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File: area_edit.js

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  Classes of JImmy Bo   Weller MUD Area Loader   area_edit.js   Download  
File: area_edit.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example Area Editor :: Javascript
Class: Weller MUD Area Loader
Parse and manipulate Weller MUD map area files
Author: By
Last change: Object Editor added
Date: 11 years ago
Size: 16,189 bytes



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/* // EXAMPLE USAGE of [class.weller.mud.php] and [class.weller.mud.render.php] // usage: Just RUN THIS FILE after generating a mud directory with [class.load.rom.area.php] or similar area to [weller mud area format] script Related: PHP Class :: MUDs :: Multi User Dungeons :: Multi User Dimensions :: MMORPG :: Internet Games :: RPG :: Role Playing Game Simulation :: Game Development :: World :: Universe find this and other classes by this author at: you can find [class.load.rom.area.php] here: */ // CONSTANTS // var CONST_ROOMDIV = $('.rooms'); var CONST_EXITSDIV = $('.exit_data'); // GLOBALS // var global_curRoom = '-1'; var global_exitData = ''; // BEGIN FUNCTIONS // BEGIN FUNCTIONS // BEGIN FUNCTIONS function select_area(whichArea, whichRoom) { // whichRoom is optional url = 'area_edit.php'; url += '?&cmd=select_area'; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: { area: whichArea }, dataType: "json" }).done(function( msg ) { // console.log(msg); jQuery.each(msg.command, function(index, item) { // do something with `item` (or `this` is also `item` if you like) console.log(item); switch(item) // item is command { case 'redraw_rooms': CONST_ROOMDIV.html(msg.rooms_html); CONST_EXITSDIV.html(msg.rooms_html); global_exitData = msg.exits_json; break; case 'reset_current_room': if(!whichRoom) { var vnum = msg.first_room; console.log('attempting to set current room: '+vnum); console.log($('.' + vnum)); $('.' + vnum).addClass('edit'); console.log('setting exits...'); console.log(msg); global_curRoom = vnum; set_exits(); } else { change_room(whichRoom, false); } break; } }); }); /* END - ajax to handle area select */ } // end function select_area function set_exits() // sets exit buttons to current room { var exits = global_exitData[global_curRoom]; $(function() { // Handler for .ready() called. // first clear old data $( ".navigate .n" ).attr('toRoom',''); $( ".navigate .e" ).attr('toRoom',''); $( ".navigate .s" ).attr('toRoom',''); $( ".navigate .w" ).attr('toRoom',''); $( ".navigate .n" ).hide(); $( ".navigate .e" ).hide(); $( ".navigate .s" ).hide(); $( ".navigate .w" ).hide(); // now get exits for current room... console.log('js :: function set_exits()'); if(typeof exits.south !== 'undefined') { var thisExit = $( ".navigate .s" ); var thisExitData = exits.south; var thisDir = 's'; /* bring more in line with exit handler */ thisExit.attr('to', thisExitData["to"]); thisExit.attr('dir', thisDir); if(thisExitData["command"] == 'change-area') thisExit.addClass('change-area'); else thisExit.removeClass('change-area'); if( thisExitData["area-name"] ) thisExit.attr('area', thisExitData["area-name"]);; } if(typeof exits.north !== 'undefined') { var thisExit = $( ".navigate .n" ); var thisExitData = exits.north; var thisDir = 'n'; /* bring more in line with exit handler */ thisExit.attr('to', thisExitData["to"]); thisExit.attr('dir', thisDir); if(thisExitData["command"] == 'change-area') thisExit.addClass('change-area'); else thisExit.removeClass('change-area'); if( thisExitData["area-name"] ) thisExit.attr('area', thisExitData["area-name"]);; } if(typeof exits.east !== 'undefined') { var thisExit = $( ".navigate .e" ); var thisExitData = exits.east; var thisDir = 'e'; /* bring more in line with exit handler */ thisExit.attr('to', thisExitData["to"]); thisExit.attr('dir', thisDir); if(thisExitData["command"] == 'change-area') thisExit.addClass('change-area'); else thisExit.removeClass('change-area'); if( thisExitData["area-name"] ) thisExit.attr('area', thisExitData["area-name"]);; } if(typeof exits.west !== 'undefined') { var thisExit = $( ".navigate .w" ); var thisExitData = exits.west; var thisDir = 'w'; /* bring more in line with exit handler */ thisExit.attr('to', thisExitData["to"]); thisExit.attr('dir', thisDir); if(thisExitData["command"] == 'change-area') thisExit.addClass('change-area'); else thisExit.removeClass('change-area'); if( thisExitData["area-name"] ) thisExit.attr('area', thisExitData["area-name"]);; } }); } // END function set_exits function change_room(whatRoom, whatDir) { var old_room = global_curRoom; var new_room = whatRoom; // check for existing room - prevent going out of bounds (eg room that exists in another area) // var new_div = $("." + new_room); if ( !new_div.length ) return false; var old_div = $('.' + old_room); var min_x = 0 - new_div.width(); var min_y = 0 - new_div.height(); var max_x = screen.width + new_div.width(); var max_y = screen.height + new_div.height(); var reset_x = '50%'; var reset_y = '50%'; var move_speed = 200; var oldpos = old_div.offset(); // , etc switch(whatDir) { // animate the navigation arrows... case 'n': case 'north': $(function() { // Handler for .ready() called. old_div.animate({ top: max_y }, move_speed, function() { // Animation complete. // swap out classes and reset div // old_div.removeClass('edit'); old_div.css('top', reset_y); old_div.css('left', min_x); new_div.css('top', min_y); // swaparoo new_div.css('left', reset_x); // swaparoo new_div.addClass('edit'); new_div.animate({ top: ($( window ).height() / 2) }, move_speed, function() { // Animation complete. new_div.css('top', reset_y); }); // end animate }); // end animate }); break; // END - n case 's': case 'south': $(function() { // Handler for .ready() called. old_div.animate({ top: min_y }, move_speed, function() { // Animation complete. // swap out classes and reset div // old_div.removeClass('edit'); // stays same - place all old divs in old div storage land old_div.css('top', reset_y); old_div.css('left', min_x); new_div.css('top', max_y); // swaparoo - opposite of initial movement new_div.css('left', reset_x); // swaparoo - make sure it's reset first new_div.addClass('edit'); new_div.animate({ top: ($( window ).height() / 2) }, move_speed, function() { // Animation complete. new_div.css('top', reset_y); }); // end animate }); // end animate }); break; // END - s case 'w': case 'west': $(function() { // Handler for .ready() called. old_div.animate({ left: max_x }, move_speed, function() { // Animation complete. // swap out classes and reset div // old_div.removeClass('edit'); // reset to old position old_div.css('left', min_x); old_div.css('top', reset_y); new_div.css('left', min_x); // swaparoo new_div.addClass('edit'); new_div.animate({ left: ($( window ).width() / 2) }, move_speed, function() { // Animation complete. new_div.css('left', reset_x); }); // end animate }); // end animate }); break; // END - e case 'e': case 'east': $(function() { // Handler for .ready() called. old_div.animate({ left: min_x }, move_speed, function() { // Animation complete. // swap out classes and reset div // old_div.removeClass('edit'); // reset to old position old_div.css('left', min_x); old_div.css('top', reset_y); new_div.css('left', max_x); // swaparoo new_div.addClass('edit'); new_div.animate({ left: ($( window ).width() / 2) }, move_speed, function() { // Animation complete. new_div.css('left', reset_x); }); // end animate }); // end animate }); break; // END - n default: old_div.removeClass('edit'); // reset to old old_div.css('left', min_x); old_div.css('top', reset_y); new_div.addClass('edit'); new_div.css('left', reset_x); new_div.css('top', reset_y); break; // END - n // just swap - other } global_curRoom = new_room; set_exits(); } // END function change_room(whatRoom) // END FUNCTIONS // END FUNCTIONS // END FUNCTIONS function show_mob_list_area(area_name) { var writeDiv = $('.menu-mob-list'); var url = 'area_edit.php'; url += '?&cmd=select_mob_list_area&area_name='+area_name; $.post( url, { area_name: area_name }) .done(function( data ) { console.log('loading mob list dropdown : ' + area_name); console.log(data); writeDiv.html(data); }); } // END :: show_mob_editor(mob_vnum, area_name) function show_obj_list_area(area_name) { var writeDiv = $('.menu-obj-list'); var url = 'area_edit.php'; url += '?&cmd=select_obj_list_area&area_name='+area_name; $.post( url, { area_name: area_name }) .done(function( data ) { console.log('loading obj list dropdown : ' + area_name); console.log(data); writeDiv.html(data); }); } // END :: show_mob_editor(mob_vnum, area_name) $(function() { // Handler for .ready() called. // handle updating elements // $( ".myAreaList" ).change(function() { that = $(this); console.log(that.val()); select_area(that.val()); // select target area show_mob_list_area(that.val()); // show select combobox populated with mobs from this area show_obj_list_area(that.val()); hide_mob_editor(); // reset mob editor }); $( ".mob-list-area" ).live( "change", function() { var that = $(this); console.log(that.val()); console.log(that.attr('area-name')); show_mob_editor(that.val(), that.attr('area-name')); }); $( ".obj-list-area" ).live( "change", function() { var that = $(this); console.log(that.val()); console.log(that.attr('area-name')); show_obj_editor(that.val(), that.attr('area-name')); }); $( ".exit" ).live( "click", function() { console.log($(this)); change_room($(this).attr('to'), $(this).attr('dir')); }); $(".exit.change-area").live( "click", function() { select_area( $(this).attr('area'), $(this).attr('to') ); // change_room($(this).attr('to'), false); }); // handle editing }); /* Handle MOB edit */ function hide_mob_editor() { $('.mob-editor').addClass('hide'); } function show_mob_editor(mob_vnum, area_name) { var editorDiv = $('.mob-editor'); var url = 'area_edit.php'; url += '?&cmd=edit_mob'; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: { mob_vnum: mob_vnum , area: area_name }, dataType: "json" }).done(function( msg ) { // console.log(msg); jQuery.each(msg.command, function(index, item) { // do something with `item` (or `this` is also `item` if you like) console.log(item); switch(item) // item is command { case 'write': var theContent = msg.content; var theDiv = $(msg.targetDiv); theDiv.html(theContent); // console.log(theDiv); // console.log(theContent); break; } // end -- switch }); // end $.each }); /* END - ajax to handle area select */ $('.mob-editor').removeClass('hide'); } // END :: show_mob_editor(mob_vnum, area_name) $(function() { // Handler for .ready() called. // hide mob editor window // hide_mob_editor(); $(".mob").live( "click", function() { // code here that = $(this); console.log(that.attr('vnum')); console.log(that.attr('area')); show_mob_editor(that.attr('vnum'), that.attr('area')); }); $( ".mob-editor .close" ).click(function() { console.log('hiding'); hide_mob_editor(); }); }); /* Handle OBJ edit */ function hide_obj_editor() { $('.obj-editor').addClass('hide'); } function show_obj_editor(obj_vnum, area_name) { var editorDiv = $('.obj-editor'); var url = 'area_edit.php'; url += '?&cmd=edit_obj'; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: { obj_vnum: obj_vnum , area: area_name }, dataType: "json" }).done(function( msg ) { // console.log(msg); jQuery.each(msg.command, function(index, item) { // do something with `item` (or `this` is also `item` if you like) console.log(item); switch(item) // item is command { case 'write': var theContent = msg.content; var theDiv = $(msg.targetDiv); theDiv.html(theContent); // console.log(theDiv); // console.log(theContent); break; } // end -- switch }); // end $.each }); /* END - ajax to handle area select */ editorDiv.removeClass('hide'); } // END :: show_mob_editor(mob_vnum, area_name) $(function() { // Handler for .ready() called. // hide mob editor window // hide_obj_editor(); $(".obj").live( "click", function() { // code here that = $(this); console.log(that.attr('vnum')); console.log(that.attr('area')); show_mob_editor(that.attr('vnum'), that.attr('area')); }); $( ".obj-editor .close" ).click(function() { console.log('hiding'); hide_obj_editor(); }); });