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File: phpunit/RuntimeTest.php

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  Classes of Pavel Astakhov   PHP Interpreter   phpunit/RuntimeTest.php   Download  
File: phpunit/RuntimeTest.php
Role: Unit test script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Unit test script
Class: PHP Interpreter
Execute PHP code by interpreting source strings
Author: By
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Date: 11 years ago
Size: 96,852 bytes



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<?php namespace Foxway; include_once __DIR__ . '/../Runtime.php'; class RuntimeTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function testRun_echo_apostrophe_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo "Hello!";'), array('Hello!') ); } public function testRun_echo_apostrophe_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo ("Hello!");'), array('Hello!') ); } public function testRun_echo_quotes_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource("echo 'Hello!';"), array('Hello!') ); } public function testRun_echo_quotes_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource("echo ('Hello!');"), array('Hello!') ); } public function testRun_echo_union_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo "String" . "Union";'), array('StringUnion') ); } public function testRun_echo_union_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo "One" . "Two" . "Three";'), array('OneTwoThree') ); } public function testRun_echo_union_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo \'This \' . \'string \' . \'was \' . \'made \' . \'with concatenation.\' . "\n";'), array("This string was made with concatenation.\n") ); } public function testRun_echo_union_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo ("String" . "Union");'), array('StringUnion') ); } public function testRun_echo_parameters_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo "Parameter1","Parameter2" , "Parameter3";'), array('Parameter1', 'Parameter2', 'Parameter3') ); } public function testRun_echo_parameters_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo \'This \', \'string \', \'was \', \'made \', \'with multiple parameters.\';'), array('This ', 'string ', 'was ', 'made ', 'with multiple parameters.') ); } public function testRun_echo_multiline_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo "This spans multiple lines. The newlines will be output as well";'), array("This spans\nmultiple lines. The newlines will be\noutput as well") ); } public function testRun_echo_multiline_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo "Again: This spans\nmultiple lines. The newlines will be\noutput as well.";'), array("Again: This spans\nmultiple lines. The newlines will be\noutput as well.") ); } public function testRun_echo_negative_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo -7;'), array(-7) ); } public function testRun_echo_negative_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo (int)-7;'), array(-7) ); } public function testRun_echo_negative_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo (int)-(int)7;'), array(-7) ); } public function testRun_echo_variables_0() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=111; echo $foo;'), array(111) ); } public function testRun_echo_variables_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource(' $foo = "foobar"; $bar = "barbaz"; echo "foo is $foo"; // foo is foobar'), array('foo is foobar') ); } public function testRun_echo_variables_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo "foo is {$foo}";'), array('foo is foobar') ); } public function testRun_echo_variables_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo "foo is {$foo}.";'), array('foo is foobar.') ); } public function testRun_echo_variables_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo "foo is $foo\n\n";'), array("foo is foobar\n\n") ); } public function testRun_echo_variables_5() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo \'foo is $foo\';'), array('foo is $foo') ); } public function testRun_echo_variables_6() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo $foo,$bar;'), array('foobar', 'barbaz') ); } public function testRun_echo_variables_7() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo "$foo$bar";'), array('foobarbarbaz') ); } public function testRun_echo_variables_8() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo "s{$foo}l{$bar}e";'), array('sfoobarlbarbaze') ); } public function testRun_echo_variables_9() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo "s{$foo}l$bar";'), array('sfoobarlbarbaz') ); } public function testRun_echo_variables_10() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo "start" . $foo . "end";'), array('startfoobarend') ); } public function testRun_echo_variables_11() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo "This ", \'string \', "was $foo ", \'with multiple parameters.\';'), array('This ', 'string ', 'was foobar ', 'with multiple parameters.') ); } public function testRun_echo_variables_12() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=-7; echo -$foo;'), array(7) ); } public function testRun_echo_variables_13() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=(int)-7; echo -$foo;'), array(7) ); } public function testRun_echo_variables_14() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=-7; echo (int)-(int)$foo;'), array(7) ); } public function testRun_echo_variables_15() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo -$foo=7, $foo;'), array(-7, 7) ); } public function testRun_echo_escaping_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo \'s\\\\\\\'e\';'), // echo 's\\\'e'; array('s\\\'e') // s\'e ); } public function testRun_echo_escaping_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo "s\\\\\\"e";'), // echo "s\\\"e"; array('s\\"e') // s\"e ); } public function testRun_echo_escaping_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo "\\\\\\\\\\\\n";'), // echo "\\\\\\n"; array('\\\\\\n') // \\\n ); } public function testRun_echo_escaping_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo "\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n";'), // echo "\\\\\\\n"; array("\\\\\\\n") // \\\<new line> ); } public function testRun_echo_digit_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 5;'), array(5) ); } public function testRun_echo_digit_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 5.5;'), array('5.5') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo \'5 + 5 * 10 = \', 5 + 5 * 10;'), array('5 + 5 * 10 = ', '55') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo -5 + 5 + 10 + 20 - 50 - 5;'), array('-25') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 5 + 5 / 10 + 50/100;'), array('6') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 10 * 10 + "20" * \'20\' - 30 * 30 + 40 / 9;'), array('-395.55555555556') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_5() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo = 5; echo 2 + "$foo$foo" * 10;'), array('552') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_6() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo = 5; echo 2 + "$foo{$foo}0" * 10;'), array('5502') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_params() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo \'10 + 5 * 5 = \', 10 + 5 * 5, "\n\n";'), array('10 + 5 * 5 = ', '35', "\n\n") ); } public function testRun_echo_math_variables() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource(' $foo = 100; $bar = \'5\'; echo "\$foo * \$bar = $foo * $bar = ", $foo * $bar, "\n\n";'), array('$foo * $bar = 100 * 5 = ', '500', "\n\n") ); $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo "\$foo / \$bar = $foo / $bar = ", $foo / $bar, "\n\n";'), array('$foo / $bar = 100 / 5 = ', '20', "\n\n") ); $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo "-\$foo / -\$bar = {-$foo} / {-$bar} = ", -$foo / -$bar, "\n\n";'), array('-$foo / -$bar = {-100} / {-5} = ', '20', "\n\n") ); } public function testRun_echo_math_variables_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo = 100; $bar=-50; echo $foo+=$bar; echo $foo;'), array('50', '50') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_variables_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=1; echo $foo + $foo = 40 + $foo;'), // $foo = 40 + 1; echo 41 + 41 array(82) ); } public function testRun_echo_math_variables_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=1; echo $foo + $foo = 40 + $foo, $foo;'), // $foo = 40 + 1; echo 41 + 41, 41 array(82, 41) ); } public function testRun_echo_math_variables_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=1; echo $foo + $foo = 40 + $foo = 400 + $foo, $foo;'), // $foo = 400 + 1; $foo = 40 + 401; echo 441 + 441, 441 array(882, 441) ); } public function testRun_echo_math_variables_4_increment_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=1; echo $foo + $foo = 40 + $foo = 400 + $foo++, $foo;'), // $foo = 400 + 1; $foo = 40 + 401; echo 441 + 441, 441 array(882, 441) ); } public function testRun_echo_math_variables_4_increment_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=1; echo $foo++ + $foo = 40 + $foo = 400 + $foo, $foo;'), // $foo = 400 + 2; $foo = 40 + 402; echo 1 + 442, 442 array(443, 442) ); } public function testRun_echo_math_variables_short_circuit_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=10; echo $foo = 400 + $foo or $foo = 10000, $foo;'), // $foo = 400 + 10; echo 441 or ... , 410 array(true, 410) ); } public function testRun_echo_math_variables_short_circuit_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=10; echo $foo = 10 - $foo or $foo = 10000, $foo;'), // $foo = 10 - 10; echo 0 or $foo=10000 , 10000 array(true, 10000) ); } public function testRun_echo_math_variables_5() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=10; echo $foo = 400 + $foo | $foo = 10000, $foo;'), // $foo = 400 + 10 | 10000; echo 10138, 10138 array('10138', '10138') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_variables_6() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=4; echo "(" . 2 * $foo . ")";'), array('(8)') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_union_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 10 + 5 . 5;'), array('155') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_union_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 10 + 5 . 5 * 9;'), array('1545') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_union_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 10 + 5 . 5 * 9 . 4 - 5 . 8;'), array('154498') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_Modulus_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 123 % 21;'), array('18') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_Modulus_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 123 % 21 + 74 % -5;'), array('22') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_Modulus_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 123 % 21 + 74.5 % -5 * 4 / 2 . 5 + -1;'), array('264') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_BitwiseAnd_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 123 & 21;'), array('17') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_BitwiseAnd_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 123 & 21 + 94 & 54;'), array('50') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_BitwiseAnd_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 123 & 21 + 94 & -54;'), array('66') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_BitwiseOr_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 123 | 21;'), array('127') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_BitwiseOr_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 123 | -21 / 3;'), array('-5') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_BitwiseXor() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo -123 ^ 21;'), array('-112') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_LeftShift_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 123 << 2;'), array('492') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_LeftShift_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 123 << 2 + 4;'), array('7872') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_LeftShift_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 123 << 2 + 4 << 2;'), array('31488') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_LeftShift_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 123 << 2 + 4 << 2 * 8;'), array('515899392') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_RightShift_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 123 >> 2;'), array('30') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_RightShift_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 123 >> 2 + 3;'), array('3') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_RightShift_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo -123 >> 2 + 3;'), array('-4') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_Increment_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$a = 10; echo $a++, $a, ++$a;'), array('10', '11', '12') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_Increment_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$a = 10; echo $a++ + $a + ++$a;'), array('33') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_Increment_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource(' $a = 10; $a++; ++$a; echo "$a, ", $a++ + -5, ", " . ++$a, ", $a.";'), array('12, ', '7', ', 14', ', 14.') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_Increment_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$a=2; $b=10; $c=30; echo $a + $b * $a++;'), array('23') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_Increment_5() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$a=2; $b=10; $c=30; echo $a + $b * ++$a;'), array('33') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_Increment_6() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$a=2; $b=10; $c=30; echo $a + $b * ++$a;'), array('33') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_Increment_7() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$a=2; $b=10; $c=30; echo ++$a + $b * $a;'), array('33') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_Increment_8() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$a=2; $b=10; $c=30; echo $a++ + $b * ++$a;'), array('42') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_Increment_9() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$a=2; $b=10; $c=30; echo ++$a + $b * ++$a + $b;'), array('53') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_Increment_10() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$a=2; $b=10; echo $a + ++$a + $b * ++$a + $b;'), array('56') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_Decrement_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$a = 10; echo $a--, $a, --$a;'), array('10', '9', '8') ); } public function testRun_echo_math_Decrement_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource(' $a = 10; $a--; --$a; echo "$a, ", $a-- + -5, ", " . --$a, ", $a.";'), array('8, ', '3', ', 6', ', 6.') ); } public function testRun_echo_parentheses_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo (2+5);'), array('7') ); } public function testRun_echo_parentheses_1_n() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo -(2+5);'), array('-7') ); } public function testRun_echo_parentheses_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo ("hello");'), array('hello') ); } public function testRun_echo_parentheses_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo (2+5)*10;'), array('70') ); } public function testRun_echo_parentheses_3_n() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo -(2+5)*10;'), array('-70') ); } public function testRun_echo_parentheses_3_n_n() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo -(-2+5)*10;'), array('-30') ); } public function testRun_echo_parentheses_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$a=5; $a += (3+11); echo $a;'), array('19') ); } public function testRun_echo_parentheses_4_n() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$a=5; $a += -(3+11); echo $a;'), array('-9') ); } public function testRun_echo_parentheses_5() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$a=5; $a += ++$a-(3+11); echo $a;'), array('-2') ); } public function testRun_echo_parentheses_5_n() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$a=5; $a += ++$a- -(3+11)/2; echo $a;'), array('19') ); } public function testRun_echo_parentheses_6() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo (5+8)/4 + (((2+1) * (3+2) + 4)/5 + 7);'), array('14.05') ); } public function testRun_echo_parentheses_7() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo = "foo"; echo("hello $foo");'), array('hello foo') ); } public function testRun_echo_parentheses_8() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo("hello "), $foo;'), array('hello ', 'foo') ); } public function testRun_echo_parentheses_9() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo ($foo), (" is "), $foo;'), array('foo', ' is ', 'foo') ); } public function testRun_echo_parentheses_10() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo (6)*(2);'), array(12) ); } public function testRun_echo_parentheses_10_n() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo (6)*(-2);'), array(-12) ); } public function testRun_echo_parentheses_11() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=3; echo -($foo+5)*10;'), array('-80') ); } public function testRun_echo_parentheses_12() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=3; echo -(-$foo+-5)*-10;'), array('-80') ); } public function testRun_echo_parentheses_13() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo (3+10)*$foo=5;'), array(65) ); } public function testRun_echo_parentheses_14() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo (3+10)*$foo=5, $foo;'), array(65, 5) ); } public function testRun_echo_parentheses_15() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo (3+10)*$foo=5*(7+9), $foo;'), array(1040, 80) ); } public function testRun_echo_inverting_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo ~10;'), array('-11') ); } public function testRun_echo_inverting_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo ~-10;'), array('9') ); } public function testRun_echo_inverting_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo -~10;'), array('11') ); } public function testRun_echo_type_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo (bool)10;'), array('1') ); } public function testRun_echo_type_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo (bool)-10;'), array('1') ); } public function testRun_echo_type_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo -(bool)10;'), array('-1') ); } public function testRun_echo_type_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo (bool)0;'), array('') ); } public function testRun_echo_type_5() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo -(int)-5.5;'), array('5') ); } public function testRun_echo_type_6() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo -(int)-5.5 + (int)(bool)"2";'), array('6') ); } public function testRun_echo_true() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo true;'), array('1') ); } public function testRun_echo_false() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo false;'), array('') ); } public function testRun_echo_compare_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 5 == 5;'), array('1') ); } public function testRun_echo_compare_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 5 == 3+2;'), array('1') ); } public function testRun_echo_compare_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo -3 + 8 == 3 + 2;'), array('1') ); } public function testRun_echo_compare_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo -3 * -8 > 3 + 8;'), array('1') ); } public function testRun_echo_compare_5() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo -3 * 8 < 3 + 8;'), array('1') ); } public function testRun_echo_compare_6() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 3 === (int)"3";'), array('1') ); } public function testRun_echo_compare_7() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 0 == "a";'), array('1') ); } public function testRun_echo_compare_8() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo "1" == "01";'), array('1') ); } public function testRun_echo_compare_9() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo "10" == "1e1";'), array('1') ); } public function testRun_echo_compare_10() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 100 == "1e2";'), array('1') ); } public function testRun_echo_compare_11() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo = 4; echo $foo != $foo*2;'), array('1') ); } public function testRun_echo_compare_12() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo $foo <= $foo*2;'), array('1') ); } public function testRun_echo_compare_13() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo $foo*4 >= $foo*2;'), array('1') ); } public function testRun_echo_compare_14() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 5 !== (string)5;'), array('1') ); } public function testRun_echo_compare_false() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo ( 5 === (string)5 ) === false;'), array('1') ); } public function testRun_echo_compare_true() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo (100 == "1e2") === true;'), array('1') ); } public function testRun_echo_compare_false_true() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo (false === true) == false;'), array('1') ); } public function testRun_echo_compare_true_true() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo true === true === true;'), array('1') ); } public function testRun_echo_assignment_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo $foo = 1;'), array('1') ); } public function testRun_echo_assignment_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo $foo = 1 + 2;'), array('3') ); } public function testRun_echo_assignment_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=1; echo $foo += 2;'), array('3') ); } public function testRun_echo_assignment_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=1; echo $foo += 2 + 3;'), array('6') ); } public function testRun_echo_assignment_5() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo $bar = $foo = 1, $foo, $bar;'), array('1', '1', '1') ); } public function testRun_echo_assignment_6() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=1; $bar=2; $foo+=$bar; echo $foo,$bar;'), array('3', '2') ); } public function testRun_echo_ternary_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo true?"true":"false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_ternary_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo false?"true":"false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_ternary_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo true?"true":false?"t":"f";'), array('t') ); } public function testRun_echo_ternary_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo false?"true":false?"t":"f";'), array('f') ); } public function testRun_echo_ternary_5() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo true?true?"true":false:false?"t":"f";'), array('t') ); } public function testRun_echo_ternary_6() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo true?true?false:false:false?"t":"f";'), array('f') ); } public function testRun_echo_ternary_7() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo true?true?"true":false:"false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_ternary_8() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo false?true?false:false:"false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_ternary_9() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo (true?"true":"false");'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_ternary_10() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo (false?"true":"false");'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_ternary_11() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo ((true)?("tr"."ue"):("fa"."lse"));'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_ternary_12() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo ((false)?("tr"."ue"):("fa"."lse"));'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_ternary_variable_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=true; echo $foo?"true":"false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_ternary_variable_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=false; echo $foo?"true":"false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_ternary_variable_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=true?"true1":"false0"; echo $foo;'), array('true1') ); } public function testRun_echo_ternary_variable_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=false?"true1":"false0"; echo $foo;'), array('false0') ); } public function testRun_echo_ternary_variable_5() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=true?"true"."1":"false"."0"; echo $foo;'), array('true1') ); } public function testRun_echo_ternary_variable_6() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=false?"true"."1":"false"."0"; echo $foo;'), array('false0') ); } public function testRun_echo_ternary_math_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 1-1?"true":"false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_ternary_math_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 1+1?"true":"false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_simple_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if(true) echo "hello";'), array('hello') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_simple_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if ( false ) echo "hello";'), array() ); } public function testRun_echo_if_simple_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if(1+1) echo "hello";'), array('hello') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_simple_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if(1+1) echo "hello"; echo "world";'), array('hello', 'world') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_simple_5() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if(1-1) echo "hello"; echo "world";'), array('world') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_simple_6() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( (1+1)*10 ) echo "true";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_simple_7() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource(' if ( 5+5 ) echo "hello"; if ( 5-5 ) echo " === FALSE === "; if ( (5+5)/4 ) echo "world"; if ( -5+5 ) echo " === FALSE === "; if ( ((74+4)*(4+6)+88)*4 ) echo "!!!";'), array('hello', 'world', '!!!') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_block_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if ( true ) { echo "true"; } echo "BAR";'), array('true', 'BAR') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_block_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if ( false ) { echo "true";} echo "BAR";'), array('BAR') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_block_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if ( true ) { echo "true"; echo "BAR"; }'), array('true', 'BAR') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_block_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if ( false ) { echo "true"; echo "BAR"; }'), array() ); } public function testRun_echo_if_else_simple_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if ( true ) echo "true"; else echo "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_else_simple_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if ( false ) echo "true"; else echo "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_else_simple_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if ( true ) echo "true"; else echo "false"; echo " always!";'), array('true', ' always!') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_else_simple_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if ( false ) echo "true"; else echo "false"; echo " always!";'), array('false', ' always!') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_else_block_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if ( true ) { echo "true1"; echo "true2";} else { echo "false1"; echo "false2"; }'), array('true1', 'true2') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_else_block_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if ( false ) { echo "true1"; echo "true2";} else { echo "false1"; echo "false2"; }'), array('false1', 'false2') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_else_block_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if ( true ) { echo "true1"; echo "true2";} else { echo "false1"; echo "false2"; } echo " always!";'), array('true1', 'true2', ' always!') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_else_block_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if ( false ) { echo "true1"; echo "true2";} else { echo "false1"; echo "false2"; } echo " always!";'), array('false1', 'false2', ' always!') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_else_block_5() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if ( true ) echo "true1"; else { echo "false1"; echo "false2"; } echo " always!";'), array('true1', ' always!') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_else_block_6() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if ( false ) echo "true1"; else { echo "false1"; echo "false2"; } echo " always!";'), array('false1', 'false2', ' always!') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_else_block_7() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if ( true ) { echo "true1"; echo "true2";} else echo "false1"; echo " always!";'), array('true1', 'true2', ' always!') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_else_block_8() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if ( false ) { echo "true1"; echo "true2";} else echo "false1"; echo " always!";'), array('false1', ' always!') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_variable_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo = 5; if ( $foo > 4 ) echo "true"; else echo "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_variable_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( $foo*2 > 4*3 ) echo "true"; else echo "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_variable_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( $foo === 5 ) echo "true"; else echo "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_variable_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( $foo++ == 5 ) echo "true"; else echo "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_variable_5() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( ++$foo == 7 ) echo "true"; else echo "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_variable_6() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo = true;$bar = false; if ( $foo ) echo $foo; if ( $bar ) echo $bar; if ( $foo + $bar ) echo "\$foo + \$bar";'), array('1', '$foo + $bar') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( true ) if( true ) echo "true"; else echo "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( true ) if( true ) {echo "true1"; echo "true2";} else echo "falsefalse";'), array('true1', 'true2') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( false ) if( true ) {echo "true1"; echo "true2";} else echo "falsefalse";'), array() ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( false ) if( true ) {echo "true1"; echo "true2";} else echo "falsefalse"; else echo "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_5() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( false ) { if( true ) {echo "true1"; echo "true2";} else echo "falsefalse"; }'), array() ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_6() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( false ) { if( true ) {echo "true1"; echo "true2";} else { echo "falsefalse"; } }'), array() ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_7() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( false ) if( true ) {echo "true1"; echo "true2";} else { echo "falsefalse"; }'), array() ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_8() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( false ) if( true ) {echo "true1"; echo "true2";} else { echo "falsefalse"; } else echo "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_9() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( false ) { if( true ) {echo "true1"; echo "true2";} else { echo "falsefalse"; } } else echo "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_10() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( false ) if( true ) {echo "true1"; echo "true2";} else { echo "falsefalse"; } else { echo "false"; }'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_11() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( false ) { if( true ) {echo "true1"; echo "true2";} else { echo "falsefalse"; } } else { echo "false"; }'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_12() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( false ) if( true ) {echo "true1"; echo "true2";} else { echo "falsefalse"; } else if(true) echo "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_13() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( false ) if( true ) {echo "true1"; echo "true2";} else { echo "falsefalse"; } else if(true) { echo "false"; }'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_14() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( false ) if( true ) {echo "true1"; echo "true2";} else { echo "falsefalse"; } else { if(TRUE) echo "false second TRUE"; }'), array('false second TRUE') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_15() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( false ) if( true ) {echo "true1"; echo "true2";} else { echo "falsefalse"; } else { if(TRUE) { echo "false second TRUE"; } }'), array('false second TRUE') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_16() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( false ) if( true ) {echo "true1"; echo "true2";} else { echo "falsefalse"; } else { if(TRUE) echo "false second TRUE"; else echo "false second FALSE"; }'), array('false second TRUE') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_17() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( false ) if( true ) {echo "true1"; echo "true2";} else { echo "falsefalse"; } else { if(TRUE) {echo "false second TRUE";} else echo "false second FALSE"; }'), array('false second TRUE') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_18() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( false ) if( true ) {echo "true1"; echo "true2";} else { echo "falsefalse"; } else { if(TRUE) echo "false second TRUE"; else {echo "false second FALSE";} }'), array('false second TRUE') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_19() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( false ) if( true ) {echo "true1"; echo "true2";} else { echo "falsefalse"; } else { if(TRUE) {echo "false second TRUE";} else {echo "false second FALSE";} }'), array('false second TRUE') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_20() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( false ) if( true ) {echo "true1"; echo "true2";} else { echo "falsefalse"; } else { if(FALSE) echo "false second TRUE"; else echo "false second FALSE"; }'), array('false second FALSE') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_21() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( false ) if( true ) {echo "true1"; echo "true2";} else { echo "falsefalse"; } else { if(FALSE) {echo "false second TRUE";} else echo "false second FALSE"; }'), array('false second FALSE') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_22() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( false ) if( true ) {echo "true1"; echo "true2";} else { echo "falsefalse"; } else { if(FALSE) echo "false second TRUE"; else {echo "false second FALSE";} }'), array('false second FALSE') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_23() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( false ) if( true ) {echo "true1"; echo "true2";} else { echo "falsefalse"; } else { if(FALSE) {echo "false second TRUE";} else {echo "false second FALSE";} }'), array('false second FALSE') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_24() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( true ) if( true ) echo "true2"; else echo "false2"; else echo "false";'), array('true2') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_25() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( true ) if( false ) echo "true2"; else echo "false2"; else echo "false";'), array('false2') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_26() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( false ) if( false ) echo "true2"; else echo "false2"; else echo "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_27() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( true ) { echo "true"; if( true ) echo "truetrue2"; else echo "truefalse2"; } else { echo "false"; if( true ) echo "falsetrue2"; else echo "falsefalse2"; }'), array('true', 'truetrue2') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_28() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( true ) { echo "true"; if( false ) echo "truetrue2"; else echo "truefalse2"; } else { echo "false"; if( true ) echo "falsetrue2"; else echo "falsefalse2"; }'), array('true', 'truefalse2') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_29() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( false ) { echo "true"; if( true ) echo "truetrue2"; else echo "truefalse2"; } else { echo "false"; if( true ) echo "falsetrue2"; else echo "falsefalse2"; }'), array('false', 'falsetrue2') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_30() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( false ) { echo "true"; if( true ) echo "truetrue2"; else echo "truefalse2"; } else { echo "false"; if( false ) echo "falsetrue2"; else echo "falsefalse2"; }'), array('false', 'falsefalse2') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_31() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( true ) { echo "true"; if( true ) { echo "truetrue2"; } else { echo "truefalse2"; } } else { echo "false"; if( true ) { echo "falsetrue2"; } else { echo "falsefalse2"; } }'), array('true', 'truetrue2') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_32() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( true ) { echo "true"; if( false ) { echo "truetrue2"; } else { echo "truefalse2"; } } else { echo "false"; if( true ) { echo "falsetrue2"; } else { echo "falsefalse2"; } }'), array('true', 'truefalse2') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_33() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( false ) { echo "true"; if( true ) { echo "truetrue2"; } else { echo "truefalse2"; } } else { echo "false"; if( true ) { echo "falsetrue2"; } else { echo "falsefalse2"; } }'), array('false', 'falsetrue2') ); } public function testRun_echo_if_double_34() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( false ) { echo "true"; if( true ) { echo "truetrue2"; } else { echo "truefalse2"; } } else { echo "false"; if( false ) { echo "falsetrue2"; } else { echo "falsefalse2"; } }'), array('false', 'falsefalse2') ); } public function testRun_echo_elseif_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( true ) echo "one"; elseif( true ) echo "two"; else echo "three";'), array('one') ); } public function testRun_echo_elseif_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( false ) echo "one"; elseif( true ) echo "two"; else echo "three";'), array('two') ); } public function testRun_echo_elseif_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( false ) echo "one"; elseif( false ) echo "two"; else echo "three";'), array('three') ); } public function testRun_echo_elseif_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( true ) { echo "*"; echo "one"; } elseif( true ) { echo "*"; echo "two"; } else { echo "*"; echo "three"; }'), array('*', 'one') ); } public function testRun_echo_elseif_5() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( false ) { echo "*"; echo "one"; } elseif( true ) { echo "*"; echo "two"; } else { echo "*"; echo "three"; }'), array('*', 'two') ); } public function testRun_echo_elseif_6() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( false ) { echo "*"; echo "one"; } elseif( false ) { echo "*"; echo "two"; } else { echo "*"; echo "three"; }'), array('*', 'three') ); } public function testRun_echo_elseif_7() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( true ) if( true ) echo "one"; elseif( true ) echo "two"; else echo "three";'), array('one') ); } public function testRun_echo_elseif_8() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( true ) if( false ) echo "one"; elseif( true ) echo "two"; else echo "three";'), array('two') ); } public function testRun_echo_elseif_9() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( true ) if( false ) echo "one"; elseif( false ) echo "two"; else echo "three";'), array('three') ); } public function testRun_echo_elseif_10() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( true ) { if( true ) echo "one"; elseif( true ) echo "two"; else echo "three"; }'), array('one') ); } public function testRun_echo_elseif_11() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( true ) { if( false ) echo "one"; elseif( true ) echo "two"; else echo "three"; }'), array('two') ); } public function testRun_echo_elseif_12() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if( true ) { if( false ) echo "one"; elseif( false ) echo "two"; else echo "three"; }'), array('three') ); } public function testRun_echo_elseif_13() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if(true) { echo "true"; if(true) echo "one"; elseif(true) echo "two"; if(true) echo "T"; }'), array('true', 'one', 'T') ); } public function testRun_echo_elseif_variable_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=1; if($foo++) echo "one $foo"; elseif($foo++) echo "two $foo"; else echo "three $foo";'), array('one 2') ); } public function testRun_echo_elseif_variable_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=0; if($foo++) echo "one $foo"; elseif($foo++) echo "two $foo"; else echo "three $foo";'), array('two 2') ); } public function testRun_echo_elseif_variable_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=0; if($foo) echo "one $foo"; elseif($foo++) echo "two $foo"; else echo "three $foo";'), array('three 1') ); } public function testRun_echo_elseif_variable_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=1; if($foo++) {echo "one $foo";} elseif($foo++) {echo "two $foo";} else {echo "three $foo";}'), array('one 2') ); } public function testRun_echo_elseif_variable_5() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=0; if($foo++) {echo "one $foo";} elseif($foo++) {echo "two $foo";} else {echo "three $foo";}'), array('two 2') ); } public function testRun_echo_elseif_variable_6() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=0; if($foo) {echo "one $foo";} elseif($foo++) {echo "two $foo";} else {echo "three $foo";}'), array('three 1') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=array(5); echo $foo[0];'), array('5') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=array(5,); echo $foo[0];'), array('5') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=array( 5, 6, 7 ); echo $foo[0],$foo[1],$foo[2];'), array('5', '6', '7') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_math_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=array(3+2); echo $foo[0];'), array('5') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_math_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=array(3+2,6,7); echo $foo[0],$foo[1],$foo[2];'), array('5', '6', '7') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_variable_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$bar="BAR"; $foo=array( 5, 6, $bar ); echo $foo[0],$foo[1],$foo[2];'), array(5, 6, 'BAR') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_variable_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo="FOO"; $foo=array( 5, 6, $foo ); echo $foo[0],$foo[1],$foo[2];'), array(5, 6, 'FOO') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_variable_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo[$bar="BAR"]="FOO"; echo $foo[$bar], $bar;'), array('FOO', 'BAR') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_variable_math_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=1; $foo=array($foo++,$foo,++$foo); echo $foo[0],$foo[1],$foo[2];'), array('1', '2', '3') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_variable_math_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=1; $foo=array($foo+1,$foo+2,$foo+3); echo $foo[0],$foo[1],$foo[2];'), array('2', '3', '4') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_variable_math_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=array(4); echo "(" . 2 * $foo[0] . ")";'), array('(8)') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_variable_increment_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo[5]=10; $foo[5]++; echo $foo[5];'), array('11') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_variable_increment_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo[5]=10; echo ++$foo[5];'), array('11') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_variable_increment_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo[5]=10; echo $foo[5]++,$foo[5],++$foo[5];'), array('10', '11', '12') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_variable_assignment_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo[5]=10; $foo[5]+=20; echo $foo[5];'), array('30') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_set_by_index_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=array(); $foo[5]=5; $foo[6]=6; $foo[7]=7; echo $foo[5],$foo[6],$foo[7];'), array('5', '6', '7') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_set_by_index_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=array(); $foo[]=5; echo $foo[0];'), array('5') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_set_by_index_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=array(); $foo[]=5; $foo[]=6; $foo[]=7; echo $foo[0],$foo[1],$foo[2];'), array('5', '6', '7') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_set_by_index_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=array(); $foo[50]=5; $foo[]=6; $foo[]=7; echo $foo[50],$foo[51],$foo[52];'), array('5', '6', '7') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_10() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=(array)"this is string"; echo $foo[0];'), array('this is string') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_double_arrow_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=array(4=>50); echo $foo[4];'), array('50') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_double_arrow_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$bar="BAR"; $foo=array( $bar => $bar ); echo $foo[$bar];'), array('BAR') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_double_arrow_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$bar="BAR"; $foo=array( 5 => 50, $bar => $bar, "string" => "STRING" ); echo $foo[$bar], $foo[5], $foo["string"];'), array('BAR', 50, 'STRING') ); } public function testRun_echo_empty_array_push_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=array(); $foo[]+=5; $foo[]-=6; $foo[].=7; echo $foo[0],$foo[1],$foo[2];'), array('5', '-6', '7') ); } public function testRun_echo_empty_array_push_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=array(); $foo[]+="5"; $foo[]-="6"; $foo[].="7"; echo $foo[0],$foo[1],$foo[2];'), array('5', '-6', '7') ); } public function testRun_echo_empty_array_push_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=array(); $foo[]+="v"; $foo[]-="b"; $foo[].="n"; echo $foo[0],$foo[1],$foo[2];'), array('0', '0', 'n') ); } public function testRun_echo_empty_array_push_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=array(); $foo[]*=5; $foo[]/=6; $foo[]%=7; $foo[]&=8; echo $foo[0],$foo[1],$foo[2],$foo[3];'), array('0', '0', '0', '0') ); } public function testRun_echo_empty_array_push_5() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=array(); $foo[]*="v"; $foo[]+="b"; $foo[]-="n"; $foo[]&="m"; echo $foo[0],$foo[1],$foo[2],$foo[3];'), array(0, 0, 0, 0) ); } public function testRun_echo_empty_array_push_6() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=array(); $foo[]|=5; $foo[]^=6; $foo[]<<=7; $foo[]>>=8; echo $foo[0],$foo[1],$foo[2],$foo[3];'), array('5', '6', '0', '0') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_encapsed_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=(array)5; echo "*$foo[0]*";'), array('*5*') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_encapsed_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=(array)5; echo "*{$foo[0]}*";'), array('*5*') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_encapsed_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=(array)5; echo $foo[0], "*".$foo[0]."*", "*$foo[0]*", "*{$foo[0]}*";'), array('5', '*5*', '*5*', '*5*') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_encapsed_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$bar = "BAR"; $foo=array( 5 => 5, $bar => $bar, "string" => "string" ); echo "*$foo[5]*"; echo "*$foo[$bar]*"; echo "*{$foo["string"]}*";'), array('*5*', '*BAR*', '*string*') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_encapsed_5() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo["DDD"]="ddd"; echo "-={$foo["DDD"]}=-";'), array('-=ddd=-') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_encapsed_6() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo[$bar="BAR"]="FOO"; echo "-={$foo[$bar]}=-", $bar;'), array('-=FOO=-', 'BAR') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_encapsed_7() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=(array)5; echo "*$foo[0]*|*$foo[0]*";'), array('*5*|*5*') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_encapsed_8() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=(array)5; echo "*$foo[0]$foo[0]*";'), array('*55*') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_encapsed_9() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=(array)5; echo "*{$foo[0]}*|*{$foo[0]}*";'), array('*5*|*5*') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_encapsed_10() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=(array)5; echo "*{$foo[0]}{$foo[0]}*";'), array('*55*') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_encapsed_11() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=array(3,array(5)); echo "*$foo[0]*|*{$foo[1][0]}*";'), array('*3*|*5*') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_encapsed_12() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=array(3,array(5)); echo "*$foo[0]{$foo[1][0]}*";'), array('*35*') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_encapsed_13() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=array(3,array(5)); echo "*{$foo[0]}{$foo[1][0]}*";'), array('*35*') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_encapsed_14() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=array(3,(array)5); echo "*{$foo[0]}{$foo[1][0]}*";'), array('*35*') ); } public function testRun_echo_array_right_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=array("123"); echo (bool)$foo[0];'), array(1) ); } public function testRun_echo_array_right_increment_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=array(1); echo (string)++$foo[0];'), array('2') ); }public function testRun_echo_array_right_increment_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=array(1); echo (string)++$foo[0], $foo[0];'), array('2', 2) ); } public function testRun_print_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('print "hello";'), array('hello') ); } public function testRun_print_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('print("Hello World");'), array('Hello World') ); } public function testRun_print_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo = "foobar"; print $foo;'), array('foobar') ); } public function testRun_print_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('print "foo is $foo";'), array('foo is foobar') ); } public function testRun_echo_print_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo print $foo;'), array('foobar', 1) ); } public function testRun_echo_print_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo -print $foo;'), array('foobar', -1) ); } public function testRun_echo_print_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 2+print $foo;'), array('foobar', 3) ); } public function testRun_echo_print_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 5*2+print $foo;'), array('foobar', 11) ); } public function testRun_echo_print_5() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 5+2*print $foo;'), array('foobar', 7) ); } public function testRun_while_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$i=1; while( $i <= 3 ) { echo $i++; }'), array('1', '2', '3') ); } public function testRun_while_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$i=1; while( $i <= 3 ) echo $i++;'), array('1', '2', '3') ); } public function testRun_while_continue_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$i=1; while( $i <= 3 ) { echo $i++; continue; $i++; }'), array('1', '2', '3') ); } public function testRun_while_break_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$i=1; while( $i <= 33 ) { echo $i++; break; $i++; }'), array('1') ); } public function testRun_while_if_break_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$i=1; while( $i <= 33 ) { echo $i++; if($i == 3) break; }'), array('1', '2') ); } public function testRun_while_if_break_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$i=1; while( $i <= 33 ) { echo $i++; if($i == 3){echo "The end"; break; echo "anything";} }'), array('1', '2', 'The end') ); } public function testRun_while_if_continue_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$i=0; while( $i <= 2 ) { $i++; if($i == 2) continue; echo $i; }'), array('1', '3') ); } public function testRun_while_if_continue_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$i=0; while( $i <= 2 ) { $i++; if($i == 2) { echo "Two"; continue; } echo $i; }'), array('1', 'Two', '3') ); } public function testRun_while_while_1() { $this->assertEquals( implode( Runtime::runSource('$i=1; while( $i<=3 ){ echo "|$i|"; $y=1; while( $y<=$i ){ echo "($y)"; $y++; } $i++; }') ), '|1|(1)|2|(1)(2)|3|(1)(2)(3)' ); } public function testRun_while_while_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$i=1; $y=2; while($i++<4 && $y--) { while($y<5) { echo $y++; } }'), array(1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4) ); } public function testRun_while_while_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$i=1; $y=2; while($i++<4 && $y--) while($y<5) { echo $y++; }'), array(1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4) ); } public function testRun_while_while_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$i=1; $y=2; while($i++<4 && $y--) while($y<5) echo $y++;'), array(1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4) ); } public function testRun_while_while_continue_1() { $this->assertEquals( implode( Runtime::runSource('$i=1; while( $i<=3 ){ echo "|$i|"; $y=0; while( $y<3 ){ $y++; if( $y==2) continue; echo "($y)"; } $i++; }') ), '|1|(1)(3)|2|(1)(3)|3|(1)(3)' ); } public function testRun_while_while_continue_2() { $this->assertEquals( implode( Runtime::runSource('$i=0; while( $i<5 ){ $i++; echo "|$i|"; $y=0; while( $y<3 ){ $y++; if( $y==$i ){ continue 2; } echo "($y)"; } }') ), '|1||2|(1)|3|(1)(2)|4|(1)(2)(3)|5|(1)(2)(3)' ); } public function testRun_while_while_break_1() { $this->assertEquals( implode( Runtime::runSource('$i=1; while( $i<=5 ){ echo "|$i|"; $y=0; while( $y<3 ){ $y++; if( $y==2) break; echo "($y)"; } $i++; }') ), '|1|(1)|2|(1)|3|(1)|4|(1)|5|(1)' ); } public function testRun_while_while_break_2() { $this->assertEquals( implode( Runtime::runSource('$i=1; $y=0; while($y<4&&$y<$i){$y++; if($y==3){break; echo "hohoho";} echo "($y)";}') ), '(1)' ); } public function testRun_while_while_break_3() { $this->assertEquals( implode( Runtime::runSource('$i=1; while( $i<=5 ){ echo "|$i|"; $y=0; while( $y<4 && $y<$i ){ $y++; if( $y==3) { break 2; echo "hohoho"; } echo "($y)"; } $i++; }') ), '|1|(1)|2|(1)(2)|3|(1)(2)' ); } public function testRun_while_if_while_1() { $this->assertEquals( implode( Runtime::runSource('$i=1; while( $i<=5 ){ echo "|$i|"; $y=0; if( $i==2 || $i == 4 ) while( $y<$i ){ $y++; echo "($y)"; } $i++; } ') ), '|1||2|(1)(2)|3||4|(1)(2)(3)(4)|5|' ); } public function testRun_while_if_while_2() { $this->assertEquals( implode( Runtime::runSource('$i=1; while( $i<=5 ){ echo "|$i|"; $y=0; if( $i==2 || $i == 4 ) { echo "."; while( $y<$i ){ $y++; echo "($y)"; } } $i++; } ') ), '|1||2|.(1)(2)|3||4|.(1)(2)(3)(4)|5|' ); } public function testRun_while_if_while_if_1() { $this->assertEquals( implode( Runtime::runSource('$i=2; $y=0; if( $i==2 || $i == 4 ) { echo "."; while( $y<$i ){ $y++; if($y< 3) echo "($y)"; else break 2;} }') ), '.(1)(2)' ); } public function testRun_while_if_while_if_2() { $this->assertEquals( implode( Runtime::runSource('$i=1; while( $i<=5 ){ echo "|$i|"; $y=0; if( $i==2 || $i == 4 ) { echo "."; while( $y<$i ){ $y++; if($y < 3) echo "($y)"; else break 2; } } $i++; } ') ), '|1||2|.(1)(2)|3||4|.(1)(2)' ); } // * // * Test static variable $stat in testTemplate // * public function testRun_echo_scope_static_1() { // start testScope $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo = "local foo variable from testScope";', array('testScope'), 0), array() ); } public function testRun_echo_scope_static_2() { // {{testTemplate|HELLO!}} $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource(' $foo = $argv[1]; static $stat = 0; $bar++; $stat++; echo $foo, $argv[0], $argc, $bar, $stat, $argv["test"];', array('testTemplate', 'HELLO!'), 1), array( (string) new ExceptionFoxway( 'bar', FOXWAY_PHP_NOTICE_UNDEFINED_VARIABLE, 4, 'testTemplate' ), 'HELLO!', 'testTemplate', 2, 1, 1, null) ); } public function testRun_echo_scope_static_3() { // {{testTemplate|HELLO!|test="TEST!!!"}} $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource(' $foo = $argv[1]; static $stat = 0; $bar++; $stat++; echo $foo, $argv[0], $argc, $bar, $stat, $argv["test"];', array('testTemplate', 'HELLO!', 'test'=>'TEST!!!'), 2), array( (string) new ExceptionFoxway( 'bar', FOXWAY_PHP_NOTICE_UNDEFINED_VARIABLE, 4, 'testTemplate' ), 'HELLO!', 'testTemplate', 3, 1, 2, 'TEST!!!') ); } public function testRun_echo_scope_static_4() { // {{testTemplate|HELLO!}} $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource(' $foo = $argv[1]; static $stat = 0; $bar++; $stat++; echo $foo, $argv[0], $argc, $bar, $stat, $argv["test"];', array('testTemplate', 'HELLO!'), 3), array( (string) new ExceptionFoxway( 'bar', FOXWAY_PHP_NOTICE_UNDEFINED_VARIABLE, 4, 'testTemplate' ), 'HELLO!', 'testTemplate', 2, 1, 3, null) ); } public function testRun_echo_scope_static_5() { // end testScope $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo $foo;', array('testScope'), 0), array('local foo variable from testScope') ); } public function testRun_echo_static_math_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=40; static $foo=1+2*3; echo $foo++;', array('static_math'), 1), array(7) ); } public function testRun_echo_static_math_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=40; static $foo=1+2*3; echo $foo++;', array('static_math'), 2), array(8) ); } public function testRun_echo_static_math_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=40; static $foo=1+2*3; echo $foo++;', array('static_math'), 3), array(9) ); } public function testRun_echo_static_null_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=40; static $foo; echo $foo===null?"true":"false";', array('static_null'), 0), array("true") ); } public function testRun_echo_static_null_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo=40; static $foo; echo $foo===null?"true":"false$foo";', array('static_null'), 0), array("false40") ); } // * // * Test global variable $glob // * public function testRun_echo_scope_global_1() { // start testScope $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('global $glob; $glob=1000;', array('testScope'), 0), array() ); } public function testRun_echo_scope_global_2() { // {{testTemplate}} $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('global $glob; echo ++$glob;', array('testTemplate'), 1), array('1001') ); } public function testRun_echo_scope_global_3() { // {{testTemplate}} $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('global $glob; echo ++$glob;', array('testTemplate'), 2), array('1002') ); } public function testRun_echo_scope_global_4() { // {{testTemplateGLOBAL}} $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo ++$GLOBALS["glob"];', array('testTemplateGLOBAL'), 3), array('1003') ); } public function testRun_echo_scope_global_5() { // end testScope $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo $glob;', array('testScope'), 0), array('1003') ); } public function testRun_echo_scope_global_6() { // end testScope $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('global $glob, $glob2, $glob3; $glob2 = $glob3 = $glob = "GLOBAL"; echo $glob, $glob2, $glob3;', array('testGlobalList'), 0), array('GLOBAL', 'GLOBAL', 'GLOBAL') ); } public function testRun_echo_scope_global_7() { // end testScope $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('global $glob, $glob2, $glob3; echo $glob, $glob2, $glob3;', array('testGlobalList2'), 0), array('GLOBAL', 'GLOBAL', 'GLOBAL') ); } public function testRun_echo_intval_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo intval(42);'), array('42') ); } public function testRun_echo_intval_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo intval(4.2);'), array('4') ); } public function testRun_echo_intval_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo intval("42");'), array('42') ); } public function testRun_echo_intval_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo intval("+42");'), array('42') ); } public function testRun_echo_intval_5() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo intval("-42");'), array('-42') ); } public function testRun_echo_intval_6() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo intval(042);'), array('34') ); } public function testRun_echo_intval_7() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo intval("042");'), array('42') ); } public function testRun_echo_intval_8() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo intval(1e10);'), array('10000000000') // 1410065408 ??? ); } public function testRun_echo_intval_9() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo intval("1e10");'), array('1') ); } public function testRun_echo_intval_10() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo intval(0x1A);'), array('26') ); } public function testRun_echo_intval_11() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo intval(42000000);'), array('42000000') ); } public function testRun_echo_intval_12() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo intval(420000000000000000000);'), array('0') ); } public function testRun_echo_intval_13() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo intval("420000000000000000000");'), array('9223372036854775807') //2147483647 for 32 bit systems ); } public function testRun_echo_intval_14() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo intval(42, 8);'), array('42') ); } public function testRun_echo_intval_15() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo intval("42", 8);'), array('34') ); } public function testRun_echo_intval_16() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo intval(array());'), array('0') ); } public function testRun_echo_intval_17() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo intval(array("foo", "bar"));'), array('1') ); } public function testRun_echo_intval_18() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo intval(01090);'), array('8') ); } public function testRun_echo_intval_19() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo intval(+42);'), array('42') ); } public function testRun_echo_intval_20() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo intval(-42);'), array('-42') ); } public function testRun_echo_intval_21() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo intval(-042);'), array('-34') ); } public function testRun_echo_intval_math_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo -intval(4.2);'), array('-4') ); } public function testRun_echo_intval_math_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 7-intval(4.2);'), array('3') ); } public function testRun_echo_intval_math_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 2*7-intval(4.2);'), array('10') ); } public function testRun_echo_intval_math_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 2-7*intval(4.2);'), array(-26) ); } public function testRun_echo_intval_math_5() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 2-7*intval(2.2+2);'), array(-26) ); } public function testRun_echo_intval_math_6() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 2-7*intval(2.2+2*8);'), array(-124) ); } public function testRun_echo_intval_math_7() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 2-7*intval(2.2*2+8);'), array(-82) ); } public function testRun_echo_intval_math_8() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 2-7*intval(2.2*2+8)+5;'), array(-77) ); } public function testRun_echo_intval_math_9() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 2-7*intval(2.2*2+8)+5*9;'), array(-37) ); } public function testRun_echo_intval_math_10() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 2-7*intval(2.2*2+8)*5-9;'), array(-427) ); } public function testRun_echo_intval_math_11() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo 2-7*-intval(2.2*2+8)*5-9;'), array(413) ); } public function testRun_echo_boolval_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo boolval(0) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_boolval_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo boolval(42) ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_boolval_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo boolval(0.0) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_boolval_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo boolval(4.2) ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_boolval_5() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo boolval("") ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_boolval_6() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo boolval("string") ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_boolval_7() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo boolval(array(1,2)) ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_boolval_8() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo boolval(array()) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } // @todo // public function testRun_echo_boolval_9() { // $this->assertEquals( // Runtime::runSource('echo boolval([1, 2]) ? "true" : "false";'), // array('true') // ); // } // public function testRun_echo_boolval_10() { // $this->assertEquals( // Runtime::runSource('echo boolval(new stdClass) ? "true" : "false";'), // array('true') // ); // } public function testRun_echo_doubleval() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo doubleval(100000000.75);'), array('100000000.75') ); } public function testRun_echo_floatval_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$var = "122.34343The"; $float_value_of_var = floatval($var); echo $float_value_of_var;'), array('122.34343') ); } public function testRun_echo_gettype_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo gettype(1);'), array('integer') ); } public function testRun_echo_gettype_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo gettype(1.);'), array('double') ); } public function testRun_echo_gettype_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo gettype(NULL);'), array('NULL') ); } public function testRun_echo_gettype_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo gettype("foo");'), array('string') ); } // @todo // public function testRun_echo_gettype_5() { // $this->assertEquals( // Runtime::runSource('echo gettype("new stdClass");'), // array('object') // ); // } public function testRun_echo_is_array_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$yes = array("this", "is", "an array"); echo is_array($yes) ? "Array" : "not an Array";'), array('Array') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_array_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$no = "this is a string"; echo is_array($no) ? "Array" : "not an Array";'), array('not an Array') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_bool_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$a = false; if (is_bool($a) === true) echo "Yes, this is a boolean";'), array('Yes, this is a boolean') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_bool_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$b = 0; if (is_bool($b) === false) { echo "No, this is not a boolean"; }'), array('No, this is not a boolean') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_double() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('if (is_double(27.25)) { echo "is float"; } else { echo "is not float"; }'), array('is float') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_float_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_float("abc") ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_float_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_float(23) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_float_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_float(23.5) ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_float_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_float(1e7) ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_real() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_real(true) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_int_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_int(23) ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_int_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_int("23") ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_int_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_int(23.5) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_int_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_int("23.5") ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_int_5() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_int(null) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_long() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_long(true) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_integer() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_integer(false) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_null_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_null($inexistent) ? "true" : "false";'), array( //(string) new ExceptionFoxway( 'inexistent', FOXWAY_PHP_NOTICE_UNDEFINED_VARIABLE, 1 ), @todo 'true') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_null_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo = NULL; echo is_null($foo) ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_null_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo = true; echo is_null($foo) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_numeric_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_numeric("42") ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_numeric_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_numeric(1337) ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_numeric_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_numeric(0x539) ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_numeric_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_numeric(02471) ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } // @todo // public function testRun_echo_is_numeric_5() { // $this->assertEquals( // Runtime::runSource('echo is_numeric(0b10100111001) ? "true" : "false";'), // array('true') // ); // } public function testRun_echo_is_numeric_6() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_numeric(1337e0) ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_numeric_7() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_numeric("not numeric") ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_numeric_8() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_numeric(array()) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_numeric_9() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_numeric(9.1) ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_scalar_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_scalar(3.1416) ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_scalar_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_scalar(array("foo","bar")) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_string_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_string(false) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_string_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_string(true) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_string_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_string(null) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_string_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_string("abc") ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_string_5() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_string("23") ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_string_6() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_string(23) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_string_7() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_string("23.5") ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_string_8() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_string(23.5) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_string_9() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_string("") ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_string_10() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_string(" ") ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_string_11() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_string("0") ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_is_string_12() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo is_string(0) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_print_r_1() { $return = Runtime::runSource('$a = array ("a" => "apple", "b" => "banana", "c" => array ("x", "y", "z")); print_r ($a);'); $this->assertInstanceOf( 'Foxway\\outPrint', $return[0] ); $this->assertEquals('<pre>Array ( [a] => apple [b] => banana [c] => Array ( [0] => x [1] => y [2] => z ) ) </pre> ', (string)$return[0] ); } public function testRun_print_r_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$results = print_r ($a, true); echo $results;'), array('Array ( [a] => apple [b] => banana [c] => Array ( [0] => x [1] => y [2] => z ) ) ') ); } public function testRun_echo_settype_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo = "5bar"; settype($foo, "int"); echo $foo;'), array('5') ); } public function testRun_echo_settype_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo = true; settype($foo, "string"); echo $foo==="1" ? "string" : "not string";'), array('string') ); } public function testRun_echo_strval_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo = true; $bar=strval($foo); echo $bar==="1" ? "string" : "not string";'), array('string') ); } public function testRun_var_dump_1() { $return = Runtime::runSource('$a = array(1, 2, array("a", "b", "c")); var_dump($a);'); $this->assertInstanceOf( 'Foxway\\outPrint', $return[0] ); $this->assertRegExp('/<pre>array\(3\) { \[0\] ?=> int\(1\) \[1\] ?=> int\(2\) \[2\] ?=> array\(3\) { \[0\] ?=> string\(1\) "a" \[1\] ?=> string\(1\) "b" \[2\] ?=> string\(1\) "c" } } <\/pre> /', (string)$return[0] ); } public function testRun_var_dump_2() { $return = Runtime::runSource('$b = 3.1; $c = true; var_dump($b, $c);'); $this->assertInstanceOf( 'Foxway\\outPrint', $return[0] ); $this->assertRegExp( '/<pre>(double|float)\(3.1\)\nbool\(true\)\n<\/pre>\n/', (string)$return[0] ); } public function testRun_var_export_1() { $return = Runtime::runSource('$a = array (1, 2, array ("a", "b", "c")); var_export($a);'); $this->assertInstanceOf( 'Foxway\\outPrint', $return[0] ); $this->assertEquals("<pre>array ( 0 => 1, 1 => 2, 2 => "." array ( 0 => 'a', 1 => 'b', 2 => 'c', ), )</pre> ", (string)$return[0] ); } public function testRun_var_export_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$b = 3.1; $v = var_export($b, true); echo $v;'), array('3.1') ); } public function testRun_RArray_count() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$transport = array("foot", "bike", "car", "plane"); echo count($transport);'), array('4') ); } public function testRun_RArray_current() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo current($transport);'), array('foot') ); } public function testRun_RArray_next() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo next($transport), next($transport);'), array('bike', 'car') ); } public function testRun_RArray_end() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo end($transport);'), array('plane') ); } public function testRun_RArray_prev() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo prev($transport), prev($transport);'), array('car', 'bike') ); } public function testRun_RArray_each() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$foo = each($transport); echo $foo[0], $foo[1];'), array('1', 'bike') ); } public function testRun_RArray_key() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo key($transport);'), array('2') ); } public function testRun_RArray_in_array_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo in_array("bike", $transport);'), array('1') ); } public function testRun_RString_similar_text() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$var_1 = "PHP IS GREAT"; $var_2 = "WITH MYSQL"; similar_text($var_1, $var_2, $percent); echo $percent;'), array('27.272727272727') ); } public function testRun_pcre_preg_replace_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource(' $string = "April 15, 2003"; $pattern = "/(\w+) (\d+), (\d+)/i"; $replacement = \'${1}1,$3\'; echo preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $string);'), array('April1,2003') ); } public function testRun_pcre_preg_replace_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource(' $string = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."; $patterns = array(); $patterns[0] = "/quick/"; $patterns[1] = "/brown/"; $patterns[2] = "/fox/"; $replacements = array(); $replacements[2] = "bear"; $replacements[1] = "black"; $replacements[0] = "slow"; echo preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $string);'), array('The bear black slow jumped over the lazy dog.') ); } public function testRun_pcre_preg_replace_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('ksort($patterns); ksort($replacements); echo preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $string);'), array('The slow black bear jumped over the lazy dog.') ); } public function testRun_pcre_preg_replace_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource(' $patterns = array ("/(19|20)(\d{2})-(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2})/", "/^\s*{(\w+)}\s*=/"); $replace = array ("\3/\4/\1\2", "$\1 ="); echo preg_replace($patterns, $replace, \'{startDate} = 1999-5-27\');'), array('$startDate = 5/27/1999') ); } public function testRun_pcre_preg_replace_5() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource(' $count = 0; echo preg_replace(array("/\d/", "/\s/"), "*", "xp 4 to", -1 , $count), "\n\n"; echo $count; //3'), array('xp***to', "\n\n", '3') ); } public function testRun_echo_empty_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$a = 0.00; echo (empty($a)? "empty": "not empty");'), array('empty') ); } public function testRun_echo_empty_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$b = "0.00"; echo (empty($b)? "empty": "not empty");'), array('not empty') ); } public function testRun_echo_empty_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo (empty($undefined_variable)? "empty": "not empty");'), array('empty') ); } public function testRun_echo_empty_array_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$a = array ("test" => 1, "hello" => NULL, "pie" => array("a" => "apple")); echo empty($a["test"]) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_empty_array_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo empty($a["foo"]) ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_empty_array_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo empty($a["hello"]) ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_empty_array_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo empty($a["pie"]["a"]) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_empty_array_5() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo empty($a["pie"]["b"]) ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_empty_array_6() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo empty($a["pie"]["a"]["b"]) ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_empty_array_7() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo empty($a["pie"]["b"]["a"]) ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_empty_key_string_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$expected_array_got_string = "somestring"; echo empty($expected_array_got_string[0]) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_empty_key_string_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo empty($expected_array_got_string["0"]) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_empty_key_string_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo empty($expected_array_got_string[0.5]) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_empty_key_string_4() { //PHP 5.4 changes how isset() behaves when passed string offsets. $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo empty($expected_array_got_string["some_key"]) ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_empty_key_string_5() { //PHP 5.4 changes how isset() behaves when passed string offsets. $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo empty($expected_array_got_string["0.5"]) ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_empty_key_string_6() { //PHP 5.4 changes how isset() behaves when passed string offsets. $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo empty($expected_array_got_string["0 Mostel"]) ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_isset_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$var = ""; echo isset($var) ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_isset_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo isset($varForIsset) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_isset_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo isset($var, $varForIsset) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_isset_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo isset($varForIsset, $var) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_isset_5() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$varForIsset = "test"; echo isset($varForIsset, $var) ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_isset_6() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$varForIsset = NULL; echo isset($varForIsset, $var) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_isset_array_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$a = array ("test" => 1, "hello" => NULL, "pie" => array("a" => "apple")); echo isset($a["test"]) ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_isset_array_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo isset($a["foo"]) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_isset_array_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo isset($a["hello"]) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_isset_array_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo isset($a["pie"]["a"]) ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_isset_array_5() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo isset($a["pie"]["b"]) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_isset_array_6() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo isset($a["pie"]["a"]["b"]) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_isset_array_7() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo isset($a["pie"]["b"]["a"]) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_isset_key_string_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$expected_array_got_string = "somestring"; echo isset($expected_array_got_string[0]) ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_isset_key_string_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo isset($expected_array_got_string["0"]) ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_isset_key_string_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo isset($expected_array_got_string[0.5]) ? "true" : "false";'), array('true') ); } public function testRun_echo_isset_key_string_4() { //PHP 5.4 changes how isset() behaves when passed string offsets. $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo isset($expected_array_got_string["some_key"]) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_isset_key_string_5() { //PHP 5.4 changes how isset() behaves when passed string offsets. $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo isset($expected_array_got_string["0.5"]) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_isset_key_string_6() { //PHP 5.4 changes how isset() behaves when passed string offsets. $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('echo isset($expected_array_got_string["0 Mostel"]) ? "true" : "false";'), array('false') ); } public function testRun_echo_unset_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$var = "string"; echo isset($var) ? "true" : "false"; unset($var); echo isset($var) ? "true" : "false";'), array('true', 'false') ); } public function testRun_echo_unset_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$var = array("string"); echo isset($var[0]) ? "true" : "false"; unset($var[0]); echo isset($var[0]) ? "true" : "false";'), array('true', 'false') ); } public function testRun_echo_unset_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$var = array("foo" => "string"); echo isset($var["foo"]) ? "true" : "false"; unset($var["foo"]); echo isset($var["foo"]) ? "true" : "false";'), array('true', 'false') ); } public function testRun_echo_list_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$info = array("coffee", "brown", "caffeine"); list($drink, $color, $power) = $info; echo "$drink is $color and $power makes it special.";', array('testList'), 1), array('coffee is brown and caffeine makes it special.') ); } public function testRun_echo_list_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$info = array("coffee", "brown", "caffeine"); list($drink, , $power) = $info; echo "$drink has $power.";', array('testList'), 2), array('coffee has caffeine.') ); } public function testRun_echo_list_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$info = array("coffee", "brown", "caffeine"); list( , , $power) = $info; echo "I need $power!";', array('testList'), 3), array('I need caffeine!') ); } public function testRun_echo_list_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('list($bar) = "abcde"; echo print_r($bar,true);'), array('') ); } public function testRun_echo_list_5() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('list($a, list($b, $c)) = array(1, array(2, 3)); echo $a, $b, $c;'), array(1, 2, 3) ); } public function testRun_foreach_1() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$arr = array("one", "two", "three"); foreach ($arr as $value) echo "* Value: $value\n";'), array("* Value: one\n", "* Value: two\n", "* Value: three\n") ); } public function testRun_foreach_2() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('foreach ($arr as $value) { echo "* Value: $value\n"; }'), array("* Value: one\n", "* Value: two\n", "* Value: three\n") ); } public function testRun_foreach_3() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$arr = array("one", "two", "three"); foreach ($arr as $value) echo "* Value: $value\n"; echo "end";'), array("* Value: one\n", "* Value: two\n", "* Value: three\n", 'end') ); } public function testRun_foreach_4() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('foreach ($arr as $value) { echo "* Value: $value\n"; } echo "end";'), array("* Value: one\n", "* Value: two\n", "* Value: three\n", 'end') ); } public function testRun_foreach_5() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('foreach ($arr as $key => $value) { echo $key, $value; }'), array(0, 'one', 1, 'two', 2, 'three') ); } public function testRun_foreach_6() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('foreach ($arr as $key => $value) echo "* Key: $key; Value: $value\n"; echo "end";'), array("* Key: 0; Value: one\n", "* Key: 1; Value: two\n", "* Key: 2; Value: three\n", 'end') ); } public function testRun_foreach_7() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('foreach ($arr as $key => $value) { echo "* Key: $key; Value: $value\n"; } echo "end";'), array("* Key: 0; Value: one\n", "* Key: 1; Value: two\n", "* Key: 2; Value: three\n", 'end') ); } public function testRun_foreach_8() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$a = array("one" => 1,"two" => 2,"three" => 3,"seventeen" => 17); foreach ($a as $k => $v) {echo "\$a[$k] => $v.";}'), array('$a[one] => 1.', '$a[two] => 2.', '$a[three] => 3.', '$a[seventeen] => 17.') ); } public function testRun_foreach_9() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('$a=array(); $a[0][0]="a"; $a[0][1]="b"; $a[1][0]="y"; $a[1][1]="z"; foreach ($a as $v1) { foreach ($v1 as $v2) { echo $v2; } }'), array('a', 'b', 'y', 'z') ); } public function testRun_foreach_10() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('foreach ($a as $v1) foreach ($v1 as $v2) { echo $v2; }'), array('a', 'b', 'y', 'z') ); } public function testRun_foreach_11() { $this->assertEquals( Runtime::runSource('foreach ($a as $v1) foreach ($v1 as $v2) echo $v2;'), array('a', 'b', 'y', 'z') ); } }