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File: examples.php

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File: examples.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: A few examples of chaining class
Class: Chaining functions
Apply a chain of functions to a variable value
Author: By
Last change: Update
Date: 11 years ago
Size: 4,777 bytes



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/* Contains all the functions required for chaining */

    Example 1
    An example of how to apply a functions to the string that does and does not
    require additional parameters.
    The code of this example is result-equivalent to both of the following:
    $myString = "a <b>lovely</b> string <a href='#'>here</a>";
    $myString = htmlspecialchars($myString);
    $myString = str_replace("lovely", "beloved", $myString);
    echo $myString;
    $myString = "a <b>lovely</b> string <a href='#'>here</a>";
    echo str_replace("lovely", "beloved", htmlspecialchars($myString));

$myString = "a <b>lovely</b> string <a href='#'>here</a>";

$chain = new Chaining($myString);
add("str_replace", array("lovely", "beloved", $chain->me()) );

$chain->getObject(); // getObject() and me() are completely equivalent

/* Output
    a <b>beloved</b> string <a href='#'>here</a>

    Example 2
    An example of how to use custom functions with Chaining methods.
    It is just the same as using predefined functions.
function SameAsExplode($var)
explode("|", $var);
$output = "Name: ".$data[0].
"<br>Surname: ".$data[1].
"<br>Street: ".$data[2].
"<br>State: ".$data[3].
"<br>Country: ".$data[4].
"<br>Number: ".$data[5];
$variable = "Augustinas|Malinauskas|15 Peel st.|California|USA|0123456789";
$chain = new Chaining();

/* Output

    Name: Augustinas
    Surname: Malinauskas
    Street: 15 Peel st.
    State: California
    Country: USA
    Number: 0123456789
    Example 3
    An attempt to imitate somewhat real life situation where data from some kind
    of database is formatted before being print.
    Effect: functions htmlspecialchars and ucwords are applied to every string before printing,
    without htmlspecialchars function a simple html code could be inserted into messages
    resulting in redirect.

$mysql_data = array(
'id' => 3370,
'username' => 'august',
'message' => 'how to increment a variable in PHP?',
'signature' => 'There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way'
'id' => 3371,
'username' => 'september',
'message' => 'to increment a variable use: <b>$c++;<b/>',
'signature' => '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=">'

$mysql_data as $entry)
$chain = new Chaining($entry);
$chain->add("array_map", array("htmlspecialchars", $chain->me()) )
add("array_map", array("ucwords", $chain->me()) );
$entry = $chain->getObject(); // same as $chain->me();

echo '<tr>
            <td colspan="2">'
            <td colspan="2">Signature:'

/* Output

    3370 August
    How To Increment A Variable In PHP?
    Signature:There Is No Way To Happiness, Happiness Is The Way
    3371 September
    To Increment A Variable Use: <b>$c++;<b/>
    Signature:<meta Http-equiv="refresh" Content="0; Url=">


    Example 4
    Using array as a working variable.
    Chaining method works just fine with arrays too.
    The interesting thing in this example is that we used array as an input,
    but received formatted string as s result.
    Effect: Uppercase the first word letters in the array variables and merges them
    using "," as separator. Appends a "." symbol at the end.
    Array map has prototype: array_map(myfunction, array), therefore we pass these
    variables in using a second parameter for add function:
        add("array_map", array("ucwords", $chain->me()) )
    $chain->me() contains the array we are working with.

$myArray = array("name surname", "augustinas malinauskas", "paul gilbert");

$chain = new Chaining($myArray);
$chain->add("array_map", array("ucwords", $chain->me()) )
add("implode", array(", ", $chain->me()) )


/* Output

    Name Surname, Augustinas Malinauskas, Paul Gilbert.
