a:\2)$2 (\d{1,3})(\d{6}) $1$(b:\1)miljoen$(a:\2)$2 (\d{1,3})(\d{9}) $1$(b:\1)miljard$(a:\2)$2 (\d{1,3})(\d{12}) $1$(b:\1)biljoen$(a:\2)$2 (\d{1,3})(\d{15}) $1$(b:\1)biljard$(a:\2)$2 (\d{1,3})(\d{18}) $1$(b:\1)triljoen$(a:\2)$2 (\d{1,3})(\d{21}) $1$(b:\1)triljard$(a:\2)$2 # negative number [-−](\d+) min |$1 # decimals ([-−]?\d+)[.,] $1| komma ([-−]?\d+[.,]\d*)(\d) $1| |$2 # currencies # unit/subunit u:([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*) \1 s:([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*) \2 p:([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*) \3 CHF:(.) $(\1: Zwitserse franc, centime, centimes) CNY:(.) $(\1: renminbi yuan, fen, fen) EUR:(.) $(\1: euro, cent, cent) GBP:(.) $(\1: pond sterling, penny, pence) JPY:(.) $(\1: yen, sen, sen) USD:(.) $(\1: Amerikaanse dollar, sent, sent) ZAR:(.) $(\1: rand, sent, sent) "(JPY [-−]?\d+)[.,](\d\d)0" $1 "(JPY [-−]?\d+[.,]\d\d)(\d)" $1 $2 rin "([A-Z]{3}) ([-−]?0)([.,]00?)?" nul $(\1:u) "([A-Z]{3}) ([-−]?\d+)([.,]00?)?" $2 $(\1:u) "(CNY [-−]?\d+)[.,](\d)0?" $1 $2 jiao "(CNY [-−]?\d+[.,]\d)(\d)" $1 $2 fen "(([A-Z]{3}) [-−]?\d+)[.,](01)" $1 een $(\2:s) "(([A-Z]{3}) [-−]?\d+)[.,](\d)" $1 $(\30) $(\2:p) "(([A-Z]{3}) [-−]?\d+)[.,](\d\d)" $1 $3 $(\2:p)