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Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Puja
Template engine that compiles templates into PHP
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 11 years ago
Size: 2,011 bytes



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User's guide ======== <pre> &lt;?php class Puja{ /** * Folder includes template files * @var string * */ <strong>var $template_dir = 'templates/';</strong> /** * Folder includes compiled files * @var string */ <strong>var $cache_dir;</strong> /** * Cache level * 0: Default level. No cache * 1: AUTO update each user modify template. REQUIRE configure $cache_dir * 2: NOT update each user modify template, only update when user delete cached file manualy. REQUIRE configure $cache_dir. * @var int */ <strong>var $cache_level;</strong> /** * Type of template compile. * - eval: call eval to compile AST. * - include: Default value. Create a PHP file from AST and then include it. REQUIRE configure $cache_dir. * @var string */ <strong>var $parse_executer = 'include';</strong> /** * Custom filter class * @var Class object */ <strong>var $custom_filter;</strong> /** * Custom tags class * @var Class object */ <strong>var $custom_tags;</strong> /** * Mode debug * - if mode debug = true, enable validate template's syntax [DEVELOP] * - if mode debug = false, disable validate template's syntax, [PRODUCTION] * @var Boolean */ <strong>var $debug = false;</strong> /** * Set common values for template before template parse. * @var Array */ <strong>var $headers = array();</strong> /** * Consider data is only array, not include object. * - if true: Puja don't run object_to_array converter (save time ) * - if false: Puja run object_to_array converter. * @var Boolean */ <strong>var $data_only_array = false;</strong> /** * Consider include multi level. * true: Default value. Allow include multi level. * false: only include 1 level. This option will make faster. * */ <strong>var $include_multi_level = true;</strong> /** Parse $data to $tpl_file and display. */ <strong>function parse($data = array(), $tpl_file = null, $content_type = 'text/html')</strong>{} } </pre>