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File: test/base.php

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File: test/base.php
Role: Unit test script
Content type: text/plain
Description: base test
Class: PHP RBAC Class
Role Based Access Control based on NIST Level 2
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 11 years ago
Size: 13,573 bytes



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<?php require_once __DIR__."/../lib/jf.php"; abstract class PHPRBAC_Test extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { function setUp() { jf::$RBAC->Reset(true); } } abstract class PHPRBACBaseTest extends PHPRBAC_Test { function setUp() { parent::setUp (); } /** * * @return \jf\{$this->Type()}Manager */ protected abstract function Instance(); /** * * @return string {$this->Type()} or permission */ protected abstract function Type(); function testAdd() { $ID = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1", "description of the {$this->Type()}" ); $this->assertGreaterThan ( 1, $ID ); $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual ( $this->Instance ()->Count (), 2 ); } /** * @depends testAdd */ function testRemove() { $ID = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1", "description of the {$this->Type()}" ); $ID2 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}2", "description of the {$this->Type()}", $ID ); $ID3 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}3", "description of the {$this->Type()}", $ID2 ); $ID4 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}4", "description of the {$this->Type()}", $ID2 ); $this->assertTrue ( $this->Instance ()->Remove ( $ID ) ); $this->assertFalse ( $this->Instance ()->Remove ( $ID ) ); $this->assertTrue ( $this->Instance ()->Remove ( $ID2, true ) ); $this->assertFalse ( $this->Instance ()->Remove ( $ID2 ) ); $this->assertFalse ( $this->Instance ()->Remove ( $ID3 ) ); $this->assertFalse ( $this->Instance ()->Remove ( $ID4 ) ); } function testGetInfo() { $ID = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "this is the title", "and this is description" ); $this->assertEquals ( "this is the title", $this->Instance ()->GetTitle ( $ID ) ); $this->assertEquals ( "and this is description", $this->Instance ()->GetDescription ( $ID ) ); } function testPathID() { $this->assertEquals ( 1, $this->Instance ()->PathID ( "/" ) ); $ID1 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "folder1", "description of foler1" ); $ID2 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "folder2", "description of foler2", $ID1 ); $ID3 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "folder3", "description of foler3", $ID2 ); $Res1 = $this->Instance ()->PathID ( "/folder1/folder2/folder3" ); $this->assertEquals ( $ID3, $Res1 ); $Res1 = $this->Instance ()->PathID ( "/folder1/folder3" ); $this->assertNotEquals ( $ID3, $Res1 ); $this->assertEquals ( 1, $this->Instance ()->PathID ( "/" ) ); $this->assertEquals ( $ID1, $this->Instance ()->PathID ( "/folder1" ) ); $this->assertEquals ( $ID1, $this->Instance ()->PathID ( "/folder1/" ) ); $this->assertNotEquals ( $ID1, $this->Instance ()->PathID ( "/folder1/xyz" ) ); // ong one, the current PathID has a limit of 1024 characters for path // (because of SQL gorup_concat) $ID = null; $Path = ""; for($i = 0; $i < 100; ++ $i) { $ID = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "depth{$i}", "description of depth{$i}", $ID ); $Path .= "/depth{$i}"; } $this->assertEquals ( $ID, $this->Instance ()->PathID ( $Path ) ); } /** * @depends testPathID */ function testAddPath() { $ID = $this->Instance ()->AddPath ( "/some/folder/some/where" ); $this->assertEquals ( $ID, $this->Instance ()->PathID ( "/some/folder/some/where" ) ); $ID = $this->Instance ()->AddPath ( "/some/folder/another/where" ); $this->Instance ()->PathID ( "/some/folder/another/where" ); $this->assertEquals ( $ID, $this->Instance ()->PathID ( "/some/folder/another/where" ) ); $ID = $this->Instance ()->AddPath ( "/some/folder/another/where" ); $this->assertEquals ( $ID, $this->Instance ()->PathID ( "/some/folder/another/where" ) ); } function testEdit() { $ID = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1", "description here" ); // Change title $this->assertTrue ( $this->Instance ()->Edit ( $ID, "{$this->Type()}2" ) ); $this->assertEquals ( "{$this->Type()}2", $this->Instance ()->GetTitle ( $ID ) ); $this->assertEquals ( "description here", $this->Instance ()->GetDescription ( $ID ) ); // change description $this->assertTrue ( $this->Instance ()->Edit ( $ID, null, "new description" ) ); $this->assertEquals ( "{$this->Type()}2", $this->Instance ()->GetTitle ( $ID ) ); $this->assertEquals ( "new description", $this->Instance ()->GetDescription ( $ID ) ); // changing both $this->assertTrue ( $this->Instance ()->Edit ( $ID, "new {$this->Type()}", "another new description" ) ); $this->assertEquals ( "new {$this->Type()}", $this->Instance ()->GetTitle ( $ID ) ); $this->assertEquals ( "another new description", $this->Instance ()->GetDescription ( $ID ) ); } function testChildren() { $Parent = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1", "" ); $Child1 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-1", "", $Parent ); $Child2 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-2", "", $Parent ); $Child11 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-1-1", "", $Child1 ); $Child12 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-1-2", "", $Child1 ); $Child13 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-1-3", "", $Child1 ); $children = ($this->Instance ()->Children ( $Parent )); $this->assertEquals ( $children [0] ['Title'], "{$this->Type()}1-1" ); $this->assertEquals ( $children [1] ['Title'], "{$this->Type()}1-2" ); $this->assertEquals ( count ( $children ), 2 ); } /** * @depends testAdd */ function testTitleID() { $ID = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}-1", "description of the {$this->Type()}" ); $ID2 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}-2", "description of the {$this->Type()}" ); $this->assertEquals ( $this->Instance ()->TitleID ( "{$this->Type()}-1" ), $ID ); $this->assertNotEquals ( $this->Instance ()->TitleID ( "{$this->Type()}-2" ), $ID ); $this->assertNotEquals ( $this->Instance ()->TitleID ( "{$this->Type()}-3" ), $ID ); } function testDescendants() { $Parent = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1", "" ); $Child1 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-1", "", $Parent ); $Child2 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-2", "", $Parent ); $Child11 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-1-1", "", $Child1 ); $Child12 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-1-2", "", $Child1 ); $Child13 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-1-3", "", $Child1 ); $descendants = ($this->Instance ()->Descendants ( $Parent )); $this->assertEquals ( $descendants ["{$this->Type()}1-1"] ['Depth'], 1 ); $this->assertEquals ( $descendants ["{$this->Type()}1-1-3"] ['Depth'], 2 ); $this->assertEquals ( count ( $descendants ), 5 ); } function testDepth() { $Parent = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1", "" ); $Child1 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-1", "", $Parent ); $Child11 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-1-1", "", $Child1 ); $Child13 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-1-3", "", $Child1 ); $this->assertEquals ( 0, $this->Instance ()->Depth ( 1 ) ); $this->assertEquals ( 3, $this->Instance ()->Depth ( $Child13 ) ); $this->assertEquals ( 2, $this->Instance ()->Depth ( $Child1 ) ); } function testPath() { $Parent = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1", "" ); $Child1 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-1", "", $Parent ); $Child2 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-2", "", $Parent ); $Child11 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-1-1", "", $Child1 ); $Child12 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-1-2", "", $Child1 ); $Child13 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-1-3", "", $Child1 ); $this->assertEquals ( "/", $this->Instance ()->Path ( 1 ) ); $this->assertEquals ( null, $this->Instance ()->Path ( 100 ) ); $this->assertEquals ( "/{$this->Type()}1", $this->Instance ()->Path ( $Parent ) ); $this->assertEquals ( "/{$this->Type()}1/{$this->Type()}1-2", $this->Instance ()->Path ( $Child2 ) ); $this->assertEquals ( "/{$this->Type()}1/{$this->Type()}1-1/{$this->Type()}1-1-3", $this->Instance ()->Path ( $Child13 ) ); } function testParentNode() { $Parent = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1", "" ); $Child1 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-1", "", $Parent ); $Child2 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-2", "", $Parent ); $Child11 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-1-1", "", $Child1 ); $Child12 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-1-2", "", $Child1 ); $Child13 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-1-3", "", $Child1 ); $t = $this->Instance ()->ParentNode ( 1 ); $this->assertEquals ( null, $t ); $t = $this->Instance ()->ParentNode ( $Parent ); $this->assertEquals ( 1, $t ['ID'] ); $t = $this->Instance ()->ParentNode ( $Child2 ); $this->assertEquals ( $Parent, $t ['ID'] ); $t = $this->Instance ()->ParentNode ( $Child12 ); $this->assertEquals ( $Child1, $t ['ID'] ); } function testReset() { $Parent = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1", "" ); $Child1 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-1", "", $Parent ); $Child2 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-2", "", $Parent ); $Child11 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-1-1", "", $Child1 ); $Child12 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-1-2", "", $Child1 ); $Child13 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-1-3", "", $Child1 ); $this->Instance ()->Reset ( true ); $this->assertEquals ( 1, $this->Instance ()->TitleID ( "root" ) ); $this->assertEmpty ( $this->Instance ()->Children ( 1 ) ); $this->setExpectedException ( "Exception" ); $this->Instance ()->Reset (); } function testRemoveAgain() { $ID = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "some_{$this->Type()}", "some description" ); $this->assertEquals ( $ID, $this->Instance ()->TitleID ( "some_{$this->Type()}" ) ); $this->Instance ()->Remove ( $ID ); $this->assertNotEquals ( $ID, $this->Instance ()->TitleID ( "some_{$this->Type()}" ) ); $this->assertEquals ( null, $this->Instance ()->TitleID ( "some_{$this->Type()}" ) ); // ow recursive $Parent = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1", "" ); $Child1 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-1", "", $Parent ); $Child2 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-2", "", $Parent ); $Child11 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-1-1", "", $Child1 ); $Child12 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-1-2", "", $Child1 ); $Child13 = $this->Instance ()->Add ( "{$this->Type()}1-1-3", "", $Child1 ); $this->Instance ()->Remove ( $Child1, true ); $this->assertEquals ( 3, $this->Instance ()->Count () ); $this->assertEquals ( $Child2, $this->Instance ()->TitleID ( "{$this->Type()}1-2" ) ); $this->assertEquals ( null, $this->Instance ()->TitleID ( "{$this->Type()}1-1" ) ); $this->assertEquals ( null, $this->Instance ()->TitleID ( "{$this->Type()}1-1-1" ) ); } /** * @depends testAdd */ function testAssign() { $ID1=jf::$RBAC->Roles->Add("role1", "description of role1"); $ID2=jf::$RBAC->Roles->Add("role2", "description of role2"); $ID11=jf::$RBAC->Roles->Add("role1-1", "description of role",$ID1); $ID12=jf::$RBAC->Roles->Add("role1-2", "description of role",$ID1); $ID121=jf::$RBAC->Roles->Add("role1-2-1", "description of role",$ID12); $PID1=jf::$RBAC->Permissions->Add("permission1", "description"); $PID2=jf::$RBAC->Permissions->Add("permission2", "description"); $PID21=jf::$RBAC->Permissions->Add("permission2-1", "description",$PID2); $this->assertTrue($this->Instance()->Assign($ID121, $PID2)); $this->assertFalse($this->Instance()->Assign($ID121, $PID2)); } /** * @depends testAssign */ function testUnassign() { $ID1=jf::$RBAC->Roles->Add("role1", "description of role1"); $ID2=jf::$RBAC->Roles->Add("role2", "description of role2"); $ID11=jf::$RBAC->Roles->Add("role1-1", "description of role",$ID1); $ID12=jf::$RBAC->Roles->Add("role1-2", "description of role",$ID1); $ID121=jf::$RBAC->Roles->Add("role1-2-1", "description of role",$ID12); $PID1=jf::$RBAC->Permissions->Add("permission1", "description"); $PID2=jf::$RBAC->Permissions->Add("permission2", "description"); $PID21=jf::$RBAC->Permissions->Add("permission2-1", "description",$PID2); $this->Instance()->Assign($ID121, $PID2); $this->assertFalse($this->Instance()->Unassign($ID121,$PID1)); $this->assertTrue($this->Instance()->Unassign($ID121,$PID2)); $this->assertFalse($this->Instance()->Unassign($ID121,$PID2)); //already removed } function testResetAssignments() { $ID1=jf::$RBAC->Roles->Add("role1", "description of role1"); $ID2=jf::$RBAC->Roles->Add("role2", "description of role2"); $ID11=jf::$RBAC->Roles->Add("role1-1", "description of role",$ID1); $ID12=jf::$RBAC->Roles->Add("role1-2", "description of role",$ID1); $ID121=jf::$RBAC->Roles->Add("role1-2-1", "description of role",$ID12); $PID1=jf::$RBAC->Permissions->Add("permission1", "description"); $PID2=jf::$RBAC->Permissions->Add("permission2", "description"); $PID21=jf::$RBAC->Permissions->Add("permission2-1", "description",$PID2); $this->Instance()->Assign($ID121, $PID2); $this->Instance()->Assign($ID1, $PID1); $this->Instance()->Assign($ID12, $PID21); $this->Instance()->ResetAssignments(true); $this->assertFalse($this->Instance()->Unassign($ID121,$PID2)); $this->assertFalse($this->Instance()->Unassign($ID1,$PID1)); $this->setExpectedException("\Exception"); $this->Instance()->ResetAssignments(false); } }