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File: sv_SE.sor

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File: sv_SE.sor
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: sv_SE language for Soros class
Class: Convert Number to Text with Soros
Spell number with text in multiple languages
Author: By
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Date: 11 years ago
Size: 3,196 bytes



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__numbertext__ ^0 noll ^1$ ett ^1 en 1 ett 2 två 3 tre 4 fyra 5 fem 6 sex 7 sju 8 åtta 9 nio 10 tio 11 elva 12 tolv 13 tretton 14 fjorton 15 femton 16 sexton 17 sjutton 18 arton 19 nitton 2(\d) tjugo$1 3(\d) trettio$1 4(\d) fyrtio$1 7(\d) sjuttio$1 8(\d) åttio$1 9(\d) nittio$1 (\d)(\d) $1tio$2 (\d)(\d\d) $1|hundra$2 (1|\d?[02-9]1)(\d{3}) $1|usen $2 (\d{1,3})(\d{3}) $1tusen $2 (\d{1,3})(\d{6}) |$1 miljon$(pl:\1) $2 (\d{1,3})(\d{9}) |$1 miljard$(pl:\1) $2 (\d{1,3})(\d{12}) |$1 biljon$(pl:\1) $2 (\d{1,3})(\d{15}) |$1 biljard$(pl:\1) $2 (\d{1,3})(\d{18}) |$1 triljon$(pl:\1) $2 (\d{1,3})(\d{21}) |$1 triljard$(pl:\1) $2 (\d{1,3})(\d{24}) |$1 kvadriljon$(pl:\1) $2 # plural for big numbers pl:1 pl:.* er # negative number [-−](\d+) minus |$1 # decimals "([-−]?\d+)[.,]" $1| komma "([-−]?\d+[.,])([^0]\d)" $1| |$2 "([-−]?\d+[.,])(\d)(\d)(\d)" $1| |$2 |$3 |$4 "([-−]?\d+[.,]\d*)(\d)" $1| |$2 # currency # unit/subunit singular/plural "us, (.*): (.*), (.*), (.*), (.*), (.*), (.*)" $(\2 \1) \3 "up, (.*): (.*), (.*), (.*), (.*), (.*), (.*)" $(\2 \1) \4 "ss, (.*): (.*), (.*), (.*), (.*), (.*), (.*)" $(\5 \1) \6 "sp, (.*): (.*), (.*), (.*), (.*), (.*), (.*)" $(\5 \1) \7 CHF:(\D+,.*) $(\1: cardr, schweizisk franc, schweizisk franc, cardr, centime, centime) CNY:(\D+,.*) $(\1: cardr, yuan renminbi, yuan renminbi, cardr, fen, fen) EUR:(\D+,.*) $(\1: cardr, euro, euro, cardn, cent, cent) GBP:(\D+,.*) $(\1: cardn, brittiskt pund, brittiskt pund, cardr, penny, pence) JPY:(\D+,.*) $(\1: cardr, yen, yen, cardr, sen, sen) SEK:(\D+,.*) $(\1: cardr, svensk krona, svenska kronor, cardn, öre, öre) USD:(\D+,.*) $(\1: cardr, US-dollar, US-dollar, cardn, cent, cent) "([A-Z]{3}) ([-−]?1)([.,]00?)?" $(\1:us, \2) "([A-Z]{3}) ([-−]?\d+)([.,]00?)?" $(\1:up, \2) "(CNY [-−]?\d+)[.,]10?" $1 $2 jiao "(CNY [-−]?\d+)[.,](\d)0?" $1 $2 jiao "(CNY [-−]?\d+[.,]\d)1" $1 $2 fen "(CNY [-−]?\d+[.,]\d)(\d)" $1 $2 fen "(([A-Z]{3}) [-−]?\d+)[.,](01)" $1 $(\2:ss, 1) "(([A-Z]{3}) [-−]?\d+)[.,](\d)" $1 $(\2:sp, \30) "(([A-Z]{3}) [-−]?\d+)[.,](\d\d)" $1 $(\2:sp, \3) # cardinals (cardf, cardm, cardn, cardr) "cardn 1" ett "card[fmnr] (.*)" $(card:|$1) "card:(.*[^ ]e)t(tusen.*)" $(card:\1n\2) # 21000, 31000 .. 991000 "card:(.*e)tt([ ].*|$)" $(card:\1n\2) # !etthundra, !ettusen card:(.*) \1 # ordinals (ordf, ordn, ordm) "ordm? ([-−]?\d+)" $(ord:|$1) ord:(.*)ett \1förste # 1 ord:(.*)två \1andre # 2 ord:(.*)tre \1tredje # 3 ord:(.*)fyra \1fjärde # 4 ord:(.*)sex \1sjätte # 6 ord:(.*(sju|io)) \1nde # 7, 9, 10, 20..90 ord:(.*)åtta \1åttonde # 8 ord:(.*)elva \1elfte # 11 ord:(.*)tolv \1tolfte # 12 "ord:(.*(ton|hundra|tusen)) *" \1de # 13, 14..19, 100, 1000 "ord:(.*)er *" \1te # milljoner... "ord:(.*[^ ]) *" \1te # 0, 5, milljon... "ord[fn] ([-−]?\d+)" $(ordf:$(ord:|$1)) ordf:(.*(först|andr))e \1a # 1, 2 ordf:(.*) \1 # ordinal abbreviation "orda[fn] (.*[02-9][12]|[12])" \1:a "orda[fnm]? (.*)" \1:e # year "year ([-−]?(1[1-9]|[2-9]\d))(\d\d)" $1hundra$3 "year (.*)" $1 help Functions\ncardf, cardm, cardn, cardr: cardinal numbers\norda, ordaf, ordam, ordan: ordinal abbreviation\nord, ordf, ordm, ordn: ordinal numbers\nyear: spell out of years